Lose 5 pounds a month AUGUST 2010 CHALLENGE



  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Down 1 lb so far this month. Was hoping for a 2 but my sodium has been high all week, so I'll be happy with a 1 for now :laugh:

    Hope everyone is still rockin! :flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good day everyone!

    Back home after a quick over-night trip to my parents to drop the kids off for a week with grandpa and grandma. We ate at chipolte on the way home. I am very confused I have found differing numbers on different websites as to how many calories were in the chicken burrito I ate. How does one know which website is more accurate? Even here there are several entries for chipolte chicken burrito with several different calorie amounts.

    When I got home I got on the treadmill and burned 731 calories and ran over 6 miles. Running is interesting for me because I feel like I could keep going but my legs get sore and I have to walk or stop and stretch. Hopefully that goes away as I run more and more.

    I will feel it tomorrow. I am sipping gatorade and cooling off and then heading to the shower.

    What to do tonight without the kids? Not going out to eat I am still full from lunch! I wonder what it is like to watch a baseball game without hearing "mom" "mom" several times. Maybe I will find out tonight.

    Quote of the day

    "If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner."
    Henry Sambrooke Leigh
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good day everyone!

    What to do tonight without the kids?

    RECONNECT! romance, cuddle, run around the house naked!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good evening everyone....went over on the 2hr. of cleaning....as many of us probably do....got my 3rd hr walk in.....hope I will be able to get the last one in tomorrow....don't know though-- and only ate 2 fruits today, but I need a snack so we shall see.....hope everyone enjoyed their SAT....will look forward tomorrow to hearing what next weeks challange will be....thanks again to BMK for letting us in on it........:flowerforyou:
  • I'm in! Gotta get going on this if I'm going to meet my goal for December!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope everyone enjoyed this weeks BMK challenge! Sunday is the last day to finish your 4 hours of walking, 2 hours of cleaning, and eating fruits with each meal/snack. Tomorrow should be a busy day for me. I have some yard work to do, as usual. I need to get my last hour walk in for the BMK. I also want to add in another day of fruits tomorrow. I need to do lot of cleaning too! I only did 15 min so far all week since I wasn't home at all! :ohwell: I also want to get back on my C25K since I haven't done it since Monday! :angry: I'm also hoping to get a bike ride in if I have time.

    Busy Busy Busy Sunday!

    Monday starts new BMK challenge...its Bru's week to pick it! I can't wait to hear what she has in store for us! :bigsmile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning all, can't wait to see what the BMK challange is either Kelly....completed all of this last one except for the last 1hr walk, and I hope to get it in today......for fruit today, going to have apple, peaches, and grapes......and will be adding to cleaning for the last time today (don;t like to normally include cleaning unless it would be something very vigorous --like hauling tons of dirt, HA!! Kelly).....talk to you all later!!
  • cedes123
    cedes123 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in I weighed in today!!
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    Weighed this morning and didn't like what I saw at all! Up by 1lb? How is that even possible? :grumble: Anyway, I'm just working harder next week to make this goal! Went to my spin class this morning and the instructor had called in sick so one of the PTs took it. :devil: Hardest. class. ever! He didn't get on his bike once and kept going round the class turning up the resistance if he thought someone wasn't working hard enough:mad: It was good fun though and I could feel it making a difference.:laugh:
    I re-adjusted my goals, from 1400 to 1200 cals per day. I've felt like I was losing at a really slow pace, usually less than 1lb per week if anything. I'm gonna give it a go for a week and see the results and if its good I'll keep it, if not I'll review. I've been considering zig-zagging. Anyone here do that?
  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    I am so in for this month too! I absolutely love this thread!

    Starting Weight for August: 275.8
    (Current: 274.0)

    Goal for the Month of August: 270.8
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Was downstairs doing my exercise (in between doing laundry) and my daughter was with me ("zezercising" as she calls it) and she asked me for a drink and I told here in a couple minutes....I only had one set of reps to go--about 10 minutes....she kept asking and asking like kids do...then she said...."you can just stay down here and zezercise all day!!!!!!" how cute.......though I would share.....
  • fmax46
    fmax46 Posts: 20
    08/01- 215.8
    08/06- 210.6

    Already down 5 lbs but sure part of this was because it's my first week. Start of the week I really had to concentrate on making sure I ate enough calories as my habit, before this, was eating not a lot, especially on weekends, but not good choices. By end of the week i was managing to eat my alloted calories.

