
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Hey!! I'm Tara. I started on Monday. I completed Day 4 today. This is also my 2nd round. :)
  • Nicolette04
    Nicolette04 Posts: 82 Member
    I just started day 1 yesterday.. I'm not sure if I'll be doing day 2 today or not.. I may attempt it but my thighs are aching so we'll see how it goes. If anyone else has just started add me and we can motivate each other and compare the aching lol. Have a good day!

    and Congrats on the progress!

    I started yesterday as well. And I hurt. I am gonna go for it again tonight, I'm walking around like I got hit by a truck, but I'm in this for real :)
  • Nicolette04
    Nicolette04 Posts: 82 Member
    I also saw results at the end of level 1, no change in level 2 and then a big change in level 3! And I also gained the first week of doing it too so don't be discouraged :-) I'm sick of the shred and Jillian but it works and it's only 25 minutes, I couldn't ask for more!

    We can do this everyone :-D

    Thanks for the motivation! I'm excited for this, it is my first time doing a program, and I like how she changes it up. Right when I can't take anymore of an exercise, it gets switched up.
  • skinnyme444
    skinnyme444 Posts: 86
    I just started 30 Day Shred. Today is Day 4 and I can already tell a HUGE difference in my endurance! My only problem is that my knee is killing me today. Has anyone else had knee pain?

    yeah, my knee gave my trouble in level 2 and I got really worried about it and thought I'd damaged it but I was just added in some light walking and I was fine in level 3! it's the lunges that do it! I'm awful at them because I can't balance at all but she digs them too much!

    if the pain gets unbearable then take a rest from the shred and do some other exercise for a few days :-)

    to everyone else - I'm glad we're all on level 1 together :-) it's a long 30 days, the first 15 will drag but the last last 15 fly and you be like wow, check me out lol!
  • skinnyme444
    skinnyme444 Posts: 86
    Tomorrow is the last day of level 2 for me, then on to level 3. When did you really start seeing results? Btw I am right there with you about the bikini body, I am getting married in Nov, and would like to wear a bikini at least on my honeymoon!

    no, if course there's no right way! you could do level 3 for 30 days if you want!

    just go at your own pace whether that's 5 or 15 days at level 1! some people may think level 1 is easy and won't make any change but for others, it can make a huge difference as its a completely different way of exercising and their body is working muscles it's never used!

    the main thing is that you finish so just do what works for you:-)
  • mistij68
    mistij68 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi guys, my name is Rebecca.

    I completed the 30 day shred about 3/4 weeks ago and lost 13 inches on total (individual results shown below)! It is noa approaching summer and although I am not going away until September, I am commencing operation bikini body! ok, I sounded really cheesy but I don't care lol - this summer is the summer that I will work hard and get my results and know that I will look good in a bikin - no more of this 'there's always next year attitude'!

    I officially started yesterday and have a lot coming up this month so it will take me more than 30 days. If you come acros this thread, a week or month from when I wrote this then still join, all motivation is welcome :-) I had photos from my previous shred but MFP took them off as it was in my underwear, I will take photos in my gym gear and post the final results and measurements once I am done!

    Started 30 day shred on 1st April:

    CW: 151.75 LBS

    Waist - 30 inches
    thighs - 23 1/2 inches
    Arms - 12 icnhes
    Below Belly button - 36 inches
    Chest - 34 inches
    Calves -14 1/2 inches

    Half-way point - 15th April

    CW: 148.75 LBS

    Waist - 28 inches
    thighs - 23 inches
    Arms - 11 icnhes
    Below Belly button - 33.5 inches
    Chest - 33.5 inches
    Calves -14 inches

    END - 3rd May

    CW: 146.8lbs
    Waist - 26.5 inches
    thighs - 22 inches
    Arms - 10.5 icnhes
    Below Belly button - 32 inches
    Chest - 32 inches
    Calves -14 inches

    I'm in work so can't post the link to the 30 day shred calender, just google image it! It really helped me through and ensured I didn't give up, I wrote down what other exercise I did and how I felt that day, you'll be amazed looking back on it when your done!



    Good Job! Keep up the good work!
  • bouncybabymama
    bouncybabymama Posts: 18 Member
    I have been walking every evening. It really helps to keep me from being sore the next day. I did take today off to give my knee a rest. It feels better but still doesn't feel great. Hopefully, I'll be up and going in the morning. I hate to say it but I kind of missed Jillian today. lol
  • skinnyme444
    skinnyme444 Posts: 86
    On day 3 today and it's Friday! I think Fridays are the worst because I walk to work so cant get up another hour before I already do to do it and I have to drive home for the weekend which is 90 minutes away and I never feel like working out :-( Going to walk home and hopefully get it over and done with and then pack up my stuff and get home for the weekend! Also, boss has ordered in Dominos for lunch and it's my time of the month so my cravings are hitting the roof! Hope you're all staying strong :-)
  • Tigg1011
    Tigg1011 Posts: 146
    I hate fridays for working out myself! Planned to run for 20 mins and then do the last day of level 2 this morning but only had enough time for the run...so level 2 later tonight! Although all I wanna do on fridays is relax! Hey, does anyone have any advice on what to eat when going to a bar?? There are virtually no healthy options and I feel like their salads always suck!
  • skinnyme444
    skinnyme444 Posts: 86
    I hate fridays for working out myself! Planned to run for 20 mins and then do the last day of level 2 this morning but only had enough time for the run...so level 2 later tonight! Although all I wanna do on fridays is relax! Hey, does anyone have any advice on what to eat when going to a bar?? There are virtually no healthy options and I feel like their salads always suck!

    Me and my boyfriend used to run at the weekends but I hate running now and I need to do the shred, can't miss a day already!

    Amm.. I never really eat out because I'm too afraid to! I'd say maybe a burger minus the bun and have potatoes or something?
  • Tigg1011
    Tigg1011 Posts: 146
    I hate fridays for working out myself! Planned to run for 20 mins and then do the last day of level 2 this morning but only had enough time for the run...so level 2 later tonight! Although all I wanna do on fridays is relax! Hey, does anyone have any advice on what to eat when going to a bar?? There are virtually no healthy options and I feel like their salads always suck!

    Me and my boyfriend used to run at the weekends but I hate running now and I need to do the shred, can't miss a day already!

    Amm.. I never really eat out because I'm too afraid to! I'd say maybe a burger minus the bun and have potatoes or something?

    Yeah, I am trying to add SOME cardio in to hopefully speed up my weight loss. Praying it works!!
    Ok, good idea, I will try that-thanks! :O)
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I started 30 Day Shred today - Thanks for starting this thread. Taking a family vacation in 6 weeks. Would like to not be embarrassed in swimsuit by then!

    CW: 153.8 lbs
    Height 5' 4"

    Waist (smallest part) - 32 inches
    Waist (at belly button) - 34 inches
    Thighs - 24 1/4 inches
    Upper Arm - 12 3/4 inches
    Hips (widest) - 42 1/2 inches
    Chest - 36 1/4 inches
    Calves -14 7/8 inches

    Life is too busy for P90X, so hoping this video will produce similar results without the hour and a half workouts! Seems many have had promising results :o)
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Tigg1011 - Bring some cashews (or eat them right before you go). Will satisfy your hunger so no matter what you eat you won't have as large an appetite :o)
  • Tigg1011
    Tigg1011 Posts: 146
    Good idea! Thank you!
  • skinnyme444
    skinnyme444 Posts: 86
    I started 30 Day Shred today - Thanks for starting this thread. Taking a family vacation in 6 weeks. Would like to not be embarrassed in swimsuit by then!

    CW: 153.8 lbs
    Height 5' 4"

    Waist (smallest part) - 32 inches
    Waist (at belly button) - 34 inches
    Thighs - 24 1/4 inches
    Upper Arm - 12 3/4 inches
    Hips (widest) - 42 1/2 inches
    Chest - 36 1/4 inches
    Calves -14 7/8 inches

    Life is too busy for P90X, so hoping this video will produce similar results without the hour and a half workouts! Seems many have had promising results :o)

    great idea posting your measurement :-) so it's 9pm here, got home at 8pm and did my shred wooo, nearly half way through level 1 already!

    since your holidays in 6 weeks, why not try her 6 week 6 pack or no more trouble zones? NMTZ is like 50 minutes but if you did 3 circuits one night, the reaming 4 the next and had a day off from it and then repeat? I always skipped the arm exercises and after a week of it I could see a big change in it! NMTZ can be found free on YouTube and its from Jillian also :-) I highly recommend that!

    Also, for you cardio crazies out there, burn fat boost metabolism from Jillian is a 50 minute straight cardio DVD and will absolutely kill you but if your looking for that extra intense cardio to shift off the fat then I recommend that too but it will take you a while to build up to do the whole thing - it's intense!
  • skinnyme444
    skinnyme444 Posts: 86
    forgot to say, NMTZ is all toning so there's no crazy cardio! actually, I don't think there's any cardio which is great lol
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    Started it AGAIN last night after a 2 month hiatus from working out and eating right. OMG was it hard! I can't believe how quickly I got out of shape! So looking forward to some results! I love this work out.
  • srichardallen
    srichardallen Posts: 20 Member
    Congrats & sign me up!
    I just ordered the 30 day shred a few days ago, so I'm excited to try it out. I'm definitely going to use that calendar. Thanks for the tip!
  • mom2tmh
    mom2tmh Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting today :-) I started and stopped numerous times because I get bored easily (I like to switch up and do something different each time I workout). I am also training for a few running events this summer (2mile, 5k, and a 10k), one every month starting in august. But with a group it'll motivate me to stick with it.
  • melissa112
    melissa112 Posts: 99 Member

    I finished 30DS halfway through May, and am currently going back through it. I'm doing 3 days a week though and 6 days overall on each level instead of 10. But this time round I'm using weights for the cardio as in Level 3, and using heavier weights (8lb instead of 5) for the rest of it.

    I'm starting Level 2 next week and absolutely dreading it as I hated it the first time round. I'm also doing Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism once or twice a week!