Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • emilylanham917
    emilylanham917 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm getting mine out next week and hopefully a new one put in... is that something they do all in the same visit hopefully?? I love my Mirena! I'm sure I've gained weight since having it put in a little over 5 years ago... but that's because I got lazy, ate nothing but junk, didn't exercise, etc. I started MFP a few months ago and changed my diet, added in exercise and started losing weight. I've noticed that the pounds don't just fall off of me like I thought they would since I'm at an obese weight, but if it fell off, it wouldn't be healthy. I'm hoping I have the same luck with my next Mirena! I haven't had a period for over 5 years, barely any cramps and I don't miss it at all!
  • Dort68
    Dort68 Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, you can get one out and one in on the same visit.

    My Mirena has had little to do with my weight. It's all about shoving too much food in my pie hole---NOT a device in my uterus.
  • Elana_b
    Elana_b Posts: 1
    Reading this thread relieves me so much! Mirena has been making me miserable.I have been all many different types of birth control including the pill (always forgot), depo-shot (hated coming in every 3 months), nuva-ring (made me feel icky) and now Mirena. I have had my Mirena for about 18 months now, and during that time I have gained 20 pounds! In high school I always had really good skin and an athletic figure in high school but 6 years later my body is the worst its ever been. My eating was at its worst about 3 years ago prior to the Mirena and even then I had only gained 10 pounds within those first 3 years after high school. It seems like it just all came once I got the Mirena. I have tried many different strict face regimens, calorie counting, healthy eating and exercising only to have worsened skin and more weight gain. I have been contemplating removing the IUD because of its convenience but reading this makes me confident in the choice to take it out. I will update you on any changes once I have it removed.
  • I'm so glad that I found this thread! I just recently realized that the way I've been feeling over the past 5 years is more than likely due to Mirena. I've had Mirena for 5 years and during that time, I've gained 20 pounds. I now weigh more than I ever have in my life, I've always been a string bean and very active. While having the Mirena, I've remained active but haven't lost a single pound!! My weight continues to go up and it's incredibly frustrating. I feel miserable all the time. After speaking with my doctor, who agreed that my weight gain was most likely caused by the Mirena (per her advice I had a thyroid test done which came back negative, so all signs led to the Mirena). So, I have having it removed next week, and I'm replacing it with the Paragard (the copper one without any hormones), and I'm really excited. I'm hoping that things will go back to normal, and that the weight will finally start to come off. I'll update you guys once it's been removed!
  • TR0319
    TR0319 Posts: 3
    I took my 2nd Mirena out 3 days ago after in for almost 3 1/2 mos. Within that time period, I gained almost 25lbs, my stomach was always bloated, lost hair, night sweats, lost of sex drive, sleepless nights and face & back acne. This all the while I was exercising 3 days a week with no weight loss, and bumped up my exercise, changed my diet to reduce intake hoping it was just my body after my son born ... but nothing helped.

    Three days later after removing my IUD ... I lost 9lbs and 1 inch off my stomach. I am happy that the Mirena didn't have these effects on some women, but they did on me. Here's to hoping that I will be able to loose the rest of my weight within the same time period I gained it. Deep sigh.
  • hkb85
    hkb85 Posts: 37

    anyone gain weight on the pill? cause its the same hormones at a much lower dose given directly to the area its needed.

    in saying that

    my IUD went through my uterus
    and is somewhere in my tummy (im gonna need surgery)
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I didn't lose or gain with Mirena at all.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member

    anyone gain weight on the pill? cause its the same hormones at a much lower dose given directly to the area its needed.

    in saying that

    my IUD went through my uterus
    and is somewhere in my tummy (im gonna need surgery)

    Geeze Louise, woman! I hope your surgery goes well when you do have it removed.

