Turbo Fire Challenge!!! Join Me



  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Fire 45 today...awesome....still struggling with a knee issue so keeping it low impact.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    "I'm a bad girl". Did HIIT 20 and fire 45 EZ today :happy: for some reason the fire 45ez really kicked my butt
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    I just received it in the mail on Saturday and am starting tomorrow! I already did the Fire 55 EZ Class and Stretch 10 yesterday because I was going to start it off with the 5 day inferno, but I decided just to wait til tomorrow and start the normal 12 or 20 week schedule.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Good morning gang!
    Did Fire 45 EZ...it was good. Thinking, and I'll need some advice from the veterans here, that I'm going to have to take a few days off to let my knee heal up. I wrapped it today and that seemed to help. Going to stay on the ibuprofen today too.I really don't want to take off. I'm 3.2 lbs away from my next goal with only 3.5 weeks to do it in. I only lost .5 lbs this week so I'm doubting I make it.

    Hope everyone is on FIYAH today!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Good morning gang!
    Did Fire 45 EZ...it was good. Thinking, and I'll need some advice from the veterans here, that I'm going to have to take a few days off to let my knee heal up. I wrapped it today and that seemed to help. Going to stay on the ibuprofen today too.I really don't want to take off. I'm 3.2 lbs away from my next goal with only 3.5 weeks to do it in. I only lost .5 lbs this week so I'm doubting I make it.

    Hope everyone is on FIYAH today!

    I realize that you have goals, and you don't want those goals interrupted or push backwards, but you HAVE to listen to your body. If you don't, you may end up doing more damage and thus being forced to 'sit out' for weeks or months.

    You know this, otherwise you wouldn't be posting this. Take a few days, rest, watch your nutrition, and give your body permission to heal.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member

    I realize that you have goals, and you don't want those goals interrupted or push backwards, but you HAVE to listen to your body. If you don't, you may end up doing more damage and thus being forced to 'sit out' for weeks or months.

    You know this, otherwise you wouldn't be posting this. Take a few days, rest, watch your nutrition, and give your body permission to heal.

    That's what I'm thinking. It feels better today. Just bummed because I've been on such a role with it. I'll see what I feel like in the morning and gauge it from there. Tomorrow is HIIT 25, lots of jumping I would expect. THink it was the jumping jacks that got me.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Taking a rest day today and tomorrow to see if the knee gets better :-( Tomorrow was my normal rest day anyway so maybe it won't be as bad as I think....did enjoy sleeping an extra hour this morning.
  • Hello, I am also a newbie to Turbo Fire (week one completed) and I read many of your posts and agree totally! This workout kicks butt and I think its going to help me finally reach my fitness goals. I've been doing Turbo Jam for the last year or so off and on but I'm finally ready to commit to Turbo Fire consistently for the 12-20 weeks. I started out at 186.50 and am down to 184.50. I'm going to also add my elliptical training to add some extra burn but I know Chalene's Turbo Fire is going to do the trick... Keep it up guys with the posts, they are definitely motivating me... :wink:
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Did Fire 45 today...that is probably my favorite one as far as music and combinations. Knee still being a problem but just gonna keep on modifying... lost 2.5 lbs last week missing two workouts and being over on calories several days...it has to be a fluke of some kind.
  • So I've finally decided to COMMIT myself to doing this program. Yesterday I started the Turbo Fire & CE Hybrid schedule...so let's see where this takes me. I have to do this and conquer this once & for all!

    SW: 165.6
    GW: 130
  • i am doing this program too! im on week 2.
  • Hey Everyone:flowerforyou: ,

    Just want to say hello to all the newbies that have joined my group. I am so glad that you decided to take that first step in getting heallthy. I am on my 8th week of Turbo Fire and I love it. This past week I did subsitute my workout for 2 days with Insanity because I just missed it so much and wanted to switch things up a bit. But I am back on schedule and ready to hit it hard. I find myself doing my workouts in the afternoon because I am kinda busy during the day. But as long as I work out then that's all that matters.

    Please keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you are reaching your goals.

    TTYL and don't forget to Push Play!:happy:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I am still having lots of fun and feeling great. I realized that with combining turbo fire with Brazilian butt lift and a little 30 day shred for muscle maintenance that I forgot to add in a rest day and hadn't had one for a while. I also had guests in town so I took 2 days off from exercising AND calorie counting! :huh: A little crazy for me but sometimes I get too type A with this stuff. My body also seems to enjoy it with no or only minimal weight gain. That being said, it will be good to pick up 55ez again today.

    I recently moved and it seems my hiit 25 is missing from my set. It hasn't come up in the rotation again yet and i havent checked through all my dvds but I'm worried cause it is a killer workout! :frown:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Jerzeediva I miss insanity too but am saving it cause i know i will likely do a p90x insanity hybrid next :happy:
  • I got my TurboFire set in the mail last week and I just did Fire55 EZ. WOW! I am excited to workout again tomorrow!

    I also have the P90X set from this past spring. I tried to start it a few times but I didn't like doing zero cardio on strength days. I NEED cardio. I am thinking about doing Turbofire for this week and then doing a hybrid starting next week. Still not sure, though. I really just need to torch some calories right now. I have 25lbs I would like to lose by next summer.
  • That's great to hear that you enjoy the Fire 45 Amandac6772 because that is the one I am set to do today. I love that Chalene uses such good music, now I'm even more anxious to do the workout! Thanks.
  • Tomorrow is day 2 of the Inferno plan. I love TF and Chalene. The music is great and keeps me moving. EZ45 tomorrow

  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Did HIIT 20 today...totally blew it out if the water with great intensity. My heart rate was up to 177 bpm on the last set...I'm on FIYAH!!!! I think that is the highest I've ever got it. Tomorrow is rest day but may sneak in another workout since we are going camping this weekend and I'll miss two workouts.
  • SamanthaT01
    SamanthaT01 Posts: 30 Member
    Hiii Everybody!

    I had a sligt hiatus because of family vacation in Disney all last week. So I have to pick back up where I left off tonight. I had originally planned on doing the Shakeology cleanse this week but couldn't because I have too many family functions this week. I love reading through the thread and seeing everyone is so excited and being consistent!

    I had a mini-melt down when I got on the scale after my return from vacation...it was back at where I was about a few weeks ago but looked at my planner again and realized its almost TOM so I must be retaining water. Will check back after next week on the scale again.

    Excited for tonight's workout after work!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    That's great to hear that you enjoy the Fire 45 Amandac6772 because that is the one I am set to do today. I love that Chalene uses such good music, now I'm even more anxious to do the workout! Thanks.

    Everybody loves some Tina Turner...if she can't get your blood pumping no one can!!!!
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