Brides to be, where are you?!?1



  • Kjphotography90
    Kjphotography90 Posts: 77 Member
    October 26th for me!!! Hoping to lose around 30 more lbs!
  • Kjphotography90
    Kjphotography90 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm getting married on October 26th, 2013 (SIX MONTHS TODAY!) I've lost 30 lbs so far (since November), and I'd like to lose another 20 before then. What I REALLY need to do is start working on my arm tone...

    You know how they tell you to buy a dress that fits you at the time you buy it (and not to size down with the hope of losing weight?) Yeah, that was a size 20. My seamstress will have her work cut out for her. I've lived my entire life up to now in a plus size world. I refuse to be a plus size bride.

    On a related note. Does it annoy anyone else that bridal sizing is always a size number bigger than your regular clothes? When I bought my dress, I was wearing a size 18. If any industry should go the other way, it should be bridal! Haha.

    We are getting married on the same day!! Yayy!
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    not read all the posts, so sorry if this is repetition!
    There is a group called 'shedding for the wedding' if you want to check those out?
    I'm getting married in November. weight loss not going to plan, but I'll get there!
  • Tigg1011
    Tigg1011 Posts: 146
    Hi! I am getting married Nov. 9 2013! Have ten lbs to lose! Seems so difficult to lose these last 10! Def trying to tone up as well with 30 day shred! While I havent seen any improvement on scale, I feel better and I also feel like I look better, hope I am not imagining it!!
  • Tigg1011
    Tigg1011 Posts: 146
    I'm getting married on October 26th, 2013 (SIX MONTHS TODAY!) I've lost 30 lbs so far (since November), and I'd like to lose another 20 before then. What I REALLY need to do is start working on my arm tone...

    You know how they tell you to buy a dress that fits you at the time you buy it (and not to size down with the hope of losing weight?) Yeah, that was a size 20. My seamstress will have her work cut out for her. I've lived my entire life up to now in a plus size world. I refuse to be a plus size bride.

    On a related note. Does it annoy anyone else that bridal sizing is always a size number bigger than your regular clothes? When I bought my dress, I was wearing a size 18. If any industry should go the other way, it should be bridal! Haha.

    I could careless about the size honestly! I was pleasantly shocked I didn't look like an elephant in any of the dresses I tried on, they all were flattering in one way or another, let's face it, every bride looks good! I love the way the dresses are made, they instantly like suck you in or something lol.
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 22 June too! Just concentrating on eating clean and looking after myself and plenty of exercise!
  • jakenfrankie
    jakenfrankie Posts: 6 Member
    I'm getting married at the end of August and I still want to lose 10 pounds. Also definitely need to firm up the back/arms so they aren't as squishy looking.....I had been doing weight watchers since September but my progress totally stalled. So I decided to give MFP a try and am toying with the idea of maybe trying paleo in conjunction with that. Curious as to if any other brides are trying a somewhat last minute change like that. I'm a little worried as my job is crazy busy and I still have a ton of wedding stuff to do- not sure how much workout time is really practical! Anyway congrats and good luck to everyone!
  • tishlane83
    tishlane83 Posts: 2
    I picked up my wedding dress today and it is still just a bit too snug. I ordered it one size too small because I was planning on losing 25+ lbs and I wanted a bit of motivation. So far I've lost 10 lbs, but I still have another 15 to go. My motivation had all but disappeared, but trying that beautiful gown on has brought it back in a big way. I'm getting married October 5th and I know I have more than enough time to lose the weight (and tone up my back and arms.)
    I'm working out on a regular basis, but my real problem is food. I love my fiance so much, but man does he make it hard to be good. He is trying to be better about not tempting me with food, but when he cooks he makes the portion sizes about twice as big as they should be. AND, he is a home brewer and decided to surprise me by making me my favorite kind of cider and putting it on tap so that it is always just a quick pour away. I'm beginning to wonder if he secretly likes a little more meat on the bones.
  • toshi89
    toshi89 Posts: 101 Member
    For all those who have up & coming dates, good luck! I wish you all the best. Mine was this past Saturday & I am very proud of what I accomplished. (as you can see, lol) I know you all will look beautiful, so don't ever give up!!
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Getting married next fall :)

    Gained some weight back due to stress and poor choices, but ready to be back on track.