

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    DH is cutting the grass with his mitts and winter hat on!!! May the,WHAT!! where is the sun!!

    Cold in Ontario
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue in TX: I’ve never been a golfer, but my Auntie was. She shot her last round on her 90th birthday and said it wasn’t real because she only did 9 holes and rode in a golf cart. :noway: It seemed real enough to the rest of us. :laugh: She’d been in treatment for liver cancer for several years at that point, and we lost her about 6 months later. I still miss her.:cry::heart:

    JB: Your garden is beautiful and I’m envious of your fresh produce. I do have a pot of spinach for the first time. I’ve added some of the spinach to my salads and love it. This is the first time I’ve grown spinach, and I seriously over planted my pot.:grumble: I keep thinning it, but I’ll know better than to over plant next time. :wink: I hope your recording time is productive and enjoyable. Music is such a gift.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your visit to Cornwall sounds lovely. Was this King Arthur’s realm?:flowerforyou:

    Kathy: Your trip sounds like fun. The consignment shop seems to have misrepresented your possibilities. :frown: I have a friend who buys clothes on ebay. I wonder if you could sell there.:huh:

    Tigress : I have a tomato on my vine, too! :bigsmile: The plant has been blooming for a couple of weeks, but yesterday was the first time I spotted a tomato. This is a new variety for me, called Sweet Millions. I hope I like it. I have been sticking with Sweet One Hundred for the past few years because I like it so well, but got suckered in by “a pretty face” at the garden center this spring. :wink: I do have a baby volunteer that may be big enough to produce before the end of the season.:flowerforyou:

    Lin: I appreciate your Memorial Day post. Thanks. My dad served in WWII and my son is active duty military. :heart:

    Michele: I admire your fortitude doing your landscaping. It sounds like such hard work. You deserve a star, and a treat. Maybe you could get a massage as your treat. Vince, too.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I love the idea of cardio in your car. It has been a while since I was in a freeway traffic jam, but I have a few memories of walking up and down the road beside my car.:tongue:

    Kathy: I’m wondering if the pace of your walks is making a big difference in swelling. I know that when I walk fast I have a tendency to pound my heels, which leads directly to pounding my knees. I’m trying hard to learn to walk faster without pounding. Losing weight has helped a lot, but I can still feel tenderness in my left knee. The other thing I’m wondering is how tight you tie your laces. Too tight could interfere with circulation. Good luck with figuring it out. Walking is so beneficial that it is worth some trouble to solve the issue.:flowerforyou:

    We should be loading up our boat for the weekend sailing trip right now, but we're not. :frown: We have gray skies and mist. If things improve dramatically we may go for a night, but we're homebodies in this weather. :grumble: I keep wondering when we turned into such wimps, and then remembering the details.:ohwell:

    Have a great weekend, at home or wherever you celebrate. Don't run into any bridges.:wink:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • tlr5859
    tlr5859 Posts: 15 Member
    Finally, people my age! I am 54 and wanted to shed this weight I have been carrying around with me for too many years. Please feel free to add me as your friend. I live in Texas in the DFW area. Married with an almost 25 yr old son. I so want to succeed with this program. I keep telling myself "you quit smoking, you can do this too".

    My obstacle is I am disabled and very physically limited for exercise. In need of a double knee replacement which docs won't do till I am under 250 lbs.

    I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone has a great sat.
    Off to the party.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Just time for a quick post. We are committed to clearing out the clutter today and I can't delay much longer. :grumble: :noway:

    Went to yoga with my DD this morning. Tough class - we are both sore but it was fun. After we hit the farmers market and bought some good stuff (asparagus and shiitake mushrooms):smile: and some treats (cranberry walnut bread and pie slices). :devil: It is cold, windy and threatening rain so I don't think we'll get a bike ride in as hoped.:sad:

    Joyce - love the car dancing. If I saw you in the car next to me I'd start to dance too!:laugh:

    Michele - I'm going to have to try your yogurt pops - they sound yummy:drinker:

    Katia - hoping the sun comes out and you can get out onto your boat:glasses:

    DeeDee - a wonderful meal and weight loss - how wonderful!:drinker: :drinker:

    Kathy - try elevating your foot and icing. Hope your foot does okay after your walk. :wink:

    Cheryl - hope you get back on track with your eating soon. I think we all go off course...the key is getting back. I know you can do it! :bigsmile:

    Oh - I'm almost back to my goal weight (a fraction of a pound to go) after my Chinatown and cupcake indulgence.

