Mirena Birth Control



  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    @ILuvMoo - everytime I talk to my doctor she suggests waiting. Well, it's been a year and I'm done. I went from heaven to hell in no time at all. I think I worded my cramping issue wrong. I cramp rarely while bleeding, but as soon as the bleeding stops I ahve cramping everyday til the bleeding starts again. The cramps don't necessarily last all day, but it's daily.

    This has just been an all around horrible experience for me and was a last resort to help my horrible periods. I can't have anymore children, so the birth control part of it makes no difference to me.
  • Astacia74
    Astacia74 Posts: 166 Member
    I am on my second one and LOVE IT!!! Other than the pain experienced at both insertions (I have never had kids which I am told makes a difference), I have not had any cramping or other pain from it. Not getting my monthly has been a dream especially since I perform every weekend for 9 weeks of the summer at a Renaissance Faire. (Monthly + porta-pottie + big heavy cotume = suck) As for weight gain; I have not had any problems.
  • jgirlredzz
    jgirlredzz Posts: 21
    Love mine, on my second one. Insertion is pretty awful. Ask for pain meds to take before and after. Then, weeehoooo! it's off to the races for me.

    If you have insurance and it covers it, then go ahead and try it for a month or so. If you don't like it, have it removed, no biggie.

    If you are paying out of pocket, then with such mixed results I'd advise to go with something you've had experience with and know works for you.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    My sister had mirena offered to her since they flat out refused to do a tubal ligation.
    She had it inserted and experience cramping and lots of bleeding from the start. It was non stop bleeding and feeling ill for the 2 weeks she had it in. Her bf found her passed out on the floor at home and had to rush her to the ER to have it removed right away.

    Scared me off of even trying it. Thankfully its not an issue for me anymore.

    All I can say is you know your body, and if you feel something is not right, then something is not right and your Dr should listen to yoru concerns. Drs office kept telling my sister it was normal, she just needed to adjust...:huh:
  • ILuvMoo
    ILuvMoo Posts: 41
    @harleydall76 That really sucks. Sounds like time to get a second opinion. I'm a total doctor-shopper... I'll see a different one every appointment until I find one I love (it's such a pain when I see someone different within the same practice and they want to know what went wrong with the first one... and I'm like, "Nothing, really, I just want someone I click with..." and they stare at me like I'm from space.)

    I finally found a GYN in my hometown that I really like :) It took a while because I tried 2 others before I found this one, and the appointments are only once a year :P I loved the one I saw in my college town, but I wasn't going to drive 65 miles to see her now that I've graduated.

    My first appt with my new GYN, we spent almost the entire time with ME giving HER advice on what to expect when she went for her sleep study at the local Sleep Disorder Center... since I'd just had mine and she had one coming up. (Not just the polysomnogram, either... no, the Multiple Sleep Latency Test. Fun times!)

  • lalaland82
    lalaland82 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm on my second coil - although painful for insertion and following day I have no side effects. I have a pretty regular monthly cycle though a lot lighter then before. I love mine :smile:

    However its not for everyone - my sister had a terrible time with hers - which I feel terrible about as I recommended it.

    Talk to your nurse/doctor - hope it gets better soon :flowerforyou:
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I've had mine for about 8 or 9 months now. I love it! I'm terrible at remembering to take the pill, and I wanted something long-term because I don't want kids (ever). I've gained A LOT of weight on it, but that's partly because I stopped working out and counting calories around the same time I got it so I blame myself for that one.

    The only "problem" I've had is my cramps, but I've had horrendous cramps forever. I originally went on the pill just to control them, rather than as a method of birth control, and I've noticed that since being off the pill, I'm getting them again. They get so bad that I can't work or even get out of bed; I just lay there crying and screaming into a pillow. My doctor checked to make sure it wasn't a problem with the IUD itself, and everything is perfect with it so she gave me some strong painkillers for my cramping. Sorry for the long story.

    ETA: The insertion was painful (partly because I haven't had kids), and I had terrible cramps for a few hours afterward, but I didn't need the Valium that the doctor said she could prescribe if I wanted it. It was bearable.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I'm on my second year of my second one. I LOVE it. No worries, no weight gains. I still have my TOM, but it's very light and only a few days.

    I did have pretty bad cramps on the day of the insertion of the first one, the second one wasn't nearly as bad. . . perhaps because I knew what to expect.
  • RobbinRL
    RobbinRL Posts: 76
    I think it depends on the person, I know of 3 people, 1 is my daughter and they have had horrible things go wrong. Mainly w/all of them it's the moodiness, no patience, can't deal with things just all over the board. I'd advise you to weigh the pro's and con's and deicde for youself what risks you may or may not want to take.
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    Horrible experience here! Took one year to realize it was MIrena. Everyone is so different, just be informed and know what could happen and if you decide to go through with it, just know your body.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I think it depends on the person, I know of 3 people, 1 is my daughter and they have had horrible things go wrong. Mainly w/all of them it's the moodiness, no patience, can't deal with things just all over the board. I'd advise you to weigh the pro's and con's and deicde for youself what risks you may or may not want to take.

    I was like that BEFORE the Mirena! :bigsmile: So you mean I can use that as an excuse now??? Yes! :wink:
  • laurenkoszola
    laurenkoszola Posts: 101 Member
    I had Mirena for like 3 years, and it wasn't always fun. Just for them to insert it, I had to take a pill to open my cervix (which should have been a sign for me not to do it). Had cramping and bleeding for the first couple months. I would get really bad pains in my ovaries like my ovary was being twisted. I found out I got cysts on my ovaries (which they say can happen, and is common) but having to be poked and proded (spelling?) often was not fun. I would get bad cramping too, a few times I thought I was going to pass out. My mood swings got worse, when I finally took it out, I felt "normal" again. The plus sides: no period, and as soon as I took it out we conceived after 2months. I lost the baby but that was from different reasons obviously.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    I LOVE it. Am in my 5th year. NO PROBLEMS. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Was on the pill for a VERY long time. I had my daughter then got my IUD. Did I say I LOVE it??? Everyone is going to have their opinions though because every woman is different.
  • annagoodner
    annagoodner Posts: 18 Member
    I chose not to go with it because when I read the pamphlet my doctor gave me it didn't sit well that it can cause your body to abort a fetus if you do actually get pregnant.

    Of course, your body can do that anyway, and does in some ridiculously high percentage of pregnancies.

    I just think there's a difference between my body doing it and putting something in my body that does it. I'm not condemning Mirena, just putting something else out there for anyone who wants to consider that type of thing when choosing birth control.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I've had mine for 5 years now (time to go for a new one soon) and have had zero issues with it. Haven't had a period except for the occasional spotting this whole time. I do get what seem like pregnancy symptoms from time to time, but that's probably just me being paranoid :smile: