30 Day Shred - Anyone want to join me ?

Hey Everyone,

I have just received my dvd the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels.

Wow it was fun, hard on the muscles. but definately do - able !

Who want to do it with me, day by day, keep eachother in the mood.... Add me and lets work out !!!

Karen :-)


  • mksmom09
    mksmom09 Posts: 12
    I'll do it with you just waiting on its arrival. I ordered it on Walmart.com the same day I ordered my daughter's birthday present but that item has not yet arrived.
  • missyt78
    missyt78 Posts: 62 Member

    i would like to do this too.. :O) i have the DVD.. but till now its not been taken out the wrapper :(

    I will start today :O)

    Nikki :O) x
  • mrsmillan
    Just bought it tonight, and plan on starting tomorrow!
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I could use the motivation to do it daily! Sounds good to me.
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Absolutely. I started a few days ago so today is Day 4 for me. It's the second time round, too. The first time round was in May/June this year.

    My starting stats this time are:

    Weight (lbs) 194.8 (although I'd just come back from my boyfriend's place and the weight hadn't stopped creeping up.. it stopped at about 195.4lbs the day after)
    Height (inches) 67
    BMI 30.51
    Neck 13.5
    R Arm 13.0
    L Arm 13.0
    Bust Band 36.0
    Bust 40.0
    Under Bust 36.0
    Waist 33.0
    Belly 43.0
    Hips 45.5
    L Thigh 27.0
    R Thigh 27.0
    L Calf 16.4
    R Calf 16.4
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Hey everyone :)

    I'm going to join you with this, I have 9 weeks to till i go to Marbella for a weekend and with the imminent threat of having to get into a bikini, I really need to get back on track!! I've been totally slacking on the exercise front since I got back off holiday at the begining of june and a sneaky 7lbs has crept back on :(

    I'll measure up in a bit and post back once i've completed day 1!

    Good luck everyone xxxxx
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Right my starting Stats are:-

    Weight 149lbs
    Bust - 40''
    Under Bust - 34''
    Waist - 37''
    Hips - 37''
    L thigh - 22''
    R thigh - 22''

    day 1 completed.... oh my god i forgot how hard it was lol but im already excited about next weeks weigh in :)
  • Sarahbear83
    Sarahbear83 Posts: 110 Member
    I will! I started on the 7th, skipped yesterday because I was doing some back-to-school shopping and picking up some necessities (sports bras!). Did it first thing this morning and was surprised at my endurance level after just 2 workouts. Only made it through about 7 minutes the first time, but stuck through the whole thing today. Had to catch my breath a few times and do some modifications, but I'm pleased.
  • wendalin4
    wendalin4 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm starting tonight when I get home from work, just picked it up from walmart this morning. Lol should i be nervous??? I keep seeing everyone talk about it and the results seem pretty good but everyone says how hard it is the first time. Oh well guess thats why it works and just what i need!
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Oh my goodness, I got up this morning feeling fine and thought i'd crack on with day 2 of the shred and.....

    jeez were my arms sore, I didnt even notice it till i started with the stretches lol.

    I did find it hard this morning but I dont think it helped that I was doing it at half 6 in the morning so I couldnt blast my music out which i find really helps make the 20 minutes go faster lol!!
  • eastcoaster
    I'm in! Happy I found you guys. I just started it today. I really liked it!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    I would love to join. I got up to level 2 back in April and fell off the wagon. I wanna try again and this time go all the way through. I will post my weight and stats tomorrow.

    Let's do this ppl!
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Hey everyone,

    Day 3 complete for me, slightly easier today... still sore but i didnt feel like I needed to stop at any point and I didnt get as out of breath!! It was good.

    How is everyone else finding it?

    Off to make some cakes now with my children, I have a secret weapon to make me not want to eat them once cooked..... raisens lol. I hate them!!

  • ChristineLeary
    I'm so glad I popped in on this board. I had no idea what you were talking about so I looked on-line, saw a demo and today I'm on a mission to find and purchase this! Hopefully I'll find it and either start later today or tomorrow morning.

    For now, I'm off for my walk!

    Can't wait to try this!
  • ChristineLeary
    Okay, bought the 30 Day Shred and one that focuses on problem areas. I will start my shredding tomorrow!
  • eastcoaster
    So far so good for me. I completed day 2 this morning. I upped my weights from 3 lbs to 5 lbs. That made it a lot more challenging!
    I also work out on my elliptical every day for 45 minutes. I feel the elliptical plus shred is really going to get me started on where I want to be.
  • mksmom09
    mksmom09 Posts: 12
    You guys are right! It is a fun workout but OMG I am dying! I am going to bed to recuperate and then I know tomorrow I will be in big trouble! Can't wait to ee pics from our next Tunin' Spokes at church so that I can see the difference
  • MizMeow
    MizMeow Posts: 16
    I adore the 30 day shred, I started a bit ago, did it for a few days then had to stop, Auntie Flo visited, and now I am passing a Kidney stone, so once this bad beast of a stone exits, I will join up with fellow shredders to keep me motivated. Add me if you want, the more the merrier..
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    I adore the 30 day shred, I started a bit ago, did it for a few days then had to stop, Auntie Flo visited, and now I am passing a Kidney stone, so once this bad beast of a stone exits, I will join up with fellow shredders to keep me motivated. Add me if you want, the more the merrier..

    Ouch... poor you that sounds painful.

    I done day 4 today, quite disappointed in myself as I didnt feel like I really gave it my all. Didnt get out of work till gone midnight last night and then up again at 6am to do the shred before work (work 9 - 11am, looking after friends little boy as well as my own, from 11am-5pm, then work again 6pm till 11:30pm so no chance doing it later) but I was soooooooooooo tired it was quite a half hearted attempt but at least I resisted the urge to skip it altogether today like I wanted too.... a half hearted attempt is better than none surely? :grumble:

    :ohwell: tommorrows another day maybe i'll try and do 20 minutes of pilates aswell as the shred to make up for today :laugh:
  • ChristineLeary
    I did it! Just completed Day 1-Level 1. Holy Cow! Yes I may have skipped a jumping-jack or two till Jillian said "don't you dare give up on me!" and perhaps I did call her a "b%&*ch" during that last 2 minutes of cardio, but I DID IT! And it was great!

    Thanks again for posting this thread! Now if I can just get the next 29 days down.

    On that note, I have two questions.

    1. Do I do 30 days at level 1 and then another 30 at level 2 and three? Or am I supposed to be changing levels as I get better at this?

    2. Does anyone know how to estimate the calorie burn for something like this? Is there a formula for that?

    Thanks and happy Shredding everyone!