Ladies 5'3 or under! How much do you eat???



  • startheory
    startheory Posts: 63
    I'm eating 1500 max a day, and not eating back any exercise calories. I've lost 8 lbs so far with 7 more to go. I've not missed a day logging for over 3 months now. Its a painfully slow process (or I'm just impatient haha).
  • I'm 5'2", 27, and currently 148ish pounds. I currently am eating 1600 net, and I'm only doing extra exercise about every second day. I'm moderately active (I work in childcare, and I'm a bus/walk person). Eating 1200, 1300 (and less when I was suffering with an ED) my weight stays the same. Changing it up to 1600 (roughly my TDEE-20%) has actually led to me loosing 5lbs rather quickly (I expect it to level off), whereas I haven't managed to loose anything in the past year and actually just gained.
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
  • johnelwell
    johnelwell Posts: 38 Member
    I have been looking into this with my wife who is 5' tall, when we tried to use national averages which equated to 1200 calories it did not work to any real extent. We then calculated calories, protein requirements and mildly adjusted the MFP target and to no surprise to us she has lost 9 lb in the last 3 weeks.
    Please feel free to join our group if you wish
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    I'm 5'2 and started on MFP at 1250 calories a day, but I was hungry and got no results. I've just recently upped my calories to 1600 a day, and eating back about 50-75% of my exercise calories and now I'm beginning to see results and losing the weight
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I really hope you ladies can help me because I can't get any help on the board. I am a little over 5'4" and I am 130 pounds. I lost about five pounds using TDEE -20% and got down to 128. My TDEE is 1675 and I lost the weight eating about 1600 calories. The past three weeks though I have gained two pounds eating the same amount and running the same amount and it's been really upsetting. My clothes are even slightly tighter :(. It's not my TOM and I truly am being very honest with logging. I am extremely OCD so I record everything! I have kept my sodium down and I drink about 100 ounces of water a day so it shouldn't be water retention. I started eating better several months ago when I was 143 (that was eating 1200 calories a day but I stalled at 135) so it shouldn't be anything medical. I'm just getting really frustrated at doing everything right and gaining. I'm so tempted to net my BMR everyday but I know that's probably not too smart. I honestly want to cry because my clothes were fitting better and now they aren't. I would love to get some advice. I raised my calories two days ago to 1700 to make it TDEE -15% and I gained 1/2 a pound. Grrrr! I really would love to get some opinions about this. Thank you so much!
  • Livylove90
    Livylove90 Posts: 14
    Im 5'3 as well, when I first started at my HW was 240lbs, I was averaging 1600 to 1700 cals a day, weekly, little exercise, which got me down to 177 in about a year and half (although admittedly I took a lot of breaks where I maintained in the beginning oops) At 177 now and try to net 1400 to 1600 exercising 4 to 5 days a week a mix of strength training and cardio, I eat a least 60 to 80percent of my exercise cals back and average a steady pound to pound and a half of weightloss and loosing inches steadily :)
  • caitlinen
    caitlinen Posts: 36 Member
    It definitely depends on a lot of other things than size.

    I lift heavy 6 days a week (my goal is muscle growth) with a 5km walk everyday. Plus one or two intense cardio sessions a week.
    I weigh 110lbs (50kg) and I'm 5'2. I eat around 1800 calories a day.
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    I am 5 foot 1.75 inches (not quite 5'2")
    I exercise 5-6 days a week for an hour or a little more doing cardio and strength training all days. I burn 300-400 calories each workout. I was eating 1200 a day an eating back the calories I burned. I lost about 4 inches and 5 lbs. I've hit a plateau the last 5 weeks and barely loosing inches now. I'm just now starting the TDEE -20% so I will be eating 1700 calories a day. Hopefully it works
  • I'm 5'2 and I have found that eating between 1000 to 1200 cals a day really works for me. But I have found that the fat intake affects me more than the calories. I think that it really depends on the person. Just experiment with it and use the calorie counter here and track your intake and see where you lose. That's what I do.
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    Hmmmm ... I guess I am in the minority here.

    5'3", 39 y/o

    I typically eat 2000-2300 cals per day and have a deficit of 15-20%. I workout 6-7 days per week, mostly walking. I also lift heavy things and put them back down 3 days per week.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    Well, I'm 5'2", but being short(er) doesn't mean you're small. I weigh 202lbs. I eat 2100 a day, that's with a 20% deficit. It works for me.
  • JillLangOliver
    JillLangOliver Posts: 61 Member
    5'3" about 1300 calories.
  • Thisisnotadiet
    Thisisnotadiet Posts: 89 Member
    I am 5.2' and was eating 1200 (eating back exercise calories) for a while, and lost 12 pounds. Needless to say I gained them all back.

    Now, I eat 1900 for maintenance, and I eat 1600-1800 for weight loss. I exercise 3 times/week for about 45 min, but I have a job that allows me to easily make 10000 steps/day.

    With your height and built and activity level I would recommend do eat more, just so that you learn how to avoid putting all the weight back once you stop "dieting". That was my mistake.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    4'10" I eat 1,100 cals. I don't exercise but if I did I would eat more calories... and the rare times I do exercise I don't eat back the calories. I started at 117 and lost 15 lbs so far.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Have any of you smaller women lost weight eating over 1200 calories a day, I keep reading everywhere that if you are smaller its harder to lose weight and I'm getting nervous eating at 1300 won't get me where I want to be by November. I am 5'2 and I want to be 110, I am 122 right now.

    You look great at 122. How much of that is muscle?
    You need to eat a minimum of 1200 unless you have done one of those tests that say your BMR is like 1,000.
    It is a slow loss unless you exercise a lot. I was eating beck around half of my exercise calories when i was eating 1200 a day.
    I'm eating at maintnance now. I don't want to lose too much more.
  • mcoy1201
    mcoy1201 Posts: 17
    5'2 and 28 years old. I eat about 1600 a day and do about 90 minutes of exercise a week.
  • Bump
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    5'3 and eat about 1000 cal. a day.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member

    my TDEE is 1750 calories and I cut about 2000 calories a week