    After experimenting with a few different ones, I discovered that I have no weight gain (and am actually losing again) on one that worked with my body's chemistry. After giving this some thought, maybe it wasn't the device that my body had an issue with. Maybe it was the chemical combination? Maybe it caused a reaction similar to an allergic reaction? Who knows... I just know it didn't work with my body.

    I know of some women going borderline homicidal on tri-phasics and others having no problems with the fluctuation in hormones. Some women do well with "ethinyl estradiol norethindrone acetate" and others do better with meds that don't have the acetate group. When I think about how tiny that pill is and how much it effects the body, I can't even begin to wrap my head around how a miniscule amount of one chemical can cause one woman to gain weight and another to lose. Yet it does.

    I tried EM2WL, eating 1200, TDEE -20%, all with exercise. None of them worked for me. I've been off the Mirena for a few months now and changed the hormone cocktail. The Buddha belly has subsided, and I just feel better...
  • dlaw216
    dlaw216 Posts: 14
    I lost weight during Mirena. I had my first in Apr05, just got my second this week. I actually gained weight during the first phase but I was also eating everything in sight and not really caring. After 2 kids and passing the 30 year mark I guess my metabolism slowed down, so I really can not blame it on Mirena. I then (almost three years ago now) starting to lose weight because I got tired of what I had turned into and took action. My doctor mentioned in the UK Mirena is good for 7yrs, not sure when/if that is coming to the US but thought I would toss it out there for those who wondered.

    I have only known of one person that had complications with it and she had it removed almost immediately. I think just like any other form of BC, it can effect different people in different ways. When I gained most of my weight I was on Mirena but at the same time, I was extremely lazy (never worked out since high school), ate and drank whatever I wanted (my junk food stash was an entire cabinet) and was overall slacking (work is sitting down, seldom did any sports, etc.).

    Now I am on the mountain bike twice a week, more than that on the weekends if we have a babysitter (kid does no bike on anything but a flat, paved surface), hit the recumbent bike once a week (enjoy that A/C in the house when its hot outside), jack knife situps with lifts & squats 3x/week. For those without medical issues I think it just boils down to what else you are doing (or not doing).
  • Finding these posts really made me feel that I'm not alone and that unfortunately there is such a thing as the 5% (or whatever) who have bad side effects. I should've known better as I've never done well on hormonal birth control, especially when I had the Depo shot. I had my Mirena put in one year ago to calm down my uterus as I was having polyps and cysts. I was following the Dukan Diet and doing well at the time. I immediately put on weight - 5 pounds each month for the next 3 months (Total of 15). I'd say 5 went straight to my face, the other 10 around my waist. In the past year, I've bled for about 15 days out of the month, nothing shocking, but just annoying and inconvenient. It's killed my libido (my poor husband). My breasts went from a D to a DD. I've generally been a hormonal mess for the last year. Like having PMS constantly. I've had horrible ovarian cysts that require narcotic pain relief (literally).

    It really annoys me how the Doctor's try to play off all of these symptoms. I got the "well, it's such a low dose I'm sure it's not related." Even in the UK, where Doctor's aren't being romanced by the pharmaceutical companies, they still try to push it on you and really try to talk you out of getting it removed. "Well what are you going to do about birth control???" I'm a 38 year old married woman, I'll handle that thank you very much, I'm not some 16 year old girl who is sleeping around. I think over here they look at the cost benefit of putting in a Mirena or delivering a baby so they are pushing it, and pushing it HARD.

    I get it removed tomorrow and I'll definitely be back to tell you how that goes and if I have a drop in my weight. I'm not looking forward to the heavy periods again, but at least they won't be going on for 15 days!
  • I am soooo glad I'm not crazy! I never had Mirena but I was on birth control pills for 3 years during which my weight BALLOONED. I went from 180 pounds to 195 pounds the next week to 210 pounds the next. It was ridiculous! I talked to my doctor who quoted study after study that "proved" that no type of birth control was found to cause weight gain. He told me that my weight gain was due to my inactivity and my over eating. So for 2 1/2 years I worked out 3 times a week with a personal trainer and I watched what I ate. I lost a grand total of 0 pounds. I went off of birth control (my husband and I wanted to start a family), got pregnant within 5 months and 8 weeks ago I had my daughter. In 8 weeks I have lost ALL of the pregnancy weight and 5 extra pounds. I'm not breastfeeding and I haven't started back to working out yet.

