Lose 5 pounds a month AUGUST 2010 CHALLENGE



  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    krinio - stress-exercise instead of stress-eating, huh? Maybe I should give that a try! :wink:

    haha. You should definitely give it a go!:wink: So much more satisfying! :laugh:

    I had a great day today! I'm so proud of myself! I've started planning all my meals for the day first thing in the morning and it's really helping me to stay focused. It sounds silly but I get really excited about creating a "balanced diet." Biggest victory today was limiting fat successfully, end result of 15g which I was happy with, much better than usual! :smile: As well as that I managed to consume appropriate levels of protein...so today was a success! Bring on tomorrow! No loss yet, but just wait and see!!:bigsmile:
  • fivefatcats
    "I never said I wouldn't eat cake . . . only that I wouldn't eat the whole cake . . .":laugh:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Just throwing this out there... graham crackers (any style you want..honey, low fat, etc) and cool whip (again, any type) break the cracker in half "stubby' way and add a bit of cool whip, top with other half of the cracker and wrap in plastic wrap and freeze for a lil bit...homemade ice cream snadwiches :D My friend Lori gave me that one.. you control the type or ingredients so calories will vary. Enjoy!
  • AmandaB4588
    Hi ladies!! I am back from Mexico. I landed in Houston about 4 hours ago and have been taking care of business here since (unpacking, showing my dog the necessary attention, giving the family their souvenirs, etc.) I haven't had time to catch up on all that I have missed but I will in the next few days.

    My vacation was a lot of fun, and I learned something that may be a great tool for me in my weight loss journey. I learned just how much my diet impacts my mood, energy level, and overall well being. I have been eating really well for months now. My scale and I have been having a stand off (and she is very stubborn) but my diet has improved tremendously. After being at the all inclusive resort (which means the food is from their restaurants and is free) for 2 days, I was missing my dark leafy greens something fierce! They did not serve ANY vegetables with their meals!!! :noway: I ate at the buffet the entire rest of the trip because it had a salad bar and all I could eat mixed veggies. That got me through the rest of the week but those first 2 days were miserable for me. My stomach was killing me. I couldn't sleep through the night, and I was so exhausted. I will never complain about eating my vegetables EVER again!!!

    And next time I am in Playa, I am staying somewhere with a kitchen that allows me to cook my own food.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Seems like everyone is doing really well with the challenge. A few minor slip ups, but everyone is back on track! I think overall, I am having a successful month. My workouts are on track, I just have to get my eating on the right path. Yesterday was better, I want to have the same type of day today.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Just checking in. I didn't do my run last night, and I ate a few uncalled-for snacks. A friend of mine is in town today, so we're planning to get together for supper. I am planning to walk at lunch. I brought lots of fruit with me for today's snacks, and a hummus/veggie wrap for lunch. Still chasing the wagon, trying to get back on...
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    How did yesterday go for you? Did you get in some exercise and eat healthy? I know it is hard to change your liefstyle but remember that it is for your health so keep working at it.
    I am struggling this week. I had my annual physical last week and doctor does not want me to take any over the counter pain relievers. I have headaches all the time and we are starting to treat them as rebound headaches. So I have a headache and she put me on a new high blood pressure med that is supposed to be helping with the headache but while my body adjusts I can feel lightheaded. Headache and light headed...making for a interesting day!

    Quote of the day

    If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.

    Muhammed Ali:happy:

    What are you going to make out of your today?

  • owno9700
    owno9700 Posts: 24
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    August 9th weight in = 139lb
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    It is great reading what all has been going on with everyone and I am so proud to be part of a group that while we fall off the wagon, we get right back on track. This is a journey and a lifestyle and there are always bumps in both. Enjoy the ride all....

    Here is my check-in. I am really pleased with the progress at a third of the way through the month and now just have to keep it going to make my goal of 190 by Sept 1st

    Aug 1 - 196.5
    Aug 10 - 193
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Well I weighed in yesterday, for the second time in a week, which I never normally do. I hadn't lost anything, but I am not too bothered as I don't normally get weighed until thurs and it is my TOM (TMI? sorry) I usually put on 2 or 3 lb and it appears that I haven't this month, I am hoping this is a good sign and I will have lost next time.

