HCG progress and updates - for people on it or thinking abou



  • What is HCG?
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    It's the abbreviation for Human Chorionic Gonadotripin. It's a substance that is used in conjunction with a very specialized Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) plan that causes an average weight loss of .5 to 1 pounds per day and resets your hypothalamus. It was developed by an Italian physician in the 50's.

    You can read about it here in the original document the doctor wrote to discuss his diet plan:

  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Hey Gorgeous, same here. I have a similar weight loss pattern. I think it has something to do with water retention. I woke up feeling "puffy" so I have not even gotten on the scale yet. I worked out and will take a steam shower. Then I'll weigh in. I have not had any water yet, either. I hope this will get some of the fluid retention gone so I can get a more accurate picture of weight loss.

    No matter how much water I drink during the day, or how little sodium I consume, I seem to retain water at night in my skin. I pee all day long and sometimes have to get up in the night, so I'm eliminating. I just wish I knew how to reduce the fluid my skin is retaining.

    I also think I may be eating too much protein. I have not been doing the 100 grams raw. I need a little more than that. I've been doing 4 oz cooked, but the past few days my portions have creeped up to five or 6 ounces at dinner time only. I had 70 grams of protein yesterday, and was still under my calories, but that was way too much protein in one day. Many people one 3x the calories don't get that much protein.

    Will check in with you all later. Have a great morning.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Hey Gorgeous, same here. I have a similar weight loss pattern. I think it has something to do with water retention. I woke up feeling "puffy" so I have not even gotten on the scale yet. I worked out and will take a steam shower. Then I'll weigh in. I have not had any water yet, either. I hope this will get some of the fluid retention gone so I can get a more accurate picture of weight loss.

    No matter how much water I drink during the day, or how little sodium I consume, I seem to retain water at night in my skin. I pee all day long and sometimes have to get up in the night, so I'm eliminating. I just wish I knew how to reduce the fluid my skin is retaining.

    I also think I may be eating too much protein. I have not been doing the 100 grams raw. I need a little more than that. I've been doing 4 oz cooked, but the past few days my portions have creeped up to five or 6 ounces at dinner time only. I had 70 grams of protein yesterday, and was still under my calories, but that was way too much protein in one day. Many people one 3x the calories don't get that much protein.

    Will check in with you all later. Have a great morning.
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    Hey Gorgeous, same here. I have a similar weight loss pattern. I think it has something to do with water retention. I woke up feeling "puffy" so I have not even gotten on the scale yet. I worked out and will take a steam shower. Then I'll weigh in. I have not had any water yet, either. I hope this will get some of the fluid retention gone so I can get a more accurate picture of weight loss.

    No matter how much water I drink during the day, or how little sodium I consume, I seem to retain water at night in my skin. I pee all day long and sometimes have to get up in the night, so I'm eliminating. I just wish I knew how to reduce the fluid my skin is retaining.

    I also think I may be eating too much protein. I have not been doing the 100 grams raw. I need a little more than that. I've been doing 4 oz cooked, but the past few days my portions have creeped up to five or 6 ounces at dinner time only. I had 70 grams of protein yesterday, and was still under my calories, but that was way too much protein in one day. Many people one 3x the calories don't get that much protein.

    Will check in with you all later. Have a great morning.

    Yeah I do 4 ounces raw of protein. I find that with 3.5 raw I'm looking for things to eat and I feel just....bad. I have a muscular build and I think that may be why I have slightly higher protein needs.

    I often feel puffy too. And I also wake up overnight to pee. During the day, I drink starting at 10 a.m. but I never really start peeing until after 4p.m. no matter how much water I've drank before that. It's weird. I'll check around and see if others on another board get these same symptoms/reactions and what they've done about it without negatively effecting weight loss. I'll update as soon as I find out something.
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member

    I've heard some people say to take an epsom salt and baking soda bath for "water under the skin". I've not tried it.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    That sounds really soothing. I may have to try it.

    Steam sauna helped this morning. I feel much less puffy.

    Am down 1.2 pounds from yesterday. I may hit the elusive 120's tomorrow ...:happy:
  • ephay
    ephay Posts: 74
    I just finished the book THE WEIGHT LOSS CURE by Kevin Trudeau that is based on Dr Simeons Pounds and Inches. My question is, Are all of you under a Dr's care for the hcg or you going this on your own? I would love to try this after seeing my sister in law drop 20 pounds in her first round. That is the VERY most I would want to lose but I am on thyroid med., progesterone and an estrogen patch for menopause and it says in the book NO drugs! What dio you all do about this? I appreciate ANY advice from any of you and if you want you can just message me too! Thanks again!

    I finished up my first round just recently. I lost a total of 28lbs. I would say that you'd be just fine doing this protocol for 20lbs. Dr. Simeon mentions people who need to lose as little as 15lbs in his manuscript. So I would imagine you could do it & just limit yourself to the 23 day protocol. But, ultimately you have to decide if it's right for you.

    I'm not under a Dr.'s care. I ordered my HCG from alldaychemist.com. I'm doing the 5000iu via injection. I've taken HCG for fertility treatments so I wasn't concerned about side effects 'cause I've been there, done that.

    I think KT is a little looney & a bit of a cheat, he's riding Dr. Simeon's coat-tails from all his hard work & research! But that's just me. I guess that's just because I can't see performing 72 different tasks prior to beginning the protocol. He did translate some of the stuff I didn't "get" in the P&I manuscript, but I gave my copy away.

    Good luck in whatever you decide!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I've read all the post on this thread and I'm really interested in this program. I've downloaded the PDF and going to read it tonight. I've lost a little over 30 lbs. the old fashoned way and I haven't lost anything for over 5 months... :huh:

    I'm looking to lose the last 15 - 20 lbs. I'm 42 and worried about loose skin... I think 1 round should get me to my goal or very close to it... Your opinions and advise will be greatly appreciated. :flowerforyou:

    The biggest problem I see for me is not having my 2 cups of coffee with milk (non-fat) every morning... how can I substitute this? I don't want to go thru the loading and then can't stop the sugar... :embarassed:
    I drink more than 100 oz of water daily so that won't be a problem.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance :flowerforyou:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    I've heard some people say to take an epsom salt and baking soda bath for "water under the skin". I've not tried it.

    Yes, I am going to do the "de-tox" bath tonight!!! Then do a cool water rinse.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I've read all the post on this thread and I'm really interested in this program. I've downloaded the PDF and going to read it tonight. I've lost a little over 30 lbs. the old fashoned way and I haven't lost anything for over 5 months... :huh:

    I'm looking to lose the last 15 - 20 lbs. I'm 42 and worried about loose skin... I think 1 round should get me to my goal or very close to it... Your opinions and advise will be greatly appreciated. :flowerforyou:

    The biggest problem I see for me is not having my 2 cups of coffee with milk (non-fat) every morning... how can I substitute this? I don't want to go thru the loading and then can't stop the sugar... :embarassed:
    I drink more than 100 oz of water daily so that won't be a problem.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance :flowerforyou:

    You can have real milk in small quantities for your morning coffee.

    I drink my tea plain and my coffee black, so i haven't had any dairy in a while.

    The only thing I am missing is Fage and blackberries.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    You can't expect the results from the protocol unless you are willing to follow it. If you are committed, the loading phase will NOT make you crave every carb in sight. The purpose of loading is to give your body some fat to draw on while it is getting adjusted to the HCG, which eventually results in your fat reserves being burned.

    I am one of the biggest carb lovers in the world, and once I got started, I didn't have any cravings. I did make one mistake DURING my VLCD and went off plan with carbs, and found it did trigger a desire for more, but I am back under control now.

    As for coffee with non fat milk--maybe you missed this detail, but you ARE allowed a little skim milk each day. One thing I have found that minimizes my need for milk in coffee is to do a little "doctoring" with nutmeg and cinnamon (Starbucks usually has shakers of both available at the bar where napkins, sweetener, etc are located), and I add just a splash of milk. I also use a natural sweetener--a Stevia product called Truvia-- instead of artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners can cause sugar and carb cravings. I used to not believe it, but since I started avoiding the artificial sweeteners in all products, my cravings are much more manageable.

