The Truth About Jillian Michaels



  • nataliebordeauxx
    nataliebordeauxx Posts: 94 Member
    I'm sorry, but what does her personal life have to do with her business life & workouts? This poor guy is so butt hurt by Jillian, I almost feel bad for him. If telling the world about her crazy days of bar fighting and getting into arguments with her girlfriend makes him feel better about the fact that Jillian hurt him and left him in the dust, while she's out making a KILLING -- then preach on, brother.

    Poor sap.
  • refinedredbird
    refinedredbird Posts: 209 Member
    I will say I was a little disappointed that Jillian would sell diet pills instead of only promoting healthy nutrition and exercise, but that doesn't stop me from respecting her as a trainer. I have done her 30 Day Shred and am now doing her Ripped In 30 and I have never gotten better results! Nobody's life is perfect and we all have things we may have done in the past that we are not proud of. The problem with being famous is that everything gets brought out and you have very little privacy.
  • lovegrace21
    lovegrace21 Posts: 20 Member
    lol@all the people getting upset that someone has negative things to say about Jillian Michaels.

    LOL...that's why I was thinking. Jeezuz..who cares?
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I knew there was something not right about her. I was never a fan of her's on the BL, and even though she seems to have a good amount of people that swear by her and her methods, she's just way too extreme and mean for me to ever feel motivated. I'm very happy losing my piddly 2-3 lbs a week, thank you very much. I don't need to feel like *kitten* after every workout (physically and mentally), I want to feel good!

    Another thing is my fiance thinks she is totally smoking hot! Most of the time I totally agree with him when he comments on other woman, but with her I'm always saying that I'd love, love love to have her body, but not her man-face. (and I'm not likening her look to the women that lift weights, I'm likening her to having a 'roid face)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Skinny fat means shes skinny but doesn't have enough muscle definition, especially in her line of work. I just think she's weak. The Idea of the work outs are great for getting most people into shape, but I'm already in shape, and I want a higher level of fitness. She hasn't obtained that higher level and I would never accept her as a coach.

    She can't even run... you can watch it on youtube.

    I'm betting she is a whole lot fitter than you are. I would bet my life on it. As for her running.... she can run...she just does not LIKE to do so. If you don't LIKE it then you are not going to want to be good at it. Simple as that.

    I'm wondering where you get the no muscle def from..... have you seen her? Really? You must be blind.

    She's not wanting to be your coach.

    Wow. She has crappy form. Her arms are all over the place. Why doesn't somebody help her?

    However, this doesn't mean that she's not fit. She'd be a lot happier of a runner if she got some control.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I think he's sincere. But calling her a sexually aggressive lesbian is a little off.

    As for Jillian, a person can do both good and bad things.

    She has good workout videos and decent books. If she stole that material that's a problem.

    The BMR calculator in her first book, Winning by Losing, helped me drop 25 pounds in college.

    But I knew that she sold out to the fitness industry by putting her name on supplements of questionable value.
    An honest person selling health will focus on diet and exercise. Not supplements.

    I'm suspicious of the claim that she uses cocaine cigarettes on a regular basis. I think if she made a habit of it we would see a weakened physique. I also saw a picture of her when she was supposedly a fat teenager - she was clearly far more than 15 pounds overweight.

    And male steroids ? Possibly. But I don't think her body resembles a man. Could surgery cover up male steroid abuse ? Maybe. But it's not like she has a six pack, just mild oblique definition like myself.

    Temper tantrums ? Probably. Seems to have an alpha, bossy personality.

    Do I believe the guy making the claims ? Yes. Is Jillian all bad ? No idea.

    Regardless she makes hard workout videos so that is a plus.
  • djkronyx
    djkronyx Posts: 77 Member
  • theodosiou23
    theodosiou23 Posts: 21 Member
    I really don't care what people like this say, her workouts are amazing, so what if she stole it or not? It works and more fool him if he didn't go forward with the DVD's and the fame.

    On the supplement issue, you're all stupid if you take stuff but don't research the ingredients before you pump stuff into your body. Why not just eat clean and exercise??
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member

    Guy claims to have had his movie script Green Lantern stolen in another video. Anyone see a pattern?

    Anyway, excess growth hormone does not cause a huge jaw line. There isn't any drug on the market that makes jaw bone huge. That's complete nonsense. Surgery to fix all these problems that he's claiming would have left scars somewhere on the face to shave down her jaw line and cut out her Adam's apple.

    You're wrong about the jaw line.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I think something must be wrong with me, because I think she is really freaking hot. It is weird for me to read comments about her looking "masculine".

    I understand the other criticisms, but not that one.

    Wait, I also don't understand the homophobic criticisms.

    Or the ones about her domineering style. That's just personal preference!
  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    Something has always rubbed me the wrong way with Jillian. I appreciate her workouts but I don't like her. I saw her on The Doctors once and all the Doctors pretty much disagreed with her (she was saying kids should never ever ever have junk food and parents were being bad parents for letting their kids eat it).

    Also I remember reading/hearing years ago about the dodgy pills she put her name to.
  • mikeslady15
    mikeslady15 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't care what anyone says, I love Jillian, she has changed my life significantly and changed my husbands as well. We saw her in April for her Maximize your life tour and she is the sweetest kindest person I have ever met. She is so sincere and down to earth. So hate all you want, she's winning in life.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    I don't really know much about her, but I thought she was pretty benign. Then the other day I was waiting in line at the drugstore and saw that she has both a fat burner and a colon cleanse with her name on it. So... yeah. Now on my list of "bad dangerous people you should never ever listen to DR OZ I AM LOOKING AT YOU."

    I don't really care what she's like in her personal life; it doesn't have any bearing on her job and it's none of my business. I do care if she's encouraging other people to hurt themselves, because her job is kind of supposed to be the opposite of that.
  • Joocey
    Joocey Posts: 115 Member
    Thread should be renamed "The 'truth' (?) about Jillian Michaels?"

    But even that seems a little bit misleading.

    The post about her being out of shape or skinny-fat was also super-weird since she looks the way she needs to for her job and target audience. A personal trainer with, say, a fitness competitor physique would probably be considered overly bulky for most of Michaels' clients.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    [Skinny fat means shes skinny but doesn't have enough muscle definition, especially in her line of work. I just think she's weak. The Idea of the work outs are great for getting most people into shape, but I'm already in shape, and I want a higher level of fitness. She hasn't obtained that higher level and I would never accept her as a coach.

    She can't even run... you can watch it on youtube.
    Yeah, I really hate how she has no muscle tone... :huh:

    If that's skinny fat, then I gotta get me some. I'm not the biggest fan of Jillian's, but as for anyone claiming she stole their moves, erm excuse me, but I can count on one hand the number of truly innovative ideas in fitness training since I started lifting weights in the 80s.

    This just reminds me of a guy I know who's dad got him golfing lessons... until he got better at it than him. To this day his father won't play golf with him.

    So your protege made it big and you didn't. Suck it up, life isn't fair.

    As for comments about her masculine face, yeah because we're all on here for our looks. She's a human being who can read.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Why do we watch one video, and everyone believes it suddenly? o.o
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Why do we watch one video, and everyone believes it suddenly? o.o

    Because the world is filled with haters.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    lol first thing I notice is all the comments agreeing with him and I think , "wow all these people trust his opinion" then I see comments are withheld for his approval lol. Anyway this is stupid on so many levels. I'm pretty sure despite her being a raging lesbian on cocaine and pumped up on roids who hates babies and steals people's inventions that her workout vids will work all the same. He tries so hard to paint her in an unflattering way and bathe himself in light, ('oh I give money to people who need it' I still drive a beat up ford' oh lol my penguin rat cat dance see how funny and down to Earth I am? blah blah blah I'm so humble and earthly but still not above some good old mud slinging) Other than the claim that her supplements are dangerous, which hell maybe they are I have no clue, all the stuff he's *****ing about doesn't really affect us. Her past/personal life is not relevant in the gym. And even if she did lie about being more overweight than she really was okay that's kinda ****ty and that did help build her some credibility I'm sure, but do you really think that she's the first celebrity, Much less a weight loss coach/guru/ SALESMAN to lie?
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I think we should just come to the conclusion that every/any type of celebrity is on drugs and lies. We see/read one article about it and its 100% true. :3
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    lol first thing I notice is all the comments agreeing with him and I think , "wow all these people trust his opinion" then I see comments are withheld for his approval lol. Anyway this is stupid on so many levels. I'm pretty sure despite her being a raging lesbian on cocaine and pumped up on roids who hates babies and steals people's inventions that her workout vids will work all the same. He tries so hard to paint her in an unflattering way and bathe himself in light, ('oh I give money to people who need it' I still drive a beat up ford' oh lol my penguin rat cat dance see how funny and down to Earth I am? blah blah blah I'm so humble and earthly but still not above some good old mud slinging) Other than the claim that her supplements are dangerous, which hell maybe they are I have no clue, all the stuff he's *****ing about doesn't really affect us. Her past/personal life is not relevant in the gym. And even if she did lie about being more overweight than she really was okay that's kinda ****ty and that did help build her some credibility I'm sure, but do you really think that she's the first celebrity, Much less a weight loss coach/guru/ SALESMAN to lie?
