Paleo question and recommendations



  • xachooo
    xachooo Posts: 42
    I think it would be interesting to see a survey of diets for that reason---humans really can survive on many diets. And thrive on quite a few too.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    First of all, Taubes does not claim this---if so please please please prove this---give me the quotes from his writing to prove this.

    It is not worth my time to argue with you.\

    please go

    You make a claim. You don't back it up. You can spout off whatever they want, but when you don't back it up and and instead turn to insulting the person (me) asking for the supporting evidence, what do you think you've demonstrated? Presumably you have an opinion on what constitutes a health diet, and this forum is meant to allow people to discuss these things. How are your contributions affecting the tone of this message board? Do you really feel you are adding positive value?
    So again I will ask, where do you see that Gary Taubes has said the laws of thermodynamics do not apply to human beings? From my reading he says people are misusing the first law to make an over simplified view of calorie consumption--which is not taking into account how all the calories get used, ie more than just BMR + exercise.

    you already said you wouldnt argue with me. so why would I even post evidence?
  • xachooo
    xachooo Posts: 42
    First of all, Taubes does not claim this---if so please please please prove this---give me the quotes from his writing to prove this.

    It is not worth my time to argue with you.\

    please go

    You make a claim. You don't back it up. You can spout off whatever they want, but when you don't back it up and and instead turn to insulting the person (me) asking for the supporting evidence, what do you think you've demonstrated? Presumably you have an opinion on what constitutes a health diet, and this forum is meant to allow people to discuss these things. How are your contributions affecting the tone of this message board? Do you really feel you are adding positive value?
    So again I will ask, where do you see that Gary Taubes has said the laws of thermodynamics do not apply to human beings? From my reading he says people are misusing the first law to make an over simplified view of calorie consumption--which is not taking into account how all the calories get used, ie more than just BMR + exercise.

    look at his WWGF book.

    I have read Taubes' books. He does not say we are not subject to the laws of thermodynamics. On which page did you read this?
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Oh I definitely wouldn't pull important things from the kids meals. AGain, it really is just for myself and my husband. I would love to remove all sugar from my house since my daughter has an addiction to that...of course is skinnier the skinny but she is only 10 so I am afraid of what that sugar will do to her in the future. Just really trying to get more fruits and veggies into their diet since they tend to be picky...more my son then my daughter but you know what I mean. :)

    Without reading the rest of the posts (esp the Paleo bashers) - I am currently doing a 6 week strict paleo challenge and yes, it's a little harder because you need to plan for - esp the snacks as bread etc is out - in regards to your kids, I would (and do with my son) just add rice/pasta/dairy to their meals because I think he needs it in your diet.

    Or you could try Primal which is Paleo with dairy, to ease into it and see how you.
    I feel better allready (less bloating) so will continue for the next 5 weeks and see how I go.

    Good luck.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    First of all, Taubes does not claim this---if so please please please prove this---give me the quotes from his writing to prove this.

    It is not worth my time to argue with you.\

    please go

    You make a claim. You don't back it up. You can spout off whatever they want, but when you don't back it up and and instead turn to insulting the person (me) asking for the supporting evidence, what do you think you've demonstrated? Presumably you have an opinion on what constitutes a health diet, and this forum is meant to allow people to discuss these things. How are your contributions affecting the tone of this message board? Do you really feel you are adding positive value?
    So again I will ask, where do you see that Gary Taubes has said the laws of thermodynamics do not apply to human beings? From my reading he says people are misusing the first law to make an over simplified view of calorie consumption--which is not taking into account how all the calories get used, ie more than just BMR + exercise.

    look at his WWGF book.

