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  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning! Happy Friday!

    This will be a short post cause my headache is just getting worse and very hard to focus. :frown: Not in a good place mentally right now but I'm going to take a deep breathe, do some seated yoga, and push on!

    Kevrit- That's crazy, what happened with your battery! :noway: Hope you finally get it.

    Juanita-Sorry that you had to bury your pedometer. Sounds like something I'd do!

    Michele- I read your reply, "Hoping you get that call', and you should have seen my frown and the wheels turning trying to figure out what call! :laugh: :laugh: I was thinking, I didn't mention anything in my last post about any jobs that I'm waiting to hear on, who's supposed to call me?? LOL, then the light when on and I realized you meant my son!!! :laugh: Me too!!!

    Out of time, will catch up later!

    Kathy in IL:drinker:
  • debjunebug
    debjunebug Posts: 12
    I am new to this tread thing. I admire those of you who are able to respond to so many posts! I will try to do better. In the meantime, I am reading these. I love all of you! It is great to laugh and cry with you. I have even said a prayer for one of you. I feel so stressed for time and energy, but I realize that losing weight will make a difference. It is great to share with everyone.

    I still have not figured out how to add my "ticker."

    Debbie in Chicago
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cindi in TX: You are a smart lady. In order to win this “contest” we have to make a permanent lifestyle change. Otherwise it is just another round of yoyo dieting.:flowerforyou:

    Ann from SC: Welcome to the group. What is Hashimoto’s thyroid? I’ve heard the term before but don’t know what it means. :flowerforyou:

    Phoo: Going to a water park is not silly if it is something you’ve always wanted to do. Renting someone’s grandchildren is another matter unless you know them well.:noway: :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: You are lucky to be so stable, and I’m sure responsibly taking medication is an important part of that “luck.” DH has had two doses of his new MS drug and is doing well so far.:bigsmile:

    Juanita in Sudbury: May your pedometer rest in peace. I hope it wasn’t too costly.:flowerforyou:

    Michelle: The decision process of our kids is often distressing. My daughter is a wonderful, smart and successful woman and STILL makes choices that make me cringe.:grumble: I’m pretty sure my mom never got over wondering about my choices, for that matter. :laugh: But as our adult children experience the consequences of their actions we can only hope they’ll become more practical. I tend to be an enabler by rushing in to fix things, and I am trying to stop that. It isn’t good for anybody. Notice I said trying. This is a work in progress.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I think your MIL is a lucky woman to have you on her side.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Good news about your dad. I hope things continue to improve.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’ve also noticed that there are many recipes for success here. It is good to be supported while doing things your own way. :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Congrats on what I consider an NSV at your husband’s work.:flowerforyou:

    II walked the dog home from the car dealership when I took in my Envoy for it’s 100K mile maintenance, and then walked back up the hill to get it when it was done. My sore knee was definitely complaining, although it has tolerated my walking very well lately. I was walking at a faster pace, and probably pounded my heels, which, in turn, pound my knee. I like walking at the faster pace. It is my natural style and feels good until the knee starts to hurt. I’m wondering if those “minimus” shoes would help with this. Does anyone have experience with them?

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    :happy: "Operation Bust Plateau" is a success!!!!!!!!!! I weighed myself one day early and had lost 2 pounds! So have changed my MFP goals to reflect the calorie increase that works for me now. It's certainly an adventure trying to figure out what will work at any given time. Thanks for everyone's encouragement and support along the way:happy:

    JB – Yes!!!!! Toss all of the old “too-bigs”, because you haven’t lost the weight you’ve shed it, gotten rid of it for good

    Lucy – Have a great time with your friends and also at the ballgame (glad the thief didn’t steal your tickets too!). Thanks for the words of encouragement. Yes, I CAN do this! Oh, just read your news about the church funds, so glad they’re (mostly) recovered. Prayers out to son for recovery and family for calm and strength

    Joyce – Ha! I do that too in the grocery store, going up and down aisles to get some more “work” done while I’m there

    Phoo – I too think your goal of going to a waterpark is brilliant!!! When you hit your weight goal (or before) it will be a great time and you’ll probably wind up wanting to go back again and again!

    Michele – So glad you like the quotes, I have fun collecting them and then choosing which ones to post (often indicative of my mood :laugh: )

    Sue – Great news from your Dr. appt. glad to hear your labs and BP were so good

    Alice in IL – Thanks for the words of encouragement (they worked!!!!! :bigsmile: )

    Joyce – You are such an inspiration in how to properly treat our elders. Your love for your MIL is palpable. She is so lucky to have you (DH too!!) :smile:

    Meg – Oh so glad to hear your father is doing better. I’m much like you describe yourself, it takes a lot to set me off but once you have, you’d better watch out :explode:

    Viv – One day does not a failure make! You had fun catching up with old friends, making memories, which is also “nourishment”. Enjoy the sunshine

    Grandmallie – I too bought neon sneakers, and I too got ribbed by my DH. I just told him he knows nothing about fashion :bigsmile:

    Heather – Can’t wait to read your “anniversary update”. Glad the dumbbells are working for you, I’m seeing (finally) results from mine as well plus my “bad” shoulder has much more range of motion than it did.

    Lorrain – Yes indeed, hitting your hydration goals is definitely a NSV! Way to go

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Life is a labor pain. We are here to give birth to ourselves.” – Bernie Siegel

  • bump
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    bump page 17
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~~Hope you all have a great one.
    Sunny and 70`s.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Well MRI is done and I meet with the Dr. on Tuesday to make a Plan of Care so we can proceed with what ever it is I need to do to heal. I am so happy to finally be able to move forward on this. I have been exercising but of course no weights or upper extremity exercise. I was told to walk 30 minutes per day and do pendulum swings and shoulder shrugs so that has been my daily exercise for the last month. It is sunny here today in SD so I am going to try to get some bedding plants in. I know it is late but we have had really crazy weather here this year and doing it with just one arm is very slow. I do a few and then my shoulder hurts so I have to rest it.

    Found myself binging on carbs last evening. I think all the stress of dealing with the insurance, etc. finally caught up with me. Well I wrote down a new meal plan to start today. I can do this, we all can!

    Phoo - I think the water park sounds like a wonderful way to reward yourself. Who needs to rent grandkids? Nobody will know that some of those little pool rats running around don't belong to you. I see lots of ladies without kids at our local pool hangout. They even have a time over the lunch hour when only adults can get in the lazy river and walk against the current for exercise.

    Lucy - Were you the one considering Premarin? I was on it for about eight years very low dose because the mood swings for me were just intolerable. I found myself one day sitting in my truck crying and having no idea why. It got to the point I would snap at my DH and he would ask me if I was really angry or if it was just the menopause. I was really reluctant to use the Premarin because I have fibrocystic disease and the estrogen made it worse but finally decided that the mood swings were worse and I could just keep close track of the cysts. I was however glad when I was finally able to get off it because now the cysts have pretty much disappeared and I have not had problems for years.

    Well everyone have a wonderful Friday. Congrats to those with successes! Healing angels to all who need them. Sue in SD
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Everyone. It is beautiful here in Az, headed to 104. I do feel badly about all of you on the East Coast getting deluged and flooded. Take care and stay safe.
    Thank you for all of the support over the water park idea. I do think it will be fun, and I do know some young kids and teens who would probably go with me. Of course, I will also have my BFF there, but I will frisk her first to make sure she does not smuggle in a camera!
    Today and tomorrow are "crop days" up at the scrap book store. I am making an album for a friend, so I have plenty to do, but... there is always a treats table. So, here I publically announce, I will pack my self fruit, finger-bite vegies, and a single serving of gf spagetti for supper tonight. There, I have said it in print, now it has to happen because I just hate, hate, hate having to "eat crow"!

    MWekony- Welcome- I am willing to predict that you will find lots of support here, and that once you start honestly logging all foods and exercising, you will surprise yourself w/ your success.

    Jane- Don't beat yourself up over the binging. Today is a new day. :flowerforyou:

    CityJanet- Oh, I do sympathize w/ that knee-clicking frustration! I have an artificial knee (most expensive thing I own!) and IT even clicks! I was told it really isn't doing that because it is "working perfectly" but when I am exercising or trying to walk quickly, I feel it sticking and clicking! I am not a medical person of any kind, but I feel better when I keep it loose by doing the circular knee rotations and leg lifts because once it get stiff, then it takes forever to feel better again. :grumble: :happy:

    NewLorraine- Sounds like you are going to have a busy day! Have Fun!

    Tigress & Tere- Put me in the "addicted nibbler" club. My SO calls it grazing and has been known to "mooo" at me on occassions. I can not repeat in polite company what I say to him.

    Kathy in IL- Oh, please, get better soon. I will send you healing prayers.

    Brooke- Congratulations!!!! :happy:

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • cyndilie
    cyndilie Posts: 52
    Happy Friday to all my newly found MFP lady friends. I hope the weekend outings and food offerings don't spoil your progress, but it's important to have fun and endulge every once in a while. Just invested in a new heart rate monitor (Polar FT7) and boy am I glad I did. The sample of calories burned on MFP in most cases is no where near the calories I'm actually burning according to this new monitor, and unfortunately I am not burning as many as I thought I was. Oh well, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm active, changing my ways, feeling great and losing weight!

    Cyndi from Texas

    P.S. I think it is so awesome that some of you are taking the time to respond personally to several specific ladies. I am going to find the time to do that. It's really special when I'm reading the posts and see that someone actually responded to m and what I personally posted. Great job!!!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,178 Member
    I just love reading all the posts on this thread! I am so very glad I found this. Good day yesterday with meeting all my goals. Really humid here in TN today, sweat through my entire walk! Did I mention that where I work they have a walking trail that is a mile long encompassing the facility? People walk it every day. This is a great place for health and fitness, they encourage it! Well, have to go back to work. Have a great weekend everyone (in case I don't have time to post). And remember, just because I don't post to you individually, I am reading your posts, enjoying them, laughing, crying, and praying with you all!

