
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You are spot on about flip flops, worst thing ever even for feet that haven't had broken bones. Absolutely no support, and not the same as walking barefoot. I suggest "losing" them right away, and if you can budget a pair of Birkenstock sandles into your shoe closet, I urge you to do so, but make sure you get fitted by someone that knows what they are doing. I used to sell the shoes and too many times had people coming into our store who had purchased them without a proper fitting, and now they were complaining they "weren't comfortable." These were people who didn't understand the sizing system, or were fitted by someone who didn't and they ended up in a narrow footbed instead of the medium width one. This results in your weight not being supported properly in the footbed, which = discomfort and tired feet.

    Sophie is adorable, and it sounds like your hubby is a big marshmallow in her clever little paws::noway: laugh: Good for Sophie:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Mai Li went to the vet for a checkup on her leg and it has healed, AND she was a good girl who willingly allowed herself to be lifted in and out of the car. I think she liked the idea of having "mom" all to herself, since her pesky "brother piglets" were left at home!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Have to go as I am meeting a friend for dinner tonight. BFN

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    You are spot on about flip flops, worst thing ever even for feet that haven't had broken bones. Absolutely no support, and not the same as walking barefoot. I suggest "losing" them right away, and if you can budget a pair of Birkenstock sandles into your shoe closet, I urge you to do so, but make sure you get fitted by someone that knows what they are doing. I used to sell the shoes and too many times had people coming into our store who had purchased them without a proper fitting, and now they were complaining they "weren't comfortable." These were people who didn't understand the sizing system, or were fitted by someone who didn't and they ended up in a narrow footbed instead of the medium width one. This results in your weight not being supported properly in the footbed, which = discomfort and tired feet.


    Those Birkenstock shoes look comfortable! What makes them suprior to regular sandals? How does one go about finding someone who can fit you properly for them? Where would I look? I'd rather get them right the first time around.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all newbies. Congrats to any good news. And support to all who need it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Working full time I can't seem to get the hang of responding to individual posts. And that is so Okay.

    :drinker: Having said that, this group is my lifeline. MFP is the first thing I go to when booting up the PC....at home and at work. Some of my colleagues at work are signing up to MFP because of me. They have seen how I come into work, all sweaty after my bike ride. "You ride your bike in today??" Well, yes.....I suppose you see my 'healthy glow'? They have noticed the weight loss and are curious how come. They wonder what I am eating and noticing the humongous salads or healthy sandwiches at lunch and the fruits for snacks.

    :smooched: We've got a good thing going! :smooched:

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • :love: OMG!!!!

    I am in love!!

    I just had my first roasted vegetables and OMG they were to die for! I sprayed them with olive oil and seasoned them with garlic powder. My son barbecued them for me. We laid a piece of foil over half the grill and laid the asparagus, yellow squash, and baby potatoes on it to roast. They were wonderful. AND guess what, my son who hates vegetables, especially asparagus gobbled them down. HE NEVER EATS ASPARAGUS!! He loved it and at half of what I made and it was a lot. Originally when he saw what I was making for dinner he turned his nose up and said he would cook it for me but not eat much because he ate a lot of hot dogs at work. ( They barbecued at the pool where he works.) I said fine and he cooked. When he was finished cooking I was on the phine with my mother and couldn't get off right away to eat. By the time I was able to sit down at the table, he had half his chicken kabob eaten and was going for his third serving of vegetablles and told me the asparagus was great. I sat there shocked and said "You don't like asparagus." He said "I know."

    Mimi its all due to you. You get full credit for this little gem, "The proof is in the pudding!" You got my son to eat asparagus! it's a miracle.

    Oh my mom is doing better, still out of it from the drugs, but her swelling has gone down and the infection is gone. My SIL called my mother and because of the drugs and not being able to understand her she hung up on my mom and promptly called me and left me a message (even though I was there, I just didn't want to answer her). She told me, quite sternly, that, it was her calling, I need to talk to you. Call me back, and hung up on me. I called my mom and she told me what she did with her and was practiically begging me not to hang up on her when she started mumbling and I had to tell her to repeat what she was saying. I told her I would not hang up on her and not to worry. I asked her if my SIL said anything to her and she said "Just that they are staying a few more days on vacation and when she couldn't understand my mom she started crying and hung up".
    What the heck is she crying for?? I'm thinking that she might have talked to someone there before my mom or maybe when she heard my mom she figured she must be in really bad shape and got upset. I don't know, but I told my mom to not to worry about it. She may be discharged tomorrow and will be transferred to a rehab home for about 10 days to get her walking again. She does not want to go back to my brother's house and said to me, "Deb, they were starving me." I told her I know.:cry:

    So I am working on what to do to get her over her to Cali and hope she can walk enough to be able to fly. It wouldn't be good to drive her as staying in one position so long in a trip like that would be bad for her legs. So it has to be flying. Well we'll see what happens.:ohwell:

  • Well, a day of clear liquids :drinker: & meds for a clean-out tonight, so I am writing on the run, so to speak. Colonoscopy tomorrow - oh joy.
    :grumble: I'm having a colonoscopy.
    :happy: I can tell you that I'm having a colonscopy - now that's being in the comfort zone.

    Welcome newbies!!! I promise not to discuss my bodily functions too much!:blushing:

    Barbara (autiniebk): I will see your velvet bellbottoms with my suade vest with the fringe that was longer than my skirt. By the way - Beer Friday? I like that idea! If I combine that with some snacking veggies, can I get a thumbs up from the HEClers?:flowerforyou:

    Gotta slip back on my birkenstocks (I love 'em: sandals & clogs) and run. Thanks for all your posts, everyone. LOVE THEM!!!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: As much as I have been happy about all the new grandbabies, nothing has excited me as much as Suzzzque's new dog.......thank you for the photo of Sophie and for all the stories about how you found her and made her your own......what a beautiful dog

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, I'm so glad to hear that you've joined the roasted veggies fan club....eating healthy is the key along with keeping your calories in the right range.....your body is going to thank you for this.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I have worn Birkenstocks for decades and love them....there's something about how you use your toes to grab the foot bed as you walk (or something like that ) that makes them really healthy for your feet. I wear mine with colorful cotton socks in the summer and wool socks in the winter

    :flowerforyou: Somebody asked me about FA
    it's Food Addicts in Recovery and has some similarity to OA (Overeaters Anonymous) and uses the same twelve steps as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)
    I learned about FA from my friend who had lap band surgery about six years ago and needed a program to help her stay on a healthy eating plan.....it might actually be called FAA

    hubby just came home, gotta go
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I checked out the official Birkenstock USA site and find you a link to the store locator page. I searched with the city and state listed on your profile and found several authorized retailers within 40 miles of your town. Any of them should be able to help you.


    The reason these shoes are so comfortable is the shape of the footbed and the support offered by the footbed material. Cork is the regular footbed in the sandals, but they have many styles besides sandals. I would check the store by phone before going to make sure they have a good selection. You can browse around the Birkenstock website to get an idea of the styles, and if all else fails, if you find a style that isn't available at the retailer level, you can get fitted for size at the store and order them on the website, or the store may be able to order in whatever you are looking for. Good luck.

    BTW, don't let the price stop you. The first pair of Birkies I ever owned were a pair of sandals that cost me less than the $90 retail price, because I was a store employee. That was in 1994. I STILL have them. They are on their second resole and going strong. Truth be told, I have at least 25 pair of them.:blushing: When I was selling them, I could purchase shoes at cost, and they are sort of addicting--wore them exclusively for about 10 years. Now I have some non-Birks that I like as well.


    Sounds like things are moving along positively for your mom. I am so glad she has finally told you she doesn't want to go back to your brother's place. Has it occurred to you that it is actually GOOD that they chose to take their "vacation" when they did? Without them their to coerce or influence her, you mom was able to express what she really needs and get hooked up with some support services to get her into a rehab facility. I hope you are able to make the arrangements to get her down to where you are. Not sure what insurance she is covered under, Medicare, I assume. I found some reference to non-emergency transport coverage under Medicare Part B, if the doctor's office is involved in getting it pre-approved from Medicare. Here is a link to the page where this is mentioned:


    I also found a company that specifically provides non-emergency transport all over the US. Here is a link to their website.:


    If you google Medicare non-emergency transport, you will get all kinds of info. Since cost may be an issue, I would recommend that you contact an agency such as Salvation Army, or Volunteers of America to see what assistance might be available. Start by googling the name of the organization, followed by your state name, and links will come up to various locations. Good luck.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    Evening lovlies!

    Just a short one for a change. Gotta get to bed quick as taking DH to the motorcycle repair shop before work tomorrow am.

    Mimi our SVQ, tried asparagus and bias cut parsnips this morning on the Foreman grill with just a spritz of avo oil. Delish and didn't even heat up the kitchen!

    Amanda I can not imagine the pain you suffered, married off at 16. It must be so hard to put that behind you and enjoy today. Try telling your mother's-voice-in-your-head to "Put a sock in it!" . . . ;} You are a charming and beautiful and accomplished and loving woman who deserves only the best!

    Michele, not at Woodstock but was at Altamont and frequently at Winterland for Grateful Dead /Jefferson Airplane concerts. Do you have to avoid things that are even prepared in a facility that handles nuts?

    SuzyQ so happy for Sophie, so happy for you. Your DH is a good guy!

    bec's Your vest couldn't have been longer than my skirts, from 1974-1980 I wore floor lenghth skirts and boots to work every day...Never wore Birkies, I'm a Dansko gal myself. Someday I'll tell you the story of my first colonoscopy, but it's a long one and I'm too tired tonight (Whew!).

    Barb what a font of knowledge you are... You are a blessing to us all. Keep on keepin' on!

    Chiclet I'm grinning and sending you joyous hugs... for your Mom's wish to not return to you brother's house, for the hope of her coming to be nearer to you, but especially for your son's Miracle of Mimi's Asparagus. Sister Veggie Queen ANGEL!

    No gutt'n'butt for 2 days. Time to start over. ;{
    gutt'n'butt try 8 day zero.

    Hugs to all,
  • Evening or rather Early, Early Morning to you all,

    Can't sleep so I of course thought perfect time to check MFP.

    Here we go:

    :flowerforyou: Bec
    I had a Welsh Corgie that was poisoned so that someone could break into our home and burlarize it, hoping to kill the dog. The police say that is quite common that they will poison the dog about a week before they break in. By that time the dog is usually dead and they know you will not run out to get another dog as you are still mourning the loss of that one. My dog didn't die, but it's back legs were paralyzed and he was made blind. He wasn't really my dog as much as my mom's. I think if it had been my decision I would have put the dog down. No dog should have to live like that. But my mom didn't have the heart.
    I too thought you were living on a ranch and raised angus. Just found out that your dog is named Angus.:laugh: I am seriously thinking of renaming Boo to Angus because she is getting as big as a cow. One guy asked me while walking her if she was Pregnant!:noway:
    I think it was you that mentioned the crazy cursor on your laptop. I have one, and mine has a touchpad on it to use if you don't like to use a mouse. I use the mouse as I am not very light with the fingers and go all over the place when I use the touch pad. I kept noticing while using the mouse that the cursor would jump to a different paragraph altogether and messing things up. I finally realized it was because my touch pad was on at the same time as my mouse was working. So I switched off the touchpad and haven't had the problem since. Like I said I would rather use a mouse than the pad anyway. for my laptop I just bought a mini mouse.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: SuzieQ
    Sophie is real cute and that is said knowing she hasn't even grown in all her hair she had shaved off. I can imagine what her tail will look like when it grows in!:love: I love her ears. They look kind of bat like. Very cool. She's a cutie. I was hoping you'd be able to keep her. They sure know how to worm their way into a person's heart. Glad she did with your husband.:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Barbara
    Where as a candlelight dinner with your significant other would normally be nice, I am one of the lucky ones that had a husband cheat and leave. So give me a candlelight dinner with Boo any day over him!:drinker: She has stuck by me loyally unlike my ex. I will wine and dine her all she wants.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb
    Thank you very much for the links I will look at them tomorrow. Are they for Calif? I know one you said was throughout the U.S., just was wondering if the others were for Wash or Calif. Looks like I may have to find a decent rehab home for my mom in Washington for her to recooperate in. Then figure out what to do when she comes here.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie (cat)
    You mentioned that you had someone coming to talk with you about Medicare Suppliment Insurance. What did you decide was the best way to go? My mom has Medicare with Rx coverage and Assuris. But honestly, when she broke her leg a year ago, and she had to go to a rehab home then, the insurance company fought us tooth and nail to let her keep her physical therapy while she was there. They claimed that she was progressing fast enough according to them. I don't really think Assuris is all that great. Was just wondering what your opinion was.

    :flowerforyou: Erica
    Have you tried applying for EBT (food stamps)? You know they help people who even own their own home because of their financial stiuation. You don't have to be destitute. You have an even better chance of getting qualified if you have children under age 18. You should check it out. You may qualify for it and it would be very helpful at this time.
    Also, have you heard of Angelfoodministries? If you go online and look them up ( angelfoodministries.com ) they are located all over throughout the states and of course in California. They provide food, good food at really reduced prices. Their food is based off of a family of four for a week. They offer all kinds of different food boxes. All with frozen chicken, steaks, veggies etc. They even have gluten free boxes and all veggie boxes. I have used them frequently and the food is good and for my son and I and it lasts us quite awhile. They participate through churches but don't require that you belong to the church or even their denomination. They don't look down at you and they are very nice. I have been to 2 different locations and have been treated equally as well. Check out their website, they even take EBT. Maybe you already know about it because you might have it at your church. They are all over. Hope this helps some.

    Well good night all. Boo is bugging me to go to bed with her. So off I shall go with my baby.:heart:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my lovely friends.

    It is a chilly and grey day here, although it was bright when I first got up.

    Suzyq - Sophie looks like a little darling! Well done to her for finding such a loving home.

    Laura - a blessing in disguise that you got to see your DDil and Gks when you went to help out your son.

    Elizabeth - I covert your Mary Quant jumpsuit and will throw in my Biba velvet dress with matching black nail polish.

    Michele - it really annoys me that you can't get a healthier option to chips and cookies on your cruise lunch. I think it's outrageous actually.

    Barb - I am right with you with the Birkenstocks! A friend of my daughter's does fittings and also gets me discount on mine. I love them.

    Renny - I'm certain your 'healthy glow' is extremely becoming. Keep it up!

    Chiclet - what a turn up for the books - Sister Veggie Queen is even impacting on your son! Relieved to hear that your mum is improving too. Fingers crossed that you can arrange for her to be closer to you.

    Bec - good luck with the dreaded colonoscopy. I hate them but they are a necessary evil - especially as bowel cancer is prevalent in our family.

    Autiebk - thank you for your kind words and I will definitely try telling mum to 'put a sock in it'. I just wish I'd had the gumption to do it when she was alive.

    To everyone else and all newbies - hello and hugs.

    It is quite amazing how much more housework there is to do with just one extra person in the house! At least the kitchen floor got a good clean this morning. I knocked the water filter jug out of the refrigerator door. That kind of thing only ever happens when it is at it's fullest. Still, the floor is absolutely spotless now. However, my padded socks (which was all I was wearing on my feet at the time) are just about done for. I've put them to wash but don't hold out much hope for them as they are 80% cashmere. Drat it - why couldn't I have been wearing my wellies!

    My dad has a busy day today and doesn't need me - which is a bonus! I will be visiting mum-in-law this afternoon. The lift (elevator) is out of order at her nursing home and they can't get the part for it until next week. Crazy in this day and age. Unfortunately mil is in a room on the upper floor, so is pretty much stuck there for the duration. There are still day rooms etc on her floor, but I normally try to take her out into the gardens when I visit. I'm pretty sure it is not going to help her mood at all so I'm going to take some things to try to distract and entertain her. We share a common interest in Jane Austen and I may take a dvd in to watch with her. In the past I have read to her but her mind tends to wander a little unless she has visual stimuli.

    Time for some coffee now and then I'm taking Aussie out. We were hoping to do a trip to Kew Gardens, but it's not really the weather for it today.

    Enjoy your Thursdays ladies. Come back and post regularly .... eat your veggies, keep moving and drink your water!

    Amanda x
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning my friends:smile: I don't have much to say this morning so this will probably be very short. It's going to be another hot one today. The humidity is already horrible:noway: I woke up this morning and walked out on the front porch to look for my little rabbit friend, and could feel the moisture hit me in the face and it was still dark outside. It's bad when you have to use the windshield wipers on the car when it's not raining :grumble:

    I tried some brussel sprouts yesterday for lunch and only ate about half of what I made. Yuk!!! I didn't like them at all. I used to love them but like I said before, they had butter on them and yesterday, I just had them plain. They won't be on the menu anymore I am sure :laugh: I always thought they tasted like cabbage, but they sure didn't then :sick:

    Chiclet, I am glad to hear your mom is doing better and hopefully you can figure out a way to get her closer to where you live. That would be great and hopefully ease your mind. It was so sad when I read that she said they were starving her. Maybe your SIL was crying because she is scared charges will be brought against her and your brother for elderly abuse. Just awful that she had to go through what she has.

    Soon 2 b (very soon, 9 days) bought me what I consider the most beautiful necklace yesterday. It's a gold rope type chain with a beautiful cross on it. The cross has little diamond chips on it and it is just awesome :smile: I have always wanted a cross because as silly as this may sound, my mom had a cross necklace for as far back as I can remember and in some way, it makes me feel like it brings her close to me. I don't know why, it wasn't hers, but somehow it makes some kind of a connection.

    I had to buy Bill another wedding band yesterday. From him working in concrete, his fingers are swollen and the first one I got him wouldn't go on his finger:grumble: :noway: :grumble:

    Well none of this has to do with weightloss and I am sorry :blushing:

    I don't know what I am going to do for exercise today. My mind changes like the wind. I am thinking it's going to be a treadmill day though. The other day when I did my little 40 min walk on it, the very top of my legs were quite tender. I swear, I don't know what I would do if I worked where I had to walk alot again, probably couldn't do it :cry: :cry: :laugh: I may be getting alittle part time job at this gas station right in behind my house. He is waiting on his liquor license to come in and hopefully business will pick up and he will stay open til 1 in the morning. It's not a great job, but at this point, something is deffinately better than nothing, and that is exactly what I have now :grumble:

    Okay I am off of here for now. I hope all has a good day. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    P.S. Amanda..... If I had an Aussie friend visiting, I couldn't get anything done because I would have to just sit and listen to him talk :laugh: I absolutely love Austrialian accents. :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    As much as I hate to I'm going to have to start current with the posts and I hope everyone is doing well. Hubby went back to work today (he's a teacher). So today is the first step of getting back into the swing of things. What ever free time I had in the morning is gone again. Back to the rush.

    I'm doing well with the DASH diet and I've upped my exercise goals. Today I start upper body workout again (aka cleaning the horse pen).

    Have a great day,

  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    I took my great nephew out for his birthday dinner yesterday after work. He changed his mind about i-hop and wanted Logans Road House instead. I had grilled tilapia, salad, mushrooms and one roll. We split a piece of cheese cake 3 ways and still didn't eat all of it.
    We walked aroung a lot shopping afterwards

    Jeannie, great to see another horse person on here.

    I'm working from home today and tomorrow (no chance to eat lunch out!) I"ll be fixing a healthy tuna salad for mine and hubbys lunch.
    I'll be having some kind of veggies with it. My garden tomatoes are dying, the ones that aren't dead are hard as rocks! This heat and humidity is killing everthing. I'm getting grouchy as hell too!

    I haven't read all the posts on this thread (there are SO many!) but hope to get to know everyone in future posts.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Thursday Morning ~

    Michele - Woodstock???? :noway: Nope not me back then I was still a bit too young but my parents wouldn't have let me anyway as it was I had to 'sneak' listening to rock and roll music. You know your exercises that you manage to mix up all the time are really inspiring, maybe one of these days I will have the time to do that too, I have lots of videos and DVD's but just not as much time and if I have time I now want to head out on my bike and not stay indoors.

    Barb- glad that Mai Li is all healed, isn't it amazing how possessive they get of us I'm sure she "lorded" it over the others that she had you all to herself:wink:

    Rebel- good for you riding your bike to work each day! I too have tried to get some friends involved in MFP because they have seen the loss on me, but I'm finding that if they really don't want to do it then it won't work for them...you gotta want it bad:wink:

    Chiclet- well it sounds like your Mom is progressing. Hope her PT goes smoothly but more importantly hoping you are able to get her closer to you so you can oversee her care. I guess you will be cooking twice as many veggies from now on, why is it that getting kids (even grown ones) to eat them is so hard:grumble:

    Bec- :drinker: here's to having a smooth colonscopy...you gotta love that "cleansing" process, yep clean as a whistle:wink:

    Barbara- I guess I need to start the Gut & Butt over too, missed two days in a row:grumble: Nuts I had such high hopes.

    Amanda- now can't you see the broken lift as an exercise "blessing" a mini workout while going to do your visiting:wink:

    Donna56- sorry that those brussel sprouts didn't agree with you:cry: ...but there are soooo many other veggies to chose from I'm sure your not eating them will be okay.

    Jeannie- Thank goodness we always have a new day to start fresh:smile:

    Connie48- that dinner sounded wonderful, and it sounds like you made good choices...now the cheesecake, it's a good thing that you were sharing it 3 ways:wink:

    Thank goodness last night was a regular night and I was able to get my exercise in although couldn't find one of my hand weights so had to use the next poundage up and was unable to do as many as I usually do. I think hubby was using it to hold the carpet in place as we had a small leak in the basement and the carept is wet.

    I was just catching titles on the "community" board and saw one that asked "why is losing so slow?" I'm hoping to go back and see what has been said about that. Slow losing is the only way to go, because if you lose too fast then it hasn't become a lifestyle change for you and you will be gaining it back and then some.

    Well I hope you all have a good day, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and do some exercise because we are in this to have healthy bodies for life:drinker:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    good morning ladies.

    Well I did it. I was 144.8 this morning so I made my mini goal with 2 days to spare! :drinker:
    on to the next goal. I have learned that I can really push myself but also realize that I cannot keep up at this pace for long term. I will slow things back down now that I acheived the goal.

    I have been busy getting ready for the camping trip. you would think that we are going for weeks with all the stuff we have but it really is only 4 days. The weather is predicted to be wonderful. I can't wait for Holly to get here, only two more days!

    I never got into the Birkenstocks. my most outrageous clothing was a pair of checked elephant bells and I mean elephant (they were ridiculous) and then skirts that were so short it was obscene.

    Michele -I was too young for Woodstock and it was too far away. My older brothers did live in San Francisco during the day but that was a hippie as it got.

    Barb- I can just picture you with an extensive birkie wardrobe. some how it seems fitting.

    Rebel- you are such an inspiration. I want to be like you.

    Chiclet- I am thrilled that the roasted vegies were great. I have always loved vegies but it is exciting when people discover them for the first time.

    Bec- I still haven't scheduled my colonoscopy. I am scared. I need to do it but.....

    Amanda- I have added a little extra exercise to my day because the downstairs toilet is on the fritz. I have to walk upstairs to use the bathroom and since I drink over 20 glasses of water a day I walk a lot. the broken lift is kind of the same thing.

    Donna56- I love brussel sprouts but there are different ways to prepare them. And butter spray is a good thing too. I love them with balsalmic vinegar all over them.

    Jeannie- glad the DASH is working well for you.

    Connie48-sorry the heat is causing your garden to die. that sucks.

    Laura - good for you doing the exercises with heavier weights. that is how we build muscle and building is a good thing. (burns more fat)

    I hope you all have a great day.
  • clptak
    clptak Posts: 8
    I didn't know this topic was here! I'm excited to see someone in my own age group! How awesome! Have a great day!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    I'm not very chatty this morning either - must be the weather. Like Donna56 the weather here is oppressive. Tuesday night I had to work late and ended up driving home in a torrential downpour:frown: Now yesterday and today are right back to hot and humid. I will be going to my feiance's house tonight to pick up my motorcycel for girls weekend but now the weather reports are predicting rain:sad: now I am not sure what I will do.
    Yesterday I took my dad out to run errands and after we were done he asked if we could go to McDonalds!!! he wanted and ice cream cone, I paniced for a minute but then remembered they had parfeits:smile: Saved.

    Everyone is doing SO well!! I can only hope that my efforts will be rewarded also. I have discovered that with this weeks lession that my desk at work is also a negitive cue. I eat breakfast and lunch here so I am hungrey anytime I sit down to do data entry. This will not do!!!! I will have to find a corner here and ONLY eat my lunch there, otherwise I will be eating all day long.

    Have to run I think I have customers, will try to check back later.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Ladies:
    I am new to this site. I joined in July 2010.
    I need motivation to keep going. As you can see
    my number hasn't moved even though I am exercising
    at least 30 mins. a day. I am so impressed with all
    your numbers. I will be reading your messages.
    I hope August will be better for me.
    I am in the category of 60+ so I can relate to the
    older and becoming svelt ladies.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings to all the new people!!! This is our lifeline and I hope it helps you too.!!

    I'm so sorry I can't keep up with the posts!!! :sad: I'm just soooo busy that I don't even have time to read them much.:noway:
    Don't forget me!!:blushing:
    I'm having a challenging day on the food today! :ohwell: Didn't sleep much at all last night :yawn: so I'm tired, cranky and not focused.
    Got to get my HEAD together, because somethings bothering me....a resentment..:grumble: ..and that can get you into more trouble than the lack of sleep!
    Greetings and hugs to all!!!!!
  • Caralyn
    Caralyn Posts: 124 Member

    I'm in the over-60 group also and find it pretty difficult losing weight - more-so than at a younger age. My numbers haven't moved for awhile and lack of exercise is my problem. I have issues with my hips and I'm afraid I'm looking at hip replacement in the not- too-distant future. Good luck to you......
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