    My doctor can quote as many studies as he wants but I KNOW that the artificial hormones in birth control caused my weight gain. I think every body is different and while there may be 100 people who had a good experience with Mirena and other artificial birth control methods, there are probably 100 more who didn't, people who got symptoms they weren't "supposed to" get. In the end you have to do what's good for your body and your health.
  • dlaw216
    dlaw216 Posts: 14
    If you have a doctor who is playing off all of these symptoms for this or anything else, you need a better doctor. I talk to mine about all things from Mierna to personal vaporizers ("e-cigarettes"). I know it does not work the same for everyone and I am "one of the lucky ones" but if you read the information your doctor should be talking to you about before hand you will be well informed, ask the right questions and if the doc sucks, get a better one. GL ladies!
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    I've gotta say, I LOVE my mirena. I didn't gain weight because of it. I gained weight because I was a Fatty McFatFat and ate everything in sight. I also haven't had any problems losing weight. I love the fact that I don't have periods with it, too. I never worry about TOM weight/bloating. [:

    I love you for using Fatty McFatFat
  • jlr1328
    jlr1328 Posts: 1 Member
    I had my first IUD for 5 years and loved it. Last summer I lost crazy weight and was the skinniest I've ever been since having my kids. So last summer when it had been 5 years with the Mirena I went in and had another one put in.
    I had it from August 2012 until 2 weeks ago when I had it removed. I gained 30lbs from August until
    I had it out and I know it was the cause of it. I was devistated because my first one was amazing and I'm sure that the only reason I lost weight last year was because the hormones in it ran out before I had it removed. During the five years I had it I didn't struggle with weight but I couldn't lose any weight. With this new one I gained all the weight back I had lost plus an extra 15lbs. Since I had lost so much weight last year, I started a much healthier life style and worked so hard to try and lose more and I was helpless. No matter how hard I worked out or how strict I was on my diet I was steadily gaining weight. 30lbs in less than a year!!! Now I have had the Mirena out for 2 weeks. I've lost 4 lbs and am starting to feel normal again. I'm hoping it won't take 6 months for my body to balance out but since I had the first one for 5 years it might.
    I am not saying don't get one but people are grossly misinformed on what it actually does to your body. My doctor had no doubt it was my Mirena that did this to me and she said that it affect you differently at different ages and that my body is 5 years older than it was the first time so that might have something to do with it. Like I said I'm not saying don't get one just be aware of your body and if it starts to have a negative affect on you have it taken out!!!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    I am one of those in FAVOUR of the Mirena. I tried all sorts of contraceptive pills after having my third child, but they all gave me horrendous migraines (3 days lost almost every week in bed!) I kept resisting the idea of a Mirena coil, for various reasons, but since it had worked so well for many friends and my doctor felt it could help my migraines, I finally gave in about 2 years ago. I LOVE IT! I now get migraines about once every two months, and they only last a morning, or 1 day max. (As opposed to 3 a month, each lasting 3 days!) I still get a regular period but it is MUCH lighter (but just as long as before - would have been nice to get the "no periods"benefit, but I can live with it!) My mood is better and my sex drive is UP :-) Also, and most importantly for the purposes of this thread, I have LOST 15 kg in that time. Yes, I worked hard at it, with lots of exercise and eating better, but for me it was totally possible to LOSE weight on the Mirena coil. I now weigh less than I have done for 12 years. I don't regret for one moment the decision to have the Mirena coil fitted. I am now 43, and it will need to be replaced when I am 46, so that will probably be my last one - but right now I have no doubt that I will have that new one fitted.

