
  • sansbuda
    sansbuda Posts: 22 Member
    New to this group. Joined MFP in Feb and was pretty enthusiastic. My biggest accomplishment was completing the 30 day shred in 30 days. Now I feel my enthusiasm waning somewhat so need to get it back. I just started taking yoga to try to improve my flexibilty but am finding all the 'invertedness' (like downward dog) a bit distressing. I find myself leaving the class feeling nauseated rather than relaxed. I'm hoping that it will get better. I'm also reading 'The New Rules of Lifting for Women' so I'll see where that leads me. Looking forward to checking in on this thread daily.

    Dorothy in CA
  • pawbabies
    pawbabies Posts: 10 Member
    I've never posted on this site before, but have been a part of MFP for a long time. I need to get back at logging and being accountable. I was doing so well last year and now I have gained 8lbs of the 20 something I had lost. Not fun to go to your profile and change the weight to add pounds! So.....starting again with my goals:

    Log-log-log! Everything I put in my mouth, even if it's not healthy for me
    Exercise at least 4 times a week
    Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    Strength training 2 times a week
    Don't be such a "couch potato"
    Plan my meals!
    More playtime with my grandbabies!!!

    I love MFP and all the much needed support! Have a great June to all my Pals!!!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,192 Member
    Hi everybody! I can't possibly reply to everyone on this thread but you all are so helpful! I am enjoying this group tremendously. They are doing some construction here at work and now I have to walk all around a much longer way to get where I am going. Good for making me walk more! LOL. Been busy all morning and slowing down now, so I thought I would try to catch up with some of the posts here.

    Grandmallie, I have the same stomach thing going on. I was wondering the same thing about how to get rid of it. I dread the thought of hundreds of crunches to shrink it! UHG!

    Terewilliams, I know the fear you are talking about. I loved roller coasters too and now I shudder when I see them on the TV. I used to drive a motorcycle in years gone by but now see people on them with shorts and tank tops (both male and female) and just imagine the hurt if they fell! OWIES!

    Jb_2011, I know someone who would buy a canned good or bag of sugar equal to pounds lost and once a month would donate it to a food bank. It was a great visual and reminder of what we lost.

    Janemartin02, I miss my 3 grand-sons and my kids. They live over 1,000 miles away in New England and I live down here in Tennessee. Holidays are the worst for me.

    LucyT4dieting, I can’t believe how low some people are. I hope they catch the thief!

    Hi Fisherdh13, housekeeping is my downfall too. My DH is disabled so is home all day and I work full time. Most of the clutter comes from him being home all day. I always say I was never a housekeeper and never will be – but I do what needs to be done.

    Well, I did meet all my goals yesterday except the working outside for 15 minutes. It is raining cats and dogs here so won't be able to do it today either. I feel that as long as I meet 90% of my goals, that is an improvement and great progress. Have a great day everyone!

    Rita from Tennessee
  • mi2ak2co
    mi2ak2co Posts: 16 Member
    Goals for June:

    Get in regular habit of daily recording diet and exercising so becomes my norm (recent member)

    Enjoy best of traveling location (food and sites) without losing long term focus on health

    More fluids!
  • Good Afternoon MFP ladies,

    Was so very busy yesterday in our Iris bed and then came in to clean the house some before coming back to work for a few days. Anyway I did not post, but read, and logged everything. Our Grand kids were over to mow our yard again which is always a blessing for us.

    Amanda: Glad your are back at work and Dad is in good care, so sorry for your siblings attitude. Why must some family members be such knuckleheads? :sad:

    Joy - What a surprise you found in your grill. I had never thought of that for a hideaway bird house! :wink:

    Lucy, congrats on the Phillie tickets... but OMG, someone stealing all the money from the church? I just cannot imagine how low someone must be to do that.:mad:

    Peach: I am a fall/Spring person too regarding temperatures. However I love the Summer and Winters here in Colorado too. Each season is special. I am just not one for the Hight temps. We have 100's off and on for 2 months in the Summer.

    Jodios - Looks like Joy figured out how to post pics in the message, but I haven't, could you send this tech challenged grandma a clue? :bigsmile: pretty please :embarassed:

    JB- Love the potato story... lol... so next time I am in the store I am finding something close to the weight I have lost, and enjoy the fact it is no longer part of me.... great word picture and idea! :bigsmile: Sides, it will make someone wonder what I am up to, and that too will make my day :laugh:

    Well, must go, wishing blessings on everyone and that joys outnumber all the stress and frustration today.
    :heart: Newbies, love hearing from you :heart:

    Connie in Western Colorado.... enjoying the sun :glasses:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    bump! I missed the link and the pages of your lives, but still think you are the best vitamin on the market!
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies, Welcome to all the new comers great place to be! and well wishes to all the regulars.
    Lucy: so sorry to hear of the missing funds such a world we live in, just so disappointing for you all.
    Thoughts and prayers to those who need them and congrats to all the achievers,
    Lovely pictures of flowers that have been posted, our flowers are starting to do better but it is cool today
    Well off for my walk now have been doing better with adding to my daily steps, some of you ladies are my heros weightlifting and running I'm happy to get 8500 steps in a day

    Hugs and smiles Juanita in sudbury
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Well, I'm STILL exhausted from my bike ride this morning! I'm torn about whether I should continue. I burned more calories doing the walking/jogging thing and I enjoyed it a LOT more ... but if this is so hard, it means different muscles are being used and that's probably better for me. It wouldn't be so hard if the land was flat here but there are just so many hills! :sad: :sad: :sad: I guess I'll just alternate days.

    Heather – I haven’t heard anything (except from you) about problems with the rivers! I wonder why that is? I love skinnytaste.com!

    Grandmallie - I have what has been referred to (somewhere online) as a baby’s bottom on my stomach. And I HATE it! Just looks disgusting! If you figure anything out let me know!

    Tigress – maybe they are trying to catch mice or rabbits in your garden!

    Tere – WOW! 3 grandkids keep me busy I don’t know how you do it! :noway:

    Jb – I wished I could have been there to see you do that! LOL :bigsmile:

    Lucy – That is HORRIBLE!!! Just horrible! God WILL get them. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Donna – Welcome back! :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie - I LOVE antiques!! But I’ve never paid for something and then had it not show up for over a year! Here in Europe, you don’t pay until they deliver it and then its cash only … at least the place we use. I hope everything turns out right! Can you post a picture of it once you have it? (so I can drool?) The birds really didn’t give me a choice. :mad:

    Katla – It was taken at an inlet about 10 minutes from our house here in Norway.

    Sam – Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Lorrain – Nice jewelry! AND you make all the other things too. WOW! I’ve just started learning how to crochet. One of the women from Cruise Critic was showing me how on our last cruise. I’m a very basic beginner! Congrats on the losing your first 10 pounds! :flowerforyou:

    Elaine – Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Debbie – Hooray for cleaning out closets! I HATE doing that but love all the space afterwards. I’m sure you’ll be buying that new top soon! :wink:

    phoo513 – I’m too old to take tests! That would be pure evil! :sad:

    Dorothy – Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Pawbabies – Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    mi2ak2co – I like your goal about enjoying best of traveling location without losing long term focus on health. I think that should be one of mine! We travel SOOOOO much and I want to taste everything! I really need to do MUCH better with that!

    Connie – my mom use to have Iris in her garden. I thought they were beautiful! Are they hard to take care of?

    Joy (An American living the good life in Stavanger, Norway)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I was able to finish my 5 pound incline press today. the last 3 were pretty hard but I told that weight machine who was boss by holding my arms up a 2 seconds on that last lift! Then I rode 7 miles!!!! Yes, you read it right:tongue: I could have ridden it further but I chose to stop. I knew that my back would hurt if I took it any further today. I am just so frustrated that I am not losing. For all of you who did the happy dance for me you can get your kleenexes out and cry with me:sad: The last 3 days I have been 200.2. The only thing I can think I am doing wrong is not eating back my exercise calories. I make sure I eat my 1300 calories when I exercise and burn all those calories my net calorie intake is way below 1300. any advice???

    OK, no laughing here. I am about to write my June goals. I am a procrastinator and not a clean housewife, nor do I cook. So here we go. and if I write them down I know I am holding myself accountable since I'm just not saying it in my mind that I will do it.
    Walk at least 600 steps a day
    keep sodium down to 2000 mg a day
    clean off my coffee table
    clean off my kitchen table
    clean off my breakfast bar
    cook at least one meal a week
    add another strength training exercise
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. This will be short; I am tired and cranky after visiting dad at the nursing home. I'm afraid I had a little snit fit over his appointment with the orthopedic doctor and xrays tomorrow. That appointment was made a week ago and yet today, at 3:15, I get told by the van driver that I have to be there tomorrow at 7 a.m. because someone has to sign papers for him. WHAT!!!!! I kind of lost it.

    I told the van driver "I was standing right next to you when you made that appointment over 1 week ago and you are just now telling me this???? No I am not able to go. Figure out a way for me to get the papers signed while I am here for the next 30 minutes." So then he get's dad's nurse (Lane) and wants her to explain to me what papers I need to sign and why the hospital needs them. I'm afraid I wasn't very nice when I told him that I've been a nurse for over 33 years and understand what the paperwork is; I don't need anyone to explain it to me I need someone to figure out how to get them signed ahead of time. I also told him that had he told me a week ago I needed to be there, I could have rearranged my schedule but that it was ridiculous to ask me 14 hours ahead of time. I asked Lane to help facilitate these papers, so he could het his "frreaking' xray done. So I ended up apologizing to her (she's a sweet thing).

    End of story...the charge nurse had the papers faxed to me, but then found out they could do the xrays there and send them to the doc and he will decide then if he really needs to see dad or not.

    I am on the verge of tears....so pissed off. I am prepared for my dad to die sooner rather that later, after all he is 2 days shy of 89 and has been in poor health and debilitated for years. What I am not prepared for is for this injury to kill him. He is stuporous, won't wake up, and isn't getting out of bed. When he is awake he is totally delirious. I think he's over medicated for pain and they also sent urine to see if he has an infection.

    OK rant over thanks for being here. I'm going for a walk. Take care, Meg, from beautiful (finally) Omaha
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Can't believe it's 4 already! Where did this day go? :noway: Been doing really good with food choices and got my Water Zumba in today but been neglecting my house and de-cluttering goal. Hoping to tackle that next! Ok, going to try to catch up for a few minutes first! Oh, and to my surprise got almost 10 hrs. sleep with only waking up a couple times! Was shocked I woke up at 9!

    Jmkmomm- I'm not laughing at your goals!! Lately, I've become good at procrastinating which is why one of mine is to spend 30 min. a day de-cluttering! Maybe it's just sodium causing your weight to fluctuate a bit. I know when I was trying so hard to lose the last pound to hit the 50 mark, the scale just kept going up a teeny bit even after it went down to reach it. I finally kept that pesky pound off even though my ticker doesn't reflect it. I know it's hard but if you're doing everything else right, try not to weigh quite as often!

    Joy-Forgot to tell you yesterday, thanks for sharing the pics of the birds in your grill. My heart would have stopped if I thought one was going to fall out!

    Have to cut this short but will try to read all the posts later!

    Kathy in drizzly (again)! IL :drinker:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Wow! You guys are prolific. I've skimmed everything since my last visit, but no way can I reply to all.

    Meg, I am so sorry you are going through so much craziness with your dad's nursing home.

    This is the first day off I've had in a while. I went walking with DH then called the dermatologist to make an appointment to have a mole that had been bothering me removed from my arm. Turns out the PA had an appointment at 1:00 so I went into town, got that taken care of (all of 5 minutes, $45 please), then went shopping for some new capris since all of mine from last summer are too baggy. I also bought one of those long flowy bright tee shirt dresses but I may end up taking it back. I'm not sure I can pull off that look. Then I went to Fresh Market and stocked up on fresh veggies and fruit, fruit sorbet bars, skinny popcorn in individual bags and dried veggie chips - all designed to help me beat the dreaded after dinner candy. I had NONE for June 1, 2, and 3 but succumbed to temptation last night, hence the emergency trip to Fresh Market. I figure 3 out of 4 nights is not bad, but now I'm going to shoot for 5 out of 5.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Got in a good golf game today and got way over my 5000 steps. So far doing good with my June goals. Got up early to do my strength training before playing golf.

    Meg – sorry to hear of your incident with the nursing home. The good thing is you know what’s going on and how to respond. My MIL was also over medicated so all she did was sleep. Finally DH had them take her off all meds until she could get some better medical care.

    Waiting for DGK’s to arrive. They were suppose to leave at 4 and it’s almost 6 and they haven’t left. Dinner will be late!

    Hope everyone is staying strong and doing well. I’ll BBT (Be back tomorrow). Oh, my picture is back. That is weird because last night it said no photo available.

    Sue in TX
    “If it is to be, it’s up to me”.

    June resolutions:

    -get at least 5000 steps EVERY day
    -do weight routine 2 x a week (Have the book, the dumbbells and the ankle weights.) Now I’m ready
    Focus on water. It’s hot and humid so I need more water.
    Log and Post everyday.
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    that sounds like fun side walk chalk would be a hit but I have to be conservative of investing right now unemployed since January not much coming in income wise I have enough beads to float a small island...(I happen to live on one actually lol) One of my goals is to declutter my home its a small three bedroom apartment. If I don't get it under control they are going to be doing an episode of Hoarders I swear......:noway:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Meg I am so sorry for what you are going through. I am trying to think of the right words to say what I want to say. Hopefully it will come out some what right. I think part of what you are going through is your grieving of the loss of your Dad. Yes, the situation was quite inept and it should have been handled in a better way from the nursing home and I hope it became a learning experience for them at how to better handle it. But you have lost your Dad even though you still have have him there in person. he just isn't there as the person you remember and would like him to be. It's particularly hard around birthdays, Fathers Day, etc. Emotions are at the highest. Give him a hug for me. I wish i still had my dad to hug one more time although I know he is in a better place now.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Just got caught up and marking my spot for next time. Got interrupted before by a surprise visit from my stepson. My DH was pleasantly surprised to find him here for a visit when he got home from work.

    Rori-Love your graphic!

    Hugs to all!:flowerforyou:

    Kathy in IL
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    margaretturk, phoo513, terewilliams, nanmal, jolene, mightyold (what a great friend you have there), alakaa, Debbie,suzy in DE (congrats!), patceoh, kevrit (this IS a great place), keatsbeckos, Laurie, lvsglass, TheNewLorrain (of course your goal can be something not weight related), Mary, kathleen, Lynda, rcb, inthedistrict, MzScarlet, nancy (great walk), mimisam, Elaine, Dorothy in CA (congrats), pawbabies and anyone else that I may have missed- welcome

    Well, yesterday was another hectic day. We're trying to get as much of the river rock down as possible before it gets too too hot. It did rain the night before, but we were able to get the rock down behind the pergola. The bad part is that now we're down to the (sort-of) bottom of the pile which means that there's more and more river dirt, so the last two cartfulls I had to unload by hand. Talk about time consuming! Came in, took a shower, made a quick dinner, then we had Mexican Train Dominoes. Before we went I wanted to stop at WalMart by there. The WalMart by me has these insulated tumblers, I'd like them in clear and I bought out all they had at the WM by me, so I went to that one, was able to get 4 more. Then went to Mexican Train. Had most of the veggies I brought (I really wanted to have something easy,). Did an hour of a step DVD.

    Today (Wed) did 45 min of yoga and then an hour of the deep water class. Now we're off to senior bowling then we'll go to Lowe's Hardware. I called the lady who is fixing my dress, her son is a landscaper, to ask her if there's something he does with river rock so that you don't get all the river dirt. She said that he made this thing, basically it's a wood frame with a screen in it, he puts the rocks on it and the dirt falls. We're thinking of going to Lowe's to get this. We'll make it the height of the dumbcart so that I can put the rocks on the screen, the dirt will fall to the ground, then I can push the rocks into the dumpcart.

    Yesterday did 1 hr of a step DVD. Tomorrow I'll do Jillian Michael's Killer Buns and Thighs DVD.

    Heather - I find that if I do a yoga pose while in the water, I'm MUCH more flexible. I really like the shirataki noodles. Have you had them before? They are somewhat more "rubbery" than regular spaghetti, but it's a sensation that now I've grown accustomed to. One thing, the noodles come in very long pieces, I typically have to cut mine up some otherwise I'd get practically the whole thing in one forkful.

    yanniejannie - yea for you -- 3-1/2 pounds from goal

    Kathy - you know, lately there have been times when I've gotten just so tired. Out of the clear blue sky, it seems, I'm tired. Then today at bowling it occurred to me that maybe my being so tired has something to do with the foods that I'm eating. I admit, I've been worried about Bryan (it will never end, I know that. But it WOULD help some if at least I could talk to him), so I've been binging on refined carbs. Gotta get more veggies and fruits and less of the refined stuff.

    Lynny - what a great goal, get to the burpees.

    CoConnor - welcome back.

    Connie - you CAN do it on the minitrampoline. You have such determination, I know that you'll get there.

    grandmalle - so sorry you're having migraines. I've heard that ice cream is good. Honestly. The theory is that ice cream produces brain freeze. If you try this out, let us know the outcome, OK?

    joy - the pic of you kyaking looks great

    Lucy in DE - hope you're feeling better fast. Congrats on winning those tickets. Good for you not having that pizza!

    jb - absolutely beautiful flowers, wish I could do that

    jodios - there isn't any way you'll get me into a naked yoga class....lol No, I was mentioning that when Vince was in the hospital, I read three magazines and one of them had an article about naked yoga and I thought that was interesting. But there's no way I'd take it!!!

    Meg - I think I'll always worry about ds. He was never this way before! Why the change?

    Leigh-Ann from GA - congrats on getting to onderland

    mightyold - that's just awesome about the sugar

    nosoda - happy birthday to your daughter

    TheNewLorraine - what kind of crafts do you do? What kind of show? Congrats on those 10lbs!

    jb - I can just imagine you pushing that cart around the store...

    Lucy in DE - that's terrible about your parish! What goes around comes around

    texasgal - hope you feel better

    Meg - take a deep breath

    Better post this before I get too far behind.

    Michele in NC
  • sheril57
    sheril57 Posts: 19
    I am back again with greater determination to commit to a lifestyle change. I am 66. Came back to site last 2 weeks ago, lost 3 pounds first week with motivation from all you wonderful women. I would like to join your group. I work 60-70 hours a week so don't have a lot of time to work out but I am walking everyday at work. I have set a goal for the month of June to lose 15 pounds.
  • nonnicee
    nonnicee Posts: 38
    Thanks to all my Vit F ladies that commented, encouraged, and are praying for the situation with DH. I have been concentrating on the situation and have not checked back in and I am sorry that I couldn't do both.

    Ladies, my call for help was posted on page 3. I scanned through page 10 and still found comments from at least a half dozen of you. I am so appreciative of your thoughts and prayers.

    I hope I am not jumping the gun (so to speak), but DH told me when I was home for lunch today that the Young Woman would be on our property today to remove the remainder of her stuff and he would be done with her. (You see she had rented one of our rental properties and had fallen on bad times. She became very attached to DH as he was trying to help her get back on her feet). I believe I just saw her vehicle heading away from here. DH said we would block her number from his cell phone to discourage further interaction.

    DH has not come back from the rental property as yet, so I am not sure exactly what went on. Time will tell if he really means to block the contact through the cell phone.

    I am trusting that he will do as he promised.

    Thanks again for all who are praying for the situation. Just because things are looking up doesn't mean that the prayers aren't needed for a while longer.

    I don't know what I would have done without the relative annononimity (sp?) that this thread provides. I had no one close by me to turn to and I was stressed to the max.

    Hoping for a better tomorrow,
    All the best,

    Mary C from TN