Guy and Girl be "just friends"



  • mdraper60
    mdraper60 Posts: 101 Member
    Why not?? My best friend is a guy and I actually have more guys friends than girls! I am married and my hubby is totally cool with it. We have a loving and trusting relationship so there is no reason for him to be jealous. :smile:
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    It can work. I have plenty of female friends.. Sometimes my wife gets a little jealous, but that is ok. It keeps her on her toes. :happy:
  • lookitsbecc
    lookitsbecc Posts: 22 Member
    I personally have never liked texting as a way of communication. I use texting as a way of sending a message such as "I'm going to the shops, do you need anything?" "I'll be over in about 5, grab your stuff" kind of thing. But that's just me.
    I wouldn't particularly like it if my SO was texting another girl, purely because there are so many other kinds of communication available these days that texting seems a bit intimate/private. Why not facebook message? Or skype? Or whatever it is people do these days.
    I don't text any of my friends, if something needs to be said or I fancy a chat I hop on facebook chat because there's an app on my phone for it...
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Absolutely-- my best friend is a girl. Woman. Whatever. We've been best friends for eh... let's see... oh man, almost thirty years now.

    We're both 40 now. We met on the monkey bars in second grade. She was trying to stomp on my hands to make me go away. Anyway yeah, nothing romantic, neither of us is gay, we both date (other people), and have never dated each other. We're just buddies.
  • suzend
    suzend Posts: 155 Member
    I have two close guy friends. One I went to high school with and the other I met at work. My husband has met both and hung out with all of us together. It's only ever been friends and it's all it ever will be. We just dig each others company. My friend from work has since left the company and moved out of state. Texting and emailing are how we communicate now and every so often, he comes up this way to visit. It's all good. :smile:
  • WanderingLass
    WanderingLass Posts: 86 Member
    Yes. They can be. The end.



    One of my longest-standing friendships is with a guy. He's listened to me through a failed marriage and a minor mental breakdown after. He's like a brother to me. Does my SO care? Nope. Has he ever met him? Nope. Does he trust me implicitly AND know who I love and am committed to? Yup.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    One of my closest male friends said "A guy and a girl can only be friends for as long as the guy can or wants to have sex with her"




  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    Yep!! I have several guy friends that are just friends and nothing more.
  • imshr3dded
    imshr3dded Posts: 33
    Yep!! I have several guy friends that are just friends and nothing more.

    Do they know they're friendzoned yet?
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    One of my closest male friends said "A guy and a girl can only be friends for as long as the guy can or wants to have sex with her"
    We call that "projecting".
  • Justme030
    Justme030 Posts: 255 Member
  • PoopieMonster
    PoopieMonster Posts: 295 Member
    Yes as long as they sleep together.
  • Kilokata
    Kilokata Posts: 111
    Men and women can ABSOLUTELY be "just friends." It's all a matter of willpower.

    At some point throughout any real friendship there will be some form of attraction. You are FRIENDS after all - there's a REASON you like each other. The question is whether or not that attraction is so sexual in nature that you can't turn deny your instinctual desires.

    Another important point is whether or not both of the people in question are already in relationships. If they're single, we call that "meeting somebody and falling for them." If they're committed elsewhere we call that "cheating."

    I get along better with women than I do men. I'm not sure why, I just think it has something to do with a lot of guys' huge egos. Because of this, I've had a lot of friendly relationships with women. I have/had feelings for most of those friends, but I don't act on it. It's a matter of respect and logic. If they're in a relationship, they're off-limits. If I'm in a relationship, I'm off-limits. If there are no signs that there's mutual attraction, it's not worth destroying a great friendship. Simply put, it's not my place to say or do anything in most scenarios. I'd rather have a bunch of great friends than a bunch of awkward acquaintances!

    Anybody who says they don't have feelings towards their friends is a liar. Whether those feelings are just simply liking them for being great, adoration, lust, love or just plain kindness doesn't matter - they're still feelings. It's how you act on them that makes the situation.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Yea if the chick is not attractive

    Was waiting for a guy to say it, haha.

    Hot girls are just too much for straight guys to deal with because you can't help but think about the sex. Exceptions to this, is if the guy's SO is hotter and they have that Romeo and Juliet level love.
  • TriThreat
    TriThreat Posts: 313
    In my experience, depends on the boyfriends/girlfriends.

    I'm not the jealous type. my boyfriends have always been free to have whatever friendships they want. In my mind, if you want to be with me, you want to be with me. I trust that. If you want someone else, let's break it off and move on. No reason for the jealousy bit.

    HOWEVER, most of my boyfriends have gotten jealous of my relationship with my bestie (who is guy)
  • antdogs
    antdogs Posts: 191 Member
    i have a lot of close friends for the past 15 years and i dont have any sexual fondness we are really cool.. its possible :)
  • Lady_Chilli
    Lady_Chilli Posts: 161 Member
    Yeah I've got loads of guy friends in fact some of them are actually coming on my hen do :D
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have one...but he's fundamentally f*cked up and my fiance knows that I would never EVER date him. But he's been my friend since kindergarten. He also texts and BS's with my fiance and they're comfortable around each other so it's all good. I do have male friends that my fiance doesn't associate with, and he's fine with that. If i was going to sleep with them I would have done it by now. I'm the one that has a problem with his little hussy followers. He keeps telling me not to worry. When they try and sleep with him, they are no longer in his life or I'd lose my *kitten*. This has happened 3 times already. I trust my fiance with my whole heart, it's the women (even though they know we've been together forever, I'm raising his 10 year old with him, and they don't stand a chance) that p!ss me off...
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I have some REALLY good guy friends. Anytime someone asks I say we're "just friends". Keeps their wives off my back, and prudish people from calling me a *kitten*.