Post Your OH CRAP, I'M FAT, Wake Up Call Pics



  • cheyennekl
    cheyennekl Posts: 90 Member

    This... funniest thing is that I have plenty of other photos of that day (my birthday last year) that I love, that I think I look great in, but this one photo just made me realise I had to make some changes in my life!

    Case in point, my profile pic :laugh:
  • fallingken
    fallingken Posts: 98 Member
    I have had several over the years, but the worst and my heaviest was last fall. I had a mirror at home, I knew I wore a size 24 and I knew my clothes were tight and uncomfortable......but nothing like seeing it in a photo.


    fixed the photo link , you need to add [i m g] and [/i m g] without the space between the i and the m and g in lower case
    [i m g][/i m g]
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member

    My face is so FAT!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have VERY few pics of me fat because I avoided the camera like the plague. But I have this one from my son's wedding....


    I hated that dress but it was the only thing I could get that looked anywhere decent on me. I was SO happy to donate that one.
  • ButYouGotMySoul
    ButYouGotMySoul Posts: 44 Member

    I'm on the right. Still has taken me some years to do anything about it, though. D:
  • bgh707
    bgh707 Posts: 164 Member
    This was at my college graduation around 155. I was drinking basically every night and eating a lot of fried food.


    This is me around 144. Still a ways to go, but a definite improvement.

  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Cool thread!!!


    Sorry they are so big!

    If you don't mind me saying, you were/are a beautiful full figured lady.
    I though the same thing, just a natural beauty!

    Me too. I was like "wowzers!!!"
  • red8424
    red8424 Posts: 160 Member
    I saw this pic of me from Christmas and was utterly disgusted with myself.

    This is me a few weeks ago, still have some fat to lose but I'm down 18 lbs and 10.5 inches!
  • HoneySunrise
    HoneySunrise Posts: 29 Member
    Oh man. This is the most amazing thread ever.

    You know it's bad when you feel like you're gonna break your friend's body:

    And when you feel much fatter than your skinny boyfriend:
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    IMG_0456 by spinderella951, on Flickr

    I think this was a stop at the Mississippi River while I was making my cross-country trip moving to Seattle from Delaware. I was obviously trying to dress comfortably for my 5 day trip but, in my mind, outfit said "casual yoga cool". Ummm. No.

    I have no idea what I weighed at the time, but it was probably within 10-15lbs of where I am now. I hate this picture.....
  • sophiemama
    sophiemama Posts: 62 Member

    I hope this works, I've never posted a picture before *fingers crossed*
    This was taken a couple of years ago on Thanksgiving, it's one of the more "flattering" before pictures, most of the others have been deleted lol
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Here's me (5'3") at my heaviest at 169 a little over a year ago...

  • jkuhnen
    jkuhnen Posts: 14 Member
    It bums me out when people feel like they have to say, "I know I still have a lot to lose, but here is my really fat pic." Its like they are saying, please don't judge me I'm already judging myself harshly. Everyone on here is working at it. You can only be a better you today than you were yesterday. :)

    Ok here is my big one (on the right). A bummer, because it was a great day for me with my dad and boys.


    Oh and the dreaded bad angle shot (there were a lot of bad angles)


    I'm down another 25 since this one but can't find any pictures (oh well down 60 will have to do)


    Its weird I can't seem to find any skinny ones.
  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    5348c025-89d9-40d2-909f-da47553d168c.jpg At the NYS Fair. Saw this pic of me and thought... WTH??? About 230lbs. :cry:
  • lehuagirl
    lehuagirl Posts: 40 Member
    I will have to dig out my own pics, but I have to say, I laughed aloud just at the title, then at the "oh hel no" moment. Laughter is good medicine.:laugh:
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    When my chin had it's own chin!! yeah...sad part, I had no idea I looked like that...probably why I have such a hard time accepting compliments now!

  • jsimler1
    jsimler1 Posts: 168 Member
    Well...I have a lot, the most embarassing one I can't seem to find (on Facebook somewhere). I am sitting next to a VERY petite friend and I am about...6 times bigger than her...WOW. I cried for days, and this was after I had lost weight, I can't imagine how I would have felt a couple months before that!



    fb1_zps38ed7518.jpg most recent ^^^

  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    Oh go on then.....

    Me in Egypt on our honeymoon at my highest weight 224lbs


    Seeing this and the wedding photos broke me, im now determined to lose it!

    at your HIGHEST??? PUN INTENDED?
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    My profile picture is one of them. I'm leaving it up there until I can take another that I am proud to have up. :)

    Me too
  • demelzanoo
    demelzanoo Posts: 14 Member
    i have lots... but i have no idea how to post them..... oh dear.... what a shame i cant share my shame!!! :flowerforyou: