HCG progress and updates - for people on it or thinking abou



  • theshannondee
    Hi guys,
    I am obviously a newbie... I am trying to decide what would be the best cycle for me for HCG. I am doing the drops. I am trying to decide between two 20 day cycles with the resting period in between, or a 40 day cycle. Is there a big difference between the two? Anyone have any suggestions for one way or the other? I know the period between the two smaller cycles may bounce my weight a little (plus it will be my bday in there!) but besides that does anyone feel strongly about a full 40 day cycle, or two 20 day cycles? Any advice? Let me know. Thanks!
    Current weight: 165
    Goal weight: 115
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    WTG Lori!
    Lioness, I'm sorry you were forced to poison yourself today.:sick:
    Gorgeous, you don't have to eat all the food. In P&I Simeons actually says it. Get your protein and fiber - forget the rest.
    I switched to a new hcg yesterday evening. I am convinced this one is stronger. No hunger.
    Am sitting on the deck, sipping an apple cider vinegar martini. (just Bragg's in a martini glass with crushed ice).
    It is so good - like drinking the juice out of the pickle jar - without all the sodium. I must be sick if I actually like these things...

    But - now I can have pickle slices without the water weight gain. I'll slice some cucumbers and put them in a baggie with the Braggs. Instant vinegar chips! I bet onions would be great that way, too.

    Welcome to all the new hcg peeps.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Congrats Rob! You had a great round. Are you planning on doing another?
    I'm going to do another, maybe 2 if my results aren't as high during the next one. Brittany has more weight to lose than me and is going to do 3, maybe 4, more rounds.
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    WTG Lori!
    Lioness, I'm sorry you were forced to poison yourself today.:sick:
    Gorgeous, you don't have to eat all the food. In P&I Simeons actually says it. Get your protein and fiber - forget the rest.
    I switched to a new hcg yesterday evening. I am convinced this one is stronger. No hunger.
    Am sitting on the deck, sipping an apple cider vinegar martini. (just Bragg's in a martini glass with crushed ice).
    It is so good - like drinking the juice out of the pickle jar - without all the sodium. I must be sick if I actually like these things...

    But - now I can have pickle slices without the water weight gain. I'll slice some cucumbers and put them in a baggie with the Braggs. Instant vinegar chips! I bet onions would be great that way, too.

    Welcome to all the new hcg peeps.

    I don't eat the melbas at all. It slows me down. I managed go eat a great dinner and apples! I hope that's enough. I'm 100 calories short.
  • fivefatcats
    Gorgeos - I had a day or two that was way short - it happens. I don't think I would have wanted many like that though, I looked forward to my meals.

    Amanda - this is an excerpt from my entry on page 5

    NEWS - in March at a weight of 182 I had a body composition test done and it said I was 27.8% body fat. I had another done today and I am at 27% body fat. Now you can take that two ways: 1) I lost fat and lean body mass (OMG - NOT LEAN BODY MASS!!!) or 2) I lost 25 lbs and proportiately the same fat and lean mass.

    Lets be reasonable. If I weighed 150 and 120 lbs was lean mass, then lost 30 lbs, would I expect to still have 120lbs of lean mass? Of course not - that would make me 0% body fat at that is not achievable.

    The important figure for me is that I lost weight, went from 51 lbs of fat to 44 lbs of fat and from 131 lbs of lean to 117lbs of lean.

    I am perfectly happy with those numbers. I also believe that (since I am pretty flabby right now) that an exercise program that includes cardio I enjoy PLUS WEIGHT TRAINING is vital to toning the new body and achieving the body image I desire.

    I will have the body composition test done again in 6 weeks to see if I can get that 27% body fat closer to my goal of 22%.

    That's it in a nutshell.
  • fivefatcats
    Everyone - have you heard anything good or bad about Isabel De Los Rios' "THE DIET SOLUTION" ???

    I watched their ad and fell for it hook line and sinker. I think it sounds great. It's all about the foods that keep us fat and the foods that help us lose fat. Good carbs/bad carbs, good fats, bad fats.

    I want that to be my phase 4 and lifetime plan starting now.

    So on that note I wanted to suggest to Amanda that you trade in your whole wheat bread for some whole grain/sprouted grain bread and look for an alternative to the whole wheat pasta too. I plan to try millet and quinoa in the immediate future to see how I like those products. The Diet Solutions is really big on reducing (eliminating but let's be real) processed foods.

