*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Yesterday I ran. And ran, and ran some more. And I don't regret it one bit. 6.48 miles to be exact. I amazed myself! I set out, had a certain place in mind for my turn around, would have made it about 4 miles, maybe a bit more. But when it came time to turn down that road, I went right on by it, thinking, oh, I'll turn around at the golf course. Went past that. Oh, I I'll turn around at my church. Went past that. Oh, I'll turn around at the Lovealls house. Ran right on by. Got to the highway. Ok, I'll turn around now. LOL! 3.2ish miles before I got it through my thick skull that I needed to be able to make it home. So I took a short break (5 minutes), and headed back. Man it was tough! The rest of the day my legs felt like jello! And they still do today. And just from this experience, I'm going to sign up for a 8K in July that a friend of mine that is a runner told me about. She is going to be doing the half marathon for that. I'm jealous, not quite that far in my training... lol
    The new shoes are amazing! I didn't feel my shins at all while running. I think I'm all healed up from the shin splints. So glad I invested in new shoes.
    Banquet last night was fun and crazy. Theater people are weird though... lol Have this one friend that is very nice, a bit plumper than me at this point, and she insisted on wearing a dress that barely covered her bum, and not nearly enough of "the girls". And she kept kissing me... just on the cheek thank God! She is a much more "out there" person than I am. My hubby didn't win any awards, but he did present one. Tradition is whoever won the award the previous year presents it the next year. He got best male actor last year. Had to walk around in high heels all evening, do you have any idea how hard that is after running 6+ miles earlier in the day? Yikes! Anyway, I think I'm going to go lay down for a while, and maybe nap. Was up too late last night!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @Steph - Know all about that self-employed problem. I'm probably going to South Africa in September for my Mum's 90th birthday, but it hurts that I will lose three or four times as much money through not working as I will spend on the airfares and the rest of the holiday! You just have to take it on the chin though and factor it in to the whole year's earnings or you would never go anywhere! Sounds like your hubby has already done that though at Christmas. I feel sure you will enjoy your trip nonetheless :happy:

    @MegaMeg (new name) - Girl, you do it again! Six and a half miles!! My mouth is hanging open in admiration, glad to hear no pain from the shins though and the shoes have clearly worked! The banquet sounds great, I used to do a lot of amateur dramatics when I lived abroad so I know what the theatre crowd are like!

    The TV news yesterday was full of Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who. The feeling seems to be that an unknown will be picked to replace him as established actors don't have the time required to do a series every year (plus specials, etc). I think one of the reasons Smith is leaving is he has got so busy doing films, etc. There has been a suggestion, as there is every time, that the new Doctor may be a woman, or non white, or possibly both, but who knows really. This is likely to remain an unknown unknown until the Christmas special!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Meg - Nice job on pushing yourself. Such a great accomplisment. I'm looking forward to running again. I'm sure the new sneakers will make a difference in how your legs will feel after your runs. Well worth the $$. Sounds like you got a good workout just shopping!

    Ron - I've heard of Doctor Who but never seen it, although I have been watching some BBC programs through my Amazon Instant Video acct. Downtown Abbey and the remake of Upstairs Downstairs have been fun to see. Congrats on reaching your milestone. I'm very happy for you. Isn't it easier to do most things now? I'm looking forward to dropping these 50 again so I can paint my toe nails without taking a break to breath!! I've never tried prawns. Are they liek a crawfish? I did enjoy some shrimp over the weekend with some fresh lemon squeezed on top. mmmmm I love seafood.

    Steph - I like hearing your 'gym' stories again. You were really killing it before you were pregnant. Good to see you getting there again. It's exciting to hear your travel plans. I'm so happy for you. That's a great reason to set a goal. You can do it!!

    The weekend was nice. Only one SB game but it was in the 90's so we sweat it out then headed directly to the lake for a relaxing afternoon. Took the kayaks out for a bit and had a nice visit with my parents. Yesterday we managed to clean the pool before afternoon thunderstorms rolled in. It was nice to be home for the evening with just my family. It seems like we always have a house full of kids and or boyfriends, so for just the 4 of us to relax it was a bonus. I was really craving for carbs last night and missing my chocolate. Just one more week and I can start to integrate some foods back in. The cleanse has help feel better and put some perspective on food being a fuel. Living to eat had edged it way back into my life and I'm hoping it's back to eating to live!!!

    Looking forward to a successful week for all of us. I'm starting a summer challenge group - if any of you are interested I can send you the link.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Renae - prawns are what you in the US and Canada call shrimp, whereas we call very small prawns shrimp (or brown shrimp), all very confusing! We also get langoustines (mainly from Scotland) which are more like a small prawn sized lobster than a prawn, and they have a sweeter flavour. They're also known as Dublin Bay Prawn and the langoustine tails cooked in breadcrumbs are known as scampi, though cheaper fish like monkfish is also used for cheaper 'scampi'. As I say very confusing :huh: I love seafood too, used to be a beef man, particularly steak, but I've really got into seafood of all kinds in the last ten years or so and it's great for the diet as well!

    I haven't seen either Downton Abbey or Upstairs Downstairs but Doctor Who is a must!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Thank Ron! I found Doctor Who on Amazon Prime - and since I am a prime member we can veiw several seasons free. I think our 12 year old might like it.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Renae, it used to be a kids' program but the new lot of series from Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor to current series is enjoyed by all ages. Hope you like it!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Steph, that 9:30 bed time was awesome, and needed since I stayed up very late the next night! I'm loving my new shoes. That was wonderful of your SIL to watch baby for you. Gotta love having helpful family.

    @Ron, I need to catch up on season 6 & 7 of Dr. Who. I only watch what's available on Netflix, so haven't seen any of that yet. So I'll be disappointed in a couple years when I finally see Matt Smith leave. And congrats on the mini goal! I think I need a different nick name... my dad used to call me "megaton" when I was a little kid. I hated it and made him stop. :angry: :tongue: So call me the Energizer Bunny or something! LOL

    @Renae, sounds like a nice weekend, glad you had some quiet family time. I'm interested in the challenge group, so you can send me the info. :happy: I've also watched Downton Abbey on Amazon and really enjoyed it. I'll have to watch the Upstairs Downstairs series too... And like Ron said, Dr. Who is definitely a show for the whole family. My boys love it, especially my 3 year old! I'm a big fan too.

    Another quiet Monday for me. I'm so thankful I don't have to have a full time job. I did do some volunteer work at my church this morning. And since it's less than 3 miles away, I rode there on my bike. Then spent the morning counting money and entering it in the software. It actually used to be my job, I worked as bookkeeper at my church for 7 years. And if things go as the current bookkeeper is hoping, it could possibly be my job again. I'm thinking I'm ok with that, as I'm getting tired of listening to customers whine about the way the programs that I support work.

    Going to be a busy week for me, my son has a his end of year choir concert tomorrow night, and then I will be spending the rest of the week working on party stuff for my younger son's birthday party on Saturday. And I have a dentist appointment on Friday morning... ugh. I plan on running on my lunch breaks tomorrow and Wednesday. Thursday will be a rest day, and hold me to it folks! I can't be skipping those. Saturday morning before things get too crazy I plan on going for a nice long run, 5 miles probably. Since I have already reached my goal of running that distance sometime in June, my new goal is to run that distance at least once a week during June.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning All!
    Looks like everyone is continuing to do great. Meg, an 8 and 10k...hats off to you! My legs go wobbly just thinking about it. We had a good weekend here. I am however very sleep deprived as we have finally moved little miss into her own room and she doth protesteth loudly and frequently through the night. Despite the little sleep I met with my trainer last night and I've come away feeling pretty good. She chose the weights I would use for chest press and picked heavier than I would. Didn't think I was up to lifting 14kg (each hand) yet. It's 4kg down on where I was when I stopped training but I'm still happy. My sprinting also went well, getting up to 9.6. I'm disappointed with my shoulder presses and loss of core strength but I know I will get it back. Knees are a bit achy this morning but so far haven't been hit with DOMS although I know they will happen. Going to be tweaking food a bit the next couple of days. While I've been under I've had a few days that were filled with quite heavy carbs so going to ease off till the weekend probably. Hope you all have a great day, and hey, happy hump day!
  • MattyCsGirl
    Hi, I just started trying to loose weight yesterday, I weigh around the 200lb mark so I want to go down to 150lbs (Where I felt most healthy in my life)

    Friend me if you want... :)
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    *dashes in* Hi guys, a quick skim read tells me you're all doing fab. Well done everyone.
    I'm still ok, still havn't found somewhere to live but still looking, mum and stuff at home has calmed down generally, but I'm still keen to get out as soon as there's somewhere suitable.
    I was hit by a really nasty coldy/fluey thing on top of my hideous hayfever, so I've not been able to run which is killing me, but I look forward to being fighting fit to run again. Still cycling&walking my commute though, much to my parents protestations!
    Eating is generally going well, I'm feeling less blobby, but I'm refusing to weigh myself as it never helps. I'll have to weigh in at the drs on fri, and I know I'll get a lecture for it, but I have lost weight since jan, and I am ONLY a size 12UK which is also what I was when I was another 28lbs lighter a year ago (when I'd lost all the weight, before I started on being stronger...and then also before I put a ton back on), so I think she'll just have to shush.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Renae, it used to be a kids' program but the new lot of series from Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor to current series is enjoyed by all ages. Hope you like it!

    @ron2e I just started watching and am hopelessly addicted... I'm in distress now that Matt Smith has announced his departure!

    Update... finally lost another lb plus the 2 LBS I had gained back during my birthday week long binge episode :tongue:
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Just checking in. Trying to stay on track through this cleanse. Chocolate is calling my name! Kids schedules and stress don't help any. Heading down to fill up my 20oz water cup. I hope everyone is doing well.

    ~ keep it skinny!!
  • Lachesis
    Lachesis Posts: 36 Member
    Double post
  • Lachesis
    Lachesis Posts: 36 Member
    An old member checking in. I got some blood work done, added some stuff like potassium (who knew lack of it could make you tired!). Hoping to see a difference.

    I really need to eat more (healthy stuff). I tend not to eat period.

    I need to try and do the Wii games daily... stinks when it's just you. Kids kinda pooped out on playing with me.

    ~Rachel in AZ
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hey to old and new, nice to see you in here!

    Well, ended up choosing to make today a rest day. Backs of my thighs are so sore from the weed pulling session I did on Monday (really more like about 900 squats). Just felt like to I should rest, so I am. Might run tomorrow, if I have some time. Love that the days are longer now, yesterday I did two miles running before 7 a.m. Might need to do that more this summer. Get up in the morning with hubby and run while he's getting ready for work. He's usually gone by the time I get up.

    Have to say, I love living where I do. On my run yesterday on my lunch break, I could see the peaks of Mt. Rainier in the distance ahead of me. And on my drive to drop my son of with my mom for the day, I can see the Olympic Mountain Range.
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    HI everyone...

    Hoping you all have a great day. Just want to share my recent NSV. A couple of weeks back, I was whining about not completing W4 of C25k. I had to pause the running part just to catch my breath. So for the past 2 weeks, I went back and did W3 all over again. And finally last Sunday, I was able to finish W4. I'm so proud of myself for being able to run 5 minutes straight without stopping. MOnths back I was even panting and heaving just to finish a minute of running.

    Good luck to everyone. We can do this!!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @jehan - congrats on finishing week 4 of C25K - I think it just goes to prove that slow and steady works for us rather than trying to do things too fast. And I'm bad for rushing into things - need to sit back and slow down a bit sometimes. You must feel so good for achieving it.

    @meg - agree that you need rest days sometimes - much as it pains you! We too have lovely long days here at the moment - coupled with the good weather it makes the mornings and evenings so nice.

    welcome to new and old - good to see you, or see you back!

    Well, I'm back from 3 days in Devon...so relaxing! We had glorious weather and spent really nice days getting in lots of walking over the cliffs and in a couple of nice gardens that we went to visit. Didn't log food and have probably eaten too much - but given all the walking we did I'm not overly concerned. It's my birthday tomorrow and I refuse to spend that counting calories so just trying to maintain the exericse while I'm off and get back to being strict on Saturday. We had our bedroom decorated while we were away and it looks really good. The downside is that we relocated the bedroom furniture into the guest room and now have to move it back - until it moves back, both the cross trainer and tv for my workout videos are out of action. Hoping to move it back this evening but if not will definitely happen tomorrow. Mind you, I'll get some weight training in just helping to move everything back!!

    Have a good rest of the week everyone!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @jehan, congrats on the NSV! Sometimes you just have to go back a bit with programs like that. I've had to go back on my pushup challenge as well. Isn't it nice though, to discover that you really can do it?

    @Jane, sounds like a fabulous weekend! And I bet the break from food logging was nice :wink: And now you're going to get a workout putting your furniture back in place. And, Happy Birthday!!! :flowerforyou:

    Decided to not run again today, but am doing a little bike riding. It's hard to say no to a kid who wants to ride his bike to school. Good exercise for the both of us. I think this afternoon I'll ride my bike over to the redbox to return the movie I rented last night... (Life of Pi, good movie!) will make fore a good 4-5 mile bike ride. Tomorrow the true craziness starts. Have to really start preparing for the birthday party this weekend.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member

    Well its been an off sort of day. Little miss still isn't sleeping well since being in her own room and as a result I am dead on my feet. I just didn't care today when it came to food and I was over by a little more than 100 cals. Could have been worse I suppose. I find it really hard when I am tired to do anything and eating was keeping me going. Hoping tonights sleep is better as she has hardly slept all day so perhaps she will sleep through (which she has been doing since January).

    Need to find sometime and energy for exercise, since seeing my trainer on Tuesday I've not done anything. The backs of my legs are incredibly sore but that's no excuse. Need the time and this weekend looks busy. Brother in law arrives tomorrow for a visit and Saturday we have a kids birthday party to go to and Sunday normally means church. Gotta find sometime as I didn't like what the scale said this morning.

    Small NSV - wore a shirt that was prepreggers. It must have been getting far too big when I got pregnant though!

    Jehan: great NSV!!

    Meg: You are inspiring with all your activity!

    Jane: glad you had a good time, its so nice that the weather has finally turned summery :)
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    thanks everyone

    @steph - great NSV as well. Still can't get into my prepreggers clothes. It seems you have a packed weekend ahead. Have fun!!

    @meg- riding a bike sounds lovely. Its been years since i've been on one. My hubby and I just recently watched Life of PI and the movie is really amazing. I've heard good reviews and we decided to buy the DVD.

    @jane - Happy BIrthday, hope you have a fab day. I'm sure all the furniture moving will burn you a couple of hundred calories.

    I'll be running tonight. Still scared of W5. but if I can't keep, I'll just go back to W4 and do it all over again until I'm stronger. I was supposed to start Shred again for the nth time but my little one is suffering colds so I have to get up almost every hour just to comfort him. I just can't seem to wake up at the crack of dawn just to do my Shred. Hopefully, I'll be able to start this weekend.