Worst habit of a significant other (past or current)



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    His worst habit was trash talking about me to a bunch of strangers on an internet forum.

    *SNAP!* Nice.
  • PoopieMonster
    PoopieMonster Posts: 295 Member
    He smokes a lot of weed and always leaves the cupboards and microwave door open :grumble:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Going from her Laptop to her Ipad to her Iphone...Non stop, Talking about work drama 24/7
    I know this feel.

    That's why some guys ending up seeking out women who don't work. *read, I don't mean "unemployed" I mean choose not to work outside the home as in housewives, sahm, trophywives, domestic goddesses, etc. etc.*
  • NoirDancer
    NoirDancer Posts: 62
    Leaving crap laying everywhere! Soda bottles on the bedside table, food wrapers, his cig boxes/wrapper, laundry on the bathroom floor not the basket...4' away.

    Yep. this.
  • BeautifulBrownButterfly
    lying!! every word that came out his stupid face was a lie!!
  • Revas83
    Revas83 Posts: 6
    Hmm, he's never off that darned Iphone. We eat, he's playing on the phone.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    My husband has a habit of saying he is going to do a certain project (ie household) and never even starts it! That and he watches too much TV (but he can say the same thing about me being on the computer too much).
  • xandra
    xandra Posts: 101 Member
    Eating my toenails

    Ur joking, right? So gross. And leaving skid marks. Grounds for immed dismissal.
  • NoMoreExcuses84
    NoMoreExcuses84 Posts: 175 Member
    Talking. He just should never have done it and then things might have worked out.
  • Andreaviolet89
    Andreaviolet89 Posts: 290 Member
    I dated a guy who would suck his teeth for like an hour after eating a meal. Ehhhg so annoying, just go floss lol.
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    Past: chewed with mouth open, picked nose constantly, scratched crotch so often he once got fired from a job for it... the list could go on and on.

    Current: bites nails. Oh, and he is entirely too good at almost everything. That's not a bad habit, but it's intimidating sometimes.
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    My boyfriend forgets...EVERYTHING! Things I just told him two minutes ago. Annoys the crap out of me!

    Oh I have the same problem. I sometimes get the urge to knock him upside the head with what he forgot to do!
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    This whole post is so negative. Why wouldn't we want to focus on the best habit of a significant other?
  • Abrewington87

    He is pretty awesome, to be fair. I think my only issue is that he doesn't "do" emotions very easily - I'm a dramatically emotional person and he looks at me with blank eyes sometimes - he does stable me out though.

    ^This. Hubby has problems with emotions and displaying them. His usual way of showing affection is to poke me hard in the chest or ruffle my hair. I much prefer a kiss or a hug. And it kind of annoys me that if we're alone and watching tv his hand is down his pants like Al Bundy. All in all he's pretty awesome, but like everyone, there are a few things that metaphorically prod my nerves.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Oh lord tell me about it!

    My wife well, she has this amazingly annoying habit of turning up at my house....and cooking stuff with ingredients from my fridge...and doing some cleanning.

    She even tries to have a conversation with me.

    And sleeps in my bed.

    Every night!

    She's been doing this for years.

    I am outraged. I can't seem to get rid of her.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    My husband spends the evening with his hands in his underpants playing with his willy and pubic hair......."rearranging it " he calls it..yeah, ok. He says its a common thing men do.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    my ex-husband had, and still has, this annoying habit of breathing...

  • MiawMiawMiaw
    MiawMiawMiaw Posts: 24 Member
    Oh my God my ex used to do that all the time! Made me want to strangle him!!!!
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    My last boyfriend was bad about "multitasking." It was long-distance, so we depended on Skype a lot, and he would frequently be doing other things on the Internet or on his phone while we were talking. I would ask him once to stop, and if he didn't, I'd just close out of Skype and go on about my business. Then he would call me and tell me I was being immature ... for having better things to do than sit at my computer and watch him update his fantasy baseball team and text his friends.

    SAME THING! My ex and I were long distance (different countries!) and he would check his facebook and stop talking to me while we were skyping. Also, we were engaged and he would get annoyed at the fact that he had to get online everyday or every other day and talk to me- like I was being clingy or something when we live in different countries!
  • megbee617
    megbee617 Posts: 100 Member
    Ohhh I have a good one!

    Ex #1: Chewing with mouth open, wanting to be a writer but he has never read a single book on his own and can't spell for crap, says "supposably" (THAT'S reason enough!), can't read an analog clock, being a terrible driver and making mommy pay for the 3 cars he's wrecked, and whining... always whining... Oh, and constantly playing video games he's not even good at.

    Ex #2: Wearing ear plugs at a concert for fear of losing hearing (honestly, who DOES THAT?!), buying me clearance christmas items as a valentines day present and being a cheap-o in general while I got him effing bruins playoff tix!!!, yelling (really YELLING) at me for not knowing how to change my own oil in my car, going halfsies on EVERYTHING (really, you can't just be a gentleman and take me out on ONE REAL date??), hating my best friend becuase he's a gay guy and thought he'd get hit on (that was the deal-breaker)

    Current: He keeps his bicycles in the dining room, won't do the dishes unless I tell him to. Really, the current one has got nothing on the ridiculousness of the other ones.