How Do You Drink Your Coffee?



  • lisahewitt22
    lisahewitt22 Posts: 102
    I've just started drinking green tea (which I have plain) but when I did have coffee I would put a teaspoon of sugar with some skim milk.
  • Meecro128
    Meecro128 Posts: 20
    With demerara sugar, a pinch of cinnamon and a drop of vanilla extract. No milk normally.
  • redrumxtina
    redrumxtina Posts: 10 Member
    I drink mine decaf with splenda and liquid creamer= not fattening at all.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    I've just started drinking green tea (which I have plain) but when I did have coffee I would put a teaspoon of sugar with some skim milk.

    I like green tea, too. I just *prefer* coffee in the morning. Green tea is lovely for all-day hydration though! Go you!
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    With demerara sugar, a pinch of cinnamon and a drop of vanilla extract. No milk normally.

    ....What is Demerara??
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I add one tablespoon of honey, and one tablespoon of ground cocoa. No sugar added. Just ground cocoa.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I'm looking for ways to drink my coffee without breaking the caloric bank. (I mean, I want most of my calories going into my food, not my coffee, y'know?) Trying to avoid buying coffee creamer because of the insane amount of ingredients in it. I never think 2 tablespoons are enough either. I'd rather avoid cane sugar/fake sugar as well.

    This morning, someone here turned me on to pumpkin pie spice-ing (allspice, cinnamon, ginger and clove) with some agave syrup. That brings the grand total to 60 whole calories for my cup. Not counting alittle of my half cup skim milk to it as well for that extra creaminess. It was actually pretty tasty!

    So...what creative ways do you drink YOUR coffee? And don't say black. I'm sorry, but I like flavor in my coffee!!

    Er.... Buy better coffee and learn how to brew it, and I guarantee you it will have flavor. I drink mine black.

    Perhaps I should have just posted this.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm a caffeine addict and insist on drinking 1-2 cups of coffee daily lol! I've been able to get my cup of coffee down to as little as about 45 calories for a large mug. The only thing I've found that helps reduce the calories of a cup of coffee is to get yourself used to putting VERY LITTLE in your coffee. I use real sugar (I use brown), but I'll limit my sugar to 1-2 teaspoons tops per mug. I usually use either 2 tablespoons of half and half milk creamer or 1/4 cup real milk (usually skim, but sometimes 2% or whole). Sometimes I use flavored creamers too and those are fun hehe! Honestly though, the best way is to get yourself used to using only a tiny bit of sugar and creamer.

    OP, if you like the taste of agave, then stick with that but just try to wean yourself down to only a little bit. With your actual brewed coffee, to make it taste better, I'd recommend making it with a french press or any other method that keeps a lot of the beans' natural flavor in the coffee. French-pressed is the only way I've tried where I can enjoy my coffee black. As far as flavors go, you could try flavored coffee (which wil be about the same calories as regular coffee I believe) or you could try flavored sweetener syrups, like the syrups they have at Starbucks. I worked as a Starbucks barista throughout college and I can tell you that most of their syrups are only about 20 calories for one pump, which is equivalent to about 2 tablespoons I believe. And you may also want to try heating up or steaming a little bit of real milk into your coffee to make it a cafe misto, it'll make it taste more like a latte for only like 20-30 calories if you use skim milk or almond milk or something low-calorie like that. :smile:

    Also, I second adding a tablespoon (or 1/2 tablespoon) of ground cocoa to your coffee! I treat myself to that sometimes! YUM!!!
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I use hazlenut milk and cinnamon. works around 45 cals per large cup. My husband hates it this way, but I love the nuttiness and the health benefits of nut milks are legendary!
    If you really want a treat, a small squirt of aerosol low fat cream on top (27 cals) does it for me!
  • ficklesoul
    ficklesoul Posts: 54 Member
    Most days I have mine black without sugar. Black coffee are the best!

    Occasionally when I want something sweet, I would add some milk(skim or soy milk) and then throw in some sugar free(usually in hazelnut or french vanilla) flavoured syrup and some ice. If I have some home made coffee jelly, I'll throw in a bit of that too. Whenever I'm craving for mocha "frap" I just add some coffee into my protein smoothie. mMMMm coffeeee.
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I usually drink mine black, but I let myself have a little something extra on the weekends. I love the So Delicious Coconut Creamer. Only 10 cals for 2 tablespoons, and if you are watching your carbs, there is only 1g per serving. I really like it with the moca coconut donut shop coffe in the k cups.
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    Just milk, or coconut milk. I've come to dislike sweetness in my coffee, so no sugar. I put some vanilla and cinnamon in the grinds when I brew it.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Black. I might occasionally but a little bit of cinnamon or vanilla extract in the grounds before brewing.

