30 Day Shred - Anyone want to join me ?



  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    I'm on day six and I had to stop after the warm ups. I pushed too hard on yesterdays workout and have the most awful shin splints. I looked up the stretches and stuff to get rid of them, but had to take a day off from the high impact stuff, like jumping jacks, jumping rope and the butt kicks, to let them rest. Riding the stationary bike and doing Wii Fit Plus instead.

    So far I've lost 2.5 inches in my waist and 6 lbs. =D

    Hey congrats on the inch / weight loss thats amazing. You must be really pleased with that. Hopefully you feel ok to carry on tommorrow :smile:
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    ...and this morning I discovered I'd gained a lb. back! I'm supper emotional and a bit weepy so in my head I'm attributing the weight gain to PMS! I really hope that's it or I've been putting my body through all this for nothing!

    I'm glad you're actually looking for logical explanations for the gain. Others might just give up pointlessly. You're gaining muscle, which weighs about double (I think) the weight of fat. It's the best thing to gain muscle because it tones up the body and muscle actually burns fat - so when you're not exercising, it's slowly eating away at whatever fat you have. So what's probably happened is you've actually lost a lb or two of fat but gained a bit of muscle which obviously weighs more. Also, to put it into perspective, this is what 1lb of fat looks like:


    So whoever thought that a 1lb loss in a week is a failure, well they just don't know!

    Measuring inches seems to be a little bit more effective (but obviously the scales move a bit quicker sometimes and that's what the Dr loves)

    I was feeling a little down this morning because i've just completed day 6 and I thought i'd have a cheeky weigh in and i've only lost a 1lb so far but that picture made me feel alot better a lb is more that I thought lol!!!

    And can I say.... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Day 2 down. made it 20 minutes again, but boy am I sore!!!! I really didn't want to do it because my legs hurt so bad, but I couldn't find a good enough excuse! lol anyways, will be back at it tomorrow.
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Day 2 down. made it 20 minutes again, but boy am I sore!!!! I really didn't want to do it because my legs hurt so bad, but I couldn't find a good enough excuse! lol anyways, will be back at it tomorrow.

    Day 2 was by far my worst day on level one, I was so sore! Well done for sticking with it!!

    OK Day 7 completed for me and I've weighed / measured up

    Right my starting Stats were:-

    Weight 149lbs
    Bust - 40''
    Under Bust - 34''
    Waist - 37''
    Hips - 37''
    L thigh - 22''
    R thigh - 22''

    and now

    Weight 147lbs
    Bust - 40''
    Under Bust - 34''
    Waist - 36''
    Hips - 36''
    L thigh - 22''
    R thigh - 22''

    So I have lost 2lbs and 2 inches wooop woop :smile:

    Keep going everyone :flowerforyou:

    Oh and I'm going to do level 2 today..... wish me luck lol xx
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Day 10 complete. Tomorrow morning I'll do a weigh in (though I've noticed my weight is fluctuating in the way I don't want it to) and an inch update then get on with level 2, my FAVOURITE level!
  • I am so glad that I found this thread! I have been doing the 30 day shred for 3 weeks every other day because I read that the muscles need to rest for 48 hours between workouts. However, I have gained 2 pounds!! I am so disappointed that I considered quitting. I need some motivation please!
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Well, did not get to the shred today but did get a good workout helping my mom, mud and stand and move stuff to remodel the upstairs of her house. My legs still hurt and I look like a moron trying to walk down stairs. LOL. I figure the moaning and groaning when I walk will soon pay off with some positive results!!! Happy Shreding everyone!!
  • Finished day 6 today! I think the hardest part is the first section. Can't think of what they are called but it is the part when you have to put the weights high in the air. What is good is after that section is over, it is really easy for me. Still working on doing real pushups! Getting closer everyday!
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Day 8 completed, rotating level 1 and 2 at the moment for a few days till i get to 11 then i'll stick at level 2. On the days im doing level 1 i'm doing some extra pilates work outs. Its funny 8 days ago I was a total couch potato and now I find myself unable to sit still, the more I do the more I want to do!!!!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Just did day 1 of level 2. I measured inches beforehand and have lost 0.5inches off pretty much everywhere. I'm at 194lbs right now and was 194.8lbs so I've lost 0.8lbs. Considering I was at 192.2lbs on Friday (day 8), that must mean that the muscle weight is catching up. Inches speak louder at the moment.
  • Day 4 complete. Gained back almost everything I'd lost and have been well below my calories (except Saturday) and working both Shred and Walking each day. Super cranky about all this. I can stick with it when I'm seeing progress but when I'm not, it's another story.

    Measured today and it looks like I lost some inches but frankly it's more likely I measured wrong in the wrong spot the first time around or something. This stinks.
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Muscles weighs more than fat!

    Check my progress out - I went from 194.8 to 192.2 then back up to 194. We're all in this together, as Jillian points out.
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    bump....looking into getting the DVD. sounds very interesting.
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    ive just done day 2 and ohh the burn but it makes you feel so good if you just push on through - so glad that everyone is in this together it really helps! keep it up everyone and good luck! :)
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I just started the 30 day shred for the umtenth time, but have never completed. This time is the time. I started on Sunday and completed day 3 today. The first day killed me, today wasn't so bad. My legs and arms are so stiff. I just about didn't do today, but I pushed through it, once you get going you forget about the stiffness, untill your done that is. I took all my measurments (neck, arms, hips, waist, and also did my belly bulge) and will redo measurements after 10 days. I am glad I found this thread, hopefully we can all make it threw this together.
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Well done :smile:
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    No no no I bet you didnt measure wrong, the first time I done it I lost a couple of pounds the first few days and gained it all back and then some but I lost inches. Stick with it, it will be worth it :flowerforyou:
  • I agree. I seem to be gaining a lb or so. I had NO muscles in my arms at all, and now I can start to feel them!
    I know its depressing when it doesn't show on the scale. I have no doubt that I am changing my body for the positive.
    The scale is not going to get me down! Keep going girls! It will be so worth it!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'd like to join you, if that's cool. I completed day 2 so I'm behind you all a bit. I also am doing other cardio and strength training on alternate days to get a faster effect. Hopefully the cardio/strength will get the scale moving in the opposite direction!! I also have her BFBM and NMTZ dvds and will probably do a round of each of those on the weekend - both remind me of shred (circuits) but are longer, 45min approx.
    I have not measured because I never seem to get it right - goin g to try it now:
    SW 190
    Neck 13
    Rt Arm 13.5
    Lft Arm 13.5
    Bust - 40
    Under Bust - 36
    Waist - 36
    Below Waist (navel) -42
    Hip - 47.25
    Saddlebag - 46.5 :noway:
    Rt Thigh - 28.5
    Lft Thigh - 28.5
    Rt Calf - 16.5
    Lft Calf - 16.5

    All of this is pretty depressing but ya have to start somewhere , right?

    Okay...... here we go and good luck to us all!!

  • Count me in! I am on day 2 level 1. I am also doing Taebo Basic in the evening. Hopefully this will get the scale moving down again!!:wink:
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