30 Day shred Friends :)



  • I started 30 Day Shred back in the Spring. I was on level 2 but had to stop because I was in an auto accident. But since then I have recovered and completed it! I began it again using heavier weights. I also teach Zumba Fitness classes several times a week. I love the combinations of cardio with weights!!
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Day one of Level 2 for me guys. Half again the burn of level 2 and I think it will be even more once I have the form for the new moves and can really get into them from the get go. This is a great thread - thanks for starting it and thanks to all those who participate. I had a 151 calorie burn from my HRM for those interested. I use 4# weights.
  • kcamp79
    kcamp79 Posts: 24 Member
    Maybe this question has already been answered, but where do you find the 30 day shred workout? Sounds cool!

    I got mine at target for $10!!
  • kcamp79
    kcamp79 Posts: 24 Member
    day 7 today and can't wait. it is DEFINITELY getting eaier no doubt about that. Can't wait for level 2 heard some people say it is their favorite
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well the "doing it twice in a day to catch up" didn't work out too well for me. Not necessarily because it was too hard...more of "life got in the way." However, technically today was my "rest" day so I've done L1D4 today and I'm caught up to where I was going to be. I agree that its getting easier and I feel I can put more into it as I'm going.
  • amlygo
    amlygo Posts: 126 Member
    I've done it before in the past but never got past level 2. I restarted at the end of May and am now on my 3rd of level 3. My arms especially hurt from level 3. It seems a bit easier and tougher, if that makes sense, than level 2-working on different body parts.

    If I can do it, anyone can. I was barely in shape when I started. I still can't do things like push ups and planks but I don't think I would ever be able to really do those or not at least the full set.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    I finished day 8 this morning. Feel free to add me. I like having friends who are doing the shred.
  • Jennms85
    Jennms85 Posts: 49 Member
    Also wondering the fitness level of those starting this program. Currently entering push phase of chalean and and debating on doing the shred after completion bc of it only being 30 days or taking another big leap and committing to another 90 day program, turbofire. Any suggestions?
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    Maybe this question has already been answered, but where do you find the 30 day shred workout? Sounds cool!

    All three levels are on Youtube(:
    Just put in 30 day shred level 1 and bam it will be the first one I believe!(:

    just have to love youtube :)
  • gabbylab
    gabbylab Posts: 146
    Completed Day 5 of level 1. Bumping up to level 2 tomorrow for 1 week. And then level 3 for 9 days before I leave for vacation.

    So focused on vacation right now! Whoot, can not wait!
  • I downloaded the program the 3 days ago, and I have attempted the first work out twice. I fall short everytime. Which shows me how out of shape I am. Tonight, is my night, whooot bring it on day one. lol :blushing:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I downloaded the program the 3 days ago, and I have attempted the first work out twice. I fall short everytime. Which shows me how out of shape I am. Tonight, is my night, whooot bring it on day one. lol :blushing:

    YOU CAN DO IT SUGARBOOGER!!!! Jillian says that if it gets too tough to take a break up to 5 seconds and keep going.
  • sophsw
    sophsw Posts: 81 Member
    Day 2 of level 2. Still trying to find my way around the moves. Not giving up
  • kcamp79
    kcamp79 Posts: 24 Member
    I downloaded the program the 3 days ago, and I have attempted the first work out twice. I fall short everytime. Which shows me how out of shape I am. Tonight, is my night, whooot bring it on day one. lol :blushing:

    YOU CAN DO IT SUGARBOOGER!!!! Jillian says that if it gets too tough to take a break up to 5 seconds and keep going.

    Shes right!! take a breather and get at it!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I just finished Level 1 Day 4 and I found today a lot easier. Still struggling to do all of the push ups without modifying, but I felt a lot stronger with the other moves.

    Tomorrow is my 2nd rest day this week, so I will go to the gym and do cardio instead.

    @gabby--I love how you've modified to get through all of the levels before your vacation! Where are you going?

    @sugar--I agree with the others--just take a 5 second breather and keep going! You can do it!!

    @soph--that's right--don't give up!! It took me a couple of days to get used to the moves as well. I'm on day 4 and felt a lot better today about my form for most of the moves.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    just finished day three, and she still kickin my but for sure, I take small breaks to shake out my legs since my quads be burning but other than that, I can finish the video, which is a plus for me.
  • sw6709
    sw6709 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey guys! just finished day 2, I hadnt realised how out of shape I was until now. I'm definitely feeling it but I'm excited to continue! :)

    heres my stats

    Starting weight- 152.4

    Height- 5'5

    Thighs- 23.5"

    Calves- 15"

    Hips- 38"

    Waist- 32"

    Bust- 38"

    Arms- 11"
  • gabbylab
    gabbylab Posts: 146
    Hey everyone!
    I just finished Level 1 Day 4 and I found today a lot easier. Still struggling to do all of the push ups without modifying, but I felt a lot stronger with the other moves.

    Tomorrow is my 2nd rest day this week, so I will go to the gym and do cardio instead.

    @gabby--I love how you've modified to get through all of the levels before your vacation! Where are you going?

    @sugar--I agree with the others--just take a 5 second breather and keep going! You can do it!!

    @soph--that's right--don't give up!! It took me a couple of days to get used to the moves as well. I'm on day 4 and felt a lot better today about my form for most of the moves.

    I can relate with the pushups! I did so much better today with those and the bicycle crunches at the end. And I really dipped into those squats and static lunges. Feeling it!!
    We will be heading to Northern Michigan to camp in a state park. It is a wonderful area and we know it well. My SIL has a place up there also so we will have some great family time.
  • nydc
    nydc Posts: 14 Member
    Just finished level 1 day 4 .. the first day so far it felt easier ... I only struggle with the jumping jack / jump rope combo in the beginning .. the end i can do but not the beginning .. my muscles feel like they are full on cramping (not burning) to the point my legs want to give out... any tips?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just finished level 1 day 4 .. the first day so far it felt easier ... I only struggle with the jumping jack / jump rope combo in the beginning .. the end i can do but not the beginning .. my muscles feel like they are full on cramping (not burning) to the point my legs want to give out... any tips?

    Sounds like you need a better warm up than Jillian provides. Maybe go for a walk first?