    Rita from TN
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    Yesterday was bad for me too, my golf date canceled due to rain, my walking partner got called in to work, went to see Gatsby with DH, Red Lobster biscuits and all, logged every bite tho, it was a real eye opener for me as to what I will weigh if I keep up those behaviors. TODAY is a new day, off for my walk now.
    Joan in Ontario.
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    To Joy:. My old girl is a border collie mix, she is about 12, she was a rescue dog, so not entirely sure. Have a crazy cat named Oliver too. Solid black and very bad!!
  • Hi Sweet Ladies,
    Checking in at work to say hi. Had a wonderful walk at my lunch… So wanted to stay out there even if the temperatures were climbing. We should be in the 100’s almost this weekend. Will be nice to be home then.

    JB – So proud of your NSV- getting new clothes and tossing those “just in case” ones is awesome! :bigsmile:

    Lucy – So glad they got the guy that took the money. We can hope that is an answer to prayer in more ways than one. Perhaps this boy and his family can get help for his addictions and this can be a turning point for him and family. :wink:

    Sue in SD, So happy for your Insurance victory!:smile:

    Katla – Hope hubby is doing well. :flowerforyou:

    Kevit - Wow that is frustrating with the UPS!:angry:

    Phoo 513- We all need a reward for a goal and I happen to think a water park is awesome!:happy:

    Juanita- Sorry about pedometer!:frown:

    Joyce – I understand regarding MIL situation. We have 2 older friends that my retired hubby runs here and then to appts, because family is too busy and frankly does not care… unless there is money that they will receive . Makes me so sad. These two precious people are so lonesome, and treasure any time we spend with them.:cry:

    Brooke – Whoo Hoo celebrating with you on breaking the plateau!:drinker:

    Happy Weekend everyone!
    Connie in beautiful :glasses: Colorado
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back form the Y. It's terrible that when you get so attached to a particular bike and then it isn't available it ruins your whole day:sad: So I tried the Eliptical beside it. I hadn't been trained on it, eventually figured it out and boy, am not ready for that yet. Talk about stress on my legs! Ouch. So i went down to a regular recumbant bike without all the bells and whistles. It didn't tell me distance, calories or anything. And it didn't have a fan! So i stayed on that until I could see that 'my' bike was available!!!! So i did 4 miles on that. Yesterday I was playing around with all the different programs on the bike and I can do some other workouts just like I am going up and down hills. I don't know how long it will take me to do something like that. I knew that there was a huge indoor yard sale for the local MS society I was going to go to so I got off the bike and did my other strength exercise and left. Mostly got things for my grand daughters, got a whole sack of hair bows, they even came in a bag that was from the American girl store. They will like the bag. The youngest girl loves to draw and I got a nice drawing pad for her.

    Well since I am not liking the scales right now but am seeing differences in my clothes I decided to finally do my measuremnets. This is the first time I had taken them since my diet. I wish I had taken them at the beginning so I could see how many inches I have lost up to now.

  • DMT185
    DMT185 Posts: 1
    Hello. My name is Donna & I just started housing My Fitness Pal. When I saw this blog I had to take a peek. (I am 50+ you see)
    I don't have goals to post for May weight wise, but my goal for June is to lose 3-5 pounds.
    Looking forward to working with this program.
    Any tips you have would be greatly appreciated.
  • ginnykdye
    ginnykdye Posts: 1
    I have a hard time getting in all of my calories. I use my sugar and proteins up but still have calories left to use. What can I do to use up my calories but not go over on others?
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Yay! Caught up finally with reading here! Bump for another time! Hoping to get some planting in with DH this weekend and he even suggested going to watch waterskiing tonight for something different to do! :smile:

    “You’ve got three choices in life: give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got.” – Unknown

    Hugs to the best group of women!

    Kathy in IL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I have a hard time getting in all of my calories. I use my sugar and proteins up but still have calories left to use. What can I do to use up my calories but not go over on others?

    You seem to be asking about two different things, calories and nutrition. Calories are units of energy and the nutrition information reports quantities of various vitamins and minerals contained in food. MPF provides both calorie and nutrition goals for everyone and tracks the information you post about your eating. Then you can get reports back that include calories and nutrition, including balances between carbohydrates, fats, and protein. They use a database of nutritional information to achieve this. I suspect you are going over on some nutritional goals and under on others. I know that I do. This is separate data from the calorie totals you also get. Weight loss is dependent on eating fewer calories than your body burns, and you can achieve weight loss with some extremely unhealthy choices. The nutrition information helps you lose weight and monitor the nutrition your body is getting so you can make healthy choices. I hope this helps and I didn't explain things you already know.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,978 Member
    evenin from rainy Connecticut,
    pretty soon we will need to build an ark:laugh:
    was ok ,but ended up going over on sugar again.. sugar is bad very very bad, I am addicted. hoping upon hope I can kick the habit..
    have to get up early and work tomorrow and tomorrow is our going out to eat night.. will have to see where the DH want's to go and then pick from the menu ahead of time..
    Go see the FIL and make sure he is still hanging in...