

  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    I'm 5' 8.5" and 1/2inch taller than my hubby. I wore high heeled shoes until I messed my back up and he was super fine with the heel thing - it was stupidly me that had the problem.

    We have two children - Stacey reckons she's the same height as her dad and our son Devon is around 6' 5". Stacey's hubby is possibly about an inch shorter than her and Devon's partner is 5 foot something LOL. It's a breakup when you see the four of us lined up as you have a fairly straight line, then Devon LOL

    Devon had a friend who was around 7 foot tall. Devon came up to his friend's shoulder and when they walked down the street and because there were two of them, you got the impression they were of average height LOL Muzza loved resting his arm on Devon's head!

    And yes, I do ask Devon to do some of the high things for me, or should I say he insists on doing the higher chores for me when he's about. It certainly doesn't seem to be a big deal for him. I try not to make a habit of it as that just wouldn't be fair on him - it's all about caring and sharing in our family.

    It amazes me that some people shape their lives towards statistics rather than looking for a caring, responsible and honest partner. Yes, you can get both but the chances of finding that special someone at a super height would be fairly slim I would think - there are other people looking. Good luck with your search.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I'd suggest a different analogy. The comparison is more like saying that all women should start out fit and every time they are cruel or cranky, they gain 10 pounds, so that they become more overweight and therefore less appealing.

    That's essentially what she's saying... The shorter you are, the less appealing you would be. And maybe that is true to her. But it does men a huge disservice overall.

    Just my emotionally charged feeling. :)

    That's accurate. Except the general concept of "fit" is too general, and also quite easy to address.

    Height is very specific and unchangeable. It's difficult to find features on women that are immutable and relevant. So you might end up with the sub-5% genetic hourglass figure as your "ideal" - which in fact it is. Surgery allows for women to cheat on that though, while the best men can do is funny shoes for a few inches.

    A more comparable way would be reducing make up etc worn.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Losers don't need physical markers to repel me from them. They do that well enough on their own. When they speak.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Every time they cheat, their manhood should shrink and/or grow warts. So like Pinocchio, we know whassup and what they've been doing without having to do stakeouts on them :huh:
    Oh please let this happen...I just want to see how the politicians,lawyers etc deal with it. Lol

    oops I read cheat as lie. Also wanted to add cheaters usually get warts if you know what I mean. :P

    :laugh: :laugh: Well, just pathological warts... I certainly wouldn't want the disease passed on to me. Let's change that to that specific body part developing rainbow colored spots all over it. Or maybe it can glow like E.T.'s finger whenever it's cheated and it's within' 1 foot of the person it cheated on.
  • lynnkieu
    lynnkieu Posts: 67 Member
    About 14% of men in the US are over 6'0". 5% are over 6'2".

    If you are not finding super tall men, it is probably because there really aren't that many.

    Only 5%? That makes me feel lucky... My husband is 6'4" and I'm 5'3 3/4" (ALMOST 5'4").
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    That's essentially what she's saying... The shorter you are, the less appealing you would be. And maybe that is true to her. But it does men a huge disservice overall.

    Actually I believe the word the OP used was 'pathetic'.

    I've got loads of short guy friends.

    Pathetic is the last word I would use to describe them.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Losers don't need physical markers to repel me from them. They do that well enough on their own. When they speak.

    And, I'm not a sucker for glibness or superficial charm.
  • Brazilll
    Brazilll Posts: 503
    I honestly don't mind if a guy is shorter than I am. I'm 5'7" and I wear heels nearly every day. I once saw a matchmaking show where the lady said she'd never date anyone less than 4 inches taller than her so she would feel comfortable in heels. The matchmaker asked you make love standing up? Lol. I think a confident man, be he short or tall is what is sexy.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yeah, I just like a good, intelligent, creative, funny, insightful, kind guy that has strength of many types. Height is not a factor. Besides, just about everyone is taller than me, it seems.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I didn't like this thread either. I just don't want men thinking this is how most women think (about height).

    6'8 isn't. But height is consistently the primary factor used by women for sorting potential mates.

    Kinda like if you had a thread about thin women with enormous boobs. The "enormous" part is generally impractical fantasy, like 6'8 height. But most men will appreciate the concept of narrow waist women with big boobs.

    I'd suggest a different analogy. The comparison is more like saying that all women should start out fit and every time they are cruel or cranky, they gain 10 pounds, so that they become more overweight and therefore less appealing.

    That's essentially what she's saying... The shorter you are, the less appealing you would be. And maybe that is true to her. But it does men a huge disservice overall.

    Just my emotionally charged feeling. :)

    Yeah, where to even begin? The OP is claiming that short men are somehow awful men. :noway:

    I'm not going to even respond to the other guy. :yawn:

    It's funny how some people think that every man or every woman thinks and wants exactly what they think/want. Stupidity.

    This whole line of thinking is....Gah, no words for this!!! :grumble:

    It explains why I am so awful.

    I just need to get lifts, and I will become a better person!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Well, I like men to be taller than me. My preference. Does that make me shallow? If it does, fine. At 5 foot 2 I don't have a problem there. Even short guys can find smaller girls.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    The tallest guy I dated was 6'7". I broke up with him because I got tired of people asking him "How's the weather up there?"

    My hubby is 6'7". He always gets asked if he played basketball. He never played basketball growing up in Germany but he did try playing in a church league here in the US. He walked away with 2 broken fingers, a cracked rib and a strong disdain for basketball.

    Actually one thing I love about his height is when he goes to our daughter's second grade school functions. The little boys flock to him and tell him things like "I want to be a giant just like you". It's kind of cute.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't like tall men.
  • jshaver82
    jshaver82 Posts: 1 Member
    I love being 6'5". Its nice up here.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I don't like tall men.

  • SaBh93
    SaBh93 Posts: 114 Member
    I feel like the only people I attract, and am attracted to, are ridiculously tall.

    Lets see- first 6'3..... then the other was 6'4..... the last guy I dated was 6'6

    Wonder what the next one will be?
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    she is 1 foot smaller then him.

  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Tall = Good
    Short = Pathetic


    Let's apply the same reasoning to color, sex, or any other physical characteristics you can think of.

    We've already had people trying to identify a master race based on physical characteristics and heritage. Been done. Didn't work out well.

    I'm suddenly very happy to be 5'10. Shallow, nasty human beings who insist on height won't be attracted to me and I can better ignore them.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't like tall men.


    Except you. You are the one exception.