5'1 - 5'2 ladies whats your goal weight :)



  • GymBeast2
    GymBeast2 Posts: 81
    5'2" and some inches currently maintaining 120 after a 40 pound loss. I don't even think 110 is reachable for me....I work out everyday and the biggest foodie ever.
  • mamas0811
    mamas0811 Posts: 97 Member
    Im 5'1 1/4 Lol.. anyway i started after giving birth at 165. Im currently 132 and my goal weight was 135. :) I changed it to 130. but now that i have almost reached my 2nd goal im changing it once more and will be the last one at 125. i didnt want to set myself up to fail, which is why i set small goals.. :)
  • I'm 5'2"( just about). 46 years old. My goal is 122. I havent seen that in over 20 years. I am a yoyo dieter. Went up to over 150 this winter and started loosing weight with exercize but no real diet change. Plateued at about 145 and knew I needed to start watching the food. I just started Jenny Craig 2 weeks ago and I log in to fitness pal every day to keep me on the straight and narrow! I feel very confident that I will loose this last 15 and when I get to my goal weight I will decide if I need to loose more. It all depends on what I ween in the mirror.
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my goal is 125 lbs currently I am at 140 lb after losing 20 :)
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    I'm 5'1", super petite bone structure. My goal weight is around 97 lbs., but with the lean muscle that I am working to build, I might end up around 102-105. Not entirely sure, since I've never been as serious about strength workouts as I am now.

    P.S. In defense of petite girls trying to get to the 95-100 range - I've been at 95-96 lbs. in the past and you would never have guessed I weighed so low. I once went in to see my doc and when he came into the doctor's office, he said, "Oh! When I saw 95 lbs. on your chart, I was a bit worried and was expecting to see someone who looked rather unhealthy. But you actually look completely fine at this weight."

    I also once went from weighing 110 to around 98 over a period of a few years, and a cashier at my local supermarket remarked, "You really lost a lot of weight, didn't you?". I was a little confused, since 12 lbs. wasn't a huge deal to me at that time, and I even told her that I thought she might be getting me confused with someone else. But she insisted, "No, it's you! I remember you used to have a little extra weight on you, but now you look really good." There have been other similar comments, but these two always stand out in my head. Trust me - I wish my body was smoking hot at 110, but the truth is that I carry my weight in all the wrong places.

    Also, I'm not trying to become frail-looking or boney. My goal body is a body that looks super hot, toned, and fit. :happy: Just thought I'd share for those out there who are wondering why anyone would possibly want to be under 100 lbs.

    P.P.S. I eat anywhere from 1200-1800 calories per day.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    5'0". Currenly 112, but I don't really mind what thew scale says anymore. I could be 150 for all I care, as long as I keep getting stronger and looking sexy A. F. naked!
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    Man you all are depressing me :laugh: I'm about 5'2 and I started at 320+pounds and I look at the "healthy" BMI range and the goals here and all I keep thinking of is how I will NEVER get that low AND maintain. I'm struggling to get to the 150s (after over a year at this) and I want to stop because I'm tired of "dieting" I want to hit maintenance already.

    BUT on the plus side, you all did just inspire me to keep on and keep trying to get to my original goal of 135 seeing how far behind my goal is lol. So no maintenance just yet! :bigsmile:
  • godds6
    godds6 Posts: 22
    I am 5'1" and 33. My goal weight is anywhere between 115 and 120. Although I felt my best 7 years ago before getting pregnant with my 2nd child at 112 and a size 3/4. I be happy to be a 5/6 again. None of my summer clothes fit this year. I'm pretty sure people are tired of seeing me in running shorts!
  • rose555005
    rose555005 Posts: 15
    I am 5'1" and 3/4 (yes it matters :tongue: ). I agree with what you've written. My GW (for now) is 135. I think it really depends a lot on how you feel at certain weights. I don't think that ever woman who is between 5' and 5' 2" needs to be at a certain weight....most of the charts I've looked at has someone at my height ranging between 110-122. I know that my frame is larger so being that thin wouldn't be ideal for me. I am just excited to feel healthy again...:bigsmile:
    I'm 5' 2" and this is a complex issue for me. I initally set my goal weight as 135, but recently have changed it to 130 because of all the charts and online stuff I saw about it. I have a lot of muslce on my frame and I always look like I weight less than I actually do. The problem with the whole standard goal weight thing for women based on our heights is that we are all made differently. We have different body compositions. 130 pounds with a lot of lean muscle mass looks a lot different than 130 pounds with a lot of fat. I want to try to get down to 25% body fat and 130 pounds. I don't want to be "skinny"; I want to be healthy and fit. Right now, I'm at 139 and am fitting into 6 Petites. I tell people how much I weigh and they always say I don't look it. I think it ultimately depends on how you look and feel at a weight. There isn't a magic number that we short people should strive for.
  • DearOdette
    DearOdette Posts: 3 Member
    Let's hear it for the shorties!! I was at the "looking for your twin" post and couldn't find as many fun-sized people like me. Glad I found you guys :)

    I'm 38, 5'1" and currently at 132 lbs. Goal weight used to be 125, but I still have some trouble-zone areas I want to work on, so... I changed my goal weight to 115. Just today, actually!

    Giving myself til year-end to lose the weight and tone... either way, regardless if I hit 115 or not, I will def be ringing in 2014 as a new woman :D
  • Momma2Beauties405
    Momma2Beauties405 Posts: 32 Member
    My goal weight is higher than most 5'1" ladies ... but I want to be proportionate to my top 1/3! :blushing:

    My goal is the same as it was before kids ... to look good and feel good! The last time I was at that goal, my weight fluctuated between 132-137. So, I set my "goal" as 135.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    135, I have a large frame so when I drop to low i start to look skeletal like, its really not cute.
  • tinyfeeny
    tinyfeeny Posts: 14 Member
    I am 5'1, 40 years old and 139lbs, my goal is to be 120lbs. I am just started today so wish me luck!!!
  • loublou78
    loublou78 Posts: 12
    Good luck :) I'm doing 30day shred as well as my daily logging on mfp, anyone else doing this?
  • godds6
    godds6 Posts: 22
    I am not doing the 30 day shred... but I am starting a 30 day challenge with some mommy friends... 30 squats, 30 lunges, 30 push-ups, 30 sit ups and a 30 second plank.
    I am also walking/running with a friend a few times a week.
  • im around 5'0
    currently 138
    goal weight of 110
  • jeannes85
    jeannes85 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'2, currently 124 and my goal weight is 115. I was closer to 110 last year, right before my wedding but totally ballooned this year and look terrible in all the cute clothes I bought when i was thinner...agh why do i always buy clothes when I'm skinny and then regret it a few months later lol??
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    I am 5'2 and am 120 and feel that it works for me, although if I were to gain 5 lbs of muscle I would be good with that. I have been as low as 96 lbs and while working to gain from there I was unhappy with anything less than 115. My little sissy is my height and looks fab between 105-110 so I know it varies for each person. My sissy has got some nice curves that seem to hang on even at 105 for me I look sick.
  • godds6
    godds6 Posts: 22
    I'm 5'2", and my ultimate goal is to be less than 100lbs. My first goal though is to get to 118lbs!

    I find it so difficult to loose weight though! Is it harder for shorter people? We're allowed less calories but I'm sure we get just as hungry as everyone else! It's so not fair! <3

    This isn't entirely true. Not sure what your calorie level is but I eat 2000 cals a day and for losing I was eating 1700+. I do have to say while body frames are different, less than 100lbs seems extremely low for 5'2.

    It's different for every person and their activity level. I for instance would gain weight at 2000 calories a day. 1600 is my maintenance calorie range. for losing weight I eat around 1200-1300
  • phkelley
    phkelley Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5ft 1/2 and I have medium/large bone structure. I am former track and field athlete. I weighed 128 at my most fit, with 12% body fat. That was in 199..... I am 40 now and weight anywhere between 155 to 178 here lately. I am shooting for 135 to 142 range. I look soooo much better with a little more girly curves! The hips that most ladies try to lose are what I am sooo proud to have now (they are small but dangit I've got some!). My weight gain is 95% belly area. So working hard to lose all of that without compromising the little bit of hip and chest I have grown over the years.