    Have a great day. Jodios in cold overcast N. IL
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,332 Member
    Tlr5959 - you know you can, you know you can.:laugh: :tongue:
    I did my extra hill march at a cracking pace and ten minutes of strength training. Then cooked Spanish Paprika Chicken from the Hairy Dieters book. My favourite diet recipe. With English asparagus. Shared a bottle of delicious rose wine as it was Saturday night and will have strawberries for dessert. Only 50 cals over.
    We ate it in the conservatory looking over the field with swallows swooping over it. The sun still had a bit of strength in it so we were lovely and warm. Will look out for bats tonight.
    Tomorrow I'm going to Skype my grandson and then set out for the stately home. It will be crowded, but we are more interested in the walk through the woods as we have been there many times before.
    Love to all. Have a good holiday!
    Heather, blissful in Cornwall :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,791 Member
    Heather-sounds like a lovely time,and beautiful.. would love to see pictures....
    DH and I had a bit of a spat this morning.. he has a mouth like a truck driver when he is angry and uses nasty nasty language at me,that I dont appreciate or use back at him..It has blown over and we went to visit my FIL, brought him a nice hot meal..which he loves and made him some ham sandwiches,
    I took a little snooze in the car on the way over and feel a little more refreshed..
    All I can say is this cold weather makes me hungry... I am trying to behave myself .. but we are going out for pizza tonight.. will see if I can get a small veggie one for myself.I usually just get cheese since the DH doesn't want veggies touching his side of the pizza ,which is sausage and pepperoni...:grumble:
    you will be happy to know that I stopped and bought more bird seed and put the feeder back up to the delight of the birds.it is cold and rainy and they are hungry..
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Cool and rainy Saturday in TX. Our May has been the coolest I've experience since we moved here. Love it! Been taking MFP's advice and adding some vinegar to my salad today to see if it helps with the mindless snacking.

    Tir 5859 - I live in Granbury so not far from you. I know it's challenging to lose when your mobility is limited but do what you can. Have you tried chair yoga? Check it out on u-tube. Set some realistic goals and take it one day at a time. Welcome.
    Heather - I saw the guys who wrote The Hairy Dieters Cookbook on TV once. They were really funny. Did you know I lived in UK for three years when DH was in USAF? We saw most of the country during that time and had a baby girl born in Leakenheath.
    Joyce - got a chuckle out of the vision of your car cardio. We saw a lot of things in DFW traffic when we commuted for 15 years but never cardio. Actually, it's a great idea and will reduce the stress. LOL
    jodios - hope the weather clears and you get your bike ride in with DD.
    jb - your fresh picked veggies sound delicious. It's usually too hot here for a garden but lots of people put them it. I'm just waiting for my figs and blackberries.
    Lin - thanks for the graphics from a military wife (retired)
    Michele - be careful lifting those heavy rocks. I was lifting 40lb bags of mulch when something happened and I had to have bladder surgery.
    DeeDee - so glad you had a wonderful dinner and evening with your friend and got a great compliment to boot!
    Kathy - hope you figure out what's causing your foot problem.
    Katia - love the story of your 90 year old golfing auntie. Hope I can play a long time but I do use a cart!
    Barbie - about the only thing that stops us is lightening. One clap of thunder and we head for the club house. I actually do better with the cold (40's) than I do when it's over 100.
    Meg - thinking of you and hope your dad is progressing.
    Been a lazy day today but I need to get up and do a dvd. Can't decide which one. Michele has shamed me on the 30day shred and I'm lucky to get through the beginner 1. LOL (Just kidding M, I know you're a lot younger than me.)
    Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the company more than the food.
    Sue in TX
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Scanned the posts - everyone sounds busy. DSister and I walked for 65 minutes this morning which was great. Came home and called sister #1 and chatted for a bit. After showers we went to lunch and shopped all afternoon. Anniversary dinner out tonight.

