
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all, the cats got into the garden again:explode: , but didn't dig anything up. I really should write this stuff down, now I can't remember what I was going to reply too. Well ok, as much as I can remember.

    Meg- I know about the haven't gone to the bathroom alone in years feeling. I can't take a nap or go to bed without being covered in cats. But you know when we are away at shows I miss them.:laugh:

    The new Lorraine- what type of crafts do you do?

    Joy-good going on the bike ride, I won a bike a couple of years ago and learned its not just like riding a bike. I had to learn all over again.:angry:

    I know there was more, but I'll be danged if I can remember what so, yippie for all those with losses, and any with gains it will come off with a little hard work. That what I always tell myself. Bbl

    Tigress in GA
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    I am so glad I found this group because I think your perspective changes after 50 and I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts with you.

    My SO and I have lots of friends in our age group but for the most part they are rather sedentary. We have a blended household consisting of 6 children (two in their forties, three in their twenties, and one 13) their so/spouses, and 13 grandchildren (two in their twenties; six teenagers, four little children, and one 2 week newbie). Thank goodness none of them live with us. They still keep us pretty busy and I think keep us young. My SO is 64 and I will be 55 shortly. We will be celebrating 10 years of togetherness next year. :flowerforyou:

    He and I work very hard at overcoming the fear of trying new things. So many things seem to be scary now. :noway: At one time I loved to ride roller coasters. Now my heart rate races just at the thought of getting on one. Sometimes I laughingly say it’s not that I am a scary cat it’s the manifestation of wisdom from experience. Is fear a part of your life?

    Thanks for reading!

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Sunny Weds :glasses:

    It's sure nice seeing so many new faces here! I've not often been able to reply to everyone individually, but I sure admire those of you who take the time to do it. :flowerforyou: I stop in when I can and read as much of this 50+ ladies newspaper as time allows.:bigsmile:

    Setting realistic goals is important. Making little changes often instead of big changes all at once seems to be the key to success. The last thing on earth we need at this stage of the game is feeling like a failure! I still have difficult days when I don't live up to my own promises! :huh: It's all about buckling up your bootstraps and moving forward, though. Walk a little farther, eat a little less, drink an extra glass of water or two. Planning meals ahead is such a great idea. Sticking to that plan is the challenge.

    When I hit the 40 lbs lost mark I went to the grocery store, grabbed a cart and went directly to the potato section. I looked around to see if the coast was clear, feeling very silly :tongue: but no one seemed to notice as I loaded up four 10-lb bags into the cart and proceeded to push it around the store for about 10 minutes :laugh: just basking in how much weight that was....whew, just lifting one bag lets you know how heavy 10 lbs is. Go try it sometime, it really helps you realize how far you've come! And give yourselves a few pats on the back!

    :smile: jb in sunny, gorgeous PNW
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!Wow how exciting to see all the new people.Welcome.
    Have been at Violet `s since sun,she didn`t want to do a sleepover this week.Love the time I have with her,but miss my kitties,hubby,daughter and home.
    Hope to get her to the park today.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Sorry in advance for the rant......:explode:

    I didn't even bother to read the posts today, but promise I will catch up when I am up to it. I am SOOOO MAD today! Someone at work asked me what parish I was in and when I told him, he told me that he saw on the news that someone stole $18,000 from the safe in our church. I didn't believe him, so I looked it up myself and sadly, it's true. It happened late on Saturday, but I just found out about it today. It was the proceeds from our Carnival. There was no sign of a break in. A volunteer found the money missing. I am stunned! I can't believe that anyone would stoop so low as to steal from our church. Our parish is small and those funds are necessary to keeping us afloat. We all worked so hard to make the carnival a success, and it was, until some Grinch took it all away without any thought to how it will affect so many. Our pastor is going to be leaving for Africa for a year for military duty in a few weeks. I can't imagine how he must feel knowing that this has happened on his watch. Please pray that they catch this thief and hold him or her accountable. I am going to find it hard to get through the day with this on my mind, so I just needed to blow off some steam. Thanks.....rant over....

    Lucy in DE.:frown:
  • Fisherdh13
    Fisherdh13 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for doing this, Barbie.

    My goals aren't that formal, but I do stick to not gaining any weight back. I still work full time and June is a busy month for me. So ongoing goals?

    Working on the garden, but its getting hot here in North Florida, but the weeks still keep growing. (make progress in May)
    Keeping up with house cleaning. ugh.
    Continuing to learn about new foods and vegetables. Things I never explored before. Who knew I liked vegetables?!
    Not spending too much money! Need to pay the bills down so I can retire. (did pretty well in May on this one)
    Figuring out how to get more exercise in. Have lots of things to do but don't do enough.

    That's all for now.

    Donna in North Florida
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Lucy - I saw that on the local news. I hope they catch the person that did it. It never fails to amaze me how low some people will go!!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    OH........Lucy; I am SOOO sorry to hear about your church's loss!!! That's terrible; what a low person it would take to do that!!! Fingers crossed that the thief is caught.........do the police have any leads or suspects????? Please keep us posted.