    Good luck.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member

    You can't expect the results from the protocol unless you are willing to follow it. If you are committed, the loading phase will NOT make you crave every carb in sight. The purpose of loading is to give your body some fat to draw on while it is getting adjusted to the HCG, which eventually results in your fat reserves being burned.

    I am one of the biggest carb lovers in the world, and once I got started, I didn't have any cravings. I did make one mistake DURING my VLCD and went off plan with carbs, and found it did trigger a desire for more, but I am back under control now.

    As for coffee with non fat milk--maybe you missed this detail, but you ARE allowed a little skim milk each day. One thing I have found that minimizes my need for milk in coffee is to do a little "doctoring" with nutmeg and cinnamon (Starbucks usually has shakers of both available at the bar where napkins, sweetener, etc are located), and I add just a splash of milk. I also use a natural sweetener--a Stevia product called Truvia-- instead of artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners can cause sugar and carb cravings. I used to not believe it, but since I started avoiding the artificial sweeteners in all products, my cravings are much more manageable.

    Good luck.

    Thanks so much Weaklink. You being a fellow Carbaholic and kicking it makes me feel hopeful. :bigsmile:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I've read all the post on this thread and I'm really interested in this program. I've downloaded the PDF and going to read it tonight. I've lost a little over 30 lbs. the old fashoned way and I haven't lost anything for over 5 months... :huh:

    I'm looking to lose the last 15 - 20 lbs. I'm 42 and worried about loose skin... I think 1 round should get me to my goal or very close to it... Your opinions and advise will be greatly appreciated. :flowerforyou:

    The biggest problem I see for me is not having my 2 cups of coffee with milk (non-fat) every morning... how can I substitute this? I don't want to go thru the loading and then can't stop the sugar... :embarassed:
    I drink more than 100 oz of water daily so that won't be a problem.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance :flowerforyou:

    You can have real milk in small quantities for your morning coffee.

    I drink my tea plain and my coffee black, so i haven't had any dairy in a while.

    The only thing I am missing is Fage and blackberries.

    Thanks Lioness.:flowerforyou: I requested you and others from here as a friend so I can peek at your food journal and get some ideas. :wink: I know you already eat clean. But I eat so Dirty it's really intimidating just thinking about not having sugar :embarassed:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Take from me ***Lesson Learned****

    When you load, focus on eating fats and not carbs.................You will have less detox symptoms. I have been sick since Wednesday and when I re-loaded over this past weekend, it was more carbs than fat and I am paying for it for yet a third day........Detox is disgusting!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Take from me ***Lesson Learned****

    When you load, focus on eating fats and not carbs.................You will have less detox symptoms. I have been sick since Wednesday and when I re-loaded over this past weekend, it was more carbs than fat and I am paying for it for yet a third day........Detox is disgusting!!!

    Got it!
    Will learn from your mistake :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    Hi everyone I am pretty new to this. I have been on 500 cal since the 3rd and lost 7lbs so far which I am very happy about. I am not been as strict as I should be though. If anyone has any thought or ideas for a new person let me know! Also great food ideas are always welcome!

    Good luck everyone!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi everyone I am pretty new to this. I have been on 500 cal since the 3rd and lost 7lbs so far which I am very happy about. I am not been as strict as I should be though. If anyone has any thought or ideas for a new person let me know! Also great food ideas are always welcome!

    Good luck everyone!

    Yay Heather!!!

    Check out these recipes.

  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Also great food ideas are always welcome!
    My favrite recipe that my wife makes is 98% lean ground beef & cabbage. She browns the ground beef, then adds chopped onion and beef broth and uses that to cook the cabbage. Once the cabbage is down to a mush, it's ready to eat. It really kills the gross cabbage flavor and makes a hell of a stew.
  • reyesd
    reyesd Posts: 3 Member
    I have been inspired by the many posts talking about HCG, as I have plateu on my quest to loose 20 more pounds, on this weight lose journey to a healthier me. Can someone please provide me with the website to purchase and find out more information on the HCG process and Phases? Rob1976 and Fivefatcats, your posts and progress have been inspirational. Thank you for that, and congrats!
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