
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: We’re doing a cleanse day today which is perfect after two days of eating food prepared by others. Slept a bit late, walked the dogs, did the laundry, organized my binder of line dance step sheets, walked the dogs again, watched TV with Jake, walked the dogs again, watched more TV with Jake, maybe I’ll walk the dogs again, and we’ll go to bed really early so tomorrow’s breakfast will come faster…….24,000 steps today (more, if the dogs talk me into walking them again).

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just checking in.

    Tigress, Peachstategal is also in GA. Maybe we should plan a get together!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Jane - so glad you had such a great time at the party. Don't you just wish you could somehow bottle up all the energy that kids have?

    barbie and all those in Washington - I couldn't believe that truck hitting that bridge! How horrible to see those cars falling into the river in your rearview mirror

    Gail - I, too, love to go shopping with someone who is totally honest. Unfortunately, I really don't have anyone like that. My kids are honest, but they also always want me to get very "youngish" things.

    Heather - I just love reading all about Cornwall. You MUST post pics. You know, I normally do my pushups from my knees also. I'm always afraid that I'll use improper form if I do a lot of them on my feet. I can usually do one or two on my feet, but then I go to my knees.

    Well, didn't do any "formal" exercise today, but the paper says "mostly cloudy" so we'll be able to work on the rocks some more. It's funny, yesterday's paper was calling for it to be sunny, so I finished the rocks early, took a shower, and got ready for church. Had I known that the weather was going to change, I would have continued to work yesterday. But in a way, maybe it was a blessing in disguise, while I was at church Vince cut the grass.

    Actually, it turned out to be a very nice day. It started out cloudy, but the sun came out and it was really really nice.

    moxie - glad you had a great trip

    Vince said that he wants to go out to start working on the rocks tomorrow around 9:30 so I'll take a DVD to the Y and use their pump euqipment.

    M - boy, you sound busy! Have fun in all you're doing

    grandmallie - you said it. Knowing the petty stuff isn't worth our time, how right you are!

    Meg - take care of yourself.

    It doesn't feel like we made much headway on the rocks today, but I know that we did. The good news is that mount rock is FINALLY going down. The bad news is that that means we need to order more rock. The good news is that we won't have to get as much as we did this time. We also need to order more landscape fabric

    My cousin sent me some letters that my father had written to her mother (his sister). It's really interesting to see how they WANTED to serve (not be drafted). I never knew that my aunt was considering joining the service. My father didn't want her in harm's way, he was very adamant about that. I just never thought of him in that way. How concerned he was that someone should be home with his parents, how she's doing a great service by just writing letters. He sounded so lonely! That was some generation. His description of Italy makes me really want to go there

    You know, I had a dumpcart full of rocks and the front wheels something happened to them, so I called Vince. As it turns out, I just got them into a rut. I was hoping that I didn't ruin it like yesterday. Anyway, Vince pulled the cart to the pool area and then was saying how worn out he was. I did that an awful lot. Guess we work well in that he is the "thinker" (like he measures how long the landscape fabric has to be, what's the best way to dump the rocks), I seem to work the best just doing the work.

    Michele in NC
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hope all my American MFP pals had a great Memorial Day (and of course thoughtful).
    Finished off the weekend by mowing the lawn and weedeating this morning, then off to May Days to serve ice cream for a few hours (I just took the money mostly). Finished off the day by getting the rest of the vegetables planted and the fencing up (to keep Evie from digging up and eating the seeds believe it or not) then put up the climbing netting. I'm beat, going to veg in front of the TV for awhile then off to bed early.

    Congrats to all those winning the battes and get well quick to those ailing and talk to you all during the week. (After I catch up on the posts).
    Lila in the pretty nice Kootenays, a bit breezy but still nice.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
    DD is leaving in the morning but I have really enjoyed my week with her here and we got lots done. I even managed to lose the weight I gained last weekend on the trip to Rapid City. She is on long term steroids and has consequently gained some weight. She belongs to a group called " Help I can't get on my horse, I need to lose weight" All of the members are horse people trying to lose weight so we traded advice and recipes. It has been a lot of fun and we are good support for each other. The bridge collapse in Washington was not far from where she boards her horses.

    A big thank you to all of our veterans and service members.

    Wishing everyone well and a happy holiday weekend. Sue in SD
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all, :bigsmile: :drinker: happy dance, happy dance, I lost 5 lbs. yippie!!! The first week I lost 2 lbs and I was happy with it, but 5 lbs in the second week makes me very happy. Now I can go to 1 or 2 lbs a week, and I'll be happy with that. I work at good blood sugars more than weight, and those have been pretty good. Ok now for a cup of tea, and a good choices breakfast, the to the garden.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Michele:smile: It did turn out to be a wonderful Sunday, I spent most of my time outdoors yesterday and loved every minute! How nice you got those letters:love: !!! You need to go shopping with me...I`m honest...I would tell you if something didn`t look right, or if you look fantastic in it! Once I was in Belk and walking by the shoes, a girl was looking for shoes to go with her prom dress and I made a comment about the pair she picked, she then asked me if I would help her pick the perfect shoe, I had a blast helping her, took me back to days I helped my daughter for her prom!

    Lila:smile: Sounds like you had a busy day! So Evie likes to eat seeds:laugh: , better than the goose poo Noel wants to sample:sick: ! Hope you had a restful night!

    Sue in SD:smile: Congrats for getting rid of what you gained:flowerforyou: !!!

    Tigress:smile: Yippee!!!! Congrats on getting rid of 5 pounds:flowerforyou: !!! Fantastic news!!!!

    Meg:smile: I hope things settle down for you and you`ll start enjoying your summer off!!! Hope dad is doing okay:flowerforyou: !

    I have had a wonderful weekend, good food and great friends:bigsmile: , however I`m ready to get back to a normal routine:tongue: ! I`m meeting a friend for coffee later, then I hope to get in the closet and do a little work in there, I don`t have a lot of time if I want to finish by the end of this month:noway: !

    A big thank you to our Vets and military men and women:love::heart: !!!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    DeeDee in gorgeous sunny NC:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    morning and Happy Memorial day(to our US contingent's)
    been up for a few hrs, and have the blueberry french toast in the oven.. and laundry in the dryer. going to bring some up to my dad, then go over and look for a new pair of sneaker's have a coupon and because of my heel I wear them constantly..So a new pair is in order. then we will be taking a ride to the shore,should only be in mid 60's but sunny out. I will take it and the wind has died down.. that was yucky yesterday...
    Hope everyone is enjoying the day and remembering why we have the day off. God Bless our troops both now and the ones that have gone before them:heart:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Funny, I remembered something: my mother never called today anything but "Decoration Day" or simply : "the 30th of May"--like that was the name of the holiday .........anyone else remember that term? Don't know if it was a regional thing or what. If it was 50 yrs. ago (??!!!!), I'd be in my brownie or girl scout uni. w/ a white sweater (cold mornings there in Pa. this time of year) getting lined up to march in the local prade about this time. Chances are, I would be shivering anyway, as I remember. After the prade, we would go home and get the vases of flowers my mother had picked and aranged the afternoon before and take them to the cemetary to place on the graves of family members. I remember all the bright little flags on some of the graves; we didn't have any deceased military members at that time, our flowers were strictly for family..........irises and peonies from our yard, that's all that would have a chance of being in bloom. In the week prior, she would be checking and worried that enough wouldn't be open to pick. Lunch was always a picnic type meal............cold baked ham, macaroni salad (my mother's speciality--I still make it, same recipe),potato salad from my aunt (her specialty---the goood German stuff w/a warm bacon dressing), chips (Wise, of course,buying local, even then) and usually baked beans. Probably a few other dishes, but those were the standards for summer holidays; Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day.

