Where are all the vegans/vegetarians?



  • Jenniferanne6
    Jenniferanne6 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a seven-year vegetarian, slowing transitioning away from dairy. I'll never go back to meat! I'd like to be a vegan someday, but due to allergies and sensitivities it might be difficult.

    Feel free to friend me!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I've been vegetarian for seven years (and I tend to keep my dairy intake fairly low). Feel free to add me.
  • Infamous624
    Infamous624 Posts: 35 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for alittle over a year. I love animals and really want to be vegan, but haven't gotten that far yet. Feel free to add me :)
  • 24 yrs old---Vegetarian for 16 years, Vegan for 7 years, and gluten free for 3!!!
  • I just decided yesterday to return to vegetarianism! I was a pescatarian for a while, but I got way too busy to keep up with it. Hopefully this time it sticks.
  • Raeontherun
    Raeontherun Posts: 107 Member
    I'm vegan.
  • ppdes
    ppdes Posts: 83 Member
    I am a vegetarian. By birth. I want to transition to veganism, but I suppose it will happen gradually and slowly... not very soon...
    Feel free to add me. Always great to come across a fellow vegetarian / vegan. We can learn a lot from each other...
  • godds6
    godds6 Posts: 22
    I have been a vegetarian my whole life (I am 33). I was a pescatarian until about the age of 19/20 when I started eating chicken. So I am a pesco pollo vegetarian. It is difficult sometimes especially at cookouts with friends... I have to take my own "meat" a lot of times :) I keep Morning Star Grillers in my freezer at all times! LOL

    It is especially difficult when your husband and children are carnivores ;)
  • magneticcat
    magneticcat Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and have been for 3.5 years. It was a moral/guilt thing. I was lactose intolerant in the past (following a virus) so I became used to eating dairy-free. I occasionally eat dairy now, but mostly eat a fairly vegan-friendly diet.
    I am strict about not eating several additives that many of my vegetarian friends overlook, e.g.: gelatine and rennet.

    I'm trying to become stricter about certain colour additives like carmine/cochineal and shine additives like shellac (although this is produced by the bug and doesn't involve its death, I've read that often they get caught up in the resin collection process and end up being killed inadvertently.) The whole list of emulsifiers, humectants etc. is still so overwhelming - I try to purchase certified "vegan" food wherever possible (mainly to avoid byproducts of animal death) and when if I buy cow's milk or eggs I try to get organic brands... but this is not always easy.

    I've recently gotten into vegan icecream made by So Delicious (a brand of Turtle Mountain), and these are not very friendly for the waistline...but are DELICIOUS!!! I also have been getting into Sheese - the nicest vegan cheeses I've encountered!!

    PS Feel free to add me!!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Recent Vegetarian. Started on a whim of my youngest daughter. She quit, I didn't. Staying in to avoid eating factory farmed meat, eggs, and dairy. I do have some eggs and dairy in my diet in small amounts. It's not always easy getting a vegan option without breaking the bank or having to go on a very long trip to Whole Foods, which is about the only vegetarian friendly grocery in town and even so it's not all that friendly, it's more like a truce than actual friendship. I don't think meat is unethical people can make their own decisions about that, but I do think that the current way meat, eggs, and dairy is produced is wrong and it feels a lot to me like those things are tainted with hormones and antibiotics to a degree that makes me uncomfortable. Yet, I have to remain a bit flexible because there are so many situations where food choices are limited and I absolutely can't have my blood sugars fluxing madly.
  • slw87
    slw87 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm vegetarian! Looking for more friends too :)
  • linnaeus
    linnaeus Posts: 36 Member
    I'm a long-time vegan, any other vegetarians/vegans are welcome to add me :)
  • kimmytjoy
    kimmytjoy Posts: 16 Member
    Almost vegan. I eat wild caught fish once in a while.
  • quovi
    quovi Posts: 1 Member
    My friends call it VnEGAN - very nearly vegan :)
  • iWalkEveryday
    iWalkEveryday Posts: 8 Member
    Born in a family of vegetarians (due to religious reasons). I even find it tough to hunt and eat animals in video games like Tomb Raider :P
  • carbasile
    carbasile Posts: 2 Member
    Very long time Vegan here , hello all and nice to meet you .. went veg at 15 , vegan at 25 .. Now I am 58 .. I have also taken many nutritional courses thru the years , but NOT a nutritionist .. if I can help anyone ..please ask away ..
    I wanted to answer a bit about protein as many people do not really understand it .. protein is in so many foods you already eat .. most people get too much protein .. you almost never find protein deficiency in non 3rd world countries ..
    beans, nuts, seeds are top choices but also veggies like peas, brocolli , potatoes and just about you eat .. so the key is intake and balance .. I so eat tempeh , and setain .. tofu .. at times ..
    I do like chips now and then .. even cookies and pie .. I love food.. italian decent must be in my blood .. haha

    I eat whatever I am in the mood for and honestly I really never worried about what I was eating .. More I worried and excluded what was truly unhealthy .. like high fructose corn syrup .. artificial sweeteners .. bad oils ..

    so just to say I get a blood work up every year .. dont take vitamins .. only because I didnt need them ( now I take a zinc to fight off grey hair !) .. and when I did my bone density they told me I prob will never break a bone as long as I live ( well barring some catastrophe)
    eat good fats avocado, olive, coconut (all virgin ..lol.. ) I avoid all others especially any that get solid at room temp ..
    so dont go crazy about protein is my point but make sure you eat many foods.. not the same thing every day ..
    one day brown rice with roasted veggies for dinner .. maybe pumpkin pie for dessert ..

    next day have pasta with beans for dinner .. and fresh fruit cup for dessert ..

    next day have make a mock mac and cheese casserole ( use nutritional yeast to make a dragon fly mix ) .. moc meatloaf .. and mixed salad .. unjello dessert

    .. I am skipping writing breakfast and lunch but obviously change those up too ..
    I do eat a bigger breakfast .. to start the day :)

    snack on raw veggies during the day or fresh fruits ..
    I drink water all day ..
    and add nuts always during the day but in very small amts .

    hope this helps .. if anyone has FB .. there are some great blog with recipes..

    it's vegetarian but for vegans most are easy conversions.. over 1000 recipes