Weird/Random/Little Known Facts about yourself



  • Hawkeye_74
    Hawkeye_74 Posts: 205 Member
    1. My nick name is "T-Ball"

    2. Nuts do not and should have never been allowed into ice cream.

    3. There are foods that deserve hot sauce, but never on my eggs.

    4. I love to build Lego's.

    5. I see dead people on a regular basis.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member

    2. Nuts do not and should have never been allowed into ice cream.

    This too!
  • Newfitme100
    Thanks for sharing.
    Because of a recent funny post about how many calories sex/*kitten* uses, I've had a strange personal sexual reawakening. Mainly by myself. First time in 20 years
    Wish I had someone to talk to about it. And ask a million questions. Lol
  • nblais06
    nblais06 Posts: 376 Member
    i can hold 21 small marshmallows in my nose
    we need to see this!!

    I also can't have volume on an odd number drives me nuts and i am paranoid about someone breaking in my house while im sleeping. (i think its all the murder shows i watch)
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Wow, I thought I was weird but this thread is eye-opening! :ohwell:
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    1. I will always love to sing Superwoman by Karen White
    2. I will sing my butt off in the car in the radio....and call it Caraoke...because I think I'm witty
    3. My husband and I call each other Buddy and Bubbs :)
    4. After the shower and before I get dressed I look at myself sideways naked in the mirror bent over to check for more "dents" in my thighs.
    5. I left college with a communications degree, worked in subscription marketing, finished nursing school and got an LPN license, then worked in IT in Bahrain, moved to Germany working for UMUC and now I work in finance...if I had all the money in the world I'd love to a mommy.
    please don't judge me lol
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    Wow, I thought I was weird but this thread is eye-opening! :ohwell:

    *toe pinch*
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Wow, I thought I was weird but this thread is eye-opening! :ohwell:

    *toe pinch*

    oooh, ya, do it! ya, like that! awooooooooooo!!! :bigsmile:
  • Roderunr
    Roderunr Posts: 65 Member
    1. I hate the texture of mushrooms in my mouth

    2. I am obsessed with hair removal on every part of my body except my head

    3. Thunder and lightning scares the hell out of me

    4. I sleep with extra pillows (which my husband HATES)!!

    5. I would adopt any animal that needs a home because it hurts my heart to see them in shelters

    6. I have ink...and want more

    7. I want a Harley before I'm too old to enjoy it!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    have a total feet phobia, if my husband touches my with his sandpaper heels when im sleeping it will wake me up from the deadist sleep, then i have the heebie jeebies for awhile

    I will not drink water from the bathroom faucet

    beeping sounds make me cringe

    I had all 3 of my kids before i turner 22, I was 6 months pregnant when i graduated high school, but i wasnt the slutty girl, infact i lost my verginety when I was 17, and on my 18th birthday that same guy got me pregnant and he is the dad of all my kids and will officialy be my husband on August 10th

    I have to have acrylic nails or i will chew them off till they bleed :frown:

    i drink a pot of coffee a day (not too weird)

    i am 25 and just got my ears peirced for the first time 2 1/2 weeks ago

    I LO)VE storms (tornados and lightning)

    I love the texture of candy sprinkles in my mouth
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member

    I don't like diamonds much, they're colorless, over priced stones in my opinion

    I thought I was the only woman who felt debeers has duped the world?

    I've turned down several marriage proposals for that alone!


    Oh, I agree with you two. I have a plain white gold band and think people that spend thousands on diamonds are ridiculous.

    I LIKE stones, just not diamonds.
    they are blah, boring, ugly, plain, colorless.

    and worse than that, they are super common, and if debeers didn't have a monopoly on the trading of them they'd be worth next to nothing.
    besides, i think spending 3 month salary on anything that's not at least the size/importance of a car or a house is stupid!

    I actually was going to post the diamonds deal as one of mine, but it seems that it's covered. :P I want an amethyst for mine.

    1. I love languages. I especially LOVE catching the mis-translations in movies, or the lack of translation, where something semi-important is said (in another language) that isn't supposed to be caught by the English audience. Snap!

    2. My eyes bleed when I have nosebleeds. Doesn't hurt, thankfully. If I could only do it on command! :laugh:

    3. I want to be proposed to in front of the Disneyland Haunted Mansion. :embarassed: How cheesy is that mess?

    4. I get way too much excitement out of MMORPGs, especially when I "find a way" into an enemy guild's ventrilo/teamspeak server and they learn that I'm a girl. :laugh:

    5. I get nervous crossing bridges and overpasses.
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    1) Left over time on the microwave drives me insane.. just clear it!

    2) I can't be in a car where someone doesn't have their seatbelt on.

    3) I cannot eat mushrooms, the smell of them is enough to make me nauseous.

    4) Same with any peppermint schnapps due to the goldschlager incident.

    5) I had 34 teeth. I had 2 extra molars that never erupted.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member

    I don't like diamonds much, they're colorless, over priced stones in my opinion

    I thought I was the only woman who felt debeers has duped the world?

    I've turned down several marriage proposals for that alone!

