Anybody still eat cupcakes?



  • chrislynn_marie
    chrislynn_marie Posts: 77 Member
    I had two cupcakes at my father-in-law's 50th birthday last night. Oh my gosh, they were sooo good!
  • liddienicole
    liddienicole Posts: 45 Member
    I feel your pain - I am also a baker and know how hard it is. Most of it is portion control - I add recipes into MFP and see how many calories my cupcakes come to. I found out my oreo cupcakes (which I would have 2-3 a day previously) came to over 300 calories. So now I would half the mixture so the cupcakes are smaller, less calories, but I still get to enjoy the taste. I've been on MFP for a month and I am losing steadily so it must work - I've not cut out anything I enjoy I just eat less of it! Or you could save up calories/exercise to earn one. But don't deprive yourself of anything or you will fail - that's the mistake I've made in the past and only lasted about a week or two and have then ended up binging!
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    My mantra has been: "everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial". So yes, when I want the cupcake I eat the cupcake. I eat right the bulk of the time and an occasional cupcake is not how I got 45 pounds overweight. It was three cupcakes and a bag of chili cheese fritos with a diet pepsi and calling it lunch on a regular basis that got me there.

    And I don't starve myself all day to eat the cupcake. I just say "hey today I'm gonna be three hundred calories over. I'd better keep an eye on things this week to make sure it doesn't get out of hand." Because it can easily for me. We crave what we eat. When we eat garbage, it tends (for many of us) to create a craving for more garbage. I make a conscious decision to eat the treat, and then move on with my normal lifestyle of reasonable eating. When I allow myself to indulge in moderation on occasion, I eliminate the binge eating that comes with deprivation lifestyles.

    But that's just me.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    The only reason you cant have them is if you cant control yourself. I will eat 4 cupcakes in one day, so I never have them. I also would rather watch tv than exercise off some cupcake calories, and I don't want to save room in my diary for a cup cake instead of real food. That being said, as long as your nutritional goals are being met, and you have the calories, have a cupcake!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I'm missing chocolate cakes... cupcakes with frosting. I've been at this for 2 weeks now and for me I am trying to eat healthier for the rest of my life, so I do not see it as a diet. But I am a serious food lover and enjoy baking - and eating what I bake. Is there anybody out there that still eat some of their favourite 'naughty' food and still lose weight? Cheers mi dears :D
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Hot dogs topped with macaroni and cheese?! I :heart: you.

    It was from Ditch Plains (UWS NY) and yummy as hell. They top them with bacon on request, as if something that great could get better.


    That just needed to be reposted. Where's a drooley smiley when you need one?!
  • soxx226
    soxx226 Posts: 89 Member
    I had 2 donuts for breakfast and probably gonna have 3 soft tacos from taco bell after work, cheat days are yummy.
  • oh my! i have lost 4 lbs. I had a get together last weekend for a friend who is getting married in July. Another friend has a cupcake business.... she bought these red velet cupcakes with cream cheese icing.... i lasted as long as I could and I had 2.... 1 would just not cut it. They were out of this world. I have been trying all week to work it off. I felt soooooooo guilty but they were sooooooooooooo worth it.
  • SuprDadOf4
    SuprDadOf4 Posts: 9 Member
    Yup. And I had some damn good Doritos today and I'm still within my daily limit.
  • sypop
    sypop Posts: 102 Member
    o i just made mini chocolate cupcakes with diet soda and whip cream instead of frosting and they were very satisfying and yummy! only 31 calories each
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    I'm missing chocolate cakes... cupcakes with frosting. I've been at this for 2 weeks now and for me I am trying to eat healthier for the rest of my life, so I do not see it as a diet. But I am a serious food lover and enjoy baking - and eating what I bake. Is there anybody out there that still eat some of their favourite 'naughty' food and still lose weight? Cheers mi dears :D
    But it is a diet because you're abstaining from actual foods you like to eat. A lifestyle would be one where you can eat what you like, but control how much of it you eat and make sure you meet your macro/micro nutrient and calorie goals.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Log it and Move On! I like it as a life Philosophy!!
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Yes..I will never give up the foods i love completely!
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    Yes. The only food I have that is off limits, is the food I don't like the taste of.

    Fit it into your day, exercise to work for it, or accept that one treat occasionally isn't going to ruin your progress.

    ^^^^ This^^^

    Just came off a week's vacation by family where there were treats offered constantly. I had some in moderation and not all the time. I tried to fit in some exercise although it was not my usual amount or routine. I made sure I logged my food. I finished my vacation with a slight loss. :)
  • katiepeg46
    katiepeg46 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes, my grocery store had TastyKake pies on sale 10 for $10.00. Husband says, we don't need them. I said but I am going to have 1 and that is all. So I got the tasty-klaire pie and it was really good. And I did log it!

    If you don't give your self a little might lose it all and eat everything in sight.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Yes. Yes I do. I had one today, actually.

    I still indulge sometimes. But I also ran 60 minutes today, burning over 760 calories. So...... I earned my cupcake?
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I have a chocolate chip cookie everyday...fresh baked and a little underdone. I've also lost almost 30 pounds. It's okay to moderation. :) I'd go CRAZY if I cut out anything I love!
  • AniAnisha
    AniAnisha Posts: 18
    I totally agree with some of the advices. Depriving yourself from stuff you love, will result in craving.. And you do not want that to happen.. Therefore, eat whatever you like, simply make sure you are within your calorie. However, I would not advice eating greasy stuff all the time though.. Once in a while, it's perfectly okay.. :) Enjoy..
  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member
    I still treat myself to stuff often. I don't want to deprive myself for the rest of my life. I just do an extra workout or eat great the rest of the day.

    I do love to bake as well, but I find that if I need to bake something I keep some and give it away. I send it to work with my husband or school with my kids. I give it to people who have helped, bring them to play dates, etc. I still get to bake, I still get to give my kids yummy treats, but I don't have to have 4 doz cookies or 2 doz cupcakes in the house to tempt me.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    Hell to the yes. I make killer red velvet ones from scratch.