over 40, slow metabolism...and the list goes on



  • dblack41
    dblack41 Posts: 4 Member
    Just started back on site on Monday this week after 9 months absence.

    44 in just over week and really need to sort out my weight loss and fitness. Have about 80 lbs to lose and not done any serious exercise for over 20 years.

    Played at diets over last 10 years and had some success but never sustain it and weight goes back on.

    Initial aim is to prove on my profile picture as lets face it its not a good look;o)

    Really need to get out the rut I am stuck in and start living life as wasted too much of it already,

    Good luck to all.
  • cindy4361
    cindy4361 Posts: 31
    Hi I am 45 and I know exactly how you are feeling. I am on a mission to lose 45 lbs. Add me if you would like. I need all the support and help I can get. Good luck!!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Your metabolism does not slow down that much as you age - what does slow down is you. As we get older we move less and do less exercise. You need to make a conscious decision to move more and also should do some resistance training to keep your LBM so your metabolism does not slow down (the slow down in metabolism is linked to the loss of LBM as you age).

    I disagree. I work out harder and more often now then I did when I was in my 30's and I am not losing nearly at the rate I was back then.
  • lklkl5
    lklkl5 Posts: 113 Member
    47 and here every day. You can do this! Sending a friend request if you want support.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Your metabolism does not slow down that much as you age - what does slow down is you. As we get older we move less and do less exercise. You need to make a conscious decision to move more and also should do some resistance training to keep your LBM so your metabolism does not slow down (the slow down in metabolism is linked to the loss of LBM as you age).

    I disagree. I work out harder and more often now then I did when I was in my 30's and I am not losing nearly at the rate I was back then.

    Compare apples to apples. How is your diet then and now?

    Also you shouldn't be relying just on weight but also body fat measurements and measurements in general. If you are working out as hard as you say, you are building lean muscle which adds weight.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    There are many important factors to finding success with weight loss. In my experience as a 42 year old woman, the following are most important:

    1. make sure you are eating enough calories - calculate your TDEE and BMR and eat at a reasonable deficit from TDEE (under eating slows ou metabolism by loss of lean body mass)

    2. Stay hydrated

    3. Lift heavy things and put them down again - this builds muscle strength (and some mass when you are a newbie lifter, but not much), improves metabolism (because lean body mass drives your metabolism) and staves off osteoporosis as we age

    4. Do not overtrain - 3 times per week is perfectly sufficient when weight training


    5. BE PATIENT - it takes time and a learning curve to get there. If you change your caloric levels, give 4-6 weeks as a test to see if it works because less time is not enough for our bodies to adjust. If you screw up and eat a bunch of crap - don't stress over it, just move forward and, do not restrict yourself from things y ou love to eat - just eat in moderation those things that are not the best as far as nutrients go.

    Oh wait - one more thing: KNOW YOU CAN DO IT - because you can.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Your metabolism does not slow down that much as you age - what does slow down is you. As we get older we move less and do less exercise. You need to make a conscious decision to move more and also should do some resistance training to keep your LBM so your metabolism does not slow down (the slow down in metabolism is linked to the loss of LBM as you age).

    I disagree. I work out harder and more often now then I did when I was in my 30's and I am not losing nearly at the rate I was back then.

    Compare apples to apples. How is your diet then and now?

    Also you shouldn't be relying just on weight but also body fat measurements and measurements in general. If you are working out as hard as you say, you are building lean muscle which adds weight.

    I eat better and cleaner now then I have ever in my life. Sure I am getting stronger. I do martial arts 3 days a week, circuit training 2-3 days a week. So yes I am working out as hard as I say. Yet I'm lucky if I get my weight below 270 lbs.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Your metabolism does not slow down that much as you age - what does slow down is you. As we get older we move less and do less exercise. You need to make a conscious decision to move more and also should do some resistance training to keep your LBM so your metabolism does not slow down (the slow down in metabolism is linked to the loss of LBM as you age).

    I disagree. I work out harder and more often now then I did when I was in my 30's and I am not losing nearly at the rate I was back then.

    Compare apples to apples. How is your diet then and now?

    Also you shouldn't be relying just on weight but also body fat measurements and measurements in general. If you are working out as hard as you say, you are building lean muscle which adds weight.

    I eat better and cleaner now then I have ever in my life. Sure I am getting stronger. I do martial arts 3 days a week, circuit training 2-3 days a week. So yes I am working out as hard as I say. Yet I'm lucky if I get my weight below 270 lbs.

    As I said, you are adding lean muscle. Worry more about what the tape measure says than what the scale says. If you are eating a calorie deficit and not losing inches, see a doctor.
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    same here..metabolism out the window! 55 and starting to feel it..need to increase my none existent exersise routine..but i always have an excuse..work..weather etc ..need someone to kick me up the bum!..and get me motivated :ohwell:

    I'm 55, doing cardio activities at least 5/6 days per week, which can include hooping, dance/running, spinning, etc, and weight training 3 to 4 days per week, lifting as heavy as I can and increasing that when I can. I had let myself get so out of shape over the last 5 years, to the tune of almost 60 pounds gained during that period of time.
    I've been working back toward fitness and best health since Jan. 4th of this year. I've lost 37 pounds and I feel fabulous, high energy and stronger than ever.

    I've had arthritis since I was 23-years old, but when I'm eating healthy, weight training, and getting plenty of exercise and sleep, the arthritis seems practically non-existent.
    I certainly don't feel my age, or should I say...I don't feel the way most folks seem to think somebody my age should feel. I'm not going to let my chronological age discourage me from believing that I can be as strong and fit as most people who are much younger than I am.