    I also dont like them, infact i tried to force my fiance to buy me a ring with a black diamond but he didnt want to so i made him buy one with cubic zarcinium (not sure the spelling) they look the same so why spend $1000 more for the same ring, it is real gold though
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    1. I took an online test. It said I was Charlie Sheen crazy. Meh

    2. I am an extreme introvert, but I like a lot of people on the internetz.

    3. I walk from 90 minutes to 3 hours a day. But, this is really new otherwise I probably wouldn't have ever signed up here.

    4. I am a very logical person and I write poetry. I think that poetry has a kind of logic.

    5. I also analyze jokes as a hobby to figure out why they are funny. Sometimes when I am reading the jokes I forget to analyze them because I am laughing to hard.

    6. I hate cooking. I am trying very hard to like it because it's a lot easier to control what you are eating if you cook for yourself.

    7. I don't like the food police. I am not talking about people that talk about eating healthier. I am talking about those that would take away my diet soda cuz it has *gasp* artificial sweeteners in it.

    8. I love pan pipe music.

    9. I don't like most fast food. But, I don't think there is anything wrong with eating it, it's just not my preference.

    10. I think people take other people's opinions too seriously. So, I try to be careful when I give advice, I don't want to accidently butt hurt anyone.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    This is the most interesting thread I have read in a LONG time.....ok, here are mine.....

    I HATE raw wood....seriously, I CANNOT come in contact with it at all.....I cannot eat any kind of ice cream on a stick, in fact, I cannot even watch someone else eat it....and if the wood is wet, it becomes that much worse!

    I have several strange phobias related to OCD, including fish, dead things (even humans), any kind of insect, no matter how harmless, driving and raw wood (see above), just to name a few.....

    I am VERY natural...I do not shave, I have never had or will never get a piercing or the like, not even my ears, I do not wear make-up, at all, ever, or use any kind of product in my hair, nothing like that at all....however, it takes me upwards of half an hour to be dressed after a shower because of all the 'prepping' I do

    I was raised Catholic, and even though I send my kids to Catholic school, I consider myself a Christian I support gay rights and am pro choice, among other things....I wish the Catholic Church would move into this century, but as I tell most people, I am a follower of Jesus, not a church....

    I have an identity crises at times because even though I am Italian, my first name is French and I hate it, I have no idea why my parents did that!

    I am completely obsessed with serial killers....ever since I was a child.....I actually did my grade 8 speech on Charles Manson, and my obsession has only grown since then.....I have read literally hundreds of books, not only about them, but case studies and documentaries....I always have a book on the go, and 99% of what I have read for the last 25 years has been on killers of some kind....I am particularly fascinated by children that murder and woman that use typical 'male' forms of murder.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I am super annoyed by registered trade marks and partially erased chalkboards.

    I'm terrified of deep water and sharks though I don't live near either of them.

    The song "Baby of Mine" from Dumbo makes me cry literally any time I hear it.
  • kelsierose094
    kelsierose094 Posts: 232 Member
    1. I have a sort of phobia of feet (I wouldn't go as far as calling it a "phobia", but if someone has their feet near me, I can't focus on anything else until they are gone...and I refuse to wear any shoe exposing my feet)
    2. I have one floppy ear which is bigger than the other. When I was in my mums belly, my ear was squished between her and my head, and it came out like that..until it slowly started to unfold to normal haha.
    3. I have to change my pillow case every single night...
    4. I don't love things very easily, but when I do I become very attached to them
    5. I still can't throw out my soft toys and I'm 19...there's about 50+ of them, and I'm scared they'll feel betrayed. So I'm passing them all down to my baby siblings, or waiting for when I have kids :laugh:
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    1. I have a sort of phobia of feet (I wouldn't go as far as calling it a "phobia", but if someone has their feet near me, I can't focus on anything else until they are gone...and I refuse to wear any shoe exposing my feet)
    2. I have one floppy ear which is bigger than the other. When I was in my mums belly, my ear was squished between her and my head, and it came out like that..until it slowly started to unfold to normal haha.
    3. I have to change my pillow case every single night...
    4. I don't love things very easily, but when I do I become very attached to them
    5. I still can't throw out my soft toys and I'm 19...there's about 50+ of them, and I'm scared they'll feel betrayed. So I'm passing them all down to my baby siblings, or waiting for when I have kids :laugh:

    My daughter is the same way with feet, they freak her out. She recently said "I dont know what everyone's obsession is with showing their feet, dont they know they are disgusting" I dont know where she gets it, def not from me
  • Katrioustu
    Katrioustu Posts: 2,461 Member
    I have a Dutch Bunny named Remi. :D

    Tying to chew his way out of his cute christmas outfit.

    Trying to chew his way out of an empty MTN Dew box.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    1. Water Chestnuts are probably the only thing I'll ever pick out food wise (not as bad as it used to be I can't stand the texture)

    2. I have an orange cube that I've had since I can remember (just a simple orange wooden cube)

    3. I have a stuffed dog that you can make it happy or mad by changing it's face. I gave it to my son but secretly it's still mine.

    4. I'm addicted to videogames just the flavor changes every now and then. WOW is known as the dark ages

    5. I once was stabbed and ran over trying to stop a drunk driver.

    6. I own two turtles (Megabyte and Gigabyte)