HCG progress and updates - for people on it or thinking abou



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I read the HCG bashing thread and did respond, as did Rob. I felt I needed to put something on there so as not to scare away people who were looking for real information.

    I am glad you responded, as both of you are good sources of knowledge about the effectiveness and safety of the program.
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    Hi, I am on Slim Fast for 2 wks now I'm loosing weight (6 lbs ) but I am really hungry all day. Where can I ge HCG drops??
    Please help!!!


    HCG won't prevent hunger for you while using slim fast. In fact, because of the amount of sugar in it, you'd GAIN weight combining HCG with it.

    HCG is not an appetite suppressant. And it reacts very delicately with starches and sugars and even certain perfectly good fruits, vegetables and lean meats. It's why the diet is so restrictive - not only in terms of caloric allowance but in terms of the actual things you are allowed to eat. For example, eating a bowl of oatmeal, (a good healthy diet choice) while HCG is in your bloodstream would cause an immediate weight gain. Eating turkey or a slice of whole wheat bread or a cup of fresh sliced pineapple would do the same thing. The HCG is not an appetite suppressant and it's not a metabolic booster. And its effectiveness is 100% tied to the foods eaten (and not eaten) while it is in your bloodstream.

    I'm not sure what else to tell you. If you want some effective appetite supressants, I've found great success when on a more typical diets (non-HCG) using Hoodia combined with Garcinia Cambogia and chromium picolinate in the day time then at night taking 5HTP.

    Feel free to PM e if you want more information about HCG. Otherwise I'd strongly advise against using it with slimfast.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    I read the HCG bashing thread and did respond, as did Rob. I felt I needed to put something on there so as not to scare away people who were looking for real information.

    I am glad you responded, as both of you are good sources of knowledge about the effectiveness and safety of the program.

    I am glad y'all responded too.............

    I am not putting that spoon in the sugar bowl...........I would have gotten stung by all the bees!!!!!
  • I got great information on this and began reading about it. Then I got to the part where it says only 500 calories on practically no exercising. is that true? Because I exercise ALOT!! I think I'll just stick to the "burn more calories than you eat plan". I'm not saying HCG isn't a good program, I'm saying its not the program for me

  • KLCole
    KLCole Posts: 22
    I am interested in more information about this. I have lost almost 50 lbs, but have another 30 to lose. I have made the lifestyle changes, but I just want to get the last 30 off!

    How have you gone about this? Where did you get the hormone? Are there any really scary/bad side effects? Does it deteriorate your muscles in any way?

    Thank you for any information you can provide.

    Kindest regards,
  • AZCorz
    AZCorz Posts: 18
    F I N A L R E S U L T S ! ! ! ! ! !

    Round 1's Phase 2 is in the books and here are my results:

    Simeons HCG Protocol
    Starting weight: 242.4 lbs
    Week 1 results: 229.2 lbs (13.2 lbs lost)
    Week 2 results: 225.0 lbs (4.2 lbs lost, 17.4 lbs overall)
    Week 3 results: 219.4 lbs (5.6 lbs lost, 23.0 lbs overall)
    Week 4 results: 212.8 lbs (6.6 lbs lost, 29.6 lbs overall)
    End of Phase 2 results: 209.2 lbs (3.6 lbs lost, 33.2 lbs overall)

    WAY TO GO!!!! AWESOME!!!!!
  • Karen - check your mail - I sent you some info . .
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    GOOOD morning my fellow HCRers!

    I hope you awoke to lower numbers today than yesterday.

    Between yesterday and today I've lost (another) 1.5 pounds. I'm thrilled but I admit to being SO impatient! As someone who once lost weight the "old fashioned way" (which everyone says is obviously the only way to get it off and keep it off :laugh: cough: gained it back :cough:) I'm really am hypothalamus right and losing this weight quickly and safely, for me, is preferable to spending the next two years losing 100 pounds. So here's today's pep talk:

    I've officially crossed my two week "line". I started July 26 at 263.2 and this morning it's 252.8, a drop of almost 11 pounds in 15 days (AND with a four day TOM stall).

    I've still got a long way to go but I'm psyched. I'm determined. I'm ready. I'm done being fat. We're on the MOVE ya'll! It's simple but not easy but WE ARE DOING IT. :drinker: <<by the way, he's drinking TEA :bigsmile:

    Our New Year's 2010 is going to be a whole different thing this year, isn't it ya'll?


  • AZCorz
    AZCorz Posts: 18
    GOOOD morning my fellow HCRers!

    I hope you awoke to lower numbers today than yesterday.

    Between yesterday and today I've lost (another) 1.5 pounds. I'm thrilled but I admit to being SO impatient! As someone who once lost weight the "old fashioned way" (which everyone says is obviously the only way to get it off and keep it off :laugh: cough: gained it back :cough:) I'm really am hypothalamus right and losing this weight quickly and safely, for me, is preferable to spending the next two years losing 100 pounds. So here's today's pep talk:

    I've officially crossed my two week "line". I started July 26 at 263.2 and this morning it's 252.8, a drop of almost 11 pounds in 15 days (AND with a four day TOM stall).

    I've still got a long way to go but I'm psyched. I'm determined. I'm ready. I'm done being fat. We're on the MOVE ya'll! It's simple but not easy but WE ARE DOING IT. :drinker: <<by the way, he's drinking TEA :bigsmile:

    Our New Year's 2010 is going to be a whole different thing this year, isn't it ya'll?



    Gorgeous...you are soooo rockin in!! Way to go!! <Love your tea drinking smiley> Stay psyched...stay determined,,,,,your on a great road and you will get there!!!
  • Day One Review.

    Since my protocol doesn't call for loading days, I was straight on their 875 calorie diet. The breakdown:

    1 Complex Carb - Whole wheat toast
    1 Fruit - Orange
    1/2 Dairy - 4 oz of milk (It was 2%, it's all my parents had but I bought some skim on the way home)
    1 Condiment - 1/4 of a tablespoon of butter for toast

    Morning Snack
    1 Fruit - Watermelon.

    1 Complex Carb - Mini whole wheat pitas
    1 Veggie - Broccoli/Carrots
    1 Dairy - Fat free cheese
    1 Condiment - 2 tablespoons fat free Italian dressing (I hated it, I'm thinking of going with lemon juice like you guys).

    1 Complex Carb - 1/2 cup of whole wheat pasta
    1 Veggie - Salad mix with broccoli and carrots (total 1 and 1/2 cup)
    1 Protein (4.5 ounces is considered 1) - George Foremaned chicken breast with garlic powder (the real stuff), basil, salt and pepper.
    1 Condiment - 1/4 cup of Ragu spaghetti sauce.

    Night time snack:
    1 fruit - Watermelon
    1/2 dairy - Didn't eat it, I wasn't hungry and I knew I was already a little over calories due to some not okay foods. I didn't get to shop before hand since I thought I would be loading for two days.

    Water consumption - 2 20 oz bottles, and 3 of their insulated water bottle which is probably at least 40 oz... not sure, I'll have to measure it out.

    ((** We are allowed any combination of the allowed condiments with each meal as long as they do exceed 30 calories**))

    The Good: I wasn't really hungry all day. I had some hunger, but nothing sipping water didn't take care of. I was the hungriest when it was time to eat meals.

    The Bad: I had a splitting migraine all day from my hypothalamus getting used to the hormone. And I can't take Excedrine because it has caffeine in it and it would react badly with the appetite suppressants they use to supplement the hcg (which I don't think I'll need after the first few days.

    The Results: I woke up plenty early today feeling rested, no headache, and stepped on the scale.

    Yesterday: 297.2
    Today: 294.0


    And in completely unrelated news, my kitty who has been too scared of the living room since she had a big nasty fight with the roomies dog there, is finally back up in the window sill and acting like she owns the place!
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Good first day plan. You can take ibuprofen (motrin) or Tylenol for headache. These do not have caffine. Good for your kitty. We just adopted a new kitten to fill the void left by our cat of 13 years. This little guy is really cute and energetic, but so loving.

    I was up yesterday from Sunday's bad eating, but today I am right back at my low weight from Saturday morning. Tomnorrow I should post a loss. I switched HCG products. Mine was running low, so we ordered some other homopathic preparation that appears to be stonger. We'll see.

    Good going Gorgeous1 on your weight loss! I know what you mean about crosing the line. With any luck, tomorrow I will be out of the 130's for the first time in 4 years. I really need to see 120 something on that scale - even if it's 129.8 lol

    Good luck today everyone.
  • In other news, I read a blog from a women who blogged every day about her journey on HCG. She had a whole 20 pounds to lose *grumble*. She ultimately decided it wasn't good because she had a fancy scale that showed that she was losing lean body mass (which she didn't have a lot of to begin with) as well as body fat.

    She didn't say where she got the injections, but I know that HCG (true, from a woman HCG not synthetic) is actually only available by prescription. A medical doctor has to write up a script for it. The stuff online is synthetic. (Read the fine print) Which may work just as well, I don't know. But I know there are a lot of scam sites out there willing to rob people blind and hope the placebo effect works. Plus it's one thing to give yourself drops from the internet... I don't think I trust any place on the internet enough to inject myself with something bought there. I'm happy with my personal choice of the clinic. It gives me ease of mind, knowing a medical doctor and medical staff are keeping an eye on my nutrients and blood pressure to make sure I'm doing everything right and getting what my body needs.

    But obviously there are those of you on this thread who have learned to be able to do that on your own, which is perfectly fine and acceptable. :smile:

    The truth is, we are all going to lose -some- lean body mass and muscle. Even in the articles I read about the Simeons protocol, it showed like 30 pounds of fat loss, 3 pounds of lean body mass.

    I'll take those proportions. After all, I can build back lean body mass through good nutrition (which I'm learning using the protocol) and exercise. I can't, however, get rid of all of MY excess fat (all 140 pounds of it) without HCG without it either A.) taking forever, or B.) giving me saggy skin.

    This diet for me is kind of like a teacher passing out a rubric and specific guidelines. The formatting must be such and such, it must be such and such long with such and such many sources from such and such place. The boxing in actually helps me. When I have too much room to play around, I find it harder to stick to healthy stuff when I know I can "fit" that bad stuff in my daily calorie needs.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I'v dropped 4% body fat according to my fancy scale, in just about a month. That's okay by me. Yes, I agree. We can always build new lean muscle. Easy enough to do. For me, I have too much muscle mass in my thighs and bum. I wouldn't mind dropping some of that muscle.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    We lose a bit of lean body mass with any weight reducing eating plan. That goes especially for low fat, low calorie and even a higher protein low carb plan you will lose some lean body mass.

    I know there are a lot of people on this site that would disagree with me, but my above mentioned statement is a true one.

    The loss of lean body mass on this plan is actually less than a typical low calorie, low fat eating plan mostly due to the HCG and how it stimulates the burning of excess body fat.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello all,

    I am so excited to see this post. I just typed in HCG in the search box hoping something would come up. I haven't tried it yet but my goal is to start in Oct. If you guys can give me added advice about best place to purchase, tips and tools tha may help me that will be greatly appreciated. I haven't read all of the comments yet but I will once I get of work.

    Thank you.
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    Hello all,

    I am so excited to see this post. I just typed in HCG in the search box hoping something would come up. I haven't tried it yet but my goal is to start in Oct. If you guys can give me added advice about best place to purchase, tips and tools tha may help me that will be greatly appreciated. I haven't read all of the comments yet but I will once I get of work.

    Thank you.

    Hey T,

    I PMed you. Welcome!
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm having a "how will I get to 500 calories" day.

    I have to eat the rest of my lunch soup. I have YET to eat any fruit servings and dinner is approaching in just 4 hours. I've only had 32 ounces of water/liquid so far today. I usually drink 80 or 96. Where is all this supposed to go?

    Plus I drank a glass of green tea earlier (hoo wee - that stuff stronger than I thought) and feel STUFFED. Not sure if the green tea has contributed to that or not.
  • Hi guys and girls- let me start by saying I had an apple day yesterday to get me off the plateau and it worked like a charm- I dropped an additional 2 lbs. and I was NOT HUNGRY enough to eat them all. I actually finally feel the power of HCG in terms of an appetite supressant. Today I have only had green tea and coffe- and lunch time is soon and I can tell already I will have difficulty eating it all. For this I am VERY grateful! I am convinced 100 percent that this protocol KICKS ASSSSSS!

    Back to work for me!
    Keep on slimming!

  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    Hi guys and girls- let me start by saying I had an apple day yesterday to get me off the plateau and it worked like a charm- I dropped an additional 2 lbs. and I was NOT HUNGRY enough to eat them all. I actually finally feel the power of HCG in terms of an appetite supressant. Today I have only had green tea and coffe- and lunch time is soon and I can tell already I will have difficulty eating it all. For this I am VERY grateful! I am convinced 100 percent that this protocol KICKS ASSSSSS!

    Back to work for me!
    Keep on slimming!


    AWESOME Lori! Congrats on a successful apple day and the two pound drop. Stalls really are very frustrating.

    I feel the same way WRT eating. I'm not sure how I'm going to eat the whole 500 today. I'm not hungry, i feel stuffed and actually I'm sort of pissed that I have to eat it. I've seen and heard people say they stall out of they don't eat enough of the calories. Dr.Simeon did say in Pounds and Inches that at one point it would be difficult for some patients to eat the whole 500 calories. That was true and so is everything else about this protocol. I have tons of energy and I know that HCG must be forcing my body to release all that abnormal fat because how on earth can you eat 500 calories a day and be able to function? According to Dr. S, you can't without HCG. Call me a believer.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I had a diet pepsi today. They had to shut the water off at work this afternoon, so that is the only thing I had to drink........ :sad: :sad:
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