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Anyone in their late 40s/just over 50?



  • wellbur
    wellbur Posts: 240 Member
    Hi, I'm 48, 49 next month. I have 2 children 14 and 12 and i have been on MFP about 18 months. Must say it has changed my life for the better, i am now at maintenance and i think this is down to the support I have received from friends on here. Please feel free to add me as a friend, i'm on every day.
  • bacn60s
    bacn60s Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 63 male and have been on a diet for 63 days. I use to work the night shift so my life was upside down as far as a schedule.
    I started out at 223 lbs and presently at 188 lbs. MFP has definitely helped out a lot. I'm able to track my intake and work out
    a goal. I exercise ( walk) approx. 90 minutes a day plus I don't eat after 6 p.m. I eat only healthy foods and stay under my calorie
    limit. Its always nice to have contact with others doing the same.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I'm 46 and running my second half marathon this year! Its NEVER to late!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I am 50 years old and lost 50 pounds and feel great. It's a lifestyle change!!!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Me! 52 here. It took me nearly a year, but now I am at goal weight and am focusing on strength training.
  • ocsoanita
    ocsoanita Posts: 12 Member
    I am 47 and have 2 teenagers in the house. Instead of keeping junk food around, I have them eating healthy too:laugh: They seem perfectly happy with lots of fruits (and smoothies), hummus, boiled eggs, pistachios, yogurt, etc. We still have pizza, it is just made with whole wheat crust and piled high with veggies and a lot less cheese.

    There is no way I could succeed if my house had junk food in it. I have zero will power and if it is there I will come.

    I have a lot more to lose than 20 pounds but the past few weeks have been pretty easy weight loss. I was worried because of the myth that "older" women can't lose weight. No excuses for me this time around (I lost 60+ pounds a few years ago and idiotically gained it all back plus). I am going to lose my weight before I turn 50! No excuses for me this time around.
  • keely1998
    keely1998 Posts: 148 Member
    i just turned the BIG 4 0 on April and i have 2 teenagers and one 10 year old, feel free to add me i love all the extra motivation :smile:
  • ocsoanita
    ocsoanita Posts: 12 Member
    I am 47 and have 2 teenagers in the house. Instead of keeping junk food around, I have them eating healthy too:laugh: They seem perfectly happy with lots of fruits (and smoothies), hummus, boiled eggs, pistachios, yogurt, etc. We still have pizza, it is just made with whole wheat crust and piled high with veggies and a lot less cheese.

    There is no way I could succeed if my house had junk food in it. I have zero will power and if it is there I will come.

    I have a lot more to lose than 20 pounds but the past few weeks have been pretty easy weight loss. I was worried because of the myth that "older" women can't lose weight. No excuses for me this time around (I lost 60+ pounds a few years ago and idiotically gained it all back plus). I am going to lose my weight before I turn 50! No excuses for me this time around.

    Exactly the same except I have 3 kids - I'm also 47 and I also try to get my family used to healthier foods -and it works! I've lost 14 lbs within 2 months easily - due to counting calories and restarting working out regularly (almost every day ). I wanna become "Fit fifty" and mfp is a huge help in this process!
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    I'm right there in the mix with a lot of other folks... I'll turn 49 later this year. I've been in a wheelchair now (paraplegic) for almost 22 years. I never had any issues with my weight prior to my accident, but it didn't take too long after I got of rehab for the pounds to slowly start adding on.

    I exercised off and on some for years, but I never stuck with it for any more than 3-4 months at a time, so I never really saw any progress. About 2 years ago, though, the fitness bug bit me and I've been faithfully doing weight training ever since with some cardio mixed in during the warmer months when I can get out and ride my handcycle.

    I absolutely love weight training, though, and I can tell that it has made a tremendous difference in both my overall health and strength. I know for a fact that I'm more "tone" (for lack of a better word) and have more muscle definition than I ever did prior to my accident.

    And yes, I'm more conscience of what I eat as well. I've cut out a lot of the fast food, junk and highly processed stuff and focus now on a "cleaner" diet.... but, as someone else mentioned in another post, at our age I don't think we can do it with just diet alone.... it has to be in conjunction with exercise.

    I think a key ingredient is making sure that you find that exercise that you truly enjoy doing because I feel that increases your odds of sticking with it.

    Good luck on your fitness journey!! :)
  • cmgraffeo
    cmgraffeo Posts: 1
    Hi, I am a 49 year old women with an 8 year old son! Started late:) I have really had a hard time getting it all together at at once, so have tried to focus on one change at a time. First started two months ago with working out. I worked out hard ( like cross-fit hard at my gym with a trainer) and didn't budge!! Now I have started MFP and FINALLY things are changing. 2 lbs!! I will change other things too as I go, but not too big of changes and not too often!

    I am with ya sista! This is hard, but being a little hungry and getting stronger is worth it!! I KNOW this will not get easier if I wait, so the time is now. I work in a hospital and seeing all these people who have diseases that could have been prevented with proper diet, no smoking, their shoulders are up around the ears, they can't move, can't walk etc., etc. is a strong reminder that I don't want to do that to myself. Build muscle, eat right and don't forget to stretch!!

    OK, so now I'm creeping up on 50 and the dreaded colonoscopy is around the corner so let's do this!