    Gail, metro ATL, but currently southern IL
  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    Hi everyone!

    Frustrating day! Dropped the cell phone in water. Was trying to remove a big woodbine out of the back yard, It is tearing apart our shed, so was around the root and pulling and tugging, noticing the dirt was wet around it :huh: We had not watered for a couple of days, so was pulling the vine to the trash can and bending down to get it and my cell phone fell out of my jeans shirt pocket.... right into a bucket of water that the old owner had buried in the ground and I had just uncovered.:noway: It was an old phone that only does texting... not a smart phone or anything... could not believe he buried that in there. It was all covered by the vine and Dh and I are lucky we did not step in it and turn an ankle.

    Computer won't accept disc to back up... urrrgh. That was suppose to be fixed by our computer guy.::grumble:

    Fire between my sis and my house. (about a half mile apart ). PTL, not sis's house although it is just around the corner. (3 condos gone, pray for those folks.) :cry:

    But there are blessings today.. grand kids came and mowed the yard. Son In Love help DH fix the water sprinkler box too. Grass looks so good! We trimmed back a big rose bush that needed it in the front. Still wanted to get a lot more done. We have doggie duty, watching Tory (a yorkie) who belongs to Ralph a neighbor we had at the trailer park. Got to visit with our other dear neighbor we had there so that was great.

    NSV: have not stressed with food. :laugh:

    Hope everyone is doing well, will catch up with everyone later.

    :heart: Hugs,
    Connie:drinker: In the mid 90's here in CO.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :flowerforyou: This was one of those days with an all day meeting with a 90 minute drive each way. I got up extra early to have time to walk the dogs before we left. A friend came over to walk the poodles mid-day and I walked them again when we got home. This will be a day of not logging food or exercise and more rest than usual.

    :flowerforyou: We seem to be having our own version of crummy weather here…….look one way and the sun is shining and look the other way and it’s drizzling.

    :flowerforyou: The pedometer I had before this one would count steps as I rode the exercise bike, but this one won’t……sometimes I choose to walk the dogs rather than ride the bike because I want to add more steps.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Michele, your yard sounds like a never ending project…..you will enjoy it so much when the work is complete

    :bigsmile: Heather, congrats on your new stamina..being fit feels so much better

    :flowerforyou: Tlr5859, welcome, we’re glad you are here……..you can achieve your goals…..there is a lot you can do to burn calories without troubling your knees…..lots of upper body exercise and stuff you can do in a chair.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, dancing in the car is a great way to stay fit and cheerful in traffic jams.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Joyce - loved your way of getting your cardio in! Congrats on your daughter's internship. I bet that grandbaby of yours is absolutely fantastic.

    DeeDee - just bought three more tubes of the sunscreen, so I'm ready

    Got up today, went to the farmer's market, then to one food store right near the Y since they had some things on sale, then yoga, then home and we worked on the landscaping from about 10 until about 3:30 when I needed to come in and take a shower to get ready for church tonight. I tell ya, those river rocks are DIRTY. One of my neighbors came by and offered to help shoveling the rocks. Not sure if she wanted to try to get me to go to her church (that's happened before) or was secretly hoping for an invite into the pool. But whatever.....it was still nice of her to come by. She only stayed about an hour. Went to church, came home and had dinner, then realized how low Vince was on milk so did some food shopping. Came home, steamed kale I got this morning, and cut up the organic strawberries I got and have them in the freezer.

    The weather is supposed to be absolutely georgeous this weekend, so we'll work on the landscaping tomorrow all day. We needed big rocks for the steep incline on one side of the steps. Some of the big rocks were buried in the pile of smaller rocks, so we started putting down the fabric and rocks on a fairly level piece of land just so that we can unearth some of the larger rocks.

    tlr - welcome! You CAN do it, and we'll be here every step of the way

    Jane - have fun at the party

    grandmallie - what is it with dh's? Heaven forbid any of my veggies touch Vince's part of a pizza, which is why I usually wind up having my own personal sized one. that's so nice of you to feed the birds

    Sue in TX - I usually shovel the rocks and put them into the dumpcart, then pull the dumpcart over to where they will be dumped. Actually, we sort-of broke the dumpcart today. I guess I had too much weight in it and tried to turn it but wound up bending some of the bolts. Well, it can still be used, just not pushed backwards or sideways, which is fine. It'll do the job.