    Ah.........sweet memories on a beautiful morning,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Connie: Cigarettes and kids playing with matches do a lot of damage in this world.:cry:

    Joyce: Congratulations on the 201 victory!:bigsmile:

    Tigress: I’ve made a couple of necklaces for myself in the past few years. What fun! :bigsmile: I have some fresh water pearls and coral waiting to be used. My two favorites successes are a Santa necklace I made for the holidays with Santa’s face painted onto an oyster shell combined with red and white beads. I bought the oyster Santa face as part of a Christmas ornament and decided to use it to decorate me instead of the tree.:laugh: I also made one I love with rose quartz, malachite and silver. As with Santa, I bought the dangle already made. With the Fourth of July coming up, I’d be tempted to make some red, white and blue necklaces if I were you. I’d also suggest heading to the mall to see what colors the stores are showing for spring/summer clothes.

    Michele: I hope you’ll post landscape pictures when you finish. I want to see the results of your hard work.

    Sue in SD: “Help, I Can’t Get on my Horse” sounds like a fun group. I’m thinking it is time to find a place to ride close to home. I’ll have to take lessons or find a rental place. I love horses and always have, but haven’t ever had the right circumstances to own one.

    Yanniejannie: My mom always called this Decoration Day, too. She and her sisters used to go out and decorate together. Then, one by one, they were all gone. Now I take flowers to my dad and mom several times a year, but the other family members are not getting their flowers. My tiny flower border does not produce enough, and I don’t have the budget for buying that many flowers. Dad served in the south pacific during WWII, but the whole family got flowers on Memorial Day, not exclusively those who’d served in the military. The next time we go, I am going to take a flower to my Auntie Mimi. She always said she wanted one blossom down into the bottom of the hole so she could smell it. She was a real character.:heart:

    I’m having a personal pity party this morning. I talked to my daughter last night, and she and her husband are considering moving to IL to be near his family. He has three brothers, and many cousins there along with parents. Meanwhile, we are here by ourselves, thus the selfish self pity. :blushing: DS lives in Washington, about 2 hours away and it is easy enough to visit when he’s not deployed, thankfully. My daughter has a great job in CO, and has had several promotions. I think she has a bright future there. Her husband has quit three jobs since they’ve been married. Their third anniversary will be in October. I don’t think he’s dependable, from a financial standpoint. He does love my daughter and granddaughter; I don’t doubt that. I need to find a way to control my emotions and give my daughter appropriate support. Advice welcome!

    BTW, I have a new scale victory to report this morning. I'm sure the weight will bounce back up and down a couple of times, but this one is a landmark. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning All..:smile:
    Some of you have a holiday today...we had ours last Monday. Hope it was a fun long weekend.

    Kathy fr Illinois; Barbie; Jodios; YannieJannie; and anyone else I may have missed...I want to thank you for the support and prayers..it is a great comfort to me...God Bless you all!! :heart:

    Tir5859; Welcome......I am sure you will take off the lbs..you sound very determined. I also have health issues that make exercising very hard..I usually have to wait days in between to exercise and it is a very gentle workout. Maybe the chair exercises would be more gentle for you.:smile:

    Sue in SD; Glad you had a lovely day with your DD :smile:

    Yard Tigress; Congrats on losing 5lbs....That is a great acomblishment..I pray I can do as well in the future:smile:

    DeeDee; Glad you had a wonderful weekend with your friends...now don’t you get lost in that closet..it sounds huge:noway:

    GrandMallie; Looking for new sneakers is very frustrating for me..I have a high arch and wide foot..I hope you find a pair that is heavenly to wear:smile:

    Yanniejannie; Thank you for sharing that wonderful memory :smile:

    My weekends are usually quiet, my DD needed the car today to take the boys out to a few places, ...she doesn’t have a car..but can use ours whenever.....I just have certain days (mornings usually) that I go see my sister and then times when we take her to the dr or treatments. ....:My DH was helping our son get ready for moving to another apartment building yesterday and will go today..:tongue: ..my health isn’t good enough to go do any heavy stuff but I can pack his clothes.....his friend is moving in with him..cuts the cost of the rent and utilities...my hubby will help her too, they move tomorrow.
    Our daughter moves in a few wks,... she needs a 3 bdrm... the boys are getting too old to share a room....it will be more costly as she is a single mom with not a great amount of money, she took a 2nd job in the evenings so she can be with the boys day times....we help all we can but she is very independent.
    My sister called yesterday she said she just had to hear my voice, I had no way to get there..but she was going to bed so we talked some...it hurts so much to know she is hurting ...I wish I could be in 2 places at once, one could stay with her and the other to carry on at home..

    God’s Blessings to you all and enjoy today :flowerforyou:

    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Today is my biethday and I am going to have fresh wild halibut for dinner. It was my splurge at the grocery store. I am marinating it in cilantro garlic lime and olive oil. serving it with a cilantro butter and fresh spinach tonight. I am looking forward to it. it is cloudy and rainy today but that is okay because I am with my husband and feeling very loved. Bodi and Ritter are giving me lots of birthday loves too.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Today is my biethday and I am going to have fresh wild halibut for dinner. It was my splurge at the grocery store. I am marinating it in cilantro garlic lime and olive oil. serving it with a cilantro butter and fresh spinach tonight. I am looking forward to it. it is cloudy and rainy today but that is okay because I am with my husband and feeling very loved. Bodi and Ritter are giving me lots of birthday loves too.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.

    Happy birthday! Your dinner sounds yummy, and nothing is better than spending your birthday with those you love.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy birthday robin,dinner sounds yummy.
    Today I`m grateful for all the men and women who have risked their lives to keep our country safe.
    Thanks,Dad,bob,chad and many more.
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm back! Finally. I was sick, sick, sick. Doctor actually ended up giving me morphine because I couldn't stop coughing. UGH! OK, hubby left again today and will be back home on Saturday. I told him I would be extremely lazy and just concentrate on getting well before our cruise. I'm running out of time! I have NOT stuck to the diet ... eating lots of things to sooth my throat instead of worrying about healthy choices.

  • NewLuna
    NewLuna Posts: 23 Member
    I still have a land line which is my main phone. But I have found that the new cell phone is fun. There are several games I play all the time, plus my Pandora anytime I want it..

    Well I don't know whether to trust my scales or not but I got up today weighing 201!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile: Happy dance. We'll have to see tomorrow. But I havn't seen that number for a long, long time


    We still have a land line also. And I love my Pandora. I tend to use my cell phone for much more then the actual phone. Browsing, Pandora, address book, calendar, appts, calculator, grocery list. List goes on, even keep an eye on the grandgirls with their instagram. Have to chuckle, I hardly use it as a phone.

    Congrats on the weight. So nice to read about everyones accomplishments. How often do you weigh?
  • NewLuna
    NewLuna Posts: 23 Member
    Today is my biethday and I am going to have fresh wild halibut for dinner. I am with my husband and feeling very loved. Bodi and Ritter are giving me lots of birthday loves too.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.

    Happy Birthday to you!
    I'm just getting around on the website but your photo caught my eye. So who is in the pic? Bodi? or Ritter?
    We have a Golden Retriever that is 5, she is very, very special to us. Didn't think I could love a pet so much. Her name is Jazz (Jasmine). Opened my eyes I should place a more personal photo on my site, at the time I just wasn't sure what to put, so chose a standard windows pic.

    Hope your birthday halibut dinner is delicious tonight.
  • SmilinSue12
    SmilinSue12 Posts: 71 Member
    Bump to find again. Sue in SD

    Thanks for bumping. I was looking all over for this thread! Hi all!!!!! Hope you're having a wonderful Memorial Day with your families! <3<3
  • SmilinSue12
    SmilinSue12 Posts: 71 Member
    Today is my biethday and I am going to have fresh wild halibut for dinner. I am with my husband and feeling very loved. Bodi and Ritter are giving me lots of birthday loves too.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.

    Hapy Birthday! Hope you have a great day with your family! And wish you many many many more to come!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Robin- Happy Birthday!!!!!! glad your having something wonderful for dinner...
    We went down to the shore, but could really get in any walking. I did break down and had a child size cheeseburger and small fries and a diet soda, dont usually have any of that. but still under my limit....It is lovely out and I am thinking of taking the dogs down to the park and get a little exercise...
    Hope everyone is enjoying the day, and yes found some sneakers and with coupons was only 21.00 so I have them on and put the orthodics in and off we go:wink: