August Biking Challenge!!!



  • twojurfin
    twojurfin Posts: 75 Member
    Back on the bike today! Did 10 miles! Can't wait for the next ride!
  • Back on the bike today! Did 10 miles! Can't wait for the next ride!

    Way to go!!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well I haven't had a chance to do any biking yet this month, but I did have an extra 15 minutes this afternoon, so I jumped on the bike & went just 2.6 miles. :ohwell: However at least I finally got started! I'm hoping to get another ride in tomorrow!
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    I do at least 2 miles a day anyway so I guess I'm in, my goal will be to do 70 miles!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Went riding tonight. 8.4 miles, half dirt, half pavement. Brings the total to 27.3 for the month.

    As I was suiting up I thought of something. Cycling is supposed to have an element of freedom to it. But I was getting ready to ride to night I put on: HRM, Camelback, helmet, and gloves...all for a 40 minute bike ride.

    So, it begs the question. Do you guys just get on and ride? Or do you gear up like I do?

    Depends on the mileage. If its only 40 minutes, there's no need for a camelback. I'd say just one water
    bottle should be all you need. When I ride anything over 2 hours, I always bring one water bottle and
    another bottle with Gatorade.


    HRM...that's always with me since I also use it as my main watch now. Of course, there are
    time when I actually forget to turn it on :) I don't let it bother me though, cause its not like I'm
    not burning anything if I do forget :)

    Gloves...again, depends on the mileage. Anything less than hour, I don't see a need. Anything
    over and I'll wear them.


    I ditched the water bottle when it kept bouncing out of the holder, so I just go with CB for any ride I might want a drink. Not only that I have my tools, spares tubes, and pump loaded in there so it's always ready to go.

    I don't know if I'm holding my hands wrong, but I tried a bunch of different positions, but my left hand always falls alseep after ten minutes w/o gloves. So gloves it is.

    No riding this weekend. I'm at a family reunion. We'll see next week.
  • maridm06
    maridm06 Posts: 12 Member
    I always have my helmet, gloves and camelbak. Helmet because i love my head, gloves because i love my hands, and camelbak because i don't have a water bottle holder on my bike so its just easier plus it holds my ipod :)
  • maridm06
    maridm06 Posts: 12 Member
    Took a three mile ride today with my brothers. Had to cut it short due to the heat but at least i got the three miles in. Brings my total to 11.20 for the month!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    100 miles for the week (Monday-Sunday). That is my goal for each week, BUT that depends on the weather and other commitments.

    Great job everyone!
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    I am going to try this just by starting to ride to work again. I have not done that ride since June and it is only 8km. Maybe tonite.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Numb hands -> Try Ergon grips. Worth every cent

    +7 that biking is GREAT for overall fitness, but that means some heavy breathing and working the pedals. Don't underestimate the workout for shoulders and arms too, especially on long rides.

    FWIW… I do have a Garmin Edge 605 bike GPS and it is wonderful for tracking workouts and where to go. It is some $$, but use it far more than I expected. Came in handy on a night ride last week when we almost missed a turn deep in the country.

    Keep the rubber side down!
  • twojurfin
    twojurfin Posts: 75 Member
    Went out of town for the long weekend but went out again tonight for 12 miles. Nice ride! That brings my total to just 22 miles for the month.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Rode 15 miles yesterday for a total of 115 for the month (started 8/2). Feeling good , but the hills and afternoon heat sap the energy a bit.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I am hoping to hear from my doc today and thin get on my bike and ride ride ride. It is going to be very hot today but no wind so with lots of fluid I should be fine.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I was finally able to fit in another bike ride tonight!

    8-08-10 2.60 miles
    8-11-10 7.04 miles
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    15 miles yesterday

    130 for the month

    Keep riding!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    8-08-10 2.60 miles
    8-11-10 7.04 miles
    8-12-10 1.57 miles Its WAY too hot out, so I came back & now just gonna workout in the a/c! Please go away humidity!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    It rained here yesterday, so no biking. I did some rowing and eliptical at the gym, though. Every little bit counts!
  • twojurfin
    twojurfin Posts: 75 Member
    Just found out that I am pregnant!!! Not hitting the pavement as hard as before but still managed to get it in 8 miles. Total for the month= 30 miles. I can still bike for a while just not as hard and long so I am going to keep checking in and logging my miles. Thanks for everyone else logging in- it keeps me motivated to stay healthy!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    First ride in 6 weeks. Got in 12.5 miles. It was over 90 degrees out and we had a head wind all the way back, plus I forgot my fluids so had to share hubbies but it was great. I missed my bike big time. We are riding the next 3 days but the I start back to working nights. I love riding.
  • fudJy23
    fudJy23 Posts: 87 Member
    I've been doing some casual biking with my teenage kids. You're challenge makes me want to start keeping a record to see just how many miles I'm covering. I should be able to find an Android phone app to help. Thanks for the challenge.

    Check out Endomondo. I'm on a Blackberry but my two bosses are on Android phones and they were the ones who told me about it. The app is free is runs off of the GPS on your phone so it tracks your location by GPS and uploads it to their website. When you're done, you can go check out how far you've gone, look at your route on google maps, see how fast you were going when, and otherwise track your workouts!

    Having said that, yay, I found a thread on cycling! Count me in as another who has converted to the bike from running. The running soothes my inner masochist but I LOVE MY BIKE(s). I have the road bike that I take out on the weekends for "me" time. I have a hybrid that I'll ride around town and attempt to commute to work with.

    Goals? Long ride on the weekends. I just did a 30 mile ride today. I'm also trying to bike to work (6 miles, with hills, each way) at least one day a week but the weather hasn't been cooperating since it keeps raining.
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