    Also, screw the fat free dressings - look for some with no/low sugar. I don't know about the cheese yet - I live in Wisconsin and in Wisconsin, if you breathe you eat cheese. (Like the 2oz of cheese curds I had with my salad this afternoon!:tongue: )
  • txshan
    txshan Posts: 6
    I am on HCG and it is awesome..........I am on my 15th day and I have lost 16.2 lbs!!!
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Cheese is hard:smile: I live to eat cheese again .... can't wait for phase three. I think I can have some then? I need to read the protocol.
    Ditto on the whole grain/sprouted vs. whole wheat. I had gotten to the point where I was making my own organic whole wheat bread in a bread machine. That was good, and I knew where every single ingredient came from. In place of that, I switched to organic whole grain bread - when I was eating bread ...
    Traci, I have not read the book, but the premise sounds familiar and rings true. The closer any food is to it's natural state, the better chance our bodies have of digesting it, using it properly and eliminating the waste, rather than just saying, "hu?" and storing the whole darn thing as fat.
    The problem is that organic, grass fed, free range, etc. equates to huge money at the check out whereas a double cheese burger is $0.99. It's cheep to be fat in this country. It's quite expensive to eat healthfully and be thin. This holds true in the short term, but think of how much that double cheese burger costs in the long run - medical costs, etc. over a life time.
  • txshan
    txshan Posts: 6
    Hi! I am on HCG and I am on my first round and I have lost 16.2 lbs. in 15 days!!!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member


  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    I am on HCG and it is awesome..........I am on my 15th day and I have lost 16.2 lbs!!!

    w00t! congrats! It IS great isn't it?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    WTG Lori!
    Lioness, I'm sorry you were forced to poison yourself today.:sick:
    Gorgeous, you don't have to eat all the food. In P&I Simeons actually says it. Get your protein and fiber - forget the rest.
    I switched to a new hcg yesterday evening. I am convinced this one is stronger. No hunger.
    Am sitting on the deck, sipping an apple cider vinegar martini. (just Bragg's in a martini glass with crushed ice).
    It is so good - like drinking the juice out of the pickle jar - without all the sodium. I must be sick if I actually like these things...

    But - now I can have pickle slices without the water weight gain. I'll slice some cucumbers and put them in a baggie with the Braggs. Instant vinegar chips! I bet onions would be great that way, too.

    Welcome to all the new hcg peeps.

    I like pickle juice and braggs too...............I am wondering if I have yeast die off. I am detoxing something terrible since I switched bottles of hHCG................

    I feel sick. Achy muscles and joints, headache, almost feverish feeling and upset stomach.........

    I don't think it is the diet soda, I woke up with the headache. It just got worse after drinking that soda............
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    ooooooooooopppppppppppppppppppps, I forgot to say HI to all the Noobies!!!!

    Hi and welcome!!! Your gonna love HCG.

    If your doing homeopathic drops, don't put them near a computer, cell phone or any other electronic equipment. It makes it worth nothing and you will get the worst hunger eVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • amandadaisylotus
    Bad news.

    Yesterday my hands itched and had white bumps on them. I attributed it to bug bites (here in florida that is not a far stretch no matter what). They went away/stopped itching pretty quickly.

    Tonight it happened again, except it spread from my hands to my knees. I was having an allergic reaction.

    Now, I am on BOTH HCG and an appetite suppressant called Phendimetrazine. It is MOST likely that it is the Phendimetrazine and not the HCG.

    But I'm concerned. I can't really imagine anyone being allergic to HCG as it is a naturally occurring hormone in our body that even men have in their tissues, and the dose I'm getting is so far lower than the amount found during pregnancy.

    Luckily I AM doing this with clinical support so I called the clinic and they advised me to take benadryl and stop taking the suppressants. Tomorrow they want me to just do the HCG injection and see if I have a reaction (since my reaction isn't exactly life threatening).

    I'm worried because it spread which could show it getting worse (which would point to the HCG storing in my system not the immediate reaction suppressant), but I don't want to freak myself out over nothing, and I know that a faster heart rate can spread toxins, not sure if this works with allergies.

    I've never been allergic to something before. I'm 23, and generally healthy besides my weight.

    It would be the cruelest thing in the world if it turns out the one thing I'm allergic to is HCG. -sigh-
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi guys,
    I am obviously a newbie... I am trying to decide what would be the best cycle for me for HCG. I am doing the drops. I am trying to decide between two 20 day cycles with the resting period in between, or a 40 day cycle. Is there a big difference between the two? Anyone have any suggestions for one way or the other? I know the period between the two smaller cycles may bounce my weight a little (plus it will be my bday in there!) but besides that does anyone feel strongly about a full 40 day cycle, or two 20 day cycles? Any advice? Let me know. Thanks!
    Current weight: 165
    Goal weight: 115

    I planned to do the 40 day cycle, and up until about day 20, I was doing okay, but I have had some motivational issues in the last few days (today was day 23). If you feel you can stay on task for 40 days, go for it, but if you get to day 20 and feel like you have had ENOUGH, you could end the HCG, stay on VLCD for another 2-3 days, to stabilize, and then start the phase of eating more of what you have been eating, but no starch or sugars. You can always pick up another cycle later on.

    Mind you, I am not saying this is what you ought to do. I am just saying, if you feel like 20 days is about IT, for you, there is a way to deal with it.
  • fivefatcats
    Amanda - honestly I can't see how you could be allergic to HCG - ESPECIALLY since you are a woman and at some point in your life may become pregnant and produce the hormone yourself. I work at a hospital and general concensus here is that it is much more likely that something else is at the cause of your reaction.

    reneeot - your sister's story sounds a little like mine - I went from a 16-18 to an 8-10 - I just love that new number!! I even have a few things in size 6!!

    txshan - welcome and congratulations - you certainly don't look like you have 60lbs left to lose!!

    skinnytime & others - I am starting to believe that the "organic" nuts are right, however, I will slowly make that transition. For now I chose to reduce my intake of processed foods, simple carbs, unnecessary sugars and artificial sweeteners and chemicals - reduce - not eliminate. I will still have a diet soda here and there, a bite of cake or sweets and God knows I can't let a cheezy poof go past me!! (Love those cheezy poofs) But I figure if I can make these things a much smaller percentage of my diet than they have been in the past, I should see great improvements.

    I think I already am seeing those improvements. I am eating around 2000 calories a day and having NO TROUBLE holding my weight. The only days I went up were the day I totally binged on beer and popcorn, and the birthday party day when I had cake, icecream, pasta salad and lots of cheezy poofs! If I make the majority of my calories from good proteins, lots of veggies and salad and healthy fats, it seems I can eat many more calories and get away with it.

    Isn't that what we're after!!!! I sure am!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I just finished the book THE WEIGHT LOSS CURE by Kevin Trudeau that is based on Dr Simeons Pounds and Inches. My question is, Are all of you under a Dr's care for the hcg or you going this on your own? I would love to try this after seeing my sister in law drop 20 pounds in her first round. That is the VERY most I would want to lose but I am on thyroid med., progesterone and an estrogen patch for menopause and it says in the book NO drugs! What dio you all do about this? I appreciate ANY advice from any of you and if you want you can just message me too! Thanks again!
  • amandadaisylotus
    Personally I don't think HCG is for people who want to drop less than 20 pounds. I think you wouldn't have enough fat stores and you would be pretty hungry throughout the program. But that is just my personal opinion and I know there are many people at the clinic I go to (I do it under Dr. Supervision but not everyone here does) who are there to lose the last few stubborn pounds. It's up to you. I will say that if 20 pounds is all you need to lose, you will not lose as quickly as some of us here. And DEFINITELY do it under Dr. Supervision to make sure you are getting everything you need, as like I said, you don't have the fat deposits I do.

    My doctor and many sites said that true HCG should have no interaction with drugs, but always check with your own Dr.

    News: Took my shot this morning after weigh in. Cheated yesterday due to the stress and a "If I'm allergic to a natural product I'm ****ed" feeling.

    Still lost 1.8 pounds for a total of 5 pounds in 2 days. I know this will slow down but it makes me all the more anxious to be allergic to the suppressant, not the hCg.

    But of course I'm going to be paranoid all day and every little itch will worry me. Both break outs happened in the evening so I just need to calm down and wait it out.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I just finished the book THE WEIGHT LOSS CURE by Kevin Trudeau that is based on Dr Simeons Pounds and Inches. My question is, Are all of you under a Dr's care for the hcg or you going this on your own? I would love to try this after seeing my sister in law drop 20 pounds in her first round. That is the VERY most I would want to lose but I am on thyroid med., progesterone and an estrogen patch for menopause and it says in the book NO drugs! What dio you all do about this? I appreciate ANY advice from any of you and if you want you can just message me too! Thanks again!

    I am on Cortisol Creme for adrenal Fatigue and Armour Thyroid for hypothyroid and I am doing the HCG plan. I am under doctors care also.........She is watching me via weekly appointments.
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    Good MORNING HCGers!

    very little drop today (only .2) so I'm calling it stall day.

    I expect that I'll drop big tomorrow. My loss seems to go in cycles: little/nothing, little/nothing, 2 pounds. Little/nothing, little/nothing, two pounds. At least that's how it looks when I check out my stats.

    I was 100 calories under yesterday but that was really the first time i've ever been that much under. I wonder if that could be it?

    Anyway, I'm not quite in panic mode. I have set my goal as 4.5 pounds a week which is about .6 a day. Doable. I've got one pound down this week and 5 more diet days to go until Monday' weigh in. I think (as of now) I'm on target and should be able to drop another 3.5 in those 5 days. Fingers crossed.

    I did, however, wake up feeling teensy. My waist and hips feel different. I love that.
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