    Another beautiful morning here; supposed to get hotter for the rest of the week. I am trapped here waiting for an antique curved glass front china cabinet to be delivered.........I have been VERY patient with these people; paid for this piece over a year (!!!!) ago. He promised it would be delivered ths week.

    Realized that in my May summation post (early because I was out of town 3 days) I never set any aims for June . So, here goes:

    Continue to wear pedometer daily
    Try for 6,000 all days and a few 10,000
    Get back to gym, tai chi, and yoga and pick up the kettlebell and weights again
    it's been 3 weeks now that I've been coasting on just diet, walking, and a few exercises around the house
    OK, just writing "less red meat" is not working, so how about "fish four times a week"?
    GET TO GOAL----3 1/2 lbs. should be doable; I've been at this since Jan. 11

    I've been making up bags for Goodwill and organizing the rest of my clothes, or trying to. I have hundreds of t-shirts from races where I volunteered and DD has run, sorting them and deciding what to ditch is killing me but must be done.

    nosoda0......I ate at O.G. last weekend; my standard is: no croutons, dsg. on the side, skim milk for the decaf, capillini promodoro (sp?) with chicken added (for protein) and then I take half of it home........in the summer I always carry a cooler in my car and throw an ice pack in when I leave the house to go out to eat

    Meg........finally caught up to your naked cat story.........I laughed and laughed!!!!

    jb........gorgeous flowers

    Joy ........adorable birds in the grill!!! how nice of you to let them there

    Back to the closets!!!! Hi to everyone else!
    yanniejannie mid-Atlantic
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Everyone- It is another sunny day here in beautiful Az, I just love it! I am going to have overnight company tonight, and that means I am going to have to be very careful w/ my "thoughtless" snacking. I need to get safe foods in easy reach or I could get into trouble.

    I have been reading the posts- - - my, this is a chatty group!- - - and I am thrilled to find a piece of wisdom that I can use in almost every post. I knew this was the right group to join!

    Today's exercise has already involved cleaning up the house, but in a few minutes I will be headed up to the pool for water aerobics. If it gets as hot today as they say it will, we might have to go up and hang out there this evening, too!

    NewLorrain- Welcome! I was so happy to see your name pop up on my screen! Your goals look good. I find that I can only work on a few at a time because I become stressed if I don't get it "all" done.

    Grandmalie- The craving for sugar and/or any baked treat is really strong, but I have great faith that you will not end up looking like Jabba the Hut!

    Mightyold- Congratulations on your invited membership into the garden club. My yard is all rock and dead stuff. When can you be here? I think your idea for a like button on each post is a good one.

    Barbie and Lucy- The feelings of resentment get really strong when I am eating out w/ groups of people that are not aware of what all I am trying to do. My really good friends will let me, at least, pick up their plates and take a good smell of the foods that I can not eat. Sometimes just that helps the cravings ( I know, sounds icky, but it works) Even when I give myself calorie permission to eat something like pizza or pasta, I end up being disappointed because the gluten free alternatives to those foods are not always yummy. I guess this resentment is something we all struggle w/ at some point.

    JB- I love, love, love the story about the potatoes in the shopping cart!

    Lucy- I am so sorry about the theft at church. I will send prayers for you. To ease your mind a little (maybe), just remember that some day that person will have to explain to the Rightful Owner of that offering why he/she decided to steal it. I hope your parrish steps up and finds a way to replace the lost funds.

    OK- time to get the suit on and head to the pool. Be well, everyone, and have an awesome day!
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Good Mornings all Rays of Sunshine~ :flowerforyou:
    even if its cloudy.
    Wow amazing all the posts .Will catch up this evening.Wednesdays are always busy for me and now adding my hour long work out (may make it 2 hours )
    Happy Wednesday All.

    from sunny so far WV.:happy:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies. This is a great group.:flowerforyou:

    Phoo513: DH is also eliminating gluten, and we’ve been at this for nearly a year so we’ve found some things that work for us. You can buy gluten free bread. Our local market has it in the freezer case. They also have GFree hamburger buns. Betty Crocker sells gluten free Bisquick, and you can find some gluten free breakfast cereals. That said; we don’t eat many sandwiches any more. There is a lot of recipe help online, so when I wanted to make a Kuchen, a favorite family dessert, I googled it and tried the 3 recipes I liked most. We had a taste test and settled on a favorite. You’ll have to read labels as your new obsession. Watch out for beer. It contains gluten. We have a local brewery that makes great gluten free beer because one of the brothers is a celiac. Places like Whole Foods often have some brands available. Beer is one of DH's pleasures, but is definitely not low cal. This may not be an issue for you. Sadly, most gluten free products are higher in calories than their glutenous counterparts. Restaurants are also a challenge. Outback Steakhouse and Subway in our area offer gluten free meal alternatives. I hope I’ve been able to offer some ideas you didn’t already know. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Joy: Where was the kayak picture taken? It is beautiful.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy: I wasn’t very flexible at first, either. My balance isn’t the best because; well, I am not exactly sure. At the moment I think it is lack of muscle strength in my legs and feet. I’m working on getting stronger and the balance is slowly improving.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Good luck to you and your husband in seeking to improve his cardiac health. If he is really willing to make changes, you have conquered the first hurdle.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from Ontario: I wonder why exercise makes you feel worse for days. Are you over doing it? If not, maybe you need a medical check up. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: I don’t have a fitbit, but daily weigh ins, logging food, and this great bunch of women seems to keep me motivated. Some people are discouraged by weighing too often, but not me. Everyone is different. Congratulations on doing so well despite a few slip-ups.:flowerforyou:

    JB: I LOVE your potato story. What a great idea! I’ll bet it left you feeling victorious.:flowerforyou:

    Lucy: My heart breaks for you and your parish. I’m speculating that it was an “inside job.” I hope I’m wrong about that. Maybe someone is desperate and in need of prayers and other help.:flowerforyou: Or maybe someone is just greedy. :mad:

    I’m taking my car in for maintenance today. It needs its 100 thousand mile tune up before our trip. This will cost hundreds. :ohwell: We’ve already had part of the work done or it would be even more expensive. It is a good car and worth the trouble. DH is still in bed, so I’ll wake him, and take the dog to the auto place with me so we can walk home together. They would bring me home, but I need the exercise.:wink:

    Have a great day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    I am in, a first time for me!! My goals will be to continue with a "clean" eating plan and to not miss any NROLFW workouts! I have to find some good recipes for all the guests we have at the lake in the summer; the ole potato salad and other heavy, fat stuff won't work this year!!

    Sam, (female) Central Michigan
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    I make memory wire jewelry if you have facebook try going to the ChelZach page there is a display of my work. I also make no sew fleece throws and stroller blankets. hand painted ornaments. am always looking for simple homemade crafts to change up my inventory. I don't sew but do crochet a little. I saw that you were a crafter as well. what kinds do you do? I love meeting fellow crafters!
  • Hi everyone

    I don't normally post on message boards, but really need tips as weight loss just doesn't want to happen!!

    I'll be looking for inspiration in the posts on this message board.

    Elaine from Dumfries, Scotland
  • debjunebug
    debjunebug Posts: 12
    Hi everyone! It is day two for me (this time). I am excited to be with all of you on this path to a better me. I will keep my June goals simple. For June I will work out at the club at least 4 times a week. I will faithfully log in everything I put in my mouth. I will do my best to stay within my calorie allowance. It is time to purge my closet (which is about 1/3 of my attic space). I have fat clothes and skinny clothes and stuff I have forgotten about. So that will be it for June. Since I have a JUne birthday I would like my Ticker to show that I have lost at least 15 pounds. Twenty-Five pounds off I am buying myself a new top!

    Love to all you,
    Debbie in Chicago
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Sam. - have you looked at skinnytaste.com? There are slimming recipes for all the old favourites, so you don't even have to tell your guests it's slimming!
    I make a brilliant spicy turkey burger with spinach in it, or grated zucchini, which is my own combo from other recipes, but she has a good crustless spinach and feta pie which can be taken on picnics. There are also dips and party food.

    Heather, from Hampshire UK:flowerforyou:
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    I just wanted to share that I made it to my first ten pounds! I am thrilled. My journey thus far has been fantastic. I am so happy with my new found pals

    Lorrain in Maine

    Nothing ventured nothing gained
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 788 Member
    I have to say kootos to all of you on this post that remember everyone's name! I am a bit overwhelmed but I know if I keep reading everyone's personalities will shine and my memory will improve.

    I am sorry to hear about the money stolen from the church...that is just not right! Makes me very angry to say the least

    and for the DIY --thenewlorrain-- I have done a great deal of crafting and just trying to master new things...lastest adventure making sidewalk chalk for my granddaughter. So far not a big success but I am tweaking it

    Yesterday I took a long walk, well for me it was long. I have an app on my phone called map my walk and I covered just over 7miles! I am sore today to be sure. But anything that will tire me out so I can sleep at night I am all for it. I hate insomnia add that to the hot flashes and you have a women on the edge LOL

    wishing you all a terrific day!

    sunny Pacific Northwest
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Nancy- You give us too much credit. I don't remember squat, I just take notes about what I want to respond to. Of course, if the moderators were truly evil, they could make us take a test....:laugh:

    Thanks for all of the support and suggestions about eating gluten free. It certainly is an adventure!
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    hi Nancy, when I started someone told me that they open two windows of MFP - one to read the posts and one to write the comments. It works great. Only today I am not feeling so well and will be writing limited responses. I saw yours and wanted to share this tip with you.

    Lorraine, congratulations on losing that first ten - big milestone - way to go!

    Signing off now; really not feeling well and I have laundry to finish and groceries to buy. Take care and have a blessed day.