Any Ladies who started at or are around 230 lbs.?



  • SusanDugas
    SusanDugas Posts: 30 Member
    SW: 228#
    CW:198# (though I have not recorded yet for this week)
    GW: 150# (or more, if I can find the willpower)
    I am 5'3", 57 years old, started MFP at the beginning of March and have finally lost the 30 pounds I regained after losing 75 pounds from my top weight of 265. This is working ever so much better than anything I have tried before and I am actually enjoying discovering new ways to re-create foods I love.

    I aim for regular exercise 5 days a week, which usually includes 3 days of 1 hour water aerobics or swimming and two days of walking for an hour. On days that I spend with three toddlers running in the park and playing at the playground, I just call that my daily exercise! It wipes me out. There is definitely a reason I had all my children while I was still young enough to play with them!
  • HokieMama4
    HokieMama4 Posts: 112 Member
    At the end of my last pregnancy I topped out at 228 because I took the expression "eating for two" literally and thought my tiny baby in utero needed to eat like a grown man... a grown man who eats a LOT of ice cream. I breastfed for the first year and was pretty hopeless about ever losing any weight - mostly because I was so attached to my baby and had no time or energy to put in the effort to get it done. When he stopped nursing in December of 2012 I thought maybe I wanted to try to lose weight, but I just felt so big and fat and overwhelmed that it was too hard to try... so I didn't. Then in January of 2013 I read an article from a woman just like me who actually went from morbidly obese to healthy. She wasn't a commercial, she wasn't selling anything, she was a real mom with a real life and a real commitment to being a healthy example to her kids. That really resonated with me. So that day I decided if I was going to lose weight I needed some help, so I researched some resources and decided MFP was a perfect fit for me. I was at 205lbs.

    According to my husband, I don't know how to do anything halfway (a blessing and a curse - ha!), so I started logging everything I ate and joined a gym. I have several friends who do okay with home workout programs or running, but I know me, and I'm never going to do as much at home as I will in a class full of people with someone yelling (lovingly, of course) at me to push harder. I started off doing 6 days of cardio. Once I noticed my cardio fitness had improved (probably about a month in), I started lifting twice a week. Lemme tell ya, lifting makes a HUGE difference!

    Today, I weighed in for the first time in the 160s (169.0!!!) I'm 5'4". Last summer I wore jeans and Tshirts all summer long because I was so embarrassed about the way I looked. And the pool? Forget it! I sit here now typing this in a tank top and shorts (NSV anyone?!?). In January I wore size 18 pants and XL/XXL shirts. Today I'm wearing size 10 bottoms and M/L tops. My favorite classes are Body Combat, Sh'bam, and Body Pump ( I have also started doing Body Attack which is super hard, and I'm proud of the fact that I can now make it through a whole class with all the high options!

    Here's my current routine:
    Monday: Sh'bam (cardio dance) and Body Pump (weightlifting)
    Tuesday: Body Attack (high cardio) and abs
    Wednesday: rest
    Thursday: Body Combat (kickboxing/mixed martial arts) and Body Pump
    Friday: CXWorx (core training class) and Sh'bam
    Saturday: sometimes I do a cardio class, and sometimes I just do something fun and active - like racquetball with my husband or soccer with my kids
    Sunday: rest
    Sometimes I also throw in a little Zumba or Yoga to change it up. I don't ever count cleaning/yardwork/housework as exercise in my diary because I did that stuff when I was fat, and I don't want to be fat anymore.

    Good luck to you in figuring out what works for you!
  • NewAndSexyMe
    I have just started and my weight is 224. I am soon to be 31 yrs old and diagnosed with sleep apnea. Being diagnosed with that at such a young age is really a wake up call for me because along with sleep apnea comes a higher risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. I have 4 kids and to hear a doctor tell me about all these diseases I am at risk to get all because of my weight is really scary. I have started taking herbalife shakes for breakfast, and using fitness pal to keep up with my calories for my lunch and dinner. It is very helpful! I also walk 2 miles 4-5 times a week. I have just started jogging along with the walking. Before it hurt my knees to jog but after a week or two or walking and jogging, my knees are a lot better. I now see that losing this weight will to be easy but it will be worth it. Don't be discouraged. Send me friend request and we can encourage each other!
  • angash1966
    angash1966 Posts: 19 Member
    great going hope to be there one day
  • Ortizb87
    Ortizb87 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow! You all are doing so great. You all give me hope =) and are such great inspiration. I know it’s a long journey but happy to have finally made the decision to start.
  • grammagie
    grammagie Posts: 142 Member
    I started at 262 and now am at about 229. My goad is 150 and believe me, this is a very long process. I have arthritis in both knees, and love sweets, so lots of obstacles. I do most of my cario through aqquafit, but three times a week, I do get on the ellipticals and do some exercise with a trainer.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    SW: 230
    CW: 205
    GW: 180
    I've been stuck at 205 for a while. I haven't been working out like I should though. I can't wait until I get to 199 though.
    I lost 25lbs by doing HASFit, BeFit in 90 and eating sensibly. I lost the first 10lbs before joining MFP.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    Height: 5' 8"
    SW: 223
    CW: 150
    GW: 140

    I started out walking on the treadmill first and the elliptical. I would walk on a incline and a fast pace. I worked out for 45 to 60 minutes 3-5 times a week At first. I started my weight loss journey at the end of March of this year. I now try to jog/ run 3-5 times a week and still do the elliptical . I still walk as well but now walk faster than I did in the beginning. I have just made my work outs harder. I was able to run 4.09 miles in 45 minutes the other night and last night I was able to run 36 minutes out of my 60 minutes on the treadmill. I try to work out 5x a week but I keep the diet clean so if I can't for some reason the it isn't too big of a deal. I've gone from a size 18 pant and XL shirt to a size 8 pant and medium shirt.
  • suzeq22
    suzeq22 Posts: 17 Member
    I started at 243 (the first time over a year ago). I've been much more motivated this time. For the past 6 weeks, I've been getting up at 5 a.m. every weekday and walking 2 miles with my dog, we keep a pretty good pace about 19/min mile. I sometimes take a rest day on Saturday from walking and then do 3 miles on Sunday (not at 5 a.m. though!) Last weekend I did 3 miles both Saturday and Sunday because the weather was so nice. I started Couch to 5K on Monday (today was day 2) and the walking base definitely helped. I tried it before and couldn't even run for a minute. This time, because of the walking routine first, I've been able to run the full minute for all 8 of the 1 minute intervals. The scale seems to be stalled at 12 lbs lost but my clothes are fitting better so I think it could be some muscle building. C25K is only three days a week so I'm walking the days in between but planning to add some strength training too. Good luck and feel free to add me. :smile:
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    I started at 250lbs. I got down to 210 just by walking....a lot
  • Tiffany4188
    Start Weight: 225
    Current Weight: 154
    Goal Weight: 127 (I'm not quite 5'3)

    I started working out in about 5 months ago and have lost 71 pounds working out 6 days a week for 1-2 hours a day. When I started out in June for the first 2 months I used Leslie Sansone Walking programs and Zumba Fitness. In August, I moved on to Tracy Anderson Precision Toning, Post Pregnancy Workout, and Beginner workout and Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 Level 1 workout. In September, I discovered Ellen Barrett and Amy Dixon (Breathless Body) and moved on to other Jillian Michaels workouts including 30 Day Shred and No More Trouble Zones. I have lost all 71 pounds in the comfort of my own home and eating a lower amount of calories. Even without reaching my goal weight yetI feel better than I've felt in my entire life.
  • dpwdash
    dpwdash Posts: 29 Member
    I started at 260 and a complete couch potato. I am down to 220 (this is not all shown on MFP). First I started with Zumba, then moved on to a cross training class and ended up in a bootcamp program provided by my employer. Tried swimming but it did not take. Started the Couch to 5K program in the spring finished a Warrior Dash in September and a 10kthis past weekend.

    Don't let your current size keep you from any activity you want to do. Find something fun, set a goal and go for it. My workout week looks like Run/walk on MWF and Xtraining T TH. I usually don't schedule anything for the weekends but I am active with other stuff.
    Good luck and I hope you find something you like.
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    Hello :)

    My starting weight was 230. I started using Power 90 (a cardio/strength training video offered from BeachBody) and really saw my body beginning to change. I didn't follow the program to a T, but did the strength video at least 3x a week and supplemented with other forms of cardio. I'm now at 160 and I'm considering doing the program again because i'm nearing the point where you will really be able to see some definition. Its an amazing workout and program, and I highly recommend (and no i'm not affiliated w/ beachbody, just really like this vid)
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    I started at 227. My routine when I started was a half hour of cardio (usually a regular exercise bike and/or walking on the treadmill) and 45 minutes or more of strength training. I split it between upper body and lower body and was doing 3 sets of 13. As I got stronger, I upped that to 4 sets of 13. I also tried to go for walks on non-gym days and to do yoga once a week or more.

