life after HCG = weight loss disaster, help!



  • mward2008
    mward2008 Posts: 15 Member
    i am glad someone posted this. I did two rounds of the hcg drops and had great success loosing weight-about 45 lbs in two rounds. Problem was that i lost all my lean muscle mass. i have put almost all my weight back on and it took me months of hard workouts to gain my muscle back. Now i can't seem to loose either. nothing has worked since HCG-i tried Atkins and i think i gained weight. If you figure out what is wrong, let me know. i have cut my calories, been conscience about what i eat and work out and can't seem to loose any weight.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    No advice. Please consult a physician and dietician.
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    I would absolutely talk to a dietician as well.

    In terms of advice, I'd say to stop the "diet" for a month or so. Figure out your TDEE ( ) and eat at maintenance for a while. You might put on a couple more pounds but ultimately this is going to help your now-screwed-up metabolism in the long run. After about a month of eating at maintenance, eat at a 20% deficit. At this point you should start losing sensibly again.

    Don't make the mistake of cutting calories even more in order to make up for the reduction in weight loss. If you'd like to give me your height/weight/calorie stats im happy to help you out.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Listen to her!! Once you've screwed with your metabolism, you must fix it!! You WILL gain weight. Just know that you will have to repair your metabolism and get your body to trust that it isn't starving anymore before you can lose weight again. I truly hope you do this and take care of your body!:flowerforyou:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Hey Ladies! Probably not what ya'll want to hear, but I am currently doing HCG, and have successfully completed a 20 day round of HCG previously. I take the drops, and I go to my personal dr. and get my weight/fat %/muscle mass/ect checked and I am just fine! No issues. I did not gain the weight back from the first time I did the program either. With your final phase to HCG you should be eating the same foods you were while you were doing the 500 calorie diet, just upping the intake to about 1200 calories a day! And after about a week of that, start adding cheese, pasta, bread, and sugars back in slowly! I'm sorry to hear ya'll had such a bad experience, but it really does work! It's not a gimmick, and I am no representative for anything! I am a college girl from Texas who has had a great success along with my fiancé on losing weight with this program!

    I know 12 people who did it. They ALL followed the protocol for transitioning off and they all still gained back the weight they lost.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    *taking notes* apparently HCG does not work.
  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    I am talking to so many people who have gained back more after their hCG experiences and are really struggling to lose now. I have only met one person in real life (friend of a friend) who has kept it off but she started training for half marathons to do it and, I strongly suspect, she does a lot of steak days and additional rounds. It's not healthy!

    The hCG diet makes you fat and fat replaces all the muscle you lose on this diet. And, you do lose muscle. There is no doubt whatsoever of that.

    This diet is just bad news!
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks for that info! I imagine in these types of situations with doctor supervision it is safe...

    No. Just don't.
  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for that info! I imagine in these types of situations with doctor supervision it is safe...

    No. Just don't.

    I agree. When I was first healing from this, I thought it would be safer with a doctor too but people are sharing their stories with me and they are not being monitred closely and are having just as many side effects. One common thread amoung those doing the oral drops and those doing the injections is that almost every single one I've talked to has gained all the weight back and so many are fatter now. Don't do it!!!
  • smegmers
    smegmers Posts: 2
    I'm so tired of the HCG hate, although I agree its not the easiest or even the healthiest way to lose weight, nothing... and I mean nothing else has worked for me. Being on this diet is teaching me about portion control, and healthy eating. I believe everyone when they say that they have gained weight back and then some, because a lot of people do not follow the phases, the correct protocol, give up and binge, or go back to eating fatty, sugary foods. There are different phases for a reason, slowly allowing yourself to eat more calories after phase two, and then begining to slowly incorporate more food. If you do phases 3 and 4 correctly your weight will eventually plateau. I drink 12-15 glasses of water a day, green tea in the mornings, and I make sure that I'm eating fruits as a snack between meals. I walk every day, because I believe its important to at least do a little exercise to keep myself feeling strong and healthy.

    Just like in any other diet, if you cheat, give up, or regress back to old bad eating habits you will put the weight back on. The problem is people aren't doing research before starting this diet, pick up a book and read it. There are about 3 different ways to do this diet, and if you don't follow the protocol for the diet, well then, of course your going to gain weight.

