not losing weight but doing Insanity???



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I am 250lb, 5'5", female. I just started doing insanity to the best of my ability. I just finished week one with my husband and I haven't lost any weight. I am so discouraged. I haven't counted how many calories I was eating but I would probably guess around 1200-1400.

    Any advice? Thanks!

    The best advice.. go to the insanity calculator and figure out your true calorie needs not what mfp is suggesting.
  • gizmo1977
    ok, im getting frustrated. i'm 35, and when i started doing this i weighted 138. i'm doing my second fit test of insanity tonight after work. the first week i dropped 1.5 lbs, and was quite happy, the second week i've gained one back. my calories have always been approximately 1200-1250. as for measurements yes, i've been doing those too, the first week i lost 4.75 inches overall, but nothing this week.... getting on the scale this morning made me upset. my question is if i'm eating 1200-1250, and doing the insanity schedule am i supposed to eat back the calories i burn????? frustrated, confused, and wanna quit... :(
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    ok, im getting frustrated. i'm 35, and when i started doing this i weighted 138. i'm doing my second fit test of insanity tonight after work. the first week i dropped 1.5 lbs, and was quite happy, the second week i've gained one back. my calories have always been approximately 1200-1250. as for measurements yes, i've been doing those too, the first week i lost 4.75 inches overall, but nothing this week.... getting on the scale this morning made me upset. my question is if i'm eating 1200-1250, and doing the insanity schedule am i supposed to eat back the calories i burn????? frustrated, confused, and wanna quit... :(

    Just use the link below to figure out how many calories you need. The minimum for this program is around 1800 calories and that is why you are not seeing results. Use the link below and then set your macro's to 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fats.
  • juliecake6
    the nutrition guide clearly states that if you are doing insanity, it is not the time to diet. it took me a long time to figure out that if i want to exercise hard, i have to eat way more. i went no carb once for 6 months, while exercising very hard. i was eating so little i put my body in adrenaline mode. scariest time of my life, as i didn't understand what i was, eat, and eat!
  • endlesskisses
    Infact, do you have the nutrition guide it came with? If so workout the math it says to figure out exactly how many calories you need to eat while doin it... I was just like you started out around 1200 calories = NO WEIGHT LOSS AT ALL

    then I did the math part and Insanity wants me to eat 1900 calories and now im losing weight again :)

    Your body is in dire need of fuel.. you have it in starvation mode for sure....

    we easily burn anywhere from 300-1000 calories per Insanity workout so yea...

    Get to eating and keep working out, the weight will come off :)

    1900 cals NET? or after eating back calories burned?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Infact, do you have the nutrition guide it came with? If so workout the math it says to figure out exactly how many calories you need to eat while doin it... I was just like you started out around 1200 calories = NO WEIGHT LOSS AT ALL

    then I did the math part and Insanity wants me to eat 1900 calories and now im losing weight again :)

    Your body is in dire need of fuel.. you have it in starvation mode for sure....

    we easily burn anywhere from 300-1000 calories per Insanity workout so yea...

    Get to eating and keep working out, the weight will come off :)

    1900 cals NET? or after eating back calories burned?

    Total if you follow the guide and this thread is over a year old.
  • JRene815
    JRene815 Posts: 1
    I honestly don't believe that losing Inches is more important. I am obese and in order to get out of that i need to lose weight. If i lose inches but no weight I'll still be obese. :-(
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I honestly don't believe that losing Inches is more important. I am obese and in order to get out of that i need to lose weight. If i lose inches but no weight I'll still be obese. :-(

    if it makes you feel better even when I get a six pack I will still be overweight.
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member

    HI.... I too am doing INSANITY and NOT LOSING WEIGHT...inches... some..... but not weight.. I am on week 3. I do not really know how many calories I intake a day. I have a crazy work shift where I work nights... so from the time I get up and do Insanity at 4pm. I eat 5 possibly 6 times a day... all the way until I go to sleep for my 6 hours and get up and do it all over again. Those meals includes an after INSANITY meal like a Turkey sandwhich and Water. I then bring something to work with me to eat because I work 12 hour shifts.. I also bring 2 yogurts. 1 per 3 to four hours (in between my Turkey Sandwhich, and after my midnight meal) My midnight meal is a healthy TV dinner. Then when I get home I am hungry again, so I eat a bowl of cherios. I think my diet is pretty good. I used to never eat that much a day.... Anyways,

    I do have a thyroid issue.. but I know it's not "impossible" for me to lose weight.. it just feels like it.

    I know that Insanity is helping because I usually can't sleep more then 6 hours due the amount of ENERGY I have gained. Also when I am at work, I am usually so energized I am bouncing and can't wait to work out again!! My clothes are looser... but... BUT

    No weight LOSS PERIOD.

    I figured I would have lost 1 pound as hard as I have been working out and sweating constantly. Then only thing I feel is more firm legs... but no abdominal progress at all.

    BY THE WAY!!! I used to be soo tired all the time with my thyroid problem... I also used to be so "lazy" I felt like I had a "lazy syndrome" lol. I have only done INSANITY 3 weeks and I am almost OPPISITE my old self.

    Will I lose more weight in month 2? How many times will someone like me, have to keep doing INSANITY before they see results?

    Any suggestions?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator

    HI.... I too am doing INSANITY and NOT LOSING WEIGHT...inches... some..... but not weight.. I am on week 3. I do not really know how many calories I intake a day. I have a crazy work shift where I work nights... so from the time I get up and do Insanity at 4pm. I eat 5 possibly 6 times a day... all the way until I go to sleep for my 6 hours and get up and do it all over again. Those meals includes an after INSANITY meal like a Turkey sandwhich and Water. I then bring something to work with me to eat because I work 12 hour shifts.. I also bring 2 yogurts. 1 per 3 to four hours (in between my Turkey Sandwhich, and after my midnight meal) My midnight meal is a healthy TV dinner. Then when I get home I am hungry again, so I eat a bowl of cherios. I think my diet is pretty good. I used to never eat that much a day.... Anyways,

    I do have a thyroid issue.. but I know it's not "impossible" for me to lose weight.. it just feels like it.

    I know that Insanity is helping because I usually can't sleep more then 6 hours due the amount of ENERGY I have gained. Also when I am at work, I am usually so energized I am bouncing and can't wait to work out again!! My clothes are looser... but... BUT

    No weight LOSS PERIOD.

    I figured I would have lost 1 pound as hard as I have been working out and sweating constantly. Then only thing I feel is more firm legs... but no abdominal progress at all.

    BY THE WAY!!! I used to be soo tired all the time with my thyroid problem... I also used to be so "lazy" I felt like I had a "lazy syndrome" lol. I have only done INSANITY 3 weeks and I am almost OPPISITE my old self.

    Will I lose more weight in month 2? How many times will someone like me, have to keep doing INSANITY before they see results?

    Any suggestions?

    How many calories are you eating now? And can you open your food diary? We also need stuff like height, weight and age.
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member

    HI.... I too am doing INSANITY and NOT LOSING WEIGHT...inches... some..... but not weight.. I am on week 3. I do not really know how many calories I intake a day. I have a crazy work shift where I work nights... so from the time I get up and do Insanity at 4pm. I eat 5 possibly 6 times a day... all the way until I go to sleep for my 6 hours and get up and do it all over again. Those meals includes an after INSANITY meal like a Turkey sandwhich and Water. I then bring something to work with me to eat because I work 12 hour shifts.. I also bring 2 yogurts. 1 per 3 to four hours (in between my Turkey Sandwhich, and after my midnight meal) My midnight meal is a healthy TV dinner. Then when I get home I am hungry again, so I eat a bowl of cherios. I think my diet is pretty good. I used to never eat that much a day.... Anyways,

    I do have a thyroid issue.. but I know it's not "impossible" for me to lose weight.. it just feels like it.

    I know that Insanity is helping because I usually can't sleep more then 6 hours due the amount of ENERGY I have gained. Also when I am at work, I am usually so energized I am bouncing and can't wait to work out again!! My clothes are looser... but... BUT

    No weight LOSS PERIOD.

    I figured I would have lost 1 pound as hard as I have been working out and sweating constantly. Then only thing I feel is more firm legs... but no abdominal progress at all.

    BY THE WAY!!! I used to be soo tired all the time with my thyroid problem... I also used to be so "lazy" I felt like I had a "lazy syndrome" lol. I have only done INSANITY 3 weeks and I am almost OPPISITE my old self.

    Will I lose more weight in month 2? How many times will someone like me, have to keep doing INSANITY before they see results?

    Any suggestions?

    How many calories are you eating now? And can you open your food diary? We also need stuff like height, weight and age.

    now eating 1500 calories ish... my calorie intake varies because well... i am not on a real diet... unless a "low budget diet" counts for anything lol..

    but I do have an update... I took before pictures and after month 1 complete I took month 1INSANITY pictures... and OH the RESULTS that I saw.

    I can't wait for month 2 now. I am SOO encouraged.