Time for a rant.



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/08/31/is-it-really-worth-it/ (watch the video at the end)

    Is It Really Worth It?

    It will require commitment and dedication.

    It will require you to say “no” sometimes.

    It will require sacrifice.

    It won’t be quick.

    It won’t be easy.

    It won’t be fun all of the time

    Your friends will laugh at you for doing things differently.

    Your coworkers will gawk and poke fun at your new eating habits.

    Your loved ones will call you crazy and ask you to “be normal.”

    You will have to change some habits.

    You will want to give up.

    You will want to go back to bed.

    You will want to say “eh, good enough.”

    And you will ask yourself: “is it really worth it?”

    You’re damn right it is.

    You will feel great when you set a new record for push ups.

    You will let out a rebel yell when doing your first pull up.

    You will feel awesome running faster this week than last week.

    You will be amazed at how far you’ve come when looking at old pictures.

    You will feel good when people ask “have you been working out?”

    You will smile when your kids say “I want to be strong like you!”

    You will be surprised when people come to you for fitness advice.

    You will feel pride when you look at yourself in the mirror.

    You will go to sleep knowing that you’re a better person today than you were yesterday.

    It is worth it.
  • Emlou93
    Emlou93 Posts: 22
    Insanity is going to be really hard on your knees. I stopped doing it because I was sick of being exhausted, jumping all the time and I didn't want the knee issue to worsen. You don't have to take a day off from exercise - do something gentler, like yoga, pilates, swimming or even some lifting. If you're sick of Insanity - take a break! It's honestly incredibly difficult and has been criticised for the problems you're experiencing. There are other similar systems like P90X that are less intense on our joints.
  • healthytanya1
    healthytanya1 Posts: 198 Member
    Eat whatever you want for 3 days then go back to counting calories. I was stuck for over week of not losing so I ate almost my total for what i burn in a day for 3 days then went back to counting and now I have lost 3 lbs in 3 days!
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    Don't know if anybody mentioned it - but do you use any additional nutrients? Cod liver oil is the thing for me. It keps my very beat up joints working: knee ruined in a car accident, hips and pelvis out of position after pregnancies and giving birth, but eating cod liver oil regularly really makes a difference. It also helps me bouncing back after working out.

    Time to buy some quality cod liver oil, and grease your insides?
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    I've taken quite a bit of time off during my journey but I guess its needed sometimes. I keep working through it though.

    7 days off after Day 2
    3 days off after Day 11
    2 days off after Day 31
    2 days off after Day 35
    2 days off after Day 37 (currently)

    The days off after day 2 were because the program kicked my *kitten* and I was beyond sore but after those days off, I was able to work through the program with minimal days off. I like to think that I am just repeating that cycle since Month 2 is NOTHING compared to as tough as Month 1 was..

    I know this will pass and maybe I need to eat that Tombstone pizza that I have in the freezer. I'm just afraid that I will feel guilty after doing so. I don't take cheat days but every once in a while I will have a day that I let myself go for one meal. I just tend to do so on days that I burn a lot of calories working out when I should be eating more calories than my goal. I dont feel guilty when I do it that way.

    Everyone feels this way sometimes. At least for me, and it looks like for you, that the times between cheating get smaller & smaller, & the time spent being disciplined gets longer. Because each time you cheat & end up feeling worse (because you're getting to the point where you have mostly healthy habits), you realize that food is not the answer. And you ask yourself WHY you do it to yourself. Not why you diet, but why you make yourself feel so bad by eating all the junk. I'm talking about physically & emotionally feeling bad. It reminds me of this quote...

    When asked if she would consider gaining weight for ANOTHER Bridgett Jones movie, Renee Zellweger said, "It sounds like heaven, For two days it's bliss and then you're full, OK? And you can then indulge all your fantasies about over-eating. Fantasies about non-stop chocolate consumption or your fantasies about ordering the pizza AND the spaghetti AND the garlic bread. Then after a week your glucose levels are going crazy. You're up and down and all over the place. It doesn't feel good, and no one wants to hear that, but it's the truth." Then there is the dieting afterwards. "It was horrible," said Renee. "On one side it's fantastic because you get to go back to taking care of yourself, so you feel wonderful, but the first lap around the track I felt like I had a toddler on my back."

    Remember you only lose if you GIVE UP instead of GETTING BACK UP. Here's a good video to watch to hit the "restart" button...


  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/08/31/is-it-really-worth-it/ (watch the video at the end)

    Is It Really Worth It?

    It will require commitment and dedication.

    It will require you to say “no” sometimes.

    It will require sacrifice.

    It won’t be quick.

    It won’t be easy.

    It won’t be fun all of the time

    Your friends will laugh at you for doing things differently.

    Your coworkers will gawk and poke fun at your new eating habits.

    Your loved ones will call you crazy and ask you to “be normal.”

    You will have to change some habits.

    You will want to give up.

    You will want to go back to bed.

    You will want to say “eh, good enough.”

    And you will ask yourself: “is it really worth it?”

    You’re damn right it is.

    You will feel great when you set a new record for push ups.

    You will let out a rebel yell when doing your first pull up.

    You will feel awesome running faster this week than last week.

    You will be amazed at how far you’ve come when looking at old pictures.

    You will feel good when people ask “have you been working out?”

    You will smile when your kids say “I want to be strong like you!”

    You will be surprised when people come to you for fitness advice.

    You will feel pride when you look at yourself in the mirror.

    You will go to sleep knowing that you’re a better person today than you were yesterday.

    It is worth it.

    :love: Awesome.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 340 Member
    From a peek (ok several days) you are taking in way too much sodium, are you drinking a lot of water, cos I don't see any logged?

    Try and drop the sodium to the 2500, and log water

    Apart from that, if you stick to logging calories, your knees will stop hurting, and you won't tire so easy

    You are doing good, just keep at it, one day at a time :)
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/08/31/is-it-really-worth-it/ (watch the video at the end)

    Is It Really Worth It?

    It will require commitment and dedication.

    It will require you to say “no” sometimes.

    It will require sacrifice.

    It won’t be quick.

    It won’t be easy.

    It won’t be fun all of the time

    Your friends will laugh at you for doing things differently.

    Your coworkers will gawk and poke fun at your new eating habits.

    Your loved ones will call you crazy and ask you to “be normal.”

    You will have to change some habits.

    You will want to give up.

    You will want to go back to bed.

    You will want to say “eh, good enough.”

    And you will ask yourself: “is it really worth it?”

    You’re damn right it is.

    You will feel great when you set a new record for push ups.

    You will let out a rebel yell when doing your first pull up.

    You will feel awesome running faster this week than last week.

    You will be amazed at how far you’ve come when looking at old pictures.

    You will feel good when people ask “have you been working out?”

    You will smile when your kids say “I want to be strong like you!”

    You will be surprised when people come to you for fitness advice.

    You will feel pride when you look at yourself in the mirror.

    You will go to sleep knowing that you’re a better person today than you were yesterday.

    It is worth it.

    ALL of this.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Honestly, I feel like this almost everyday but when I think back to how I bad I felt 32 pounds ago, it keeps me going.

    Take 1 day and eat whatever you want, have a meal you really enjoy but miss.

    You're doing great. Hang in there, I'm sure this feeling will pass, it always does for me :drinker:
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    Awesome support! Thanks to all of you.

    I do drink lots of water. Usually 2-3, sometimes 4-5 bottles of water a day. I just don't log it because its in cups and the bottles of water are ounces (yeah, I know..easy conversion.). I'll start logging it.

    Yeah, my sodium is high. Really high sometimes. I should start looking at the labels more and focus on sodium a little bit more.

    The last week I've probably only been drinking 1 or 2 cups of water.

    Oh, and I take Fish Oil, Modern BCAA and a Multivitamin