Where are all the vegans/vegetarians?



  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    You can get an abundance of calcium and iron from dark, leafy greens like Kale, Spinach, and Collard greens. Try adding Green Juice as breakfast into your regime. You'll be full of all the nutrients you need! :) Dr. Oz has a nice starter green juice, and you can find a ton of additional options online.

    While this is true, you do have to be careful what you pair your greens with. If it's iron you're after, stay away from dairy/calcium fortified drinks. Calcium blocks the uptake of iron. So spinach dip or a yogurt based green smoothie will do nothing for your iron. Eat your iron rich foods with vitamin C for absorption, so squeeze lemon juice on your collards, spinach or kale (it softens the kale, so bonus!). You don't need a lot, just a lemon wedge will do.

    But the bioavailability of iron in vegetables is much less than it is in meats. So even though the labels say spinach will give you 7% of your DRI of iron, you'll only absorb about 2%.

    Black strap molasses is also a terrific source of iron, 21% of your daily recommended intake in 1 Tbsp. But again, dairy renders it useless. I like to use it on my sweet potatoes with coconut butter (dairy free) instead of brown sugar and butter. It's got a different taste from brown sugar, but still has that maltiness that brown sugar has, and I don't recommend eating it by itself by the Tbsp because that was AWFUL.

    There's a lot of useful info here about iron absorption of non-heme iron (iron that is not bound to hemoglobin, as in the iron that comes from plant sources) versus heme iron (from animal sources where it is bound the the animal's hemoglobin).


    To be honest, I take an iron supplement because I just couldn't get enough from my diet. I was eating as much dark leafy greens as I could, and was barely permitted to donate blood. My hemoglobin was 11.8 when I went to donate, they turned me away and said go home and eat black strap molasses and spinach and come back in 2 days. When I came back it was 12.6, and you have to be 12.5 to donate. (Normal hemoglobin for women is 11-17) I took 65mg iron supplement for 3 weeks leading up to my last donation and my hgb was the highest it's ever been as an adult, a whopping 13.8. But again, you have to not take it with your calcium.

    Before you take any iron supplement, be sure to get bloodwork done to be sure you are actually anemic. Iron is toxic in high amounts, and some people naturally produce more iron or store it better than others, even vegetarians.
  • cyrena13
    cyrena13 Posts: 20 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 13 years. Growing up I used to always push the meat aside on my plate or had to use ton of sauce to hide the flavor. I just really never liked it, so when I decided to become vegetarian, I didn't look back and I don't miss it. I couldn't be vegan though because I love cheese and Greek yogurt too much.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
  • Papayamaya5
    Papayamaya5 Posts: 45 Member
    VEGAN + MOSTLY GF GAL HERE! feel free to add me and check out my recipe blog at teenyteacakes.tumblr.com
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    There are a lot of us on here, scattered about, and several groups dedicated to it. Feel free to add me (vegetarian seven years or so).
  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey there, I'm a Lacto-Ovo veg. I started about 10 years ago when my now ex-wife presented such a compelling argument for the immorality of eating animal products that I couldn't think of a suitable way to refute her points. I figured that if I couldn't refute her points that perhaps I should consider her argument. I did, and I've been a vegetarian ever since.

    On a funny note, she's been eating meat for years now so I guess the morality of it all wasn't such a pressing matter for her :)
  • Rena42
    Rena42 Posts: 66 Member
    I was vegetarian for a bunch of years, and went vegan about 3 years ago. I'm always looking for new friends, especially veg ones. Anyone should fee free to add me.
  • michelewobbe
    michelewobbe Posts: 9 Member
    I am a new vegetarian. I still eat eggs (rarely), cheese and other milk products. I occasionally eat salmon or shrimp at this time but hoping to end that soon as well. My current problem is that I am new at this and not entirely sure what to eat/cook. I have found a lot of recipes in Gwyneth Paltrow's new cookbook very helpful! I too am disgusted with the poor menu choices out there for those of us veggies that would enjoy going out to eat once in a while. I live in a small town and this makes it even more difficult! Looking forward to getting to know other vegetarians out there as well. Any good and healthy recipes would be welcome! (I am also working on the paleo diet!) :wink:
  • carolynh7
    carolynh7 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi feel free to add me I love new friends.

    I've been vegetarian since I was 14 - my parents frowned on it and didn't think it would stick but here I am at 38 and still a Vegi.
    At times I have gone vegan, but I love eggs and cheese too much to cut them out completely.
    I do have a tendency to eat too much cheese and carbs so I am trying to watch my intake of those.

    I don't miss meat or fish but sometimes find it difficult to remember a time before quorn

    I do agree that eating out can be really restrictive if you don't go to a dedicated vegi restaurant - I remember a visit to a mitchelin star restaurant only 5 years ago and having to get them to make me a omelette as there was no vegi option. which I found pretty embarrassing at the time and insulting when I got the bill :noway:
  • theblueladybird
    theblueladybird Posts: 12 Member
    Vegan here and need new friends :-)
  • cliente
    cliente Posts: 40
    add me if you want :)
    I'm 19 and I am vegetarian for 4 years and half :)
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
    I've been vegan for 7-8 years and a vegetarian before that. Anyone can add me :)
  • sweetstarlet
    I'm a pescatarian =) (I eat seafood, dairy, & eggs.)
  • stefi2107
    stefi2107 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm a vegetarian who doesn't eat eggs or dairy. Anyone is more than welcome to add me :)
  • LovelyVeggies

    I just started, or restarted actually. I'm a long-time vegetarian. I try to be vegan too, but slip on that sometimes. I'm really interested in vegan cooking and nutrition.
  • storknursekelly
    storknursekelly Posts: 94 Member
    Hi, Feel free to add me & view my diary. I am a vegan & eat at least 40 grams fiber daily. I do supplement with Vitamin B-12. I feel so much better eating plant based & do it morally as well as for the health benefits. I was becoming insulin resistant & my fasting blood sugars were starting to rise so I did my research. Being a nurse I knew our Standard American Diet (SAD) wasn't helping anyone.
    I eat plant based because all the newest research has found diabetes as well as insulin resistance is an epidemic and it can actually be reversed by eating plant based. Dr. Neil Barnard from the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine recently did a lecture for the American Diabetic Association & they have seen such amazing results of A1C levels & FBS levels fall quickly & remain down eating plant based. As well as the biggest and best news ever is most of their clients are now getting off their medications even insulin. This is for Type 2, but Type 1 are also lowering their insulin needs with this new way of eating. It really isn't new it's just now being brought into the drs offices after the research has been concluded over the years. If you are interested in his information, recipes, go to www.pcrm.org. Being a Registered Nurse I was always taught eat a well-balanced diet, took nutrition classes but like all things after years of research things change. Best wishes to everyone in their journey. Kelly
  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    I am a 61 year old vegan - three years in. Was a vegetarian for about seven. I am currently following the 5:2 fast diet by Dr. Michael Mosley. The only actual supplements I am taking right now is Aloe Vera juice. My blood pressure is considered amazing by my doctor and any nurse who happens to take it. I don't think this has anything to do with either my current diet or supplement because it has always been pretty good. Likewise for cholesterol. My arthritis seems to be more under control with what I am following now so that's a bonus. It's nice to meet you. Friend me if you would like to.
  • optimisticShark
    optimisticShark Posts: 136 Member
    I am here. A vegetarian since birth.

    Feel free to add me. Even I am looking for more friends.
  • jem302
    jem302 Posts: 301 Member
    Vegetarian since I was 8!
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    I'll send a request. I was vegetarian for over ten years, and have started adding in some fish for more protein but still eat mostly vegetarian