    There are plenty of diets out there that got a bad rep for years when they were first developed, and are now socially acceptable, ie Atkins, South Beach, etc...

    Just saying...
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm so tired of the HCG hate, although I agree its not the easiest or even the healthiest way to lose weight, nothing... and I mean nothing else has worked for me. Being on this diet is teaching me about portion control, and healthy eating. I believe everyone when they say that they have gained weight back and then some, because a lot of people do not follow the phases, the correct protocol, give up and binge, or go back to eating fatty, sugary foods. There are different phases for a reason, slowly allowing yourself to eat more calories after phase two, and then begining to slowly incorporate more food. If you do phases 3 and 4 correctly your weight will eventually plateau. I drink 12-15 glasses of water a day, green tea in the mornings, and I make sure that I'm eating fruits as a snack between meals. I walk every day, because I believe its important to at least do a little exercise to keep myself feeling strong and healthy.

    Just like in any other diet, if you cheat, give up, or regress back to old bad eating habits you will put the weight back on. The problem is people aren't doing research before starting this diet, pick up a book and read it. There are about 3 different ways to do this diet, and if you don't follow the protocol for the diet, well then, of course your going to gain weight.

    There are plenty of diets out there that got a bad rep for years when they were first developed, and are now socially acceptable, ie Atkins, South Beach, etc...

    Just saying...

    So you are learning to do the things that make any diet work, with the added bonus of taking a drug in a way the FDA has deemed unsafe. Brilliant.

    Am I missing something here? Why not just do everything you are doing minus messing with your endocrine system?
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    I'm so tired of the HCG hate, although I agree its not the easiest or even the healthiest way to lose weight, nothing... and I mean nothing else has worked for me. Being on this diet is teaching me about portion control, and healthy eating. I believe everyone when they say that they have gained weight back and then some, because a lot of people do not follow the phases, the correct protocol, give up and binge, or go back to eating fatty, sugary foods. There are different phases for a reason, slowly allowing yourself to eat more calories after phase two, and then begining to slowly incorporate more food. If you do phases 3 and 4 correctly your weight will eventually plateau. I drink 12-15 glasses of water a day, green tea in the mornings, and I make sure that I'm eating fruits as a snack between meals. I walk every day, because I believe its important to at least do a little exercise to keep myself feeling strong and healthy.

    Just like in any other diet, if you cheat, give up, or regress back to old bad eating habits you will put the weight back on. The problem is people aren't doing research before starting this diet, pick up a book and read it. There are about 3 different ways to do this diet, and if you don't follow the protocol for the diet, well then, of course your going to gain weight.

    There are plenty of diets out there that got a bad rep for years when they were first developed, and are now socially acceptable, ie Atkins, South Beach, etc...

    Just saying...

    The FDA literally said this use of HCG is detrimental to health. I guess your beef is with them.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member

    I just skimmed the responses, so I apologize if this has been said already.

    You need to figure your TDEE and do a reset. Eat at your TDEE for anywhere from 4-8 weeks. You most likely will gain some. Don't worry, it's temporary. Right now you need to focus on the metabolism.

    After you do the reset, you take the TDEE and take a % from it. I'd suggest 10-15% from it, not 20 as you don't have that much to lose. Once you start the cut, the weight WILL come off, you'll have energy, you'll preserve muscle. It's a win-win-win situation. AND you can eat real food, not the low-cal-low-carb-low-fat-chemical-sh*tstorm that's available!
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Yup.... I have gone through it BUT!!!! I cannot blame HCG.... I blame my self for being lazy.. Although I am coming off of it right now and have lost 10 lbs from it, now I will continue to eat right and work out eveyday I should be able to continue my struggle... Don't give up...
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    I'm so tired of the HCG hate, although I agree its not the easiest or even the healthiest way to lose weight, nothing... and I mean nothing else has worked for me. Being on this diet is teaching me about portion control, and healthy eating. I believe everyone when they say that they have gained weight back and then some, because a lot of people do not follow the phases, the correct protocol, give up and binge, or go back to eating fatty, sugary foods. There are different phases for a reason, slowly allowing yourself to eat more calories after phase two, and then begining to slowly incorporate more food. If you do phases 3 and 4 correctly your weight will eventually plateau. I drink 12-15 glasses of water a day, green tea in the mornings, and I make sure that I'm eating fruits as a snack between meals. I walk every day, because I believe its important to at least do a little exercise to keep myself feeling strong and healthy.

    Just like in any other diet, if you cheat, give up, or regress back to old bad eating habits you will put the weight back on. The problem is people aren't doing research before starting this diet, pick up a book and read it. There are about 3 different ways to do this diet, and if you don't follow the protocol for the diet, well then, of course your going to gain weight.

    There are plenty of diets out there that got a bad rep for years when they were first developed, and are now socially acceptable, ie Atkins, South Beach, etc...

    Just saying...

    The FDA literally said this use of HCG is detrimental to health. I guess your beef is with them.

  • Keiyane
    Keiyane Posts: 14 Member
    Are you serious? Taking some hormone?
    Your body have hormone, and system regulation, it's not for nothing. Taking hormone just to "loose weight" it's like Taking speed/amphetamine (Drugs) to loose weight. It's dangerous, not healthy and stupid. It's not because some famous people and sportive are stupid and don't care about their health that you have to do this.

    Loose weight is hard, take time, dedication, and sometimes all energy we've got, but if you want to take hormone to loose weigh.... So .... Why you don't do Obesity surgery? It's more healthy, and controlled, and you can have a result without screwed all your metabolism.
    Take time to think about. Don't play with your health. Seriously.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member

    (anyone else have any ideas on how I can lose after this HCG diasaster?!!!)

    Maybe we need to start an hCG Recovery group!

    Its only $10 to join and $5 a month after that.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hey Ladies! Probably not what ya'll want to hear, but I am currently doing HCG, and have successfully completed a 20 day round of HCG previously. I take the drops, and I go to my personal dr. and get my weight/fat %/muscle mass/ect checked and I am just fine! No issues. I did not gain the weight back from the first time I did the program either. With your final phase to HCG you should be eating the same foods you were while you were doing the 500 calorie diet, just upping the intake to about 1200 calories a day! And after about a week of that, start adding cheese, pasta, bread, and sugars back in slowly! I'm sorry to hear ya'll had such a bad experience, but it really does work! It's not a gimmick, and I am no representative for anything! I am a college girl from Texas who has had a great success along with my fiancé on losing weight with this program!

    FOR NOW. But when you end the treatments, WHAT will you do if the weight comes back?
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I would suggest the following (it's counterintuitive but bear with me...)

    1. Forget about losing weight for the time being.
    2. Give yourself permission to put on a little bit more weight up to a maximum of 7-10 lbs
    3. Every week add 50 calories onto your current calorie total
    4. Don't freak out if the scale increases in the short term - it's part of the plan
    5. Do moderate low - medium intensity exercise for short periods of time (2-3 sessions is more than enough)
    6. Get to the stage where you get your calories are as high as possible so that your weight is maintained consistently for 6 weeks within that maximum range of 7-10 lbs more than your current weight
    7. Recommence trying to lose weight using a reasonable deficit (20 - 25% under maintenance will be fine)
    8. Be patient.

    This is a short term pain (the weight gain) for a long term gain (or loss should that be...)

    This is essentially reverse dieting. Not a huge amount of science to support why it works but it does work ;)

    This is really good advice!

    I agree with this. You need to reset your metabolism. Except when you start to decrease your calories again I would only do a 15% decrease from TDEE. 25% is way to high. You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.

    Start using MFP's design, measure and weigh your food and log all your meals and exercise. If you haven't calculated your exercise into your calorie goal then eat back your exercise calories. If you do calculate your exercise into your calorie goal then don't worry about it. After giving your metabolism time to heal you should start to see results.
  • ksw0934
    ksw0934 Posts: 1
    I have attempted HCG on several occassions, but I have never actually gone through with the plan for fear that I'd be in a worse place after it was all said and done. The entire HCG movement makes me sad. Bravo to those who found it be a magic potion, but I am sorry for the others who didn't have such favorable results.
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