    Hope this all helps you, I look for help anywhere I can too! I got my husband started an I'm pretty competitive, so this is helping me.


    p.s. Tips: Make exercise fit into each day, even if it is a small thing. This helps make it a habit and priority for planning how to fit it in. I don't try to be perfect, and let myself have treats too. I keep things in the freezer that are small like bite sized chocolates (Hershey's nuggets) or popsicles that are sugar free, etc. If I try to deny my sweet tooth, I will just be too frustrated and more likely to just give it up. I like the Kroger brand egg whites called Break Free, nice protein and practically no calories with a few herbs they are fabulous. Fiber! Very filling. I get a bag of Kale and steam it in chicken broth with cherry tomatoes and garlic. Totally filling and low cals. Love it! I go often for fresh fruit, 'cuz I hate it after it has been in the fridge for days. Ha! That's just me probably...I have no preconceived notion about what time of day I should work out either. If there is 30 minutes, I just do it.
  • churchchipmunk
    churchchipmunk Posts: 83 Member
    Hi there! I'm 44 with a house full of family that seem to be able to enjoy the food comforts of life and not suffer the after effects...I laugh and giggle at the commercial where the husban and wife diet and the husband drops like crazy weight and the wife only looses a little. That's my house! But, thankfully, my family is very supportive and I get lots of support here, too! I had done well by loosing around 35 lbs a few years ago with MFP...then with work and just life in general, I gained it all back. So, I'm back...but this time for good! MFP kept me honest and accountable.

    Would love to be an encouragement with you along your journey! Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • jsr0928
    jsr0928 Posts: 32 Member
    42 y.o. here that has started her longish weight loss.... always looking for buddies to motivate or to help motivate me!
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, I'm almost 51 and I joined MFP in March 2012. I started committed to lose that creeping pudge that accumulated over 25 years. I exceeded my goal and lost 38 lbs, and now have been maintaining for about 4 months. Did it by using a ton of willpower, measuring foods and portion control, and drinking a ton of water. I also eat a ton of salad with every dinner and learned to like really light drizzle of dressings! I was super hungry in beginning but the progress was slow and steady. I was never an exerciser but also committed to work out with a trainer 3x a week. The end results exceeded my wildest expectation. I feel SO much better too. You can do it!
  • Ami-you are an inspiration - all things are possible - great job!
    Just thought I would check in and say happy Friday to all!!
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I will be 50 this fall and I was tired of being 20-30 pounds more than I would like to be. I have intermittently been in good shape, and lost weight but never stuck with it. My 50th birthday present to me is a new love and respect for myself and my body as they are and to get to a healthy weight once and for all. I have worked hard at it but I am getting there. Exercise is once again a part of my everyday life. I am lucky that we are now empty nesters because that means so much more free (lol) time. If I can change, anyone can. Weight loss just has to become a priority until the end result is achieved, and it has to always be a part of your life to eat well and exercise. We are so worth it. Off for my prework bike ride!
  • I'll be 50 in February... A young one i may add :wink:

    I finally got the cancer all clear last summer and am doing a tandem skydive for the charity that helped me along my journey, in 4 weeks time!!

    Any of you can add me by all means.. I'm on here daily and slowly getting there with the help of the dear friends i have made here allready xx
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Hi:) I turned 50 in April and had a hysterectomy 3 weeks ago, so I am now in surgical menopause (was in peri-menopause before then). I have struggled with weight pretty much all my life. In my late 40s I gained a ton of weight rapidly, and tried so many things to get the weight off, but nothing seemed to work. On August 20, 2012 I started on my journey to get fit, starting with South Beach diet and walking about 3x a week. Three weeks later I discovered MFP. It has been an immeasurable help to me, along with continuing SB and increasing my exercise to 90 minutes 6 days a week (walking 70 minutes a day, Pilates 3x a week for 20 minutes, and strength training 3x a week for 20 minutes). Currently I am restricted from exercise due to the surgery, but am lookin forward to getting back to it as soon as I am allowed.

    I was hoping to get to 145, but have been able to get to 129. I am considering trying to lose 4 more lbs, once I am cleared to exercise again, but am basically working to maintain right now. The support on MFP (which I never really expected) has been wonderful. Find yourself a good group of friends who are active on here and are good encourages and supporters. It is my joy to help encourage my sweet friends along their journeys. Be encouraged....you CAN lose the weight you want to lose! If I can do it, anyone can!
  • wcaldwelld
    wcaldwelld Posts: 103 Member
    Hello there 49 here approach 50 fast ..... hope and wish everyone good luck on their journey
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    47 almost 48. Lost 40 lbs. Add me for support. :smile:
  • RobinLSH
    RobinLSH Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, i'm 48 years old and since having my two kids now some 13+ years later, I have been up and down with weight but mostly up. I've become a coach with Team Beachbody so I can get the discount on Shakeology and be able to encourage others from my success. I created a business called TBBFitness.com. I'm currently working on a Master's in Sports & Exercise Science and I have an exercise motivational app in the works.

    I am extremely positive and supportive with others when it comes to weight loss but not so much with myself so the self negative talk will have to be addressed as well as my issues with food. It's not that I eat a lot of food it's the kind of food. My weakness is really bad carbs like potatoes, rice, corn and pasta and gaining control of that will be my salvation.

    I am a 1st degree black belt in Shotokan Karate and is currently on week 4 of Beachbody's Insanity workout program. I modify the push ups but is getting stronger every day. I love to workout and sweat but losing weight is 80% diet and so only 20% exercise, which is the reason why I haven't been able to say I've arrived yet. I am a work in progress and will keep chipping. Because I workout I don't look as heavy as I am but geez it's not good :O

    I had the Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) surgery done rather than have a partial hysterectomy and it's working so far so good! Has an endoscopy and colonoscopy for IBS several years ago. It appears I cannot eat too many berries over a few days time. I can have them just not many :(

    My most important goal is get to my desired weight by my birthday in April 2014 so I may look good to me and be healthy for my kids. Official start tomorrow! Whoot! :)