Any Ladies who started at or are around 230 lbs.?



  • KChesneyGal
    KChesneyGal Posts: 63 Member
    sw: 280
    cw: 264
    cw: 138

    i go to the gym 5-6 days a week and do about 40-120 min of cardio(eliptical), i also do class like zumba, kickboxing. i also do videos at home like jillian michaels shred it with weights.
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    My starting weight was 222lbs. I am 5'4". Since I started working out in March of this year, my routine has been the same for the most part.

    I do 15-20 minutes of walking 3.5-3.7mph on the treadmill at an incline (7-15%)

    Then, I do 30-40 minutes of strength training and ab work. I rotate days - Legs/Butt/Abs and Arms/Back/Chest/Abs

    After that, I do 10-15 minutes of cardio to finish up my workout. These days I finish with the Arc Trainer, but up until this month I would just hop back on the treadmill and walk at 15% incline the whole time. I wasn't ready for the Arc Trainer, but I've worked my way up!

    I typically go to the gym 6 days a week and do this routine.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i started at 224, size 22 last january. i'm currently 215

    i did pretty well last year until August (started a new job after being unemployed for almost a year) and lost about 30 pounds and got down to a size 14. Since then I've fell off the bandwagon because work is cray (i work 12-16 hours a day), i have all this extra cash which makes it easier to eat crap, and i'm not as active as i was since i do a lot of sitting.

    i'm starting to get back on it since i have gained scale weight (not actually that big of a deal for me) but i also gained a pant size :sad:

    i worked really hard at weight lifting over the last 20+ years so i have a lot of lean body mass that i'd like to keep since a)i like being strong and b) it means i can eat like 300-500 calories MORE a day for maintenance than someone else similar age and weight :drinker: . so my plan is all about saving as much LBM as possible (which means that i'm less about chasing a number on a scale since i will always weight more than i look) and burning fat.

    exercise wise that means that i lift weights 2 days a week, doing compound movements like deadlifts, squats, cleans, OHP, bench press and BB row and each workout i increase my weight by 2.5 or 5 pounds. i also am doing a 5k program 3 days a week where i end up walk/running 18-20K total. 1 day a week i do more cardio style weighted workouts like complexes and finish off with weighted squats to failure, push ups and pull up prep. on my day off i stretch, do yoga, goof off in the pool and sauna.

    at some point i'll start back doing capoeira and kickboxing but that will more than likely be after i have good enough stamina to run a 10K

    diet wise, i'm sticking to 1600-2100 calories a day. that should lead to around a 55 pound loss after 12 months which should put me in a size 4 or 6.

    ETA i'm 5'5
  • dcarbeno
    dcarbeno Posts: 22
    I started at 237. I walk/jog 4-6 miles per day (outside) 6x a week. I do zumba classes 3x a week. I would do it everyday if I could. Strength training 3 times per week 30 minutes per time. Strength training is really important as you want to build muscle not lose it.

    The golds gym kickboxing cardio DVD is great. Have not tried the wii stuff. I find it motivating to go to do stuff with other people. When I started the zumba classes I was the biggest girl in the class. I was self conscious. I was out of shape. And I was terrified of what other people would think. It made me work harder!

    Good luck!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I started at 232 in December 2012.

    In February, I started logging all my food. I calculated my TDEE and eat at a 20-25% deficit.

    In March, I started walking in the evening, about 1 mile.

    By April, I was walking 2 miles a night, and starting walking in the mornings also.

    In May, I started strength training 2-3 times a week and continued walking. I currently walk 2x/day, 2-2.5 miles each at a 3.8+mph pace.

    And I have lost 23 lbs as a result.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i also forgot to add that i wear an HRM every workout. i work to get and my heart rate to 130-150 for medium intensity workouts and 155 and above for beast mode workouts. my personal preference is 4-5 workouts in the higher range over week and 1-2 workouts in the medium range. for anything below 130, i consider it either warm up/cool down or i dont log it as exercise
  • Dinah2013
    Dinah2013 Posts: 1
    I started a little more than that just yesterday!!!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Sw - 285
    Cw - 245
    Gw - ???? right now, I'll be happy when I see 199.99999, LOL.

    I run 3x/wk - started out with C25K, now do a 3K (Tues), intervals (Thurs), & 5K (weekend). Also go to the gym and lift weights for 40-45 mins 2-3 x per week and 20-40 minutes of Elliptical as well. May or may not take a rest day on the weekend. If I don't, it's either a long walk outside or on treadmill or a long elliptical session at the gym. Depends on my mood.

    I started in January, I'm down 40 lbs and have many, many more to go. I'm only going by 10% increments on my ticker so I don't get overwhelmed by the amount I have to lose!
  • panthera_leo48
    panthera_leo48 Posts: 4 Member
    I started at 220. I Do jumping jacks and crunches and pushups (girlie ones) twice a day (once if i go walking) i try to walk 3 miles 6 days a week
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    I started at 240, started doing couch 2 5k by running laps in my backyard. Ran for a while, but plateaued. Starting doing weights with Chalean Extreme last October, then added Turbo Fire in January. Started P90X in April. I'm currently at 173. While running was a great starting place for me and I do still enjoy a run, lifting weights has been body changing for me. Still not at my goal but feeling so much better about my body now.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I started at 236 when I recommitted again in March, lost a few lbs from 242 just by stopping soda and coffee and such a few months before. Started Insanity April7th at 220 and now in week 8 and hovering between 203-205 :). Also started running again this week.

    Not everyone's workout will be right for you. Just find something you think interests you and go with it. I thrive on HIIT workouts because they are so fast-paced I don't get bored - which is why I'm training for obstacle runs, they look like so much fun, like a big playground (IMO anyway).

    As for food, no not sure if that is a question but I saw others talking about it, I eat anywhere between 1600-2300+ cals a day depending on how intense of a burn I get for the day. I get this data from my BodyMedia LINK armband that I wear (and I absolutely LOVE). It imports the calorie info I put here and tells me my calorie burn so I know how much I can eat up to and still maintain the deficit I want for my weight loss goals.

    Using the BMR and TDEE method is very useful as well and works. I was doing that up until I got my armband a month ago.
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    I am 5'3" and started at 233.3

    I don't have a routine. I need to do various things. In the beginning, I would walk a mile during my lunch break everyday. I also did kettlebell and The Biggest Loser on the Wii Fit.

    More recently, I've completed Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, I've done 4 weeks of C25K (and decided after completing a 5K that I really just don't enjoy running AT ALL). I've been doing Insanity, but not everyday as a program. I really like the routines, though. I still do a lot of kettlebell as I truly enjoy the strength training and the challenge. I still walk at least 2-3 times a week at work and I take my dog for a walk almost every night.

    I think the key is finding a bunch of things you enjoy doing and incorporate them into a routine of your own.

    Good Luck and feel free to add me if you are looking for active, supportive friends :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Start weight 229. I started out doing stationary bike, then started doing workout DVDs like Jillian Michaels and Tae Bo. I joined a gym about a year later and do cardio and lifting there now.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    SW: 230
    CW: 174
    GW: 140

    Walk minimum of 4 miles a day, circuit training 4 days a week for 45 minutes a day. Then anything else I can fit in!
  • kittycollins7
    kittycollins7 Posts: 34 Member
    started around 240, i am around 183 now. i do a hour on the elliptical 5 days a week and half a hour one day a week. so i have one rest day a week. on the half a hour day i tend to try to do some exercises from shape or fitness magazine and some small weights.
    feel free to add me
  • KYT1121
    KYT1121 Posts: 58 Member
    I started at 240.

    I continued to play my hockey 2-4x a week (which is what got me fat in the first place - too much post-game beer & wings!)

    At first, I simply added walking on my treadmill to the mix. At first I could only do about 20-30 minutes on it, at a slow pace. But it was better than nothing! As the weight came off, I was able to increase the duration, speed and incline.

    Once I had lost 10% of my starting body weight and felt brave enough to put on a swimsuit - I started swimming again, in addition to my hockey & treadmill walking.

    A month or so later, the snow had melted and I was able to get back out on my bicycle - in addition to swimming, hockey & treadmill walking.

    Another month later, I had moved out of the Obese BMI category into Overweight - I started the C25K program, in addition to swimming, hockey, biking and treadmill walking (when the weather is bad)

    I started on Jan 2nd. Today is May 30th and I've lost 50 lbs. Along the way, I made an impulsive decision - so...I'm also training for a Try-a-Tri in August. Having that concrete date & exercise goal is fantastic motivation.

    Good luck, and keep moving!

    I'm at 209 now and you just gave me a great motivational boost!!
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Leslie Sansone, the pool in my back yard, and a few slow jogs around my neighborhood. I have already done one and a half 5k obstacle courses, too. (Hurt myself halfway through the second one, but I'll sign up and finish next year!)

    Your only limit is your determination. Do the exercises you enjoy. Pick up some weights if you want that look, or take a dance or yoga class.

    If you exercise because it is fun, you will stick with it. That's the most important thing of all!
  • debbylee_maxine
    debbylee_maxine Posts: 24 Member
    I am right now at 229 pounds. Right now I'm on a cycle depending on what I'm working that day. I'm constantly on the move and active, but actual exercise devotion includes two consecutive curves circuits OR 30 minutes elliptical with 15 minutes spinning followed by as many body weight exercises that I can do (pushups, planks, pullups, squats, etc) OR two hours of Just Dance OR Running for as long and as hard as I can.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I started around 218 on MFP (but my highest known weight was 230 something... I stopped weighing for awhile because I was so depressed about it, so who knows how big I got.) I'm 5'6 if that helps, and am down to 175 ( I started mfp late last Dec.)

    I don't work out, but most likely should. I used to go to the gym and use the elliptical for about 45 mins. but I stopped going. I tried to start doing 30 day shred but couldn't get past 10-15 min of the video (still try on occasion.)
  • debbylee_maxine
    debbylee_maxine Posts: 24 Member
    Sw - 285
    Cw - 245
    Gw - ???? right now, I'll be happy when I see 199.99999, LOL.

    I run 3x/wk - started out with C25K, now do a 3K (Tues), intervals (Thurs), & 5K (weekend). Also go to the gym and lift weights for 40-45 mins 2-3 x per week and 20-40 minutes of Elliptical as well. May or may not take a rest day on the weekend. If I don't, it's either a long walk outside or on treadmill or a long elliptical session at the gym. Depends on my mood.

    I started in January, I'm down 40 lbs and have many, many more to go. I'm only going by 10% increments on my ticker so I don't get overwhelmed by the amount I have to lose!

    I started at 295 and I'm currently 229, and I'm still unsure what I'm going to do after 199.9999999999. I never thought that I'd be there and I'm really close....