    Still 1lb lost 4 to go :)
  • thanatos
    thanatos Posts: 29
    Hi everyone,

    Hope you don't mind if I join your challenge a bit late! I'm on a compressed timeline and will be in London for a week on business but I still will do my best to lose 5 lbs by the end of the month!

    Weigh in - Aug. 9th: 227.2
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    08/01- 177.2
    08/06- 176.0

    08/09- (Actual weigh in day) 176.8
    I was worse this weekend than I thought. Hoping to even it out by the end of the week!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    My knee hurts so bad. I walked for two hours last night thinking that walking would be fine for my knee as long as I didn't run but I was wrong. I am taking the day off walking today and maybe just do some yoga tonight.
  • gonnadoitthistime
    2lb gone which I am chuffed about and managed a 2 mile road run on yesterday then Zumba today! Might just manage that 10k after all!!!! Cycling to work and back tomorrow then another run on Thursday - cramming it in as I'm away for the weekend and that'll just mean wine & food!!!
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    Keeping up my 2 daily workouts and loving it! I have so much more energy and it really helps me de-stress! On my rest day I'm always sitting there depressed now:laugh: I swam this morning, not much, just about 2.5k but it felt so good! Been swimming every morning for the last week and it's just such a lovely way to start the day.:smile:
    Best thing about my new workout schedule is that I am seeing visible results. The scales haven't budged this month, in fact they may have went up a little last week :sad: but I'm not counting it. Great thing is I exercise when I want to (which is all the time now:laugh: ) but when I really really don't want to, I've usually already worked out for the day or It's my rest day. I'm really enjoying myself:heart:

    Just feel like I have to give an extra push this week too. No loss last week put me a bit behind so I'm hoping for 1-2lbs this week!
    Hope everyone is doing well! From what I've read you are! :smile:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    guys are dumb. I'll save you all from a long rant, but guys are DUMB!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good evening everyone....been an emotional 2 days for me so if stress is an indicator, I will gain this week...(My mom sold her and my dad's RV--my dad passed away this past New Years Eve, and he reallly loved camping but she tried an just can't do it without him----I understand COMPLETELY...but still hard to see my dad's real love go)...so a little down in the dumps but I did continue to exercise and didn't do too bad on food these last few days.....The new YMCA I joined hasn't started the "classes" yet so I am going to have to find my own way to dance (my husband is off Thurs. and Fri--he better look out)...anyway , sorry for rambling....talk to you all tomorrow!!!
  • owno9700
    owno9700 Posts: 24
    I realized when looking back at my post this morning, that I didn't state what my start weight was.

    August 2nd weight - 141lb
    August 9th weight - 139 lb
    Total = 2 lb loss :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • AmandaB4588
    guys are dumb. I'll save you all from a long rant, but guys are DUMB!

    But we love rants!! I hope everything is alright.
  • AmandaB4588
    Good evening everyone....been an emotional 2 days for me so if stress is an indicator, I will gain this week...(My mom sold her and my dad's RV--my dad passed away this past New Years Eve, and he reallly loved camping but she tried an just can't do it without him----I understand COMPLETELY...but still hard to see my dad's real love go)...so a little down in the dumps but I did continue to exercise and didn't do too bad on food these last few days.....The new YMCA I joined hasn't started the "classes" yet so I am going to have to find my own way to dance (my husband is off Thurs. and Fri--he better look out)...anyway , sorry for rambling....talk to you all tomorrow!!!

    I'm sorry for your loss and for the pain selling the RV caused you (and probably your mom, too.) We all have strong emotional ties to items, and it is really hard to let them go. In times like this, I try to remember that the emotions are in the memories and not the actual item. You can put a price on that RV. The memories of your dad enjoying it are what is priceless!

    Also, I am sure your dad would want to see someone get good use out of his real love and enjoy it as much as he did. I am proud of you for still exercising through these rough days! Keep up the hard work!