    Tomorrow I won't do any "formal" exercise, but I'm sure I'll get in my exercise shoveling those rocks! Actually, Vince and I sort-of have our system down, he puts down the landscape fabric, I shovel the rocks, we both dump, he spreads the rocks out while I go get more rocks.

    Gail - when was your anniversary? Happy anniversary!

    Connie - Fires scare me, they are just so unpredictable. Good for you not stress eating!

    Gonna get ready for bed now. Hope everyone has a great evening

    Michele in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a great time at the party,didn`t do too bad with the food.It`s amazing how tired one can get watching kids run around.
    Hope everyone had a good day.
    Time to unwind.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I got a new fitbit for my birthday(my old fitbit Ultra got all worn out and disentigrated I used it so much). I am getting amped up to move a whole bunch again. I got new workout shoes, I joined the gym and I am going to look good this Christmas in St. Maarten.

    Okay this is my story and I am sticking to it.

    Great beginning to the 3 day birthday weekend. DH and I went shopping today and then spent the afternoon with my dad and Mamie. good food with family on a gloriously beautfiul day in the PNW. I am truly blessed.

    I hope you are all doing well.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends-

    A big salute to all the veterans and active military we are remembering Monday. My DH is former Viet Nam era USAF vet.

    Heather- You make me want to visit Cornwall. Please post pictures.

    DeeDee – “Looking fine” is a very nice compliment from your Florida friend! Way to go. Bask in that nice NSV!!!

    Kathy – Hope the foot heals up quickly and you figure out the cause of the swelling. I agree with Katla about testing out the walking pace and tightness of the laced up shoes.

    Katla – I hope the weather breaks and you get the boat out. I’m jealous! My DH built boats for years, but we never got one ourselves.

    Tlr5859 – Welcome and keep checking in with this community. There are others here who have gone through similar challenges and are generous with their wit and wisdom.

    Jodios – Your DD is so lucky to have a mom modeling a healthy lifestyle for her. Hope you get in more good times together.

    Grandmallie- Sorry to hear you have to take verbal abuse from you DH. Enjoy your vege slice and the happy chirping of birds on your generous feeder.

    Connie- That old cellphone may good as good as new once dried out. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve had phones soaked in rain, and about 24 hours later they came back to life. Our IT dept told me that using a blow dryer expedites the recovery.

    Today I spent 3 hours just potting and repotting plants and seeds for our patio while listening to "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" audio book. The time flew by. Now my back is feeling all the bending and stretching, but the results are worth it. Ended up taking a nap before a simple salad dinner and an evening of watching the big orange full moon.

    Stay well,
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Connie my girls put their cell phone in a zip lock bag of rice when they get it wet and every few days check it to see if it is dried out. I used to have a TracFone and if it broke sometimes they would send me a new one, that takes time though. I was so glad my daughter convinced me to go from TracFone to a smart phone. It is so much more fun. I originally got it because she is pretty low on money and we both got the $35/month plan from Virgin Mobile. I think it's 300 minutes of talk time but unlimited text. She leaves her talk time to important things and we text each other. I have found that we text much more often than we ever talked and it has really improved our relationship.

    Just got back form seeing the other daughter and her family. We got over to her apartment at 11 AM this morning. The poor dog hadn't been let out since we had walked her the night before. So I took her for a .5 mile walk. Poor girl, she was huffin and puffin when I got her back. They have a nature reserve in their area that they have wanted to go to and knew I wanted to walk so we went there. Tonight when we stopped at a rest stop, you know men and their prostates, I didn't have to go so I got out and walked fairly briskly around the entire perimeter of the building twice. It was kind of creepy behind it in the dark but I did it. So I got over 2 miles of good brisk walk in today. I'm glad since we went to lunch at Wendys and supper at Cicis pizza. There was a Subway acroos the shopping center from Wendys so I walked over there and got my sandwich there. I know when we go there we will nevergo anywhere healthy. They wanted to go to Wendys for lunch and Sonic for supper!!!!