    Didn't do so well on the challengs although I did walk more than normally and included more fruit than I normally would.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member

    Aug 1 - 153.5
    Aug 8 - 151.5

    Very happy to report I have lost 2 pounds this week. I have been having fun! Rode my bicycle to work 3 days (90km this week) and ate a lot of FRUITS and VEGGIES!! Also did core strength training 5 times.

    Have a wonderful week everyone.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • LTLB
    LTLB Posts: 9
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone its weigh in day

    8/1 169.6
    8/8 169.8

    UP .2 today so not good. Havent been eating well and missed both days of zumba last week so hopefully this week will be much better. I have already been out for a 30-40 minute walk today and plan to walk again tonight before hubby heads to work.
    I don't know what TOM stands for but im pretty sure i know what it means. I have something called pcos and i have really irregulare pms times which i am going to blame for last month and this weeks bad weight loss. My visitor has decided to make a permanant stay i guess it has not stopped at all since june 1st so that im losing weight is a miracle concidering the sweets i cant resist like ever! Im not concerned tho its normal for this to last a month straight and then i wont see it again for months and months and months at a time .. a year apart twice. Im not anemic which sometimes i feel like passing out but not this time even tho its been 2 and a half months.

    but anyway So im going to return to zumba and im going to go walking as much as humanly possible and hopefully still lose 5 lbs this month

    here is to a better week:drinker:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm glad to see everyone is so focused. I hope we still have this energy toward the end of the month when its the final push! Congrats to everyone's weight loss so far. I can't wait to find out what the new challenge of the week is. I'd like to participate in it this time.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hope the weekend was great to you all.Mine was awesome as I was able to meet Pauly Shore :blushing: and got autographs and a pic with him!! Sweet!! Went antiquing and walked a lot in general this weekend. I walked 17miles for the whole week not including my almost 4.5 this morning! :drinker: Anyway..here's the new challenge starting tomorrow:

    So this week we're gonna dance our arses off! :laugh: Well, try to! Let's dance for at least 1.5hrs this week. It could be zumba, video games, looking up specific dances online, or just turning up the radio and getting down. Also, let's break out the old school gym class moves for 30min a day for 3 days. :glasses: You can choose your own routine for a fun mix and match style, ie sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks, aerobic videos, etc Make it yours! This weeks food challenge, how about trying a new style of food at least once this week. :huh: Never tried Thai or Greek before? Search for some recipes and make it yourself for two reasons one you save some money instead of going out to eat, two, you control the ingredients which means less salt, etc. Of course, if you are able to go to a restaurant and try a new food, more power to ya, don't forget to drink your water!! So, I'm in are you?

    Have a great week all and let's drop those 5lbs ea this month and maybe more!! :drinker:
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    May I join???? This is my 2nd real great attempt at this. I do have my weigh in from last week.

    8/3/10 - 267
    8/8/10 - 266

    I LOVE DANCING.......So I am in on the new challenge. I really like the idea of this group....1 month at a time....5 pounds at a time, this feels much more do-able then the 100 lbs I really have to lose...

    I am in the process of clearing the 2nd bedroom out for a workout room/guest room and my hubby surprised me by bringing home some info on gym memberships. I am excited....gonna get back in that room so I can start dancing tomorrow!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    got my 4th and final walk in tonight...and heading for a snack of something plus peaches....

    I am excited for next weeks challange....going to look for a new recipe...and since the ne YMCA opens tomorrow...will sign myself up for some classes......

    good night everyone....
  • Hello Everyone!!

    Friday 8/6 i had a protein day to recover from my beer/popcorn binge on Wednesday night. It worked. I was back down to 161.2 - within 2 lbs of my last HCG dose weight of 159.2.

    But yesterday we had a birthday party for my sis, sis in law, two nieces, 5yr old daughter and my twin babies turned 1 on 8/5!!

    Things I shouldn't have eaten: tuna salad with pasta, fruit pizza (on cookie dough), cake, ice cream, cheezy poofs, a few chips, hmmm anything else???

    So this morning - back up to 164. So another protein correction day today. My totals (if you check my diary), 18g carbs, 160g protein, 40g fats. Should be back down to 161 by morning (hopefully better).

    My running is going GREAT!! I got out Saturday morning before everyone got up and was deciding if I was gonna go 3 or 4 miles. The sun was just burning off the morning mist and there wasn't a car or human in sight . . . I felt great and did the 4 and had a decent time to boot! It was an encouraging run to get me to really start training for my half marathon in September.

    Thank you all for your stories of struggle and success!

    Have a great week everyone!!!
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