Do you like CATCALLS??



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Curious. Does it matter to women what the guy looks like if it is offensive or not?

    Which would be less offensive?

    This guys saying "Looking good!" ..or

    This guy saying "Looking good!"

    Answer honestly.

    Doesn't matter to me. Usually it's car honks anyway so I have no idea what the people look like. If a woman gave a shout out, I'd still feel complimented.
  • A1CNobody
    A1CNobody Posts: 13
    Maybe a "wow, you're looking good!"

  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    I typically don't care. Compliments are niiiiiiiiiiiice :)

    I just hate when they touch me. Has anyone been walking in the mall & a dude just grab your hand? When you try to yank it back, he holds onto your fingers and keeps begging to talk to you while licking his lips like some tired, busted LL Cool J? Ugh, true story. Happens alllllllll the time :(
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    Curious. Does it matter to women what the guy looks like if it is offensive or not?

    Which would be less offensive?

    This guys saying "Looking good!" ..or

    This guy saying "Looking good!"

    Answer honestly.

    If all they said was 'lookin' good' it wouldn't bother me if it came from Quasimodo. However, anything vulgar, insulting, vaguely threatening, from either one, would be taken the exact same way: an entitled a$$h0le just shouted at me.

    I agree
  • liz111006
    liz111006 Posts: 26
    I typically don't care. Compliments are niiiiiiiiiiiice :)

    I just hate when they touch me. Has anyone been walking in the mall & a dude just grab your hand? When you try to yank it back, he holds onto your fingers and keeps begging to talk to you while licking his lips like some tired, busted LL Cool J? Ugh, true story. Happens alllllllll the time :(

    Yeah if that ever happened to me, I'd punch him in the face, that's just straight up creepy
  • DOMTIA1012
    DOMTIA1012 Posts: 57 Member
    Ya I take it as a compliment but then again when you were young did you ever cat call to someone from a moving vehicle just to see how funny their reaction was? I dont know maybe I was just a punk!
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I take it as a compliment until the guy starts following me to any degree trying to get my attention. Fella, I don't want your number and you don't want to meet the kerambit I keep in my bra.
  • PrimalPixie
    PrimalPixie Posts: 69 Member
    I don't find a catcall a compliment. I can safely say that any man I'd find attractive would never dream of catcalling. If you like the look of someone, find a polite way to start up a conversation which isn't based on "You look sexy"... There are plenty of other options if you use a brain cell or two. Most women I know find catcalling to be unnerving and makes them feel unsafe. Did anyone ever hear of a happy romantic ending from a catcall? Or even a first date?!

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I often get comments from dudes walking by that are like: "daaamn girl, I like the way your thighs giggle"
    That actually happened. To date it is still the best thing anyone has ever said to me. Ever.

    I wouldn't be happy if some random dude said that to me on the street. LOL
    So it's all about perception. :smile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    There was a car full of high school boys in my neighborhood one day blasting "You don't know you're beautiful" (that cheesy One Direction song) and they pulled up and started singing it to me while I was running. I about died of embarrassment. But I was smiling. Made my day.

    That is actually way more clever than i would have expected from high school boys. :smile:
  • JavaSparrow
    JavaSparrow Posts: 51 Member
    I hate it. it's obnoxious and makes me wish i were invisible.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Curious. Does it matter to women what the guy looks like if it is offensive or not?

    Which would be less offensive?

    This guys saying "Looking good!" ..or

    This guy saying "Looking good!"

    Answer honestly.

    If either one of them is grabbing their crotch while saying it, then CREEPY.

    But yeah I would tend to not be grossed out by guy 2 in general. LOL
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I typically don't care. Compliments are niiiiiiiiiiiice :)

    I just hate when they touch me. Has anyone been walking in the mall & a dude just grab your hand? When you try to yank it back, he holds onto your fingers and keeps begging to talk to you while licking his lips like some tired, busted LL Cool J? Ugh, true story. Happens alllllllll the time :(

    OMG, eeeww!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I had someone throw a soda at me once from a moving car while I was out running. I don't think it was a commentary on my attractiveness though. They would have thrown it at anyone. And he missed.
    If you're going to be an @sshat at least have better aim douchenozzle.

    I walk/run in the middle of the night though so mostly I have guys pull up to me concerned that I'm out there that late because I'm stranded and need a ride. lol
    I haven't felt threatened by any of them, and I thought it was nice that they would stop to check on me even though I'd never let a stranger give me a ride.

    edited for stupid spelling.
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    I have begun to love it when the road crew guys wave at me or say "keep going!" or ask me "how many miles today?". I take it as a giant compliment.
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    I typically don't care. Compliments are niiiiiiiiiiiice :)

    I just hate when they touch me. Has anyone been walking in the mall & a dude just grab your hand? When you try to yank it back, he holds onto your fingers and keeps begging to talk to you while licking his lips like some tired, busted LL Cool J? Ugh, true story. Happens alllllllll the time :(

    OMG, eeeww!

    We have a phrase for this behavior/type of person here in East Gibroo..."Fricken Crust-ball".

    btw, the only thing worse than a mal-intentioned cat-call is a doggie call. You do the math.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I typically don't care. Compliments are niiiiiiiiiiiice :)

    I just hate when they touch me. Has anyone been walking in the mall & a dude just grab your hand? When you try to yank it back, he holds onto your fingers and keeps begging to talk to you while licking his lips like some tired, busted LL Cool J? Ugh, true story. Happens alllllllll the time :(

    Nope ... have not had this experience .....
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    There is a direct correlation between my enjoyment of catcalls when I am having a run, and my age in years, so basically, at this time in my life I am loving them!!!:)
  • irishscootz
    irishscootz Posts: 97