

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    A very good morning to you all!

    I'm just doing a fly by post as I'm going for a stomp in Richmond Park with Aussie. I've already done some gym time, so I'm feeling quite virtuous. Got quite a busy day with my dad and then off to visit mum-in-law. When I was at the home yesterday, I asked her if there was anything she would like me to bring for her today. She asked for a cigarette! I tried to explain to her that she had given up smoking years ago, but was quite adamant that she wanted one. I'm praying that she will have forgotten when I go to see her. Fingers crossed! I am not going to go down the route of smuggling in cigarettes!

    This evening we are all going over to DD#2. Originally it was for a barbecue, but the weather is damp to say the least, so we will be eating indoors. I will be taking my own food with me. DD#2 always cooks roast veggies, so that part is sorted. She's not actually a vegetarian, but only eats chicken - and only that occasionally.

    I have just had an email from DD#1 which made me laugh. All her life she has been flat chested. So much so that we used to tease her (gently!) and call her a pirate ... because she had a sunken chest. Anyway, as her pregnancy progresses, she has become less flat. Today she wrote to me to say that she is wearing a 36dd bra, and it's too tight for her! I asked her if she ever thought she would have bigger boobs than her mumma! She still has a way to go before the twins are born, so I think she could be sporting an impressive pair of breasts by the time she's done!

    Time for me to get out of here, but I will return.

    Have a good day.

    Amanda x
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Got my step aerobics and wt training in late yesterday evening. We had a cool front move in and it felt awesome! Hubby and I sat on the patio (for the first time in WEEKS) to enjoy it. The heat will be back today but it sure was nice to have that cool down!

    Sounds like everyone is doing very well in getting in more veggies! Here is a link to a web site with some good recipes if anyone is interested

    Have a great day all!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just had to drop in before heading out garage sale-ing to say my scale finally budged! First time I've been down a pound I hadn't already lost, reagained, then lost since April. Woohooo! :happy:
  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    Hello to all.
    My how this posting site has grown. There is no way I can get caught up on all the individual postings. I have been traveling for the last two months and I have been home off and on in this time period. I am doing okay holding my weight at the same level. I have not gained or lost any weight, but I have lost inches. I have been working out in the hotel and motel fitness centers each night and swimming when it can. I do watch what I eat, but have not been posting calories as I should. I guess I have leaned what to eat and not to eat, because I did not gain weight. I will begin posting my calories where I can lose my last 25 pounds. I can only eat 1,000 calories to lose weight even with a lot of exercise and water. I have always been this way when it comes to losing weight.

    Thank you Mimi for the recipe it sounds delicious.

    I grill almost everything I eat on a grill plate. It is hard to burn anything using a grill plate. Squash, okra, peppers, tomatoes, corn, green beans, onions, eggplant, etc. Most of the vegetables are fresh out of my garden which is a lot of hard work, but worth it in the end. Salmon, red snapper, catfish fillets, shrimp, crabs, etc. I use a little olive oil and Smart Balance to coat with.

    Have a great day and weekend and success on your journey. I am getting back on track.

  • seawillow7
    I would love to join this thread...I'm 63 and my goal is to lose 81 pounds(whew!) and I know I can do it!!! It really helps to have a support system of like minded people!!
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    To: Weaklink109,
    I love your puppies! and you are doing awesome!!! I'm hoping I can claim the same thing in 7months! Thanks for inspiring me today!:happy:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :bigsmile: Happy Dance Friday...I love Fridays!

    No time to read this AM, will try and catch up this afternoon after I get off work.

    Last night Hubby wanted Sushi...did I say no....of course no:grumble: the only thing I can say is I only had 1 Tablespoon of Soy Sauce deluted with water to dip my Sushi in, only had 8 pieces and did have a large plate of romaine lettuce...the water gain (because I'm sure that's what it is) was only .4 of a pound and I'm sure I can wash that away today:drinker: drinking plenty of water. But I did love the sushi:wink:

    So last week I was looking at my legs and realizing that they are getting smaller...and they should be after losing 37 lbs off the 4'11" frame and I have bruises large and small on my left leg...couldn't figure out where I got them....then Saturday afternoon changing the sheets on the bed I run into the cedar chest at the end of the bed with my left leg:grumble: and wouldn't you know it that large bruise matches the one on my right side:noway: and now the right one is almost gone but the left one is still of the colorful stage...hoping that I don't run into the cedar chest again tomorrow when I'm changing sheets...it hurts:cry:

    Everyone have a good day, remember we are in this for the long haul:drinker: and I will try and catch up this afternoon.

  • Raynedancer
    Raynedancer Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning, Ladies. It's so nice to start my day by catching up my reading of everyone's posts. It truly puts a smile on my face :smile:

    Thank you, Mimi and Barbiecat, for the recipes for Roasted Veggies. I will definitely be trying these out over the weekend.

    Well, I need to get out and walk.

    Wishing you all have a nice day :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    It is a beautiful sunny day here in Washington. I am so happy. My official weigh in this morning 144! busted my minigoal to peices. I have dropped 4 pounds since the first. It makes me happy to know I can do it when I put my mind to it. DH just glows when he looks at me. He is so proud.

    I grilled mini peppers, corn and asparagus on the grill last night. Yum.

    Not planning on losing weight for the next week or so. Just hoping not to gain. camping will be fun but I will miss all of you wonderful ladies. we are leaving sunday morning. Holly will get here tomorrow morning and then we head over to my dad's for DH birthday lunch. My uncle is visitng from So Cal so it will be good to see him.

    Bodi finally discovered that he can jump up on our bed this morning. It is very very high. and he has always just put his feet up to say hi but this morning I got all of him giving me kisses to wake up. It truly made us both smile. He is such a love lug of a boy dog.

    Mimi I am glad you are "getting yourself out there" good for you.

    I have so much to do today so sorry I can't respond to you all individually. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and I couldn't do what I have done without you all. much love :love:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to all the new comers and hello to all,

    Woodstock - I guess I missed the conversation about in those days that I did not get to read the posts. Being from Connecticut and 16 at the time I have just two things to say about it: I actually had a ticket to Woodstock. I did not get to go because " the New York Through-way is closed, man".

    Seriously, I was covering a shift at work as a favor and by the time I got out and on the way, the famous announcement on the through-way came out and we could not get there from where we lived any more. The NY State Troopers had the entrance ramps blocked.

    Who knew, but I threw my ticket away when I found out they went broke and I could not get a refund. It would be worth a lot of money if I still had it. :sad:

    Veggies - I made spaghetti squash last night and only my son and I ate it. The DD and the DH wrinkled their noses up at it. I guess it will be a long time before I make it again. If they had tasted it and not liked it I could try a different recipe. lol

    Have a happy Friday and gratz to all of you who lost some weight on your last weigh in.

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Why is it that this morning I did not want to do my exercises? Especially after I have been feeling so much better because of doing them each day this week. Well, I looked for several excuses to not do them, but I did them and am so glad I did. You would think that after all these years of maturing and gaining knowledge I would want to do them because it is the right thing to do. Well, our flesh has a mind of its own and we just have to tell it what to do every day. Thanks to all of you ladies who understand and have been there. We need to stick together. Have a wondeful weekend, each of my fitness pals!:flowerforyou:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks for the kind words.

    Glad to hear your mom is progressing in a positive direction, and you sound so much better, yourself. I say TALK to that guy with the BBQ--better to regret an attempt--than sit at home with a bad case of the "if only's."

    Instead of the "Dancing Queen", remember the ABBA song?--you are our "Veggie Queen!!":laugh: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:

    I FINALLY made it down into Oregon to visit my friend who lives about 75 miles from where I do. I brought asparagus and organic chicken breasts for dinner, and I SHOULD have brought salad material as well. The deer ate everything in her garden except the corn, so no green salad makings, and she has never been a veggie eater, so.....

    The doggies came with me on my drive, and Mai Li must have taken a "Good girl" pill that I didn't know about. She didn't give me any trouble for getting in and out of the car, and got along well with everyone all day. My friend has a very large neutered male dog, however, and when he came in the house. Mai Li felt she needed to very loudly explain who was in charge!!:laugh: :laugh: We decided it was time for BJ to go back outside, so we could have peace and quiet!!:ohwell:

    She did get a little impatient when we got within about 5 miles of home. I think she was thirsty, as she drank the bowl dry as soon as she got in the house. As for Bradley, he was momma's little shadow all day--even followed me into the bathroom every time I went there.:laugh: :laugh: Pepper just wandered between my friend and her husband, looking for pets and belly rubs.

    My friend reminds me of me before I started MFP--she probably weighs more than before she started Optifast a few years ago. She exclaimed at how much I had lost--she hasn't seen me since last August, and I have lost close to 40 pounds since then, but didn't ask anything about what I was doing, etc. I didn't want to push. I have mentioned MFP previously in phone calls, but never got any inquiry on her part, so I am letting things lie for now.

    No possible way to respond to every post, even though I read them all, so have a good day, and a great weekend.
    We are supposed to have several 90+ days through until about Tuesday, so I am going to appreciate my AC.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :flowerforyou: Amanda thanks for mentioning where to get the spray butter. There's a mini Tesco's near where I live so I'll try that. If not I'll try Asda they are bound to have something I've just never looked before.

    :smile: Had a lovely day in Leeds today, apart from the weather it absolutely poured down most of the day. Didn't really bother me too much because we spent most of our time shopping :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Unfortunately at lunch time I thought we would go somewhere where I could get a sandwich or something but for some reason the girls decided to go to a little cafe that only sold pasties pies and pizza slices :frown: :frown: :noway: :huh: As pastry disagrees with me I had a slice of pizza but what can you do???? Anway I wasn't going to let that spoil the day either and I'll think of today as non day - start afresh tomorrow. I still haven't gotten brave enough to say I'd rather have tried somewhere else.

    :smile: Went into Primark (we don't have that shop in York) and couldn't believe the prices :noway: so cheap. I treated myself to a cardigan and a short sleeved top and a blousy thing which I'm still not sure about it's very short, it's a sort of overblouse I'd wear it with a t shirt underneath I know the layered look is in nowadays, but not sure if it's me. oh and I got some canvas lace up shoes reduced to £1 I LOVE PRIMARK bought DH two tops and DD some underwear. Jean said we'd go again nearer Christmas and do some Christmas shopping.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet good news about your mum, I hope she settles in quickly, you must be so relieved.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newcomers, we are getting to be a large group of women, (not a group of large women :bigsmile: ) and gabby with it.

    Dread to think what the scales will say tomorrow. Goodnight everyone and all those of you who are experiencing the hot weather, could you please send a bit of sunhine over to York, it's been quite depressing the last few days. Thank you. :wink:

    I'm sure I was going to mention something in particular but I've forgotten what it was - must be an age thing!

    Bye for now

  • ainslieglen
    A quick post to wish everyone a safe, happy and successful week-end:drinker: :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Barb (auntibk) - I'm really not sensitive to nuts or things prepared in a facility. It's just (and I know that this is a texture thing) that I really don't like nuts when they are in something, like in a salad. Nuts by themselves -- that I have no problem at all eating. I do tell them in a restaurant that I'm allergic to nuts so I'm sure I don't get nuts in my food <snicker> Hey, it works!!! Back in the day when I'd go to a fast food place, I always ordered something special so that I knew it was just cooked.

    I agree that someone has to WANT to change their eating/dieting habits, otherwise it just won't happen. How many times I've heard someone say "I really need to lose 10lbs <or whatever amount>", or "I really need to eat more healthily" -- all the while having something very unhealthy. The Newcomers started this "total Fitness" group, some ladies from WW are running it. I know that some other ladies felt "oh, I could really stand to lose some weight". I gave it three months. It's about fizzled out. Just going to a meeting isn't going to magically take the pounds off.

    Welcome clptak. Tell us more about yourself. Glad to have you with us.

    Robin - Congrats on the weight loss. Enjoy yourself!

    A big welcome to shirley61. Sometimes it takes the body time to realize that we're losing weight. Also, in summertime people tend to retain more water. As barbie will say, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give up!

    Would you believe that on that cruise I can't even bring my own vegetables? So....what I'm thinking I will do is take some baby carrots in a bag in my pocketbook. If worse comes to worse, they must have a bathroom and I can go there to eat them. Somehow, I don't think that I'll have to go to that extreme, but I will if I have to. Isn't this ridiculous?


    I just gotta get this off my chest, and you all are the lucky reciepients (I probably spelled that wrong!). Anyway, remember that gal who insisted on the lunch cruise? Well, my understanding was that she wanted the lunch and not the buffet because she couldn't afford the lunch. Now if her hubby hadn't had that birthday-thing (which probably set them back about $50) I'm sure they could have afforded it. Yesterday I find out that she's going to this dinner/theater (I found out because she asked us if we wanted to sit at the table), which will probably set them back at least another $50. See, one of the groups in Newcomers that I belong to is called Food for Thought and More, of which she's the head. She's already indicated that someone else should take over. The last two times I saw her, she was VERY insistent to me that I should email all the people coming and tell them what to bring, if anything (sometimes we have snacks). I asked her if she would do it for me since for the last 3 weeks outr internet has been funky. The guy came here today and he replaced everything he could. Now we're getting a better signal. However, I haven't seen a note from her, so were others asking what they should bring or did she just want to know? Honestly, I'm just going to have some raw veggies and fruit, I'm not going to ask anyone to bring anything. When I mentioned to her that I was thinking that people could bring salad-type things (cukes, tomatoes, onion, etc) and we can make a salad, she told me all about how salads aren't agreeing with her. Well, then why did you have it when we went to Olive Garden (along with the cheese and crutons that were in it, just because you asked them to put the cheese on the side doesn't take the calories out. You still ate all the cheese) It just irks me when someone constantly says "I can't afford it, I have to wait for the first of the month for my check", yet they spend money that really they shouldn't. She said the other day that she hasn't been feeling well "now that I'm eating healthy". Really, I wouldn't call what she's eating healthy. Sure, when we went to Olive Garden she had the soup and salad. But the soup was cream based, and the cheese and croutons in the salad didn't help much. OK, I'll step off my soapbox now. Ahhh...that feels better. Thanks

    mimi-I remember seeing in your diary one time that you had some olive oil, so I decided to give it a try. Really, I'm not crazy about it because it doesn't have any flavor. But it was worth a try. So glad to hear that you've signed up for classes. That's wonderful. Barbie has inspired me to try almond milk.

    SuzyQ - happy birthday to your son. Sophie will certainly help you burn off that cream pie! You might even be able to have another piece....lol WOOHOO about the scale -- now THAT'S the way to go, girl!!!

    I was employed by the YMCA before I moved down here. When we moved, that's when the economy went south. So right now, I'm not employed.

    Erica - have a great trip!

    A big welcome to seawillow! You won't find a better bunch of ladies anywhere!

    Robin - the scale has been good to you, enjoy your vacation!

    Jeannie - I LOVE spaghetti squash. When it's in season, boy do I buy it, cook it, and then freeze it. You really can't freeze summer squash (boo hoo)

    Barb (weaklink) - my thought is that your friend didn't ask you about how you lost the weight because she might be somewhat embarassed that she hasn't lost as much as you have and she's on a certain "diet"

    This weekend it's supposed to go all the way down to the 80's. Guess it's time to get out the long johns.....lol

    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. Tomorrow...yoga, but first 2 farmers markets. Then after yoga going to buy some tomatoes

    Everyone...have a great day tomorrow

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Barb (weaklink) - my thought is that your friend didn't ask you about how you lost the weight because she might be somewhat embarrassed that she hasn't lost as much as you have and she's on a certain "diet"


    It has been several years since she was on Optifast. She just gradually climbed back up. Until yesterday, I hadn't seen her since last August (2009) and I would say she is at least 40 lbs. heavier than she was, and at that time (last year) she already admitted that she had gained some back from Optifast.

    I am sad for her, but I don't want to wave my success in her face...


    I haven't said much about my work situation lately, so let me update you all. After I left the bank, I thought I had found an organization to hang my hat in, back in a former profession-insurance (life and health), so I got my license. After a very short time, it became clear that these guys were good talkers but very poor at follow through, AND they made misleading representations about how their lead system really worked, how much it cost, AND the quality of the leads. When I couldn't get a straight answer to certain specific questions, I attempted to schedule a meeting with the agency founder. The incredible disappearing man promised to contact me with a time. The most I got was an email from him, stating he was looking forward to talking to me, but their was never any meeting set up. That was a month ago.

    It became clear that I needed to make other arrangements, so a couple of weeks ago, I decided to search online for anything that might be available in my town, not holding my breath, because it seems most companies just have offices across the river in Portland. To my surprise, their WAS a well-known company advertising for licensed agents, not necessarily with an established clientele. I did the online application form, and was invited to an orientation session earlier this week. I liked what I heard, and I found online some positive comments about the quality of their training.

    Today I had a personal interview with the agency manager. He had already seen my resume and the other paperwork that I filled out during the orientation. We spent almost two hours talking (for a one hour meeting). I guess I felt pretty confident about my chances when I learned, within the first 5 minutes of our meeting that he (and his fiance) have "three pesky little doggies"--small world, isn't it? So after we spent 10 minutes trading doggie misbehavior stories, we discussed actual job-related topics, and at the end of the meeting, he told me, if I was as impressed with them as he was with me, training would start on August 24th, so my days of being "retired' are coming to an end.

    So if the doggie coincidence wasn't enough, guess where this office is? ACROSS THE STREET, from where I had worked for the last three years!!! I am SOOO going to enjoy running into some of those I used to work with. That entire division is being phased out, so they are all going to be beating the bushes looking for work in another year or so. I feel badly for those who just work their, but as far as some of the managers, it is just "karma"--ya know, "what goes around comes around."

    Now I only have 11 days to complete all the things I should have gotten done during the last five months!! :noway: :noway: :ohwell: And the poor little doggies will have to get used to momma not being around as much as she has been.

    My friend Linda insists on taking me to dinner tonight, so I have to go.

  • dottie_f
    dottie_f Posts: 525 Member
    HI I'M NEW

    Hi everyone I am not very good at message boards, but I am willing to practice a little. I have been using myfitness pal for about 2 weeks and counting calories for about 5 weeks. My success is good so far and the transition from points is a little awkward, but I am learning.
    I do have a good deal of weight to lose, so I will be reading these post regularly for hints to success.:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newbies, you have come to the right place. When I started on MFP I'd never posted on a message board but once I put my toe in the water, I was hooked and now I've made friends that are as real to me as the people i see every day. My friends on this thread have an endless capacity for listening to me even if I talk about the same stuff every day. They cheer me on and share their ideas and feelings and help me solve the problems in my life.

    :flowerforyou: Finally after endless whining about how cold it is here, it's finally hot and I'm melting :laugh: we have no AC so we have all the doors and windows open and are wearing as few clothes as possible.....I managed well at line dance class this morning but at the dog park, the dogs spent most of the time lying in the shade with the other dogs...they are definitely NW dogs who like the cool weather......I did some puttering in the yard and got rid of the weeds that were making me crazy, but after 45 minutes, I'd had enough

    :flowerforyou: tonight we had broiled salmon thanks to a friend who went fishing a few weeks ago and roasted veggies that included zucchini from a friend's garden.....life doesn't get any better than this :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, thanks for the update on your job situation, I was beginning to wonder...and glad to hear that Mai Li has recovered and is back to her old self.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, if you can bring your own forbidden snacks to the movies, I'm sure you can find a way to do the same on the cruise

    :flowerforyou: Bernie stayed out all night and was glad to come in this morning.......he had a lot of junk stuck in his fur and when I began to brush him, he decided that he wanted to go out again....now he's hogging the chair I'm trying to sit in.

    :flowerforyou: I loved reading all the posts (yes I read while doing hand weight exercises) but my brain is fried so I won't be responding individually.
    \:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    My heart is broken. My dear daughter decided she wouldn't come up after all. i am stuck paying for a ticket she won't use and I feel so sad. Its a long story and has to do with her transfer to Minesota but I still can't stop crying.:cry: I sure things will look better in the morning but it really hurts.
  • chicletgirl
    Evening everyone:smile:

    I'm sorry your daughter couldn't come out after all. I know you have been looking forward to it, especially with her moving. Is ther anyway that you can use the ticket to visit her instead?

    Did you ever think that maybe the reason she didn't comment on your weight loss and how you did it, is because she might be a little jealous. I have noticed when I have achieved something or if I look nice that day, some people don't like to point it out because the attention isn't on them or they just don't like to hand out compliments because you make them not look so good. Just a thought.
    As for Mr.BBQ, I want to strike up a conversation with him, but I am to embarrassed and shy:blushing: . The closest I have ever carried on a conversation with him was when I went to the neighbor that he does talk to (remember I said she was overweight too) to see if her son could break some rawhide sticks in half for Boo. My son used to do it for me, but now he has moved out. Well her son wasn't home and Mr. BBQ comes walking by after just arriving home for the day, and she says, "Why don't you ask Phillip?" I turned and just stood there with my mouth open and a rawhide in my hand. He said "What?" and she told him what I needed, so I just handed it to him. After a couple of tries he broke in half and I thanked him, told him my son used do it for me and then I walked off with Boo to go potty and he followed behind us to get to his apartment. I thanked him again, and said Phillip this time and he said no problem. That was our conversation. He has a large grassy area that I purposely walk Boo to, to play with her. He has only come out one time and that was just to water his plants and Boo ran to him and I told him she wouldn't bite him and he just smiled. Basically I don't know what to do or say to him to get him to know I am interested in him. Plus there is the other neighbor, although she says she they are just friends. Although she did ask him to her Christmas party last year and he went and she said all the girls there were telling her he was cute and she ought to date him. She said no, because she didn't want to get involved with a man now at her age. Too much work. (Make up and such) But I am not so sure that is totally true. She may just be to shy to move it beyond friends. Me on the other hand am just to shy period!:ohwell: got any suggestions on what to say?

    Today Boo had a playdate. My son took her over to his "new families house" to play with their dog. I was out most of the day, but when I did come home throughout the day there was no Boo. :cry: I missed her. My son brought her back in the evening and I fed her and she is conked out in bed. (Very unusual for a Jack Russell Terrier) normally she is bouncing off the walls. I guess she had a really good time. She only growled at their dog once in the beginning (she is a toughie and likes it to be known that she is in charge) but her daddy (my son) told her no and tapped her on the nose so that stopped that. They had a little swimming pool set up for the pups to play in and I think she's just tuckered out. My son says he plans on taking her again next week.:indifferent:

    Today was a very Up, down, up, down kind of day. I don't have a car anymore, so I have to borrow my ex's car to go grocery shopping, laundermat, banking etc. once every week or two. Today I had my doctor appt for my weigh in. Well he arrived at 6 am and I wasn't ready because every other time he always comes at 6:30 am. Well he was supposed to meet his girlfriend for breakfast and something went wrong and it didn't happen. so I rushed to get ready and once in the car, the whole ride in to his work was him in a very bad mood, yelling at me, saying he was tired of letting me use his car, when was I going to get a job, what the heck is wrong with me, how could I let myself live like this and such. It was miserable. After I dropped him off I went to my doctors and I found out I lost 8 pounds since my last weigh in a month ago. My doctor was so happy for me she grabbed my face and told me she was so proud of me and what a turnaround I have done in my eating habits and said I actually looked great and she could see the weight loss just in my face alone! My pants that I was wearing were the ones that I couldn't fit into before and now they are very loose and I have to pull them up now constantly. So I was very happy. Plus the bonus was she said my ex was a jerk! She's so funny, she's been my doctor since I was 18. We've got a lot of history. Thoughout the day I did all that I needed to do and was supposed to pick him up after he played basketball around 8 pm. So since I had a car I went to Target to shop for kick knacks and unfortunately lost track of time. (I so rarely get out now that I was just caught up in the moment) So I was 20 minutes late and got chewed out again, thusly ending my day. I'm exhausted, mentally and physically.

    So I am off to bed. I didn't even get to eat dinner so I may make a peanut butter sandwich right now. Oh and Mimi I never did get to drink my bottle of wine.:frown:

    So good night all:yawn: