I HATE fish, chicken breasts and hate whole grains...nasty!

I know I'll probably get reamed from this, but it's me! I'm not you! You know what sucks? I HATE fish, chicken breasts, not big on turkey either and hate whole grains...all nasty! I LOVE red meat and pork chops/ribs...always tastes great, always enjoy it. So how am I to eat healthy when I'm like this. And yes, I've tried fish, chicken and whole grains many times, many different ways. I HATE them plain and simple. So then how is one to ever eat healthy. All I'm really left with is fruits and veggies. Love them! I try to eat leaner meat like sirloin and lean beef & watch portion control. I can't cook with turkey because hubby won't allow it. I do use olive oil to cook and bake & broil, drink water...little things like that I do. Meat is the area for me that doesn't work with the poultry and fish nor the whole grains...blah!


  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with choosing leaner cuts of red meat and controlling calories.

    Healthy is not an on/off switch. Healthy is a continuum, and trying to get all the way to 'perfect' is a recipe for giving up, for most people.

    If you don't like whole grains, there's nothing wrong with replacing most of your grains with fruits and veggies instead.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    How about dairy? Eggs? cheese? Both are good sources of protein too. If you really only like red meat, then just use portion control and load up on the veggies.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    If you hate chicken breast, why not try organ meat, eg chicken, pigs or lamb liver? Generally pork and lamb have a 1:1 ratio of protein:fat but organ meats are much the exception and they're very high in protein and are much lower in fa, and they taste great.
  • catrice16
    catrice16 Posts: 1
    I am just getting tired of eating the same foods and need to switch it up any ideas? I keep reading different posts thinking something will jump out at me but nothing yet. So far every day this week I have eaten two eggs and two strips of turkey bacon. What are some other breakfast ideas? I do not like oatmeal in the summertime and I like to eat something very high in protein in the mornings
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,703 Member
    I eat red meat including beef and lamb and have still managed to lose weight. Also consider looking into alternative red meats like ostrich, goat and venison. These are lower fat than beef, lamb and pork. You might give rabbit a try, but I find it tastes similar to chicken thighs.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Eating red meats is fine, so long as you are choosing the leaner cuts. As others have suggested, eggs, greek yogurt, string cheese, cottage cheese, milk, etc are also excellent sources of protein.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I like all those things, but don't eat them very often. I've still lost weight. You choose what you like and just count. Simple.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I know I'll probably get reamed from this, but it's me! I'm not you! You know what sucks? I HATE fish, chicken breasts, not big on turkey either and hate whole grains...all nasty! I LOVE red meat and pork chops/ribs...always tastes great, always enjoy it. So how am I to eat healthy when I'm like this. And yes, I've tried fish, chicken and whole grains many times, many different ways. I HATE them plain and simple. So then how is one to ever eat healthy. All I'm really left with is fruits and veggies. Love them! I try to eat leaner meat like sirloin and lean beef & watch portion control. I can't cook with turkey because hubby won't allow it. I do use olive oil to cook and bake & broil, drink water...little things like that I do. Meat is the area for me that doesn't work with the poultry and fish nor the whole grains...blah!

    I eat steak several times a week and pork the other days. I cut out wheat a couple months ago and rarely eat grains. I eat fish 1-2 times a month and chicken less. I don't eat turkey, even if it's Thanksgiving. I'm the healthiest I've ever been and love the way I eat :)
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Use other protein sources such as beans a couple of nights a week.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Nothing wrong with eating the foods you mentioned that you like. I've lost all this weight NOT eating any grains, eating lots of red meat and pork, whole eggs, butter, oils and lots of veggies and fruit. I do eat chicken and fish as well, but there's no law that says you must eat those things, or eat whole grains. I'm feeling great, getting stronger and leaner. Count your calories and eat well.
  • sailawaykate
    sailawaykate Posts: 126
    Sounds like primal/paleo/keto choices are for you!

    Seriously, there's no need to eat grains if you don't like them. Just don't eat wonderbread instead, lol. I do keto for a couple weeks at a time when I'm cutting sometimes, and it's amazing to eat bacon and eggs and steak and as many veggies I can stuff my face with and still lose body fat. I just don't do it all the time because I don't want to. Lots of people love it!
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    What about chicken thighs or legs. Thigh meat is delicious, though not as lean. It's also significantly cheaper. Depending on how you cook it, you can drain off a lot of the fat.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Sounds like you should just stay fat then.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    so you basically eat nothing?
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I eat red meat regularly, and I nearly always choose the delicious fatty cuts. Fat is not the devil.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I don't really understand what the problem is. You've said like 3 or 4 things you don't like. Is it a huge deal just not to eat them? I am a little confused by the "whole grains" grouping though... You have really tried every grain and hate every one of them? Or do you mean you don't like whole wheat bread/pasta and brown rice? If that's the case, then don't eat those. You didn't say anything about dairy or eggs, and you said you love fruits and veggies. That leaves you with plenty of choices.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Man up and eat some chicken titties!
  • ferocityturbine
    ferocityturbine Posts: 110 Member
    It's so important to keeping your motivation up that you eat foods that you genuinely enjoy. As others have said, lean cuts of red meat aren't so bad, and if you don't like wholegrains then up the veggies.

    It's really important to me that I don't feel deprived, so I always have whole (full fat) milk in my tea and cereal, and I have butter on my toast - I just have small portions. I couldn't stand to have fake spreads and skimmed milk; I wouldn't ever feel satisfied.

    Moderation is key. If you don't want to compromise steak for chicken, have a smaller portion and trim the fat. Satiety is psychological as much as physical. Eat what satisfies you but eat it sensibly :)
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    That's kind of the attitude a child would have.

    I learned to enjoy foods I didn't previously like. I choked them down until my palate adjusted (this included pretty much all vegetables, greek yogurt, water, pouch tuna...list goes on).

    I also make myself clean the house and go to work!
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I can't cook with turkey because hubby won't allow it.

    You could probably loose way over a hundred pounds by getting rid of the dictator. Or perhaps hubby could cook for himself. Or better yet not eat the turkey you want to cook.

    It's all a math game eat or don't eat anything you want. As long as you record all you consume and don't go over your calorie count no problem.

    You have to want it more than letting someone else dictate your choices.
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