what do you eat for breakfast?



  • kag896
    kag896 Posts: 12 Member
    Egg white English muffin with Canadian bacon, spinach, and tomato.
    Or oatmeal with fruit and either a little brown sugar or agave nectar.

    Those are quick and easy for me.
  • Dawners98
    Dawners98 Posts: 120 Member
    I like Carnation instant breakfast in the morning made with 2 cups of milk instead of just one. That way I get my chocolate fix, too! I also mix it up with protein shakes, ready-made weight loss shakes, and/or grits with a cheese wedge and turkey bacon bits just so I don't get bored.
  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    I wish I could eat eggs without everyone around me suffering for at least 24 hours.

    Seriously, it's intolerable.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    I eat eggs - the perfect protein.

    And when I'm tired of eggs, I have fried eggs.

    When i can't stand anymore eggs, I have someone else cook the eggs because they always taste a little different.

    My cholesterol is in the normal range and better than it's ever been. :)

    This, and "Bacon log cabin" are the two most beautiful things I've read this month. For the record? It turned out to NOT be a log cabin made of bacon, but instead a log cabin made by Mr. Bacon. I wanted to cry. So disappointing.

    Whenever I get tired of "eggs" I give them up and instead make "eggs with..." As in, "eggs with salsa" or "eggs with spinach" or "eggs with spinach salsa". Eventually my taste for "eggs" comes back, and my normal breakfast routine is restored.
  • msny15
    msny15 Posts: 14
    Chobani Raspberry Yogurt with a little Special K Granola
  • sailawaykate
    sailawaykate Posts: 126
    I am a breakfast fiend! If I don't get breakfast I get so cranky... Some of my favorite breakfasts:

    *Steel-cut oats with peanut butter mixed in (so yummy and I've eaten it for the past week, lol)
    *Scrambled eggs with spinach & turkey bacon
    *Coco-wheats (not the most nutritious but oh so filling - I can only eat half the gov't standard single serving and it's like 90 cals)
    *Greek yogurt with fruit & some granola
    *Pancakes with peanut butter and applesauce (l love Bob's Red Mill GF pancake mix)

    When I'm in a hurry (a.k.a. I woke up late, lol):

    *hard-boiled egg (I make them in batches so there's usually one or two in my fridge)
    *Clif bar or Larabar
    *Banana or apple
  • AnsiStar
    AnsiStar Posts: 165 Member

    I'm rarely hungry when I wake up but I LOVE my morning porridge. I have 25g of Scots oats, made with water and then mix in some protein powder. I also have a cup of green tea :)
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I usually only drink a cup of organic coffee and nothing else. I KNOW this cannot be helping my weightless progress. I want to start eating breakfast!
    I would love some wholesome and tasty ideas(:

    It's not going to hurt your weight loss. If you're not hungry in the morning, save those calories for later.
  • cjl1168
    cjl1168 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been eating a sandwich thin, a morning star bfast patty and an egg, sometimes no egg two patties, lasts me til 1pm easy.. I also have coffee with almond milk, unsweet. Its great..
  • ladylaume
    ladylaume Posts: 81 Member
    eggs and toast
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    Granola bar and herbal tea! I usually have oatmeal.
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    I will have my Shakeology shake -or- egg whites on a multi grain flat bread roll with cut up fruit.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    today was a smoothie bananas oranges dandelion greens frozen peaches water
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    .5 cup oatmeal and 1 tsp of jelley (either peach or strawberry)
  • suzeya
    suzeya Posts: 12
    steel cut oatmeal (1/2 cup) with maple syrup and a pat of butter (i make it in a large batch in advance)
    or a banana/apple with pb
    or 2 hard boiled eggs
    or greek yogurt with sliced almonds and berries
    a cup of coffee with cream and 1 sugar / or tea with cream

    if i don't have a chance to make my food, i'll eat an egg white flatbread from dunkin donuts or i'll eat my lunch really early.
  • jillsjourney
    jillsjourney Posts: 167 Member
    About a pot of black coffee, a greek yogurt and a banana usually.
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    My new standard is eggs, some kind of meat (today bacon), and broccoli.
  • anxietygirl
    anxietygirl Posts: 70 Member
    My best breakfast on a workday is about a 1/2 cup of oatmeal, one cut-up apple, a couple tablespoons of almond slices, and SOMETIMES a tablespoon of raisins/dried fruit. Yesterday I used fresh blueberries. Nom nom nom.

    When I'm not working and I have more time, I like to poach or fry up an egg, make a slice of toast, add a tablespoon of butter, really take my time and enjoy it. You don't have to eat much to be satisfied if you add an egg, because eggs have a really high satiety in my experience. One of my favorite day-off recipes is to cook up a Lender's onion bagel (my husband and I each eat half) and make an "open sandwich" with a slice of cheddar cheese, a poached egg, lettuce/spinach and tomato slices. Top with hot sauce. That keeps me going for hours.

    This morning I made pancakes with peaches in them because I had the extra time. It was really calorie dense, but I can basically promise you I won't feel hungry all day now because I use whole-wheat flour and put a couple dollops of fat free Greek Yogurt on top for an extra protein burst. Also used up the last of our fresh blueberries.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    For the work week I prep Sundays. Sunday evening I fix an egg cassarole that is easily divided into 4 pieces and is approximately 200-225 calories (depending on what meat I put in it) and it is very filling. It keeps me satisfied till 11 or 12.
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I've been making bagel, egg, and cheese sandwiches more recently.

    If you put egg whites (or plain old eggs if you prefer) into a microwavable mug (spray w/ cooking spray first), you just nuke it for 1 min, stir it up, then nuke for another 30 sec. and you'll have scrambled eggs.

    I put that on a Smart Bagel (100 calories) w/ a slice of low fat cheese and once in awhile, turkey sausage or bacon (microwavable as well).

    Takes me about 5 min. to make, is usually between 350-450 calories, and keeps me full until I have my morning snack.