

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    It's raining here today, and that always makes me sleepy. One of our outdoor(feral) cats brought up 2 kittens to the porch today, they are very cute. Yesterday I tried eating bigger meals and less snack, but I like the smaller meals and small snacks.

    I'm glad your church got most of their money back, I feel sorry for the parents, I hope they don't feel so embaressed that they leave the church.

    Well got to get up and do something or fall asleep.

    Tigress in GA
  • Amethyst125
    Amethyst125 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks Barbie I think this is great!! Looking forward to sharing my goals with you.

    Barbara from Redondo Beach California
  • colograndma
    :sad: Rats! Had a post all done, and was trying to add a picture in the message and was going back anf forth from Snap Fish and lost all the post....in between doing my REAL job... LOL serves me right.

    Someone give this tech challenged grandma an idea how to put pictures in the post please :flowerforyou:

    Will try my post again tomorrow.... Love and Hugs to all

    In balmy 75 degrees Colorado
  • Amethyst125
    Amethyst125 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Elaine,
    I am new too, I also am an RN. Looking forward to meeting everyone here and I think the support is great!!

    Barbara Redondo Beach CA
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hello again,

    School ended yesterday...Time to rest up and get ready for next fall.

    Except that I have company coming tomorrow night and more the next week so it's time to clean. The upstairs is about done but not down here. And we are in the middle of buying a new tv (Ours takes a half hour to "warm up." You'd think we were back in the 50s.) and a tv/entertainment center to hold it. Our wall unit does not have a big enough space for the newer tvs. But that means that ALL the stuff in the wall unit has to come out and go somewhere until the new one is in. And all the stuff won't fit in that one so it's time to toss or donate.

    Today was the day for the dishwasher repairman to come too. EXCEPT, Monday we got a notice that our water would be off all day to update or repair the water lines. So we had to change that for the third time...And no dishwasher when the first group of company comes. No water isn't helping my cleaning get done either. I did fill the bathtub this morning so I have some to work with.

    Later I have a meeting at church. Before that, I thought I would go to Macy's and try a bra fitting. I'm a little nervous about that, but so many friends here say it's worth doing so I will try it.

    I've read about everything going on in your lives. Prayers for those with family and work troubles! And so happy for all of you who had a loss or NSV this week!!!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • cyndilie
    cyndilie Posts: 52
    I just found this thread by accident, but am so glad I did. There are lots of youngsters that follow MFP, so I'm glad to be a part of this 50+ group, although I realize everyone is welcome, and thats great too. Started MFP May 1 and have been successful so far. Had a few plateaus, but worked through it. Still not sure how I feel about the "eat back your calories" issue, and for now I am not eating them back and it is working for me, but I had a specific goal in mind when I started. I wanted to be in the 150's for my vacation in Cabo San Lucas. Once that vacation is over, I likely will practice the "eat back your calories" theory and see what happens. Hopefully by then I'll be in maintenance and the changeover won't stall my progress. The good news is that I feel great, better than I've felt in years and I'm working out, which I have never done in my life!! I'm 8.5 pounds away from my first goal weight, but anticipate that once I reach it, I will lower the number.

    Goal for June (only one for now):
    Don't gain any weight back on vacation!!!!!

    Cyndi from Hockley, Texas (50 miles NW of Houston)
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
    WooHoo! Insurance is finally going to pay for MRI and only two weeks after they said they would but I have had a horrible two days yelling and arguing with people at the Health Plan and the managing group. Yesterday I even threatened with a lawyer and report to the SD insurance commission. I will still be filing that report to the commission and I did talk to a lawyer but the Health Plan called me today and said that their medical director over rode their process and I am getting the MRI this afternoon. It will be such a relief to finally have an accurate diagnosis and be able to move forward. My PT was afraid to do too much because he did not want to make the injury worse and we really did not know what we were working with.

    Congrats to all those have successes! Healing angels to those who need them. I am so glad summer is here and now that I am getting this shoulder injury taken care of I can look forward to the DGD visit in July and having fun with her. Everyone take care, Sue in SD
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Brooke one day we were shopping at Walmart for groceries. I have a handicap placard and my husband tends to use it more to put the car in a bigger space than he does for my comfort. So We parked right at the grocery end and finished. I needed to get more steps in and it was a gorgeous day so I took the full cart, did a fast to moderate walk and went to the other exit, then outside and all the way to the OTHER end where we were parked. My husband was just shaking his head like I was crazy but I needed to do it! Also if he store is empty enough I will go down one aisle and then the next whether I need to or not just to get some more steps in. Now as far as parking next to the store. If it's hot or humid I appreciate being there for my MS.

    Got a call from MIL nursing home today, rather a message on answering machine. It said they have readjusted the Medicare on her account and she needs to spend some more money to get it down to the Medicaid allowed amount. Last week they told us she was at $675, now she is at $1745. What gives???? We have bought and bought and bought. So today is our usual day to go over there and we will talk to her about what she needs.

    I like there are more RNs here now. I really do miss my fellowship with my fellow RNS. I miss knowing what is going on in the medical world right now. I guess I just miss nursing:sad:

    I increased the pounds on my rowing today. it was hard but I was able to do it.

    Joyce, determined in Indiana
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies - just an update on Day 3 of my kickstart:
    * Logged every morsel of food
    * Attained a minimum of 14,000 steps on my fitbit
    *Abstained from alcoholic beverages

    I noticed we have a lot of gardeners in this group. Perhaps someone might be able to solve a mystery for me. I have two raised bed gardens (I think high enough to keep rabbits and ground hogs out). I never have tried growing Lima Beans, but something keeps eating all the fresh shoots. Nothing else in the garden gets bothered and I have sweet peas, lettuce and spinach growing. Any thoughts? Any suggestions to keeping pests out?

    Thanks, love reading all the posts. I think I am going to have to follow the example others have said and keep a word document open so I can begin responding.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lucy: I’m so glad to hear that the thief has been caught and most of the Church’s money returned. My heart goes out to the parents, who did the right thing. A relative of mine has lost two sons to drugs, one of them to a drug related death caused by driving under the influence, the other to the streets. This is a national tragedy.:cry:

    Connie in CO: I am sorry you lost your post but totally impressed that you tried to include pictures. I don’t even try.:flowerforyou:

    Cyndi from TX: Welcome. I’m amazed at how much weight you’ve lost is such a short time. Congratulations.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: Congratulations on your victory over the insurance company. I’m sorry you had to work so hard to get what should have been automatically there, but proud you stuck to it and won.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: DH found an interesting article about MS research on BBC this morning. This is early stages research with a very small patient sample, but I thought you might like the link. (Below):flowerforyou:


    I went to yoga this morning. There were five 50+ women and a teenaged boy in today’s class. He didn’t seem to mind that he was the only male and only kid. I hope we see him again. DH had his PT appointment, and I got to watch what he has to do, and even tried some of the apparatus. He works hard! Even better, it seems to be helping.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • cyndilie
    cyndilie Posts: 52
    Katla, I actually started the weight loss journey in early April with Atkins, so that jump started my loss before I started MFP on May 1. I realized quickly that Atkins was not for me long term. I'm happy so far with the results, but I know the last 10 will be the hardest, especially on vacation. We'll see what happens. I know I am going to enjoy getting to know you and the other ladies on this thread.

    Hockley, TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    well I did 13,000 steps today whoooo hoooo.
    Joy- when we drive to florida we crate them together , flying we have 2 soft sided carrier's and they will each be in one.but since they have never A- flown anywhere B- been stuffed into a carrier , that and the smaller one is a barker,worried that he might let loose on the plane and get us kicked off and I don't want to muzzle him or drug either of them:frown:
    didn't eat great today,but nor horrible either. have alot of calories left ,but will probably call it a day on food:wink:
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    Wow ladies you sure are all busy! Again it is going to take me awhile to keep up LOL It really sounds like everyone is doing excellent and on track along with keeping us up with the latest and greatest news!

    On my home front it was a beautiful day out so I took off for a walk and did another 7.06 miles avg speed 16.13 sec per mil...not too bad but my goal is to get an average pace of 15.30 per mile..got a few whopper hills though they tend to slow me down a bit.

    Today food wise have done well but DH just suggested we go get a beer when he gets off work YIKES my weakness
  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    I think I've found just what I need! Other women in my age group (I'm going to be 55 in July) I have freakin menopausal issues plus Hashimoto's Thyroid. I'VE been so discouraged lately But I just started Hip Ho Abs..:tongue:

    My goals this month..
    Stick to the HHA calendar of workouts...on day 4 now
    Do at least 10, 000 steps a day (have my fit bit for tracking)
    Log daily (sorely lacking there)

    Ann from South Carolina
  • MWekony
    MWekony Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to this website, but have been exercising and eating healthier and cleaner since the end of march. I haven't lost any weight. Has anyone else age 50ish experienced this. I'm working with a trainer now, too. Any suggestions? My doctor doesn't want me to take fat burner or detox pills
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone is doing ok.Had a bad night with binging.
    Today I went to visit a senior lady from our knitting group.Had a nice visit and came home with 2 projects.Also got my walk in.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    oopsy DH has to work late so no going out....yeah?
  • NowIsMyTime2013
    NowIsMyTime2013 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I just joined MFP today. I am very happy that I stumbled upon this group. (I need all you wonderful people to keep me motivated and honest 'cuz when it comes to weight loss . . . well, you know . . .) I have a FitBit which I haven't used in over a year, so I got it charged up and connected to this site. I have been logging my food for today. (Who knew 2 little bitty Casey's cake donuts could hold so many calories . . . darn it! I wished I had set this all up before I ate those things!)

    Anyway, I am going to be 61 in July and have decided it probably is time for me to settle down and accomplish some things while I still can! (Hear me laughing at myself here!) So, after a bit of thought, here are my June goals.

    1. to lose 5 pounds by the end of the month
    2. to walk at least 5000 steps per day
    3. to finish reconstructing my craft/sewing closet
    4. to throw away/recylce/donate/mark for a garage sale at least 10 things per day

    Now I had better get off here and get moving! I'm already 6 days behind!

    UJ in Missouri
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    Just checking in for today. So far this month I have been meeting my goals! Tough but I can do it! Here is a story for you. I ordered a new battery for my laptop before Easter, at the same time I was ordering items for my grandchildren. Well the battery ended up being delivered to my son in Rhode Island, rather than to me here in Tennessee. Well, he tried to send the battery back to me, but it was returned to him with a message stating my address did not exist! This happened to my mother when trying to send me a b-day card this year as well. Now, my son sent the battery back to me again but this time texted me the tracking number. It was supposed to be delivered Tuesday. So on Wednesday when it didn't arrive again, I checked the tracking number and found that it had made it all the way to Knoxville, TN (about 100 miles East of me) then got shipped back to Massachusetts!. I contacted UPS who admitted the mistake, checked the address and verified it was correct. Now UPS is saying they are shipping it to me and should get here by 6/10/13. I think my son spent more on shipping the battery than what I paid for it!

    I skimmed through most of the posts since my last post. I want to reply to everyone, but there is just no way! Too many people! But I enjoy reading what people post and being with people in my own age group.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies- Just checking in. I have had a pretty good day, although the jar of mixed nuts does seem to be calling my name more loudly than usual. I think I am going to bag & tag them and throw them in the freezer. I did get to the pool both last evening and again this morning, so I am feeling pretty good about that. I have been thinking about what I would like to do at some poimt that I would consider a treat for eating well and losing weight. I have never been to a water park. I have always been too big, too embarrassed and too afraid. So, when I hit the 160 lb mark (I have no idea why that number was just typed) I am going to go to a water park. I may have to rent somebodies' grandkids so that I have an "excuse" to go at my age, but I want to do that. Too silly?

    Meg- I am so sorry that the nursing home staff is giving you grief. I have no suggestions, just lots of empathy and kind thoughts for you.

    LucyT- I am very glad someone was arrested for the theft and that the money has been returned. My family has dealt w/ drugs/alcohol and all of their negative effects, so I do understand a bit of what the parents have been going through. They have my deepest respect.

    Well, take care, everyone. I will check back in tomorrow morning.