    I do realise that not everyone is a lucky as I am and some have had really bad experiences (as you can read on this thread). However, I think it is like any medication - everyone reacts differently. If it has affected you badly, then yes get it taken out. BUT if you are reading this thread as you think about whether or not to have one fitted, don't just look at the negative reactions. MANY people are very happy with their Mirena coil, and having one fitted does NOT automatically mean you will gain weight.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    I had the Mirena for about a year. I got it taken out because of spotting every time I had sex (not so heavy that I had to wear a pad, but I had to wear a liner and it was super annoying because I was having sex every day).

    While I was on it, I never noticed any crazy side effects and I was excited to have my period go away for the time I was on it...I LOVED IT! (hated the spotting though)

    I have had really bad side effects to every other birth control (including acne, weight gain, depression, cramping, heavy bleeding with clots) so I am going to have another Mirena put in soon.
  • I've had the Mirena for ten (10) years now (two different ones). I love how I didn't have to worry about getting preg. or the time of the month. While I've had it, I did gain weight, not sure if it's from the foods I was eating, the portion size, or the Mirena itself. I have been going to the gym for about three (3) years and have not lost any weight, just kept at the same. I figured my body just didn't want to change.

    In March, I got the Mirena removed, quit going to the gym because my husband and I decided to tackle the backyard in its entirety, watched what I was putting in my mouth, and also cut back on portion size. So far, I have lost about five to seven (5- 7) lbs. The yard is done now, so I'm back at the gym...started just this week.

    I know my answer is a mixed one, but it's just what I have experienced.
  • megrosse
    megrosse Posts: 7 Member
    I've gotta say, I LOVE my mirena. I didn't gain weight because of it. I gained weight because I was a Fatty McFatFat and ate everything in sight. I also haven't had any problems losing weight. I love the fact that I don't have periods with it, too. I never worry about TOM weight/bloating. [:

    Same feelings! Love my mirena, noticeably didn't gain weight from it and feel in control of my weight. However, everyones different. You could try taking yours out and see if it helps and if it's not the issue, just have another put in.
  • tabecka
    tabecka Posts: 1
    I had the mirena in for just under two years. It was just after I had my 2nd child via c-section. I had thought that my weight gain had been due not exercising straight after the birth, eating habits etc. It was only when the mirena started affecting my hormones, over year AFTER being inserted, that I started to question the side effects.

    I decided to have it removed, mainly because of the hormones. I was like a pregnant woman!
    My energy levels disappeared. I started taking vitamins, but they weren't helping. My skin was breaking out.

    It's been 3 weeks now, and I have already lost 3 kgs. I haven't changed my eating habits - as in dieting, but I have noticed that I'm not as hungry as I was before. Not that I was excessively hungry, but I was constantly nibbling, and looking forward to eating. It was like when you have your period, and all you want to do is eat. And my sex drive has returned - TMI I'm afraid, but it did disappear as well! I feel better, and I'm free of artificial hormones. Hubby has agreed to the vasectomy. I wouldn't recommend the Mirena. It was great - for certain things-at times, but in the long run, not worth the weight gain and the mood changes.
  • I had mine put in December of 2011 and by January I was up almost 17 pounds...had mine removed in April of 2012...couldnt take weight off regardless of what I did for months...just starting seeing progress and its June 2013...It was a nightmare for me...I was losing hair, gaining weight, could not sleep, all of a sudden developed post partum depression....but the day I got mine removed I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of me (not the weight lol) but I felt more at peace and at ease...definetely dont recommend it...after mirena im so scared to use any form of birthcontrol with my husband

    I had gained weight only around my midsection and looked about 3 months pregnant----it was a nightmare...mind you my eating habits never changed...I was the same old person who really watched what I ate...but you can do all you want if the hormones dont want to give in they definetely wont.