    I drink good coffee. I'd hate to ruin it by putting anything in it.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I prefer to drink my coffee with skim milk and no sweetener of any kind. But if I have a couple of cups or a Venti at Starbucks that's close to 200 calories. I also do Intermittent Fasting from time to time, and although one can have a small amount of dairy in one's coffee, it's better to drink it plain. But I can't stand black coffee. Until now. I recently started making it with the cold brew method, which removes the bitterness. It takes a little advance preparation, but it's not hard.

    I don't love it as much as my coffee with skim, but I'm willing to drink it when I need to cut down on calories. I'd rather spend the 200 somewhere else.

    Here's a recipe I've been using. I usually don't add the salt and if I drink it hot, I dilute the concentrate with water and microwave it.
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    Great topic.

    Currently I drink 4 cups of filter coffee every morning with some (145ml) Alpro chocolate soya milk, shake the milk carton it like a polaroid picture before pouring in my travel mug to get a nice frothy foam on top and in my head it tastes like a good mocha with a third of the calories.

    The soya milk has enough sugar in it so don't need to add anything else. I've also tried Alpro almond milk for a change it is quite nice.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I'm looking for ways to drink my coffee without breaking the caloric bank. (I mean, I want most of my calories going into my food, not my coffee, y'know?) Trying to avoid buying coffee creamer because of the insane amount of ingredients in it. I never think 2 tablespoons are enough either. I'd rather avoid cane sugar/fake sugar as well.

    This morning, someone here turned me on to pumpkin pie spice-ing (allspice, cinnamon, ginger and clove) with some agave syrup. That brings the grand total to 60 whole calories for my cup. Not counting alittle of my half cup skim milk to it as well for that extra creaminess. It was actually pretty tasty!

    So...what creative ways do you drink YOUR coffee? And don't say black. I'm sorry, but I like flavor in my coffee!!

    Er.... Buy better coffee and learn how to brew it, and I guarantee you it will have flavor. I drink mine black.

    Perhaps I should have just posted this.

    I agree. Good coffee is flavorful. For me, the issue with black coffee was the bitterness, which I would get even with careful brewing. That's why I like the cold brew method, because the elimination of the heat prevents the bitter oils from being extracted (or however it works). It makes a very potent cup of coffee.
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    Black is one way that I do it, but I'm like you, not the biggest fan of coffee black.

    Most of the time, I use half a cup of Silk Vanilla Soy Milk (50 calories). It's sweet enough and the soy milk takes the edge off of the coffee.
  • 20ever
    20ever Posts: 125 Member
    1 Splenda with either a tablespoon of Half & Half or Non Dairy Creamer.

    20 cal/cup @16oz

    Once in a great while I will drink it black.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I'm looking for ways to drink my coffee without breaking the caloric bank. (I mean, I want most of my calories going into my food, not my coffee, y'know?) Trying to avoid buying coffee creamer because of the insane amount of ingredients in it. I never think 2 tablespoons are enough either. I'd rather avoid cane sugar/fake sugar as well.

    This morning, someone here turned me on to pumpkin pie spice-ing (allspice, cinnamon, ginger and clove) with some agave syrup. That brings the grand total to 60 whole calories for my cup. Not counting alittle of my half cup skim milk to it as well for that extra creaminess. It was actually pretty tasty!

    So...what creative ways do you drink YOUR coffee? And don't say black. I'm sorry, but I like flavor in my coffee!!

    Er.... Buy better coffee and learn how to brew it, and I guarantee you it will have flavor. I drink mine black.

    Perhaps I should have just posted this.

    I agree. Good coffee is flavorful. For me, the issue with black coffee was the bitterness, which I would get even with careful brewing. That's why I like the cold brew method, because the elimination of the heat prevents the bitter oils from being extracted (or however it works). It makes a very potent cup of coffee.

    If you don't like the bitter flavor (and a lot of people don't), I would try a medium or light roast and use a Chemex:

    The filters are thicker so they take a lot of the less enjoyable flavors out of the coffee. The manufacturers say you can use a doubled up regular cone filter (Melitta, etc.) if you don't want to spring for Chemex filters.