    If anybody needs a cheerleader or help with getting inspired to work toward the best you can be, feel free to add me. My diary is open.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Not only do you have aches and pains (my main problem is less flexibility and I hate stretching), you can get injured more easily and it takes longer to heal. You may not recover completely. But you have to do what you can.
  • Brusselsmama
    Brusselsmama Posts: 6 Member
    I'm approaching 51 and struggling to find my metabolism. My weight goes up and down daily. I'd be glad to join you.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Hello Everyone - I am 44 and I love being in my 40's except for the inability to lose weight. I walk on my lunch hours and exercise on a treadmill on the weekends. I have changed how I eat discovered gluten is not my friend so I stay away from gluten products. If I stop the exercise I gain, no mystery there, but if I continue to exercise I do not lose any weight :grumble: - more than a little frustrating. Solution is increase exercise, I get it, but I am so uninspired and bored with my current routine and a little lonely. I try to do things that are free because I don't have the extra funds and I am cheap. I am willing cave and spend a few $.

    Does anyone have an exercise routine they love? I am looking for some new ideas to inspire.

    Warmest regards

    If all you do is increase your activity but do not change the amount you eat, fat loss will be an uphill battle. Controlling your food intake and eating at a small caloric deficit is a more effective way to lose fat. If you are methodical about tracking your intake and are still not losing any weight, then see a doctor.

    As for exercise, cardio is cheap and easy, but weight training is what you need to stave off sarcopenia as you get older.

    [And no, I am not over 40 yet, but I've been worrying about having a pleasant, healthy retirement since my mid-20s.]
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I'm 52. I don't subscribe to the "I can't lose weight due to menopause" mentality. It's nothing but an excuse.

    The more active you become, the more you kick start your metabolism. The faster your metabolism, the more calories you burn by simply existing.

    Also the more active you are, the less you will ache. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but it's true. Also the more weight you lose, the less your body will hurt.

    WALK. WALK. WALK!!! Walk five miles a day at a decent pace. Start with one mile and build your speed and endurance over a couple of months. Get someone to walk with you if you'd prefer. I burned 658 calories today in 85 minutes of yoga and power walking (4.5 mph, the humidity gets me this time of the year or I'd be doing 12 minute miles).

    Take pilates classes. Great low/no impact strength training in a supportive atmosphere. While you're at it, take a yoga class every week to increase your flexibility.

    Take an honest look at your diet. Get rid of the crap. Soda, candy, pastries, bagels, anything without good nutritional value goes buh-bye.

    This, this, this. I don't agree with the "I'm old and therefore have a slow metabolism" point of view, either... and say that with goodwill in my heart. If you tag yourself with "old... aches and pains... slow metabolism..." you're defeating yourself before you even stand up.

    People eat too much, eat junk food, sit in front of the TV, don't exercise enough, and social ties make them feel they can't say no to unhealthy food. Age is a number. I have an 87 year old friend who power walks, maintains a plot in a community garden, volunteers, drives, and is totally with it, mentally and physically. I also have friends in their 50s who have terrible health problems. Forget the numbers. Embrace life. Eat well and move your body every day.

    Edited to add that I'm 59 years old and so far have lost 17 pounds in 7 weeks by giving up junk food, tracking my calories, and walking. I'm losing about 2 pounds a week.
  • d1meshel
    d1meshel Posts: 12 Member
    I welcome you to my world..
  • LuckBeWithU
    LuckBeWithU Posts: 173 Member
    Some things might be slowing down, but not my motivation.

    Feel Free To Add Me.
  • shamitz
    shamitz Posts: 3 Member
    I am 45 (46 next week) and I still remember the morning I woke up and found a pouch where my flat tummy use to be. It continued to grow over the next two years until I had gained 15kg. This was the first time I had ever carried excess weight and about a month ago I decided enough is enough. I also put the weight gain down to age and stress. But I now know the trick to losing the weight is clean eating and actually eating your needed daily calories. Once you have that worked out add is some weight training and a bit of cardio and the weight will start to come off. Good luck!
  • Bergenblart
    Bergenblart Posts: 23 Member
    Yep I can relate to what you're saying, I'll be 47 in December.... We just have to appreciate that if we're healthy and happy we shouldn't 'beat ourselves up' thinking we're still going to look like what we did 10-20 years ago. I just want to be healthy and able to walk, run or even bend over without pains or breathlessness!! LOL! Good luck to everyone on their journey to a healthier lifestyle, no fads for me just sensible eating and exercise will do...xx
  • Will be 49 in January .... metabolism is dead. Hormones are gone and the intertube just gets bigger. It is depressing. And I LOVE to eat. I have to do this!!
  • suecan2
    suecan2 Posts: 45
    my routine hasnt changed, but my bod... well, certainly has changed. the same activity and same amount of calorie intake of what use to keep me somewhat thin has now added many extra lb's to carry around. my calorie intake must drop to 1270 in order to lose, and OMG. that is not much food for a girl who regularly eats 1750-1950. my maintenance will have to be around 1450. and b/c i appreciate great taste, this is not going to be easy, but i do have the motivation -after all, all 40 something's are NOT overweight, so it is possible with some changes here.
  • L64Reed
    L64Reed Posts: 31 Member
    No top model contestant here...48 and loving it though! Welcome to myfitnesspal! YOLO!