    As I got stronger and a bit fitter (I'm still not sure I'd call myself "fit," but I keep trying!), I started mixing things up. Most of my cardio now is a combination of the arc trainer and the Expresso bikes at my gym. I usually do closer to 45 minutes of cardio now on a day when I'm doing strength training, too, or an hour when I'm not. I do less strength training now, but I'm able to lift a lot heavier than I used to be able to. Sometimes I feel like I accomplish more in 25-30 minutes than I used to in 45. I also split my strength training now between upper body w/ machines, lower body, and upper body w/ free weights.

    I plateaued for almost a month, which was frustrating, but I cut my calories from 1800 to 1770 and have been pushing myself harder during workouts and have slowly started to lose a bit again. I'm about 1/3 of a way to my goal weight. When I started, it seemed more like my dream weight than my goal weight, but I see that if I keep doing what I've been doing, it's a dream that can come true!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I was 220lb in 2009 when I got serious about losing weight and getting healthy.

    Current weight: 158lb Height: 5'8"

    My current routine is very different than what I do now.

    At 220, I did Wii Fit or EA Active 2 on my Wii for cardio and body weight strength training. I worked out about 3 days a week for about 30 minutes. If I was watching TV, I'd jog in place in front of my TV while watching the show.

    Eventually, I found some strength training routines outside of my Wii and did those (pushups, planks, dumb bell exercises)...usually 3 times a week. I'd still jog in front of the TV, or go for a walk. Eventually, I'd run/walk for about half a mile outside for cardio.

    Currently, I do the Strong Lifts 5x5 program (weight lifting) for strength 2-3 times a week. I run 3 times a week, averaging 15-20 miles per week. I got into running by starting a Couch to 5k program in January.

    Though all of this, I continued my playing of flag football and/or softball on the weekends.

    I've become very active and love it. Over these 4 years, I've changed my lifestyle to an active one with a healthy diet. Has done wonders for my overall well-being and happiness.
  • rcm1579
    rcm1579 Posts: 43 Member
    Started at 228 this past April. When I started I couldn't walk 50 feet without being out of breath, now I"m walking .75 miles during lunch at work daily, then when i get home I walk at least half a mile to 1.5 miles daily. My big thing was keeping track of my food intake...but I'm amazed how much I've lost. Need to add some weights to it soon.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    My highest weight was 230. I started exercising at around 214 or so. I signed up for a 5k walk and followed a 3-4 day a week walking regimen. Now I don't have a routine, exactly, but I have been going to horseback riding lessons every other week and trying to hit the elliptical or treadmill for 2-3 other days. Notice I say trying. I plan to work weight machines and yoga into that, too, but I still struggle to find the time.
  • marilandica
    marilandica Posts: 88 Member
    I "started" at 260 -- I say "started" because that was my peak recorded weight at the doctor's office about a year before she told me I had lost 30 lbs in the previous year (I didn't weigh myself at the time). The first 25-30 lbs came off through no real deliberate effort -- first I got sick, then I took an incredibly physically active vacation, then I experienced a ton of worry and stress associated with helping a dear friend through a terminal illness. Having noticed that I needed a smaller size of pants without much conscious effort on my part, I started to make a conscious effort. I made slightly better food choices and resolved to always take a walk on a nice day. This started as walking about an hour around 3 times a week, but pretty quickly became waking much further distances in the daily hour 5 times a week. Then the logging food, counting calories and real effort at fitness walking. I walk 2-7 miles a day (average 25 per week) at around 4.5 mph. I also make an effort to be physically active on weekends -- canoeing, hiking, whatever. It's been about a year and a half and I'm down 97 lbs. I'm at the point where I'm increasing my calories and tapering off towards maintenance. The exercise has been great for me physically, but even better for me mentally. Daily exercise now is more about what makes me feel good physically and mentally, than it is about what makes me lose weight.
  • grammagie
    grammagie Posts: 142 Member
    when I hit my breaking point in March, I weighed 262 lbs. I am now about 230 and still have a long way to go. It isn't easy and hasn't been easy. I go to the gym three times a week with a trainer. That is challenging as I have arthrtitis in both knees. I also do aquafit twice a week in addition to this.
  • marriedwoman305
    marriedwoman305 Posts: 10 Member
    I lost 42 lbs walking and drinking water. Now I got to lose 100 lbs to get to 140. I am starting to jog and jump rope. I really want to get into a size 4. People started to see a change when I lost 35 lbs.