27, never married and no kids?



  • Dori_Gaga
    Dori_Gaga Posts: 50 Member
    I'm 29, not married, no kids... I don't want to have children, but I would like to be a mother, and I have always wanted to adopt, since I was a kid... everyone thinks that's weird, and always say "you'll change your mind when you meet the right guy"... doubtful. It breaks my heart that so many kids need a home, which is why when the time is right I want to adopt (once I have a better job and a house that is, once I am able to give a kid a good life).
  • lilbuddha007
    lilbuddha007 Posts: 30 Member
    31 and just got engaged. I swore I was never getting married and I'm not that keen to have kids, but who knows what will happen. But no, you're not weird. 27 is young, dude!
  • Resa001
    Resa001 Posts: 40 Member
    I got married at 26, had my first child at 31. Everyone is different, it's all good. You're definitely not weird and I'm jealous of the fact that you can sleep in and spend all that time in bed lol. : )
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    I'm 28, not married, no kids, and I think it's GREAT! When I find the right man, I will be glad to get married and have babies, it just hasn't happened for me yet. Now, I have an awesome boyfriend, who I would LOVE to have all that with, but I refuse to pressure him. When he's ready, he'll ask because he Loves me (not because he thinks he has to or he'll lose me). If not, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it (which hopefully is never). Don't stress. God has a plan for everyone.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    28, not married, no kids.

    Though I'm quite shy and quiet which seems to be a rather small issue.
  • zombiefangirl31
    zombiefangirl31 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 27, never been married and do not have children. That is if you don't count a lab with a snotty teenager's attitude. ;)

    Add me if you want. I'm new and am kind of obsessively checking the forums for motivation.
  • scling83
    scling83 Posts: 26 Member
    Am I weird? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people people having babies or marriage. but I'm starting to get the feeling that I am the odd man out on this site. Anyone else want to be friends with a single chick with no kids who gained her weight through bad eating and not getting out of bed? =)

    Everyone reading this, have a glorious day =)

    WOOHOO! I feel better, usually I feel left out as most of my friends list talk about their kids or families or prom. And I'm like, I got this awesome smelling shampoo lol

    Orig poster ^^^^

    That made me cackle - with recognition! I'm 29, never been married and no children - yet. Been engaged now though for 6... :huh: no, 7 months with a lot more time ahead before the trip down the aisle.

    Before that though, I felt like the odd one out too amongst friends. If it were a race I'd have been losing.... but thankfully, none of it is a race or a contest. Things like that happen when they're meant to. Just be who you are, and do what makes you happy. Everything else will fall into place.

    Add me if you like. We can discuss shampoo. :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • 35 here and also no kids or marriage history.
    I think these days its fairly common for people to establish themselves first professionally and live a more cosmopolitan lifestyle before they get married in the late 30's
    There is no risk for a first pregnancy at the age of 35-38 these days, for example. (assuming the mother is healthy)

    unlike some posters, I DO want to have kids and get married. But it will happen when it happens.
    If you rush it you end up regretting it.
  • tanyala28
    tanyala28 Posts: 1
    Hey there
    Im 32, with 2 kids
    Which area are you in?
    We can be friends?:smile:
    Im in Cape Town Norhtern Suburbs
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    I'm 30, never been married, been single for 7 years, no kids. I don't want kids and have no interest in being in a relationship either!
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    Woo, thank you! I love all my MFP friends but I feel like everyone on my FL who is my age is married with a kid meanwhile I just finished school and still live with my parents for the time being O_o I feel like I missed something sometimes..I'm 23 by the way, 24 on July 4th. I don't even have a boyfriend and I have zero interest in marriage or having kids until I'm in my 30s :laugh:.

    I'll add you. :)
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member

    Though I'm quite shy and quiet which seems to be a rather small issue.

    Same :/ Eh..
  • I'm happily single with no plans to get married or have kids :)
  • misuzu437
    misuzu437 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm mid twenties and married, but I don't wanna have kids for maybe a decade. Haha. I didn't want to get married yet either, but it just happened. You're not weird. :)
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    You're not weird. I was not married until I was 28. Still have no kids of my own- have been married 4 years now. Had no interest in getting married until I was 26 (made him wait 2 years :devil: ). I completely thought that I would never get married nor have children, because I never thought I would find a person who would tolerate my crap... let alone love me for me. It will happen when it is meant to happen. I wouldn't rush it!
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    32, Never married, no kids either...friends? just add me!! :drinker:
  • cheesyrunner
    cheesyrunner Posts: 84 Member
    freeeddoooommm. i'll add you, we can motivate each other. ^_^
  • Jessifer83
    Jessifer83 Posts: 17 Member
    About to be 30, never married, no kids. It will happen when it happens. Any of you feel free to add (I'm newly back to the site) and we can motivate each other! :flowerforyou:
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    I'm still 28, unmarried and no kids :flowerforyou:
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Nice to find other childfree people on here! Anyone can feel free to add me, I would love to have some like minded friends when it comes to kids.