Ladies running without a shirt?



  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 266 Member
    As a mom of teenage boys (and teen girls)...I say no don't run in your bra.
    I also don't appreciate the skimpy swimsuits.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    You should wear a shirt for two reasons 1) sun protection and 2) pervert protection. I'm fairly large busted and run in the Moving Comfort Fiona which comes in lots of pretty colors but I've never seen women wear them alone. Last summer when I ran home from the park in 102 degree heat I peeled off my shirt half way up the last hill and arrived home like that. Boy, did I hear it from my husband!!
    let's be real here, there's nothing about a tshirt that makes you any safer. what's it going to do, fight off a potential attacker for you?

    I'm a 32 D and wear a Moving Comfort Fiona and I have ran in just that before. I have also taken off my shirt on a hike and hiked in just that. I have no problem with it. But that's just me.

    Although I burn easily so sun protection is a valid point. I have to slather sunblock on pretty heavily and as for the perverts.. I live in a pretty safe area and run/hike with the pooch. So I feel safe.
    The sunburn is definitely a valid point! I just think it's a sad thing that something as trivial as running in a sports bra can make women feel less safe. We shouldn't have to wear hot shirts if we don't want to in an effort to feel safer, you know? And in all honesty, if someone really was going to attack someone, it could be done whether or not they are wearing a shirt or a sports bra. I think the idea of wearing more clothes to feel safer comes from society sort of pushing victims to take some responsibility for being attacked or at least responsibility to prevent it from happening...when really it's not relevant, there are sick people out there no matter what you're going to wear!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    non Americans must be laughing at us. i wish our fore fathers hadn't been prudes and made us ashamed of our bodies.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    As a mom of teenage boys (and teen girls)...I say no don't run in your bra.
    I also don't appreciate the skimpy swimsuits.
    this confuses me...what do your teenage sons have to do with a woman's exercise clothes or the weather?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    non Americans must be laughing at us. i wish our fore fathers hadn't been prudes and made us ashamed of our bodies.
    I'm with you on that!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    You should wear a shirt for two reasons 1) sun protection and 2) pervert protection. I'm fairly large busted and run in the Moving Comfort Fiona which comes in lots of pretty colors but I've never seen women wear them alone. Last summer when I ran home from the park in 102 degree heat I peeled off my shirt half way up the last hill and arrived home like that. Boy, did I hear it from my husband!!
    let's be real here, there's nothing about a tshirt that makes you any safer. what's it going to do, fight off a potential attacker for you?

    I'm a 32 D and wear a Moving Comfort Fiona and I have ran in just that before. I have also taken off my shirt on a hike and hiked in just that. I have no problem with it. But that's just me.

    Although I burn easily so sun protection is a valid point. I have to slather sunblock on pretty heavily and as for the perverts.. I live in a pretty safe area and run/hike with the pooch. So I feel safe.
    The sunburn is definitely a valid point! I just think it's a sad thing that something as trivial as running in a sports bra can make women feel less safe. We shouldn't have to wear hot shirts if we don't want to in an effort to feel safer, you know? And in all honesty, if someone really was going to attack someone, it could be done whether or not they are wearing a shirt or a sports bra. I think the idea of wearing more clothes to feel safer comes from society sort of pushing victims to take some responsibility for being attacked or at least responsibility to prevent it from happening...when really it's not relevant, there are sick people out there no matter what you're going to wear!

    I agree 100%. I only quoted you because that's when I saw the original comment and I was too lazy to go back and only find that one or edit yours out. But you type nothing but the truth. I so agree.

    If I wear a sports bra I am not doing to ask to be attacked or to flaunt my body in any way or tempt someone's husband. I did it because it was hot and I was more comfortable that way. I am pretty sure that's the thought process of most women who run in sports bras.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Yes I do.
    I am Fit tho. I also Like it when I encounter other fit woman that are in them.
    Plus this heat is crazy, My T-shirts get soaked b4 Im at the top of the Hill.
    anyone that's out jogging is "fit" by my standards! doesn't matter what you look like, I can barely jog for more than 5 minutes myself!

    Whats your point?
    what was your point by adding "I am fit tho?" My point is that fit isn't a look, so if that's what you were referencing then I disagree. You don't need to look a certain way to feel comfortable running in a sports bra.

    I added it because I wanted you to follow me around like your doing with these other posters, and put your 2 cents in.
    Your not the OP.
    So mind your own business about what I add to MY commets.
    Thank you.

    I didn't realize that only the OP was supposed to add to the discussion. You just didn't like what I had to say, oh well.
    But seriously, it's a message board, a discussion. If you don't want anyone to reply to what you have to say, just don't post anything, or get over it. This is immature anyways so I'm done replying to you.


    Perhaps You Need an attitude adjustment.
    I liked the original gif you had better, but I do find it funny that you went back and edited it to add a new one. Not to be the person that says they're done replying and then continues to reply, but I just thought I'd say that I noticed that you changed it. Now I actually am done replying to you, it's no longer adding anything to the actual topic so there's no point.
  • Karrie262
    Karrie262 Posts: 152 Member
    Absolutely! I can't stand wearing a shirt when it's super hot outside!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    You should wear a shirt for two reasons 1) sun protection and 2) pervert protection. I'm fairly large busted and run in the Moving Comfort Fiona which comes in lots of pretty colors but I've never seen women wear them alone. Last summer when I ran home from the park in 102 degree heat I peeled off my shirt half way up the last hill and arrived home like that. Boy, did I hear it from my husband!!
    let's be real here, there's nothing about a tshirt that makes you any safer. what's it going to do, fight off a potential attacker for you?

    I'm a 32 D and wear a Moving Comfort Fiona and I have ran in just that before. I have also taken off my shirt on a hike and hiked in just that. I have no problem with it. But that's just me.

    Although I burn easily so sun protection is a valid point. I have to slather sunblock on pretty heavily and as for the perverts.. I live in a pretty safe area and run/hike with the pooch. So I feel safe.
    The sunburn is definitely a valid point! I just think it's a sad thing that something as trivial as running in a sports bra can make women feel less safe. We shouldn't have to wear hot shirts if we don't want to in an effort to feel safer, you know? And in all honesty, if someone really was going to attack someone, it could be done whether or not they are wearing a shirt or a sports bra. I think the idea of wearing more clothes to feel safer comes from society sort of pushing victims to take some responsibility for being attacked or at least responsibility to prevent it from happening...when really it's not relevant, there are sick people out there no matter what you're going to wear!

    I agree 100%. I only quoted you because that's when I saw the original comment and I was too lazy to go back and only find that one or edit yours out. But you type nothing but the truth. I so agree.

    If I wear a sports bra I am not doing to ask to be attacked or to flaunt my body in any way or tempt someone's husband. I did it because it was hot and I was more comfortable that way. I am pretty sure that's the thought process of most women who run in sports bras.
    I agree! especially considering how hot it gets during the summer in some couldn't pay me to run outdoors in the middle of a humid 100 degree summer day in Florida, so if I see a girl running, I don't care what she's wearing, she's doing more than I could!
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    In Ontario, Canada we are legally allowed to run around without a shirt or bra on. Just sayin'. :smile:
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    non Americans must be laughing at us. i wish our fore fathers hadn't been prudes and made us ashamed of our bodies.

    Right? I'm a breastfeeding advocate and if you talk to women in other countries, they don't get quite the backlash women here do. Separate issue, but yes.

    I am a closet nudist.
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    If you are comfortable screw it and go for it! Just know that it invites comments from people who aren't used to seeing it...or who are simply haters.

    I couldn't get myself to do it ((its been a goal of mine to get comfortable with running just in a sports bra since moving to FL a year ago)) there's something about swim suits and sports bras that just cut funky and make you look like a stuffed sausage.. so I signed up for a 5K at a nudist resort... you get over the comments real quick ;)

    Run on girl!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    non Americans must be laughing at us. i wish our fore fathers hadn't been prudes and made us ashamed of our bodies.

    Right? I'm a breastfeeding advocate and if you talk to women in other countries, they don't get quite the backlash women here do. Separate issue, but yes.

    I am a closet nudist.
    separate issues, but they definitely have similar roots! breasts have been so over-sexualized to the point where our society finds fault in women using them for their actual biological reason (feeding babies) because it's too sexual or inappropriate (especially as the baby gets older). It makes no sense logically!
  • falcon195
    falcon195 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm from California...wear what you want. Go to Wal Mart and check out the ladies there! You'll have nothing to be ashamed of.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    non Americans must be laughing at us. i wish our fore fathers hadn't been prudes and made us ashamed of our bodies.

    Right? I'm a breastfeeding advocate and if you talk to women in other countries, they don't get quite the backlash women here do. Separate issue, but yes.

    I am a closet nudist.
    separate issues, but they definitely have similar roots! breasts have been so over-sexualized to the point where our society finds fault in women using them for their actual biological reason (feeding babies) because it's too sexual or inappropriate (especially as the baby gets older). It makes no sense logically!

    High five! YES!! I totally agree. I have nursed all 3 children (and am still nursing the younger two). There is nothing sexual about it, and it's totally natural. The World Health Organization recommends a minimum of 2 years and beyond, as long as mutually desired. The average age of weaning around the world is between ages 3-5. But in the US, people act like it turns to Kool-aid at a year.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Its my goal to feel confident enough to run in a sports bra sometime this summer
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'll probably be running in a sport bra at some point this year since I live in FL. I have some that are skimpy and others that cover way more than a bikini, so I see nothing wrong with running in the latter. I'm very comfortable with my body and could care less if someone doesn't like it. Heck, I see men in thomgs and women in transparent white swimsuits every time I'm at the water parks here, so a sports bra is downright prudish by comparison.

    We've got a nudist colony very nearby (most people don't realize there's one so close to Disney World), and I visited once with a group of friends for an art show because you were allowed to wear your clothes if you were just there for the show. I thought it would be all hard bodies, but literally every body type you can imagine was on display with no self consciousness whatsoever.
  • Darrell916
    Darrell916 Posts: 110 Member
    If your comfortable doing it. Go for it
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Yay very happy to hear all the positive reactions! I agree totally guys just walking down the street here are shirtless all the time roofers and other outdoor workers are constantly shirtless and who can blame them in the heat?

    I mean I barely have breast larger than a prepubescent 14 year old so there is not much bay watch esq. action occurring

    I ask only because its a rule at my gym, as well as one of the trails I run on so I know it can rub some people the wrong way as a fairly empathetic person I can see that point of view I suppose but I think it's silly

    Also fellow runners especially Boston locals and just anyone awesome should add me! I love people with similar interests

    DOESN" T BOTHER no seriously I live in Houston and its normal. I lived in California prior and thats ALL they run in. I ride my bike around Memorial park daily and I see it every day. Go for it!
  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 754 Member
    Well there are different sorts of sports bras, but if there's no law against it in your state(!) and you feel comfortable then you may as well. Some of the sports bras I own I would feel comfortable running outside in, and some of the other ones look more like traditional bras and I would not be comfortable because I would feel like the people I was running past would just think I had forgotten to put my shirt on!