    I have read Taubes' books. He does not say we are not subject to the laws of thermodynamics. On which page did you read this?
    mentioned wrong book. thats why I ninja edited it.
    In his good calories bad calories he said overweight do not eat more/less calories than lean people do.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I have inflammatory conditions, i.e arthritis, autoimmune spinal condition, and PCOS and insulin resistance. I also am at high risk for Diabetes, which killed my mother last summer.
    Since cutting out grains and processed sugars 8 months ago, my pain and inflammation levels have dropped significantly. My energy level is way up, no more extreme fatigue. No psoriasis flare ups. No more crazy mood swings. And I have lost 43 pounds since that time.
    I no longer feel like I am 80 yrs old, stiff and hurting in the morning when I wake up. I rarely have to use my cane for walking anymore. I can ride over 5 miles on my trike. And this morning, for the first time in 13 years, I mowed the back yard, with a push mower.

    I am not a die-hard Paleoist, but have adapted the plan to what works for me. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to try it, as most people feel so much better. There is nothing in the plan that will harm you.

    I still eat cheese, but drink almond milk instead of cows milk, due to the high sugar in dairy milk.

    And yes, for me, excess sugar IS the enemy.
  • michellechawner
    I did it for a while - I lost weight initially (and a lot!). But I couldn't give up all the food they wanted me to give up, so I did paleo for 3 months then slowly started adding foods back into my diet. is what I used a lot for recipes... it's free, but you can sign up for a fee and they give you meal plans and such.
  • xachooo
    xachooo Posts: 42
    First of all, Taubes does not claim this---if so please please please prove this---give me the quotes from his writing to prove this.

    It is not worth my time to argue with you.\

    please go

    You make a claim. You don't back it up. You can spout off whatever they want, but when you don't back it up and and instead turn to insulting the person (me) asking for the supporting evidence, what do you think you've demonstrated? Presumably you have an opinion on what constitutes a health diet, and this forum is meant to allow people to discuss these things. How are your contributions affecting the tone of this message board? Do you really feel you are adding positive value?
    So again I will ask, where do you see that Gary Taubes has said the laws of thermodynamics do not apply to human beings? From my reading he says people are misusing the first law to make an over simplified view of calorie consumption--which is not taking into account how all the calories get used, ie more than just BMR + exercise.

    look at his WWGF book.

    I have read Taubes' books. He does not say we are not subject to the laws of thermodynamics. On which page did you read this?
    mentioned wrong book. thats why I ninja edited it.
    In his good calories bad calories he said overweight do not eat more/less calories than lean people do.

    I will let Taubes defend himself:
  • xachooo
    xachooo Posts: 42
    I have inflammatory conditions, i.e arthritis, autoimmune spinal condition, and PCOS and insulin resistance. I also am at high risk for Diabetes, which killed my mother last summer.
    Since cutting out grains and processed sugars 8 months ago, my pain and inflammation levels have dropped significantly. My energy level is way up, no more extreme fatigue. No psoriasis flare ups. No more crazy mood swings. And I have lost 43 pounds since that time.
    I no longer feel like I am 80 yrs old, stiff and hurting in the morning when I wake up. I rarely have to use my cane for walking anymore. I can ride over 5 miles on my trike. And this morning, for the first time in 13 years, I mowed the back yard, with a push mower.

    I am not a die-hard Paleoist, but have adapted the plan to what works for me. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to try it, as most people feel so much better. There is nothing in the plan that will harm you.

    I still eat cheese, but drink almond milk instead of cows milk, due to the high sugar in dairy milk.

    And yes, for me, excess sugar IS the enemy.

    Glad to hear you've found a diet that makes you feel better. Do you eat grains? If so, which ones, out of curiosity? I am experimenting with less refined carbs and sugars to see if I feel better. I don't follow a paleo diet---I still like and eat oats, dairy, legumes...
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    I think that paleo is a great idea if that is what is going to make you happy then go for it. Don't let people get you down. I'm transitioning back to mostly raw vegan. The only non raw things that I'll be eating will be beans, lentils and quinoa and I'll pretty much doing the 80/10/10 when I'm done. Best of luck to you with your new plan.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    First of all, Taubes does not claim this---if so please please please prove this---give me the quotes from his writing to prove this.

    It is not worth my time to argue with you.\

    please go

    You make a claim. You don't back it up. You can spout off whatever they want, but when you don't back it up and and instead turn to insulting the person (me) asking for the supporting evidence, what do you think you've demonstrated? Presumably you have an opinion on what constitutes a health diet, and this forum is meant to allow people to discuss these things. How are your contributions affecting the tone of this message board? Do you really feel you are adding positive value?
    So again I will ask, where do you see that Gary Taubes has said the laws of thermodynamics do not apply to human beings? From my reading he says people are misusing the first law to make an over simplified view of calorie consumption--which is not taking into account how all the calories get used, ie more than just BMR + exercise.

    look at his WWGF book.

    I have read Taubes' books. He does not say we are not subject to the laws of thermodynamics. On which page did you read this?
    mentioned wrong book. thats why I ninja edited it.
    In his good calories bad calories he said overweight do not eat more/less calories than lean people do.

    I will let Taubes defend himself:
    Garbage explanation on obesity.

    They still consumed more energy than required and to compare obesity to a room of people is ridiculous as there hasnt been a set limit on how much fat cells can multiply and grow.

    If they talk about why people overeat its different. We know why obesity is there but why people overeat is related to satiation of processed foods.
    There are mental and physical aspects of this
    The cause of weight gain is intaking more energy than output.(Physical)
    The reason people arent satisfied with their food consumption is different. This is due to the satiation of processed foods(mental)

    There is no scientific data or studies that show how paleo is more effective on an energy balance level than it is for any other diet if both are done on where both diets are isocaloric.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Not to mention the fact that calories in vs out doesn't sell books. Need to vilify something.
  • gurlnlifemag
    Paleo, like all diets, comes with good and bad. It depends on the person. I started Paleo in Janurary and I did well. The moment I fell off I regretted not staying committed. You guys can discuss the scientific angle until you raise the dead, but ultimately if depends on you. I know people who haven't lost as much weight on Paleo, but feel so much better when their on it and that's why they chose to be on Paleo. It's all about how you feel. If you notice you can run longer while on the Palei diet, then why stop? I'm lactose intolerant and have issues with gluten, so I'm basically on Paleo by default. I hate all the crap they put in food these days so I perfer organic.

    But Paleo doesn't teach portion control and that's what matters on Paleo. I love having salmon for breakfast, but I can't have a 10oz filet. And I can't cut all carbs (like rice, corn, and potatoes) because I need those for running. So basically, Paleo makes you feel good when you're on it and for me, that's good enough to stick with it.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I have inflammatory conditions, i.e arthritis, autoimmune spinal condition, and PCOS and insulin resistance. I also am at high risk for Diabetes, which killed my mother last summer.
    Since cutting out grains and processed sugars 8 months ago, my pain and inflammation levels have dropped significantly. My energy level is way up, no more extreme fatigue. No psoriasis flare ups. No more crazy mood swings. And I have lost 43 pounds since that time.
    I no longer feel like I am 80 yrs old, stiff and hurting in the morning when I wake up. I rarely have to use my cane for walking anymore. I can ride over 5 miles on my trike. And this morning, for the first time in 13 years, I mowed the back yard, with a push mower.

    I am not a die-hard Paleoist, but have adapted the plan to what works for me. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to try it, as most people feel so much better. There is nothing in the plan that will harm you.

    I still eat cheese, but drink almond milk instead of cows milk, due to the high sugar in dairy milk.

    And yes, for me, excess sugar IS the enemy.

    Glad to hear you've found a diet that makes you feel better. Do you eat grains? If so, which ones, out of curiosity? I am experimenting with less refined carbs and sugars to see if I feel better. I don't follow a paleo diet---I still like and eat oats, dairy, legumes...

    My experience mirrors the above with arthritis, eczema and diabetes. I also use a more Primal approach, allowing cheese and some yogurt. Due to celiac sprue and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, I avoid gluten which eliminates wheat, barley and rye. Diabetes took care of eliminating all other grains. I do eat legumes (except peanuts due to intolerance) on occasion but no more than 1/4 c. I also strictly limit fruit, which is not primal/paleo, but is necessary with diabetes.

    And yes, for me as well, excess sugar (and starches, since they convert to sugar) IS the enemy.
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    I'm going to be blunt.

    I think Paelo is stupid. The science behind it doesn't work for me, I'm not going to argue about it, but I'll say that as someone with a degree in biology and at least half a brain, it makes about as much sense as going on Atkins, sure, it works for some people, but I could lose weight eating only carrots and ranch dressing too, that doesn't make it healthy. It's a fad diet, biologically speaking, you're not a paleolithic woman, you don't need to eat like one. Our bodies are not the same as our ancestors and our diets have evolved as well - there's absolutely nothing wrong with a healthy person with a body functioning as it should eating beans and grains.

    So, in short, try it if you want to, but don't try to pretend it just makes sense because that's how our ancestors ate and that it's healthier than eating a well balanced modern diet. It's a fad, and like all fads, some people really get into it and it works for them, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a fad diet. And for the love of peanut butter and jelly, don't make your kids do it. They're growing and they need all food groups, putting your kids on a diet is absurd - they need to learn healthy balanced eating and portion control.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm going to be blunt.

    I think Paelo is stupid. The science behind it doesn't work for me, I'm not going to argue about it, but I'll say that as someone with a degree in biology and at least half a brain, it makes about as much sense as going on Atkins, sure, it works for some people, but I could lose weight eating only carrots and ranch dressing too, that doesn't make it healthy. It's a fad diet, biologically speaking, you're not a paleolithic woman, you don't need to eat like one. Our bodies are not the same as our ancestors and our diets have evolved as well - there's absolutely nothing wrong with a healthy person with a body functioning as it should eating beans and grains.

    So, in short, try it if you want to, but don't try to pretend it just makes sense because that's how our ancestors ate and that it's healthier than eating a well balanced modern diet. It's a fad, and like all fads, some people really get into it and it works for them, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a fad diet. And for the love of peanut butter and jelly, don't make your kids do it. They're growing and they need all food groups, putting your kids on a diet is absurd - they need to learn healthy balanced eating and portion control.

    UGH... It's not a fad diet. Not sure what science or diet you're looking at - but It's about eating healthy food (protein, veggies, fruit, nuts, etc), eliminating processed crap and eliminating items you are sensitive to. I didn't think I was sensitive to wheat until I went without it for a few months. The first time I slipped and ate it, I had a terrible stomach ache.

    As for kids - since when is sugar and bread/pasta a food group? Kids can get by without eating grains - you can get carbs and fiber from veggies just fine.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    As for kids - since when is sugar and bread/pasta a food group?

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    As for kids - since when is sugar and bread/pasta a food group? Kids can get by without eating grains - you can get carbs and fiber from veggies just fine.

    Well, in general it is not recommended healthy children go on any restrictive diet. To remove whole grains, seeds, legumes, and tuber from a child's diet is just a shame. Especially with the chronic low fiber diets children normally consume.

    I was actually educated on MFP, and I had to admit embarrassment as I should have known better. However, I want you to do this exercise figure out the amount of vegetables a child would have to eat to get about 20g of fiber a day. Then imagine would a child actually eat that amount? Vegetables in general only have 2g carbohydrate a serving, and current recommendation for carb intake in children is minimally 130g/day or about 50% of their total calories.

    I bet you will be surprised at the amount and see that whole grains have to be substituted.

    I'll give you a few veggies remember you are talking about a child having to eat all of this in one day:
    1 cup Broccoli 2g
    1 cup Summer Squash 1g
    1 cup Spinach 1g
    1 Large Apple 5g
    1 cup Blueberries 4g
    1 Large Banana 4g
    1 cup Kale 1g
    1 ounce Baby Carrot 1g
    1 cup Peas 3g
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
  • zoodocgirl
    zoodocgirl Posts: 163 Member
    I'm confused as to how you can simultaneously eliminate dairy and still cook everything in butter/ghee? It is, you know, made from cream, right? Did you not have to do that old-timey farm visit thing in grade school where you churned cream into butter? Toooootally dairy, guys.