OKAY Now I am Pissed

I know that we are supposed to wait....and wait.....and wait for results. I even wrote a blog about the law of compensation (A lot of work.....little pay). but 3.5 weeks at the exact same weight is really pissing me off. How the HELL do you keep motivation if you see nothing. I didn't think dropping 5lbs in 3 weeks would be that difficult (especially since I have a lot more than that to lose.) I get on scale this morning and I am up 1.4lbs insteaad of down 5 (Its not like I dropped 3 then gained 1.5....I just gained). I have watched calories, exercised (4-6 times a week) watched fat. Sodium a little high but come on. Sorry about the rant I am just REALLY PISSED


  • tmej1973
    tmej1973 Posts: 14
    Could it possibly be that you are gaining muscle weight with the 4-6 times a week of exercise? Good luck to you and stick with it!
  • tesha30
    tesha30 Posts: 72 Member
    sorry to hear about your dilemma! dont get overworked about it! if your stressed out.. your not going to lose. Stress prevents losing weight. Dont know exactly why but I learned that from the biggest loser. Maybe your gaining muscle! it will come off.. I promise! dont get discouraged.. just keep up what your doing. Drink water and consume less salt.
  • gabrielled
    gabrielled Posts: 247 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Hang in there. I lost almost 50, gained back 15, and worked out for 10 days straight and have been under calories, and I GAINED, but then dropped, 2 pounds.
  • HaesMom
    HaesMom Posts: 11
    I know your pain, and while what I say is probably not going to make you feel better, it is possible that you have added some muscle, and that's why you haven't seen movement on the scale. It's a slow process and I hope you get the results you are seeking. Good Luck and Keep up the good work, it will pay off . . . eventually. :smile:
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    I had a lengthy plateau like that for a while. It sucks. :frown:

    How similar are your workouts every day (or however often you do them?) That seemed to be the trick for me. I had to do something drastically different with my workouts. I added High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to the mix, and even though I was burning less calories in a day, it kicked my metabolism back up again and I was losing again. Another time was when I finally started weight training. Another time I started using the treadmill instead of working out with the TV... or I increased my incline... another time I started doing Wii Fit Plus yoga daily, and another time I started doing Wii Just Dance.

    (Not all of these were to get me out of a plateau, but you get the idea.)

    Changing the routine often is important, to trick your body. Even if it means sacrificing calories every other day. (Don't necessarily stop doing what you love, just do it on alternating days.)

    Best of luck!
  • steph6245
    I understand. I weighed in this morning and the scale has not moved this week. I am down a total of 5 lbs. overall and am on week 3 of MFP and P90X. I was very discouraged (thanks to the scale!) but I had to remind myself...the clothes are more comfortable. My friends have reminded me I am building muscle. Are you seeing changes in your clothes and in yourself when you look in the mirror? I think scales should be illegal. LOL I am so tired and so sore today that it totally stinks! I am sure we will run into days when we feel like this, but we just have to push on! :tongue:
    Try to stay encouraged! Don't give up what you have accomplished so far! Best of luck to you!!
  • Suunflwr37
    Suunflwr37 Posts: 11 Member
    I am feeling the exact same way. It took me months to lose 10 pounds.. Then I stayed the same weight for 3 weeks and today I was up 3 pounds. It is sooooo frustrating! I'm trying to lose weight "normally" - and by this I mean that I'm not crazy about working out for hours a day and eating only salads - because I know that I can't do that forever. But I exercise, I watch what I eat - and 99% of it is healthy foods, and I'm counting calories. It's frustrating beyond belief.

    I don't have any great advice or anything... but at least you know that you aren't alone.... Maybe someone will have some great tip that will help us through... because right now it's kind of hard for me to even care.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I agree with ladyofivy - switch up your routine & freak your body out a bit about what the hell you are doing! :bigsmile:

    Also - watch your sodium & start downing the water & flush it all out! Increasing your water should help a lot. I usually drink about 15-20 (8oz) waters a day & that seems to help! Good luck & don't get frustrated or pissed. Change it up & hopefully you will see results. :smile:
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Been there done that,matter of fact haven't lost a lb in about three weeks.

    The gym time will definitely add some muscle ,also you retain lot's of water if you are pumping iron specially if it's new to you.
    do you have the CC adding up your sodium,if not do,and stay under.
    Make sure your drinking lots of water.
    Also are you measuring your neck ,gut,hips,chest,and arms?You may be dropping inches,are your clothes fitting any better?

    these are just a few,got more if your interested.

    I completely understand the attitude,like I said been there done that!
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    You may want to try comparing your measurements. I had the same problem for 8 weeks straight. I worked out monitored my diet and did all of the "right" things. On the 6th week, someone recommended that I measure myself and compare those measurements. (I previously had not bothered with the measuring tape.) Come to find out, I did gain muscle and I had lost about 6 inches around my entire body. I was elated. Give it a shot. I wish you the best, and please don't give up. Believe me, I know how frustrating it can be.

  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    If the scale is not changing, take your measurements and monitor them. If you are converting fat to muscle, it is leaner and you should be losing inches somewhere. Good luck!

    Oh, and sometimes it helps me to vary the amount of calories in my day. I will spend a week staying within (and under) 100 of my calorie goal, and then for a few days eat some more, especially if I have been exercising. Seems to help me jump start again when the loss slows down. Just a couple 100 calories can sometimes make a difference to trick your body.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    How the HELL do you keep motivation if you see nothing.

    The scale is not the motivating factor here. You are...the desire to eat healthy and exercise to make a lifetime change. You are doing what is best for your body and that is the most important motivation. DON'T ALLOW THE SCALE TO CONTROL HOW YOU THINK!!!! So now that you have ranted, its good to get things off your chest. Never, ever think what you are doing is not worth anything just because the scale doesn't go down. Change how you react to the scale and you will not have to rant (as much!!)

    Keep up the great work!!!!

  • blessedbirdie
    I know that we are supposed to wait....and wait.....and wait for results. I even wrote a blog about the law of compensation (A lot of work.....little pay). but 3.5 weeks at the exact same weight is really pissing me off. How the HELL do you keep motivation if you see nothing. I didn't think dropping 5lbs in 3 weeks would be that difficult (especially since I have a lot more than that to lose.) I get on scale this morning and I am up 1.4lbs insteaad of down 5 (Its not like I dropped 3 then gained 1.5....I just gained). I have watched calories, exercised (4-6 times a week) watched fat. Sodium a little high but come on. Sorry about the rant I am just REALLY PISSED

    Have you added anything new to your intake in the food or supplement dept.
    I found that taking my supplements forced me to keep some weight on. I had gone off a week for some medical testing and I lost more that week than any other.
    If not then I know it can frustrate you to not lose. There are a lot of web pages with helpful hints to break a plateau.
    Add some weight while exercising with a weighted vest tricks your body and can help lose.
    Are you drinking all your water?
    Are you eating enough calories?
    Change your exercise routine to 3 weeks of one kind of workout like a treadmill then 3 weeks of another like boxing... Jillian Michaels suggests that. She says your body gets used to the same workout. You have to mix it up.
    Have you taken your measurements lately to see if any change? You could be losing inches and not weight.
    Hope you find an answer. You can do this...
  • metizzy2
    metizzy2 Posts: 122
    Could it possibly be that you are gaining muscle weight with the 4-6 times a week of exercise? Good luck to you and stick with it!

    Very true!!! Muscle weighs more than fat.....how about measuring yourself? I personally lose inches before losing weight.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Two more thoughts for ya,

    Are you getting to much are not enough protein?

    Also I have a pretty tough boot camp routine if your interested,send me your e-mail address and I'll send it to youit's an attachment.
  • BlackBeltLife
    Thanks for all the responses.

    I am changing up workouts quite a bit P90X SO daily change

    Water is definatly not a problem as I believe I am close to a gallon a day

    I have measured and didn't see any change there either (according to the tape). Others have told me they see a change (of course I don't)

    I am definatly sticking with, just wanted to hit a certain standard by next summer, and this plateau is putting me REALLY behind and mentally exhausting as well.
  • Deb77
    Deb77 Posts: 6
    Hey, just a note.... I think 17 pounds is a lot of weight, by the way. Congratulations. Also, how about some photographs of you? Let's see what "you" look like. I need to see your food diary to see what you are eating.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Go ahead and rant. Get it all out. We don't mind listening.
    I'll bet it's muscel gain and it's all for the good, but that might not satisfy you right now.
    Keep forging ahead and I bet that your next drop in weight will be significant. You're just building momentum for the next change.
    Don't give up, you're doing great, look ahead.
  • Van3ssa_2468
    Van3ssa_2468 Posts: 76 Member
    I feel your pain.
    8 weeks ago I started walking 3.5 miles (brisk) 6xper week.
    I gained 5 pounds throughout the weeks.
    Believe me I wanted to throw my scale out the window.
    10 days ago I found this website and began logging every bite I put into my mouth.
    Yesterday the scale was down 3 lbs.
    I kept telling myself that this will pay off.
    It took me 10 years to put on the 50 pounds I want to lose.
    It will take some time and effort to get it off.
    So don't quit, you can do this:)
  • PamelaHoneyHuggy
    PamelaHoneyHuggy Posts: 37 Member
    Shane I know the feeling. You know I do. Hang in there. We will do this together no matter HOW long it takes. Love you, MOM