June 2013 Challenge (using Google Spreadsheet)



  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    Just signed up today. I was going to do my weigh-ins on Wednesdays, but Friday is good too!
  • I figured I would try this too. Maybe having to record my results will help me behave. :o) Thank you!
  • 2perservere
    2perservere Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in--joining late! Thanks for setting this up.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    I put my weight in from this morning since I'm not able to weigh in tomorrow.
  • anjani_009
    anjani_009 Posts: 511 Member
    This is a really great challenge. I've been doing the jumping jacks everyday and drinking water. Burning 200kcal has been a bit more difficult, but have been trying. Even though it's not much, it's a lot more than I've been doing so far and it feels good!
    What will the mini challenge be for next week :D
    I also like the little comments in the spread sheet, so much love ^^
  • I'm pleasantly surprised that my weight went down this week. Yay! This has actually motivated me on a couple of days to get up and exercise :)
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Check in day! TTT :drinker:
  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    Just started today!!
  • darthwife
    darthwife Posts: 5 Member
  • weigh_in_day.jpg


    It’s a wonderful day to weigh-in and so far the numbers are staggering!!! We already have 21% participation, and in one week those that have already logged their numbers have lost close to 200lbs.. for an average of 1.7 lbs. per person. If you add that number on to what was lost in 3 days prior we have lost over 500 lbs.! Can you believe it! 79% have yet to weigh-in for this week. I’m dumbfounded*!!! Ya think we can lose a ton** before the end of the month?

    So let’s see these number roll in!

    Don’t forget to join the group:

    - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/14442-30-days-closer-to-a-new-you

    And Tiff (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/tiffypooh2u) posted a new challenge here:

    - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1011914-6-7-13-announcement-and-challenge

    It’s an awesome idea! And I think will be that little extra to keep everyone accountable and support reaching their goal!

    Let’s do this!!! Happy Weigh-In Friday!!!!!

    * Not hard to do and quite common for me :)
    ** 2000 lbs. for those that skipped elementary school :):)
  • mblach
    mblach Posts: 10 Member
    Is it too late to join for this month? I actually started my own workout journey on May 30th, and had already designated my weigh in days for Fridays.... so I'm kind of on track with you guys :)
  • Is it too late to join for this month? I actually started my own workout journey on May 30th, and had already designated my weigh in days for Fridays.... so I'm kind of on track with you guys :)

    It's never too late!!!
  • cton13
    cton13 Posts: 16 Member
    This challenge is right on time for me because I needed a little spark back with my calorie watching. I am looking to lose ten pounds (or more if I can) before my birthday beach trip next month!!! I am sooo excited to have the support of fellow health seekers and looking forward to dropping some poundage!!! LETS GET IT!!!!
  • mblach
    mblach Posts: 10 Member
    Is it too late to join for this month? I actually started my own workout journey on May 30th, and had already designated my weigh in days for Fridays.... so I'm kind of on track with you guys :)

    It's never too late!!!

    Thanks! I just joined, and put my info in... I'm so excited that I found this group, I won't be doing this alone anymore :)
  • LOVE the spreadsheet! This is a great support network - glad I joined in!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    Checking in today. I had a lot of salty foods this week so my number is up. I know where it came from so I know it will go away too! This means next week I will have a good drop! (I hope :smile: )
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    Alright, I lied! When I looked on the spreadsheet, I actually lost weight! :laugh: Oh, well, that's what I get for weighing every day! :ohwell: I have been doing the 25 jumping jacks, walking 30 to 45 minutes each day, getting my water in and burning well over 200 calories a day. It is really paying off! :drinker:
  • I can't get in either.
  • fitzfam2009
    fitzfam2009 Posts: 19 Member
    Just joined! Can't wait to see how I do!
  • Make sure to update your entry! Weigh-in was Friday but I know some of you couldn't weigh-in until today. So far we have 44% participation!! Let's get that number up!