    Glad to be back home in my own bed with my cat hogging her place in the bed tonight. With my MS I know I will sleep most of tomorrow and my diet will be mixed up another day. I hope the Y isn't closed on Memorial day cause I need it!

    Joyce, glad to be home in Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Thanks for the Memorial Day acknowledgement; ex-military (27yrs.) family here also. I was at the festival from 7:30a until 6:00p; long day and my back was not happy with all the standing; had to take quite a few breaks and sit a bit; unusual for me, doesn't do that often. Saw some of the people who did the club race; they came by in the afternoon.

    Food available was awful (of course); I had a pork barbeque sandwich and then REALLY blew it with a quarter lb. (!!!!) of fudge......also, not usual.......but today is another day.........and that fudge was GOOD. Weather was very chilly; at one point the tent next to us almost took off in the wind!!

    Grandmallie.........I'm sure your birds are very happy!!!

    Dee Dee.........great to hear you had such a nice visit with your friend......and he was so impressed!

    Joyce..........I've stuck with a TracFone for yrs.........probably costs me less than a hundred a year; and I really don't use it very often and then just for calls

    Connie........scary about that hole on your property, glad you didn't get hurt......yes., fires are terrible......I've known 3 people who lost homes and one who lost her life........a woman a couple yrs. older who I thought the world of growing up.......about 10yrs. ago, smoking was to blame

    Michele.......be careful with all that river rock; don't get hurt........although I can't imagine anything slowing you down

    Just heard the paper hit the door; see you later!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,791 Member
    morning ladies,
    up and attem for another day...it is cold and windy here today ,our town parade is at 2, which by the time it goes by us is about 1/2 hr :laugh:
    havent gone to the gym yet,going to make the DH a nice breakfast ,he is out for his walk ,after he has breakfast I will head to the gym.. didn't end up going yesterday,but will try and go today and tomorrow.
    wish the weather was nicer I would have the boys down at the park walking,but the high today might get to 60 and we have the bloomin heat on:noway:
    there is snow in New Hampshire and Maine.. lovely for this time of year :frown:
    enjoy your holiday and remember freedom isn't free~ God Bless the men and women who gave there lives for us:heart:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I slept late this morning:huh: , I don`t do that very often! I`m out of time because of it too:angry: !

    It`s going to be a busy day today, first I get to go boss the boys:devil: :laugh: , then home for an hour or so and then to a cookout at a friends house:bigsmile: .

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in fabulous NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    The different time zone has me awake ahead of the rest of the household so I've been checking posts. Other than church we don't yet have plans for the rest of the day, so we'll see. The sun was up here by 6a and the birds were singing outside our window.

    Michele, thanks for the anniversary wishes. It was yesterday. We went to Longhorn's for dinner and ate too much, but thoroughly enjoyed it. Will definitely have to get walking in this afternoon. If the weather is dicey my sister has a TM in the basement so I will be able to do it either way. But we had planned on walking the other side of the higher priced homes, which is fun, so I hope it is outside.

    I love shopping with my sister - it is great to have someone be totally honest with you, too! Anyway, we shopped yesterday and I was able to find another pair of dress slacks and also got 3 pairs of docker/khaki type slacks that will be fine for work/play over the summer. With the dresses for the recent family wedding that fills things out nicely again. (I am surprised it is harder to find size 12s - didn't anticipate that! When I get back home the 14s will have to find a new home.) I could stand to replace the XL shirts with L, but will either do that over time or wait until fall. They are so basic I may try just running in the side seam for summer.

    A few days away makes me realize how much I appreciate this forum and others' posting here. It has become a significant part of my daily routine. Thanks to all the Vit. F/friends -- I was telling my sister how this is the one that remains positive and supportive. No nasty comments, arguments, etc., as can be the case in other threads, which makes it so enjoyable.

    Well gals, I hear others stirring now so will sign off.

    Safe travels to all those on the road, thanks to all veterans, both currently serving and those held in our hearts